The Universe’s Number One Healing Baby
Chapter 193 Table of contents

Jian Ning's murmur, César didn't know if he heard it.

The two of them just stood next to each other, in the quiet wilderness, depended on each other for life.

Jian Ning's ability to survive in the wild is very strong, but no matter how strong he is, he can't make medicines, and he can't treat the wound infection for Sizer.

In the silent silence, Jian Ning hugged César tightly, and closed his eyes with César.

If he really can't make it through this time, Jian Ning thought pessimistically in his heart, it's okay to let him and his brother make it through together.

The pessimistic Jian Ning didn't know how she fell asleep in the end.

He only knew that he was woken up by someone.

It was a child who woke him up. The child was wearing a small gray-green suit, and his face was a little gray. The child woke him up, opened his round eyes, and asked him, "Who are you? Why are you here?"

Jian Ning: "..."

Jian Ning looked at the living person in front of him, and was in a daze for a moment.

He was afraid that the child in front of him was a phantom.

After being in a trance for a few seconds, Jian Ning raised her hand, pinched her thigh hard: "Hiss—"

The pain made Jian Ning gasp. After confirming his pain, his eyes suddenly filled with joy: "It's not an illusion!"

He moved his hands away from his legs, grabbed the child's wrist, and said urgently, "Little friend, is there a doctor here? Or is there any medicine? Medicine for infection?!"

Jian Ning's series of questions made the child tilt his head.

Pointing to César in Jianning's arms, the child asked back, "Are you trying to save your husband?"

Jian Ning: "???"

Jian Ning's eyes widened in shock at his words: "What husband, don't talk nonsense! This is not my husband."

The child didn't believe Jian Ning's denial.

The child smiled and said: "I saw you before, I saw you kiss him, my father said, only couples will kiss."

What the child saw was Jian Ning's kiss on Cecil's forehead.

Jian Ning intends to refute, but at this point in time, his most important thing is not to explain his relationship with César, but the most important thing for him now is to find a doctor or find medicine.

"You say yes, I'm going to take him to the doctor now, kid, can you take us to the doctor."

The child shook his head.

Seeing him shaking his head, Jian Ning frowned.

Just as Jian Ning stared at the child and started to think about some not-so-good things, the child grabbed a handful of grass from his pocket.

He smashed the grass with stones, and then greeted Jian Ning: "You put this on his wound, and he will be fine."

Jian Ning didn't know any of the grass that the children smashed.

He looked at the grass, a trace of hesitation flashed across his face.

The child sat on the ground and didn't say much. He rested his chin in one hand and only casually reminded: "If you don't apply medicine to him, you will lose your husband."

Jian Ning heard that he was her husband when he opened and closed his mouth, so she couldn't hold back and said to him: "Do you always say these words in front of your parents?"

The child tilted his head and thought for a while, then replied, "Did you mean the word husband? I often say that I am the husband, and my wife is so cute."

Jian Ning was stunned: "You already have a wife?"

The child nodded: "Yes, my wife lives in the flower. My mother said that when I grow up, my wife will come out of the flower."

Jian Ning: "..."

Jian Ning could tell instantly that this child was fooled by his parents.

He had heard such foolish words before.

"never mind."

Jian Ning didn't expose the child's mother's deceit, he just took out a short knife that he carried with him, and cut a cut on his forearm.

After making the cut, he grabbed the smashed grass and applied it to the wound on his forearm.

The child was dumbfounded.

He watched Jian Ning carefully apply the medicine to the person in his arms after trying the medicine with his own eyes. He murmured: "You and your husband have such a good relationship."

Unlike his parents, if his parents have conflicts, they will fight.

His father couldn't beat his mother, and sometimes he had to ask him to find herbs to come back.

Jian Ning applied all the smashed medicine to César's wound. After applying it, he had nothing else to do, so he started talking about children.

The child looked smart and silly.

He refused to disclose where he lived, but Jian Ning knew that he lived "underground". Also, he still refused to disclose information about his family members, but after chatting with him, Jian Ning even mentioned his mother's name. knew.

"Okay, I can't play with you anymore, I'm going home."

