Because Qin Yi changed the topic, Qin Xian smoothly took over the conversation and began introducing Ji Fei to the third uncle’s family.
The third uncle’s family included the third uncle, the third aunt, and although they married later in life, their children came later too. Their eldest son, Qin Han, had just graduated with a master’s degree this year, and their daughter, Qin Jiaxi, was in her first year of university.
Ji Fei naturally scanned her most pressing concerns first.
"The third uncle's family, the people present... Hmm, passing grade. But it’s hard to say without the third aunt here."
The second eldest Qin family: a brief sigh of relief.
Qin Xian paused for a moment, his peripheral vision briefly scanning Ji Fei, seeming to be lost in thought.
The third uncle spoke first to explain, "Sorry, originally your third aunt was supposed to come today, but..."