I Have Returned, but I Cannot Lay down My Gun
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Chapter 831 Table of contents
"Damn it, HQ has completely fallen to the enemy! We need external support!"
"The mobile strike force will come. Hold on!"
"Get inside the building! All unmanned drones in the power plant are targeting us—kugh!"
"That won’t do, friends."
Missile pods and mortar launchers set up on the building's rooftop fired in succession, and the grenade launchers and turrets placed at regular intervals along the fortress walls surrounding the power plant turned their gun barrels inward.
With all communication channels for coordinating the troops inside the power plant, linking up with the mobile strike force outside, and connecting to the Miami HQ severed, the world descended into darkness.
The soldiers, unaware that this was the exact strategy of the Dagger Team, were left in shock.

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