The child chatted with Jian Ning for a while, he stood up, patted the dust off his clothes, and ran away.

The child ran away as soon as he said, but Jianning didn't chase him.

It was already dark.

After César applied the medicine, his originally hot body temperature dropped down.

Jian Ning touched César's forehead and found that he was not burning, so she put him away and went to find something to eat by herself.

It may be that my mood has improved and my luck has also improved.

Jian Ning found a lot of food outside, he brought the food back, lit a fire, cooked it for Cecil before eating.

The aroma of food wafts through.

The child who went back and forth swallowed his saliva, and came over: "Brother Ning, I want to eat too."

The child said, and handed the food he brought to Jian Ning.

When he came back, he brought some food to Jian Ning.

Jian Ning looked at the things he handed over, and smiled at him: "Come here, let's eat together."

The child sat down next to Jian Ning, and started eating with Jian Ning.

After he finished eating, he gave Jian Ning some medicine.

His family does not allow him to pick up people from outside, and his sister also said that the people who are usually picked up from outside are heartless white-eyed wolves.

Picking up the white-eyed wolf home will be bad luck!

The child really likes Jian Ning, but he can't help but listen to what his father, mother and sister say.

With the medicine delivered by the child, César recovered quickly.

On the second day, César was no longer in a coma. He woke up, and after finding out the situation of the child, he quietly asked for some information.

Although César woke up, Jianning still refused to let him find food.

Jian Ning looked at César, and said seriously: "You are injured now, just let me take care of you!"

César couldn't hold back him, so he could only follow him.

Jian Ning continued to look for food, while César was repairing their star machine.

The child is not very close to César, he thinks César is very distant. In short, compared with the good-looking Ning, the child only wants to play with Ning.

Jian Ning was not there, the child moved his **** slowly, planning to run away.

Before he could get away, César's star machine rang.

The child caught the sound and immediately looked up.

César didn't seem to notice the child's gaze, he was still repairing the star machine with his head down. After repairing for a while, the sound of music played smoothly.

The kid who wanted to get away, now his attention fell on César's star machine.

He didn't know when it started, but he came over bit by bit.

"What are you playing?" the child asked curiously.

"Star machine."

César asked the child to glance at the screen, and asked him, "This one can make calls and contact people, haven't you seen it?"

The child shook his head, then nodded again: "I haven't seen it, but I've heard of something similar to this one."

"We call it a mobile phone here, but I don't have one at home."

The child looked at the screen curiously, and poked it with his hand.

On the screen is Jian Ning's photo.

The child poked at the photo, as if he wanted to take a closer look.

"Brother Ning also has this."

The child poked at the photo, as if he had discovered a new world. He pointed to Jian Ning in the photo, and nodded to Jian Ning's neck: "I have this necklace."

After he finished speaking, he pulled out the necklace around his neck.


The necklace he pulled out was exactly the same as Jian Ning's ruby ​​necklace.

"Brother Ning is really discerning, wearing such a beautiful necklace!"

The child is very happy, and thinks that he and Brother Ning have great aesthetics.

After praising Jian Ning's foresight, he looked at César again and asked, "Do you have the same necklace?"

César shook his head: "No."

Hearing the words, the child immediately revealed regretful eyes.

However, after only a few seconds of regret, the child patted César on the shoulder, and said generously: "It doesn't matter if you don't have one, I can give you one."

"We have extra at home, wait for me to bring it to you."

César: "..."

Cecil didn't refuse.

He took the ruby ​​necklace worn by the child and studied it in his hand.

"My dad said that I can use this to record my growth. It will be very meaningful to look back when I grow up."

César was studying the child's necklace, and the child was playing with César's star machine.

The child was playing with the star machine while introducing his necklace to César. After the introduction, he paused: "Well, Brother Ning has this necklace. You are Brother Ning's husband. You will definitely use it too. This necklace."

He needs no introduction at all.

There is too much information in the child's sentence, which made César, who was studying the necklace, stunned for a rare time.

"What does the necklace record mean?"

César sorted out the priorities and asked about the necklace first.

The child was a little confused when he saw his question.

