I Became the Cute One in the Troubleshooter Squad
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Chapter 101 Table of contents
Rising faint smoke from below and people collapsing helplessly to the floor.
The stage was blindingly bright, yet the light illuminating the outside was so dim.
Shadows tangled chaotically in the sinking, thick darkness.
This… Something's definitely wrong.
Almost simultaneously as I came to that conclusion, Alice shouted beside me.
“Yuria! Sabrina! Hold your breath for a moment! We’re getting out of here right now!”
Without a hint of hesitation, Alice tightly tucked Sabrina and me under each arm.
It felt like we were being treated like baggage, but given the dire situation, there was no time to dwell on trivial matters.
Even if we looked a bit ridiculous, it was better to get out of here quickly.
Thanks to the countless experiences we’d had so far, I managed to stay calm and quietly took a shallow breath alongside Sabrina.
“Here we go!”
Thud, thud, thud!
Alice took three running steps on the floor and leapt high into the air with all her might.
Her leg strength was so extraordinary that in the blink of an eye, the ceiling was practically within reach.

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