I forced my tense body to relax and asked. Did I mishear? No matter how many times I thought about it, it seemed like I did, but this time, I hadn't.
"What... what?"
Namgung Bi-ah remained silent despite my repeated questioning. She simply looked at me.
Her ocean-like blue eyes, as always, were beautiful. At first, I couldn’t even look directly into them, constantly turning my head away. Now, I could barely manage to hold her gaze.
However, my eyes trembled with embarrassment. I swallowed hard, my Adam’s apple bobbing.
I hope there will be progress
Honestly feeling kinda bittersweet. Happy it's progressing, nostalgic and melancholic about the innocence of the first few arcs. I agree that it was time to progress though.
Well, at least their relationship is progressing unlike Arthur and his waifus from TBATE 😂😂😂
no offense but tbate is just for kinds imo its just a mushoku wonna be . it jabait me at first and seemed a story for adults but i quickly got that shonen stink, i drop it ages ago . its really not comparable with a story like this imo
Yeah, I understand, but trust me — it's really nice. Aside from the first few chapters that adopted Mushoku, the rest are complete different. Please try and pick it up again 🙏😊
nah bro i already tried picking it up and it was even worse i don't know how old are you but for my 28 years that story is just cringe and without depth. its just not for me anymore . if i was like 16 i know i would like it for sure. you do you tho everyone has different tastes and they change over time . when i was young one piece and naruto where awesome in my eyes , now ? im embarrassed to even have read it .
inhale .... NOOOOOOOUUUUU still... this seems promising , maybe we won't have to wait till the epilogue . what a chapter
I hope that dragon body comes with some other benefits as well, else our boy here won't be making it to daylight, whenever that event occurs lmfao