However, the kid who was playing with the star player still answered him with a good temper: "This kind of necklace has a recording function. My dad said that this necklace can record many things, and there are video images, and it can be saved. a long time."

"Brother Ning's necklace also records things."

The child explained in detail, but César's heart sank when he heard it.

He asked: "How can I see what is recorded in the necklace?"

"Only the master can see it." The child emphasized emphatically: "People other than the master can't see it."

Under César's scrutinizing eyes, the child honestly explained how to open the necklace and check the items stored in the necklace.

After asking all the information about the necklace, César asked the next question—

"Why do you regard me as your brother Ning's husband?"

"You are."

The child could twitch when talking to Jian Ning, but he didn't know why when he was talking to César, and he answered honestly whatever César asked.

Holding the star machine in his hand, he whispered: "I saw Brother Ning kissing you."

César: "..."

César's Adam's apple rolled, and he stared straight at the child with a low voice: "Did he kiss me?"

The child nodded and replied firmly: "Kiss, I saw it with my own eyes! And I said you are Brother Ning's husband, and Brother Ning admitted it."

What the child said was admitting, but Jian Ning was just too lazy to deny it.

The words he said were heard in César's ears, making César want to reconfirm more than once.

The air was quiet.

César closed his eyes and adjusted his heavy breathing.

After a while.

After calming down, César closed his mouth to the child: "Don't tell Ning Ge what we just said."

The child reflexively asked, "Why?"

César glanced at him, and said indifferently: "He has a thin skin, and he will be embarrassed to say things like my husband to him."


The child reluctantly said: "Okay."

It didn't take long for the big and the small to finish chatting, and Jian Ning came back with food.

The child was reluctant to leave after finishing his meal.

He took a fancy to César's star machine.

César met the child's reluctant gaze, and he said slowly: "When we go back, this star will be given to you."


The child's eyes lit up instantly, and he couldn't wait to say: "Then when are you going back!"

César frowned slightly, looking embarrassed.

"I want to go back early, but my star machine has no signal here, and I have no way to contact my family."


The child hesitated, and asked: "With the signal, can you go back?"


After receiving an affirmative answer from César, the child clenched his fists and straightened his chest: "You wait, I'll find a signal for you!"

In order to get César's star machine, the kid really worked hard.

On the second day, he sneakily took César to the place where he lived.

The place where he lives is an underground city built underground.

The child quietly said to César: "This is my home, our home is still under construction, and it will get better and better in the future."

When the child talked about his homeland, he proudly told César the name of his homeland——


When César heard these two words, there was a ripple in his eyes.

He observed the environment here, and he could almost determine who the people here were.

"Cesar, you are connected to the signal here, so hurry up, or if you are discovered, my dad will beat me to death."


César was cautious enough. After connecting to the signal, he finally got in touch with the parents who had been looking for him for many days.

After a brief contact, César didn't stay long, and he left here quickly.

From beginning to end, he came in no more than an hour.

After coming out, César gave the star machine to the child.

"If you meet strangers again in the future, you must remember not to bring strangers into your home."

César had no intention of disturbing the tranquility of the people here, but he also wanted to remind the children in front of him not to be so unsuspecting.

The child was only looking at the star machine in his hand, and he didn't hear Cesare's words at all.

Seeing this, César's eyes darkened.

After a short contact with the star machine, César returned to the original place and waited for someone to pick him up.

Not a while after Cizer came back, Jian Ning, who had gone out, also came back. He knew that César was in touch with his family, and he was very happy.

"It's hard to find our place, no, we won't be found by outsiders at all."

The child who got the star machine has not left yet, he looked at César and Jian Ning who were waiting for someone to pick him up, and couldn't help pouring cold water on them: "Don't be too optimistic, or you will be very disappointed when the time comes .”

Jian Ning rolled her eyes, and her tone was full of stubborn optimism: "There is no such possibility as you said, my dad and the others will definitely pick me up!"

Jian Ning's optimism was not disappointed.

In the evening of the next day, countless aircraft came here.

César and Jianning met the parents whom they hadn't seen for many days.


The moment Jian Ning saw Zhan Xi, he rushed over and threw himself into Zhan Xi's arms, holding Zhan Xi tightly with his arms.

