Childhood Friend of the Zenith (Novel)
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Chapter 897 Table of contents
A low growl, as if suppressing a cry, came from Kurung. The lingering remnants of energy filled the air.
A faint floral scent wafted around, accompanied by the sight of a crimson aurora and two moons.
Amidst this surreal scene, my eyes were fixed on one figure alone.
A woman standing barefoot, treading on the air as though it were solid ground.
Her white hair was so long it swept across the floor.
I couldn’t make out her figure clearly from this distance, but she didn’t seem particularly large.
Her skin was pale as snow, and her eyes were a vivid crimson, like flower petals floating in the sky or the aurora itself.
Even at a glance, she had an extraordinary appearance. Yet, what truly shocked me wasn’t her unusual looks.

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