"Are you crying?"
Instead of answering, Sa-young jerked his hand away. The abrupt motion sent Uijae's hand flying into the air, leaving a stinging pain. "Ouch…" he muttered softly. The sound of heavy breathing stopped. Rubbing his throbbing hand, Uijae called out.
"Lee Sa-young."
"…Just stay seated."
"Stop ordering me around and answer my question."
"Oh, sure. Stay standing then… if you don’t mind not being able to walk."
Yo al inicio: 😭😭😭
Yo a la mitad: 😳😂😳
Yo al final: 😑😑😑
Of course they're getting freaky mere hours before Uijae's death
smth always gotta interrupt them when it’s getting freaky 😭😭😭 let lee freakyoung FREE.
Thx for the chapter 🙏