The Regressed Mercenary’s Machinations (light Nov…
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Chapter 707 Table of contents
As soon as the Royal Knight Commander entered the grand hall, he frowned.
He had rushed in with his knights after receiving reports of a commotion, but it seemed he had arrived too late.
‘Tsk. We should have blocked the mercenaries from entering in the first place.’
A chancellor, dead with an axe buried in his forehead inside the royal palace?
Such a thing was beyond imagination.
Until now, the Royal Knights had never interfered in political matters, leaving everything to the ministers. It was not their place to judge such affairs.
But because they had stayed out of it, this had happened.
  1. Submit, and he would let them live—but their mana cores would be destroyed.
  2. Swear loyalty to Count Nodehill, and keep their mana intact.

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