I Have Returned, but I Cannot Lay down My Gun
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Chapter 789 Table of contents
"Ugh, ugh, ugh..."
"Stop shaking, you idiot. Just protect me."
"It’s... It’s a burden, ugh... ughh...!"
"...TOC really is too much. No helicopters, sending a weakling like you."
It had been 10 minutes since Central Park was attacked, and now they were in the Upper West Side, just west of Central Park.
A vehicle was heading north toward Harlem. Inside the vehicle were six people, and all of them had patches on their shoulders that resembled the crests once worn by European nobility.
The inscription read "VANGUARDS OF THE EMPIRE," above a lily design, and the emblem of the now-destroyed World Trade Center. Together, these symbols formed the emblem of the 104th Military Police Battalion of the New York National Guard.

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