The pond’s visible size was only large enough to hold about five grown men, but that was merely what was apparent. The space beneath the surface was far larger.
A pond glowing with a golden hue. The moment I looked inside, my eyes widened.
The sheer hidden scale of the pond was astonishing, but what truly caught my attention was what it contained.
Something massive. So enormous that I couldn’t fully comprehend its size at first.
It didn’t take long to recall what it was.
A colossal serpent.
damn the author can't keep himself from add more characters and curveballs kekw btw im rereading and its like 250 from elder shin last appearance ... 250... cmon author make the old man come back already ... i miss him . ps im scared for the waifus , blood demon seems finally taking things in own hands ... thx for the chapters
Oh man I miss old man shin, gonna be crazy once he’s back
If he’s still alive his power must be insane