“What is your relationship with the Heavenly Demon?”
The first thought that crossed my mind was simple.
‘How do I look right now?’
What expression was Muk Yeon seeing on my face?
Had my eyes widened? Narrowed? Did I swallow nervously?
Was there sweat trickling down my forehead?
Not even a hint of unease could show. I checked everything.
Its been repeated MC is a terrible actor im suprised his out of combat performances are always evaluated so highly by other geniuses who should be able to see through him like paper
damn its funny that his biggest threat ain't even a martial artist but a dying old strategist . unfortunate for him . ngl i was hoping for the mc to make a game of thrones style trial where the alliance would had to respond to all the awful things it was involved in the past from the jegal situation to the involvement with the elders of the tang clan and their experiment to the conspiracy against bong chan mother . i thought he needed to clean the house immediately but maybe he needs more authority first ...
thx for the chapters they were perfectly translated