I Have Returned, but I Cannot Lay down My Gun
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Chapter 802 Table of contents
As I've said many times, humans are creatures of learning.
Among them, the Dagger Team was the top 0.01% who utilized learning, which was the exclusive property of advanced intelligence, better than anyone else, and the Hunters were the enemies designated as the top threat by those people.
The clash that occurred in Potomac Park in the spring literally unraveled the Hunters one by one, and the Pentagon worked day and night at the indirect request of the US military throughout the capital, and through this, they were able to establish a countermeasure to some extent.
To be precise, it was a countermeasure limited to high-level operators.
Icarus quickly realized why the Gear was disabled, and confirmed that this situation was due to the master code held by Alejandro Webb, who was still exerting influence behind the scenes.
Solomon, the Secretary of Homeland Security who succeeded Webb, immediately responded to this situation, and as time passed, the Pentagon TOC could see that their control of the master code for the Icarus Gear was decreasing.
And now, about two months after the first engagement between the Icarus Operator and the Hunter, when the Hunter appeared again, the Dagger Team noticed that the error messages floating over the interface had noticeably decreased.

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