God of Money
Chapter 179 Table of contents

Chapter 179: <Two sides of the same coin>

When Woosung returned to Korea, he didn’t hold a press conference. The reporters always asked the same questions anyway.

“How do you feel about purchasing such a well-known company?”

“How did you come up with the funds?”

“What is your plan for the future?”

Woosung didn’t feel the need to answer such mundane questions. He also didn’t want to get awkward questions some reporters often asked.

“There are many unpleasant rumors on why you changed your mind on moving your headquarters. Please explain.”

“Some think your new relationship with Daeyang is suspicious. What do you think?”

“You are getting involved in so many different businesses and many think it’s not smart. What do you say to that?”

Jang Gwangchul looked at the crowd of reporters and said to Woosung.

“Wow, you are like a celebrity.”

“I’m handsome and rich, so it’s understandable.”

“Ha! Handsome?” Jang Gwangchul shook his head and continued, “You think you’re so great?”

“Haha, obviously.”

“By the way, I think it will be really helpful to own a broadcasting station.” Jang Gwangchul added to break the ice.

“We have enough power over the media already.”

“But it would be different to actually own and control it. Look at Daeyang. Their controversy often gets buried or minimized.”

“That is why the law prevents people like us from owning a broadcasting station. You are so awful.”

“No, I’m not.”

“Haha, you sound like you want to become a dictator.”

“You are worse than me. You want to control the entire world with your currency.”

“Well, I guess.”

“It’s nice to be back in Korea. Are you going to go home first?”

“No, I need to go somewhere else.” Woosung smiled mysteriously.

He dropped Jang Gwangchul off at work and headed to Sangam.


It took over MOX and owned world-famous games including League of Ancient and Clan Royal. Yoo Sona and Lee Ari also belonged to this agency.

Alex had the official CEO title, but Moon Yongjun was the one who actually ran the company. Of course, the real owner was Woosung, but not many people knew this fact.

Moon Yongjun greeted Woosung at the entrance and took him to the top floor where his office was.

Moon Yongjun explained, “As you ordered, we have named the channel KTBC.”

Woosung nodded.

Moon Yongjun continued, “We are currently in the process of poaching famous PDs from different broadcasting stations. As you asked, our priority is hiring PD Na Yongjun. We were already able to hire writers Kim Minah and Hong Miran. Whatever TV series they write will be DNK’s property.”

Woosung previously let Moon Yongjun know which TV personnel to hire. He planned on creating a channel that aired popular TV shows he remembered from his previous life.

Moon Yongjun continued, “We have also invested in the movies you mentioned, and we have so far made a 50% profit from them.”

Woosung asked, “How is Yoo Sona doing?”

“She is very determined. Her English is improving at an astonishing rate. She will start to audition in America by the end of this year.”

Woosung was confused.

Moon Yongjun explained quickly, “That’s what she wants. She doesn’t want us to buy her way into a movie. She wants to accomplish it by herself.”

Woosung nodded. Moon Yongjun sweated heavily.


He always felt nervous in front of Woosung. Woosung has always been courteous to him, and he wanted to keep it that way.

Woosung replied, “Alright, let her be. Now, remember, our goal isn’t just to become a channel. We need to become like Netflix and YouTube. Always remember that.”

Moon Yongjun nodded. “Yes, sir.”

“I won’t come here in person anymore. You can report to Alex if any major decision needs to be made. Of course, you will pretty much have full control over this agency.”

Moon Yongjun nodded.


Choi Taemin and Jung Manho met at a restaurant in Seoul.

Choi Taemin emptied his glass and explained, “We learned that Kang Woosung has a secret line of funds. He is using this for his aggressive M&A.”

Jung Manho was impressed. “Daeyang has a good source of information. Were you able to find out where he gets his money?”

“We don’t know yet for sure, but we think Saudi Arabia might be helping him.”

“So oil money?”

Choi Taemin nodded. “And as you know, the extent of oil money is beyond our imagination. No one really knows the amount. We suspect he has a sponsor in Saudi Arabia.”

Jung Manho murmured, “Oil money…”

“Now, what’s really important is what we need to do.”

“Hmm, you have a suggestion?”

“We can’t rely on our government anymore.”

“Then what should we do?”



“There is no way he could have completed this many M&A without getting loans. If we can pressure whoever gave him the loan to ask for early repayment, KND will be over. I heard Kang Woosung borrowed a lot of money from Nuri Bank. Most likely he borrowed from other banks too.”


“Yes. Vice president Shin Gungu told me. Kang Woosung may look rich, but he is living on debt.”

“But if he has a rich sponsor in Saudi Arabia, he should be fine no matter what.”

“That’s why I need your help.”

“Pressure and track?”

Choi Taemin smiled and answered, “That’s right. We need to pressure the banks while also tracking the source of Kang Woosung’s funds.”

“Pressuring banks may be possible, but how can we track? Even if we find out, how will we be able to destroy the relationship between Kang Woosung and his sponsor?”

Choi Taemin took another sip of his drink, “We need more companies to join us. TK, Oland, Eugene, and others. We need as many of them as possible.”

“Wouldn’t Kang Woosung find out about our plan?”

“We just need to work fast. As you know, KND is getting bigger by the minute. If he gets any bigger… This is our chance. We need to do this to survive.”

Jung Manho emptied his glass and replied, “Alright.”

Choi Taemin smiled in satisfaction.


On his way back home, Woosung got a call from Nuri Finances’ Shin Gungu.

“I leaked the information to Daeyang about your debts as you requested. I told him you owed Nuri a lot of money.”

Woosung replied quietly, “Good. Continue to cooperate with Daeyang.”

“What if he asks me to demand an early repayment from you?”

“Then do it.”

“…So hundreds of millions of dollars is nothing to you? I heard you borrowed money from other banks too. Can you really repay all of them at once?”

“If I can’t, then I should go bankrupt.”

“It sounds like you borrowed money even though you didn’t need to…”

“You can think whatever you want.”

“I don’t understand you, President Kang.”

“Just remember, you should pick the right side. Your decision can change the fate of Nuri Finances.”

Shin Gungu remained silent.


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