The long, long Night Week had finally come to an end. And since Night Week was also the year-end holiday, that meant the New Year had officially arrived.
On the second day of the new year, as a frigid wind swept through the city, chilling the skin, Alice entered the office with an energetic step and called out cheerfully, "Good morning! Happy New Year!"
"Oh, uh, yeah. You sure are lively this early in the morning. Something good happen?"
"Of course! I haven’t been to the office in a while, so I’m happy to be back! Aren’t you happy too, Jin?"
"Ugh, it’s whatever. Where in the world do you think you’ll find an adult who’s excited about working?"
You’re just a kid. You wouldn’t get it.
Raven leaned back in his chair, looking thoroughly unmotivated. He unfolded an e-paper, casually scanning the articles to pass the time.