"What's your grudge with that shadow?
How did you get rid of him?
Did he say where he came from?
Oh, and..."
On their journey together, Safina's most frequent questions were about that evil schemer.
At first, Leon answered each one, but gradually, he began to notice something strange.
"Why are you so interested in this Shadow?"
Leon is immortal because he is a god?
We dont know if he Is a God Is difficult he Is more probabili somting like xiaoxiue created by a God for some reasone we don't know right now.
All I hope that Leon is not "that fool" that will be the next time god bound to that eternal throne, created just for the sake of taking over that throne. Ross heart wouldnt take it, she bearly was able to stand 6months separation, the same goes with any of the main characters sacraficing themsefls for that position. Leon might be demi-god, or he like xiaoxiue is a relic, with each life he takes a different shape, he is the "thunder piece of the crown", remants of Zeus power. I just want return to the some funny warm moments, like getting a new kid, school, kids lerning about Leons orgins so they can meet their grandparents.
I Wish that tò but at the Moment ther are tree people that messed with the time line.
Leon on the Rift incidente.
Noa with Shadow.
And Aurora not that She directli entered the time line but She Is the One that created the macine for the time traveling every time.
But ther could be other people we don't know about.
Because Kronos sad that the person that Will take the tron messd with the timeline.
Leon did not mess with the rift. It was the draong kings with space magic that did it, Leon in order to stop it entered the rift to close it. So in the way he saved it not coused it.
On other hand Aurora might be the one that messed with time two times. First it was when she created reverse magic to send Leon back (but 6months later) and 2nd time with Noa it was again Auroras doing. Noa mentioned that first it was Leon who enterd that portal but it didnt work and it left him severly injured so she came with the idea to send back conciousness and not physical body. But still two times it was Auroras doing...also as Aurora noticed Xiaoxiue the moment she arrived was starrying at her in a wierd way and even asked "did they met somewhere before".
So what I am worried and I dont like it, is that Aurora will be the one to become the next time god bound to the throne...but Ross would not allow her children to such cruel fate and Leon as a doting father might become the fool, to take on the punishment for Aurora and take her place. I dont like it becouse 6months was enough separation to mess up Ross so him beign gone forever would break her completly, and back we go to the events of rift accident when Leon was gone, clan disbanded becouse she could not function properly, lost will to live. So I hope the author changes this and wont punish the character this way. Maybe it would be Ross dad to take on the seat to protect his kids and grandkids futures, maybe with the promise for Ross to have even more kids.