Zhan Xi's heart, which has been hanging for many days, finally let go at this moment.

"Are you scared?"

Zhan Xi touched the back of the cub's head in his arms, his tone seemed to be comforting, but his own eyes were red: "Don't be afraid, Dad found you."

"I'm not afraid, I knew you would find me."

Jian Ning was talking to the parents, but César walked up to Nuo Fan.

He lowered his voice and said a few words to Nuo Fan in a low voice.


Jian Ning left with the elders, but the aircraft did not follow all of them.

Some of the aircraft were aimed at the children who were observing secretly.

César didn't intend to attack the child, he just used the behavior of pretending to attack here, so that the child can have a long memory.

The child was startled when he saw the aircraft aimed at him.

After bluffing the children, César left a pile of supplies here.

These things may be needed for the reconstruction of children's homes.

on the way back.

Jianning is still looking for Wagner.

After he separated from Wagner, Wagner was also missing for many days.

Two days before Jianning was found, Wagner was also found.

Moreover, the person who brought Wagner back was a name familiar to Janningt—

Zuo Wen.

His roommate in the next bed.

"Wagner's luck is also very good."

Jian Ning was still feeling emotional: "At least he was found."

Both he and Wagner were found, and Lele and Saiwei, whom they were looking for, also reported their safety.

Lele reported safety to Saiwei, and Jian Ning and Wagner didn't have to hurry to catch them anymore.

When it was time to report safety, Lele's voice sounded a little energetic.

Jian Ning was worried and wanted to go to see it again, but Lele refused to let it go: "Wait a little longer... When the tossing is over, nothing can come out, then everything will be fine."

What he said was vague, and Jian Ning didn't quite understand it.

"Ning Zai, I'll tell you later, Sai Wei has come to look for me."

Lele hung up the phone and ended the topic directly.

Jian Ning was confused, and looked at the page where the phone was hung up for a few seconds before looking back.

Although Lele doesn't know what's going on, it's good to be a good person.

The leave that Jian Ning and Wagner asked for had long been exceeded.

They both hurried back to school.

Seeing that Jian Ning was going back to school, Zhan Xi didn't quite agree: "Ning Zai, you just came back and need to rest."

"I'll go to the school and ask for another leave for you. For a while, you can come home with me and recuperate at home."

Zhan Xi wanted his children to have a good rest, but his children turned their heads into rattles.

"Dad, I don't need to cultivate myself."

Jian Ning patted his chest and showed Zhan Xi how strong he was: "Look, I'm not injured, I can go to school."

If he didn't go to school, his class would be delayed too much!

Jian Ning didn't expect to get a scholarship, but she didn't want to be the last one in school either.

The cubs who have grown up know how to save face.

Jian Ning insisted on going to school, but Zhan Xi couldn't persuade him, and sighed to Ling Qi at night: "Whenever I said that I want to go to school, the brat was a hundred times reluctant."

"He is not allowed to go to school now, and he is not willing."

The cub who used to pretend to have a headache, a leg ache, a stomach ache, and avoid going to school has grown up and become sensible.

But as a father, I feel melancholy instead.

Ling Qi heard him sigh, and covered his mouth angrily: "Okay, don't sigh."

"How old is Ning Zai? If he is really the same as before, you will probably be even more worried."

Ling Qi gags Zhan Xi's mouth in a simple and rough manner, not to let him be hypocritical.

After the two had such a quarrel, Zhan Xi's melancholy gradually dissipated.

When the two children were found, the parents felt a little more at ease.

The child has been found, and some things should be settled.

The attack on Jian Ning and Wagner this time was not an ordinary attack. If Cesare hadn't been there at the time, Jian Ning had a high probability of something happening to Wagner.

After the child's accident, Nuo Fan immediately started to investigate.

The empire has maintained Jian Ning very well, and Jian Ning's healing system, under the guidance of public opinion, will no longer be affected by the slightest bit of rape.

The empire is protecting Jian Ning, and it is protecting it very well.

The attack this time did not come from the empire either.

It was made by Nuo Fan.

Nuo Fan showed his intention to change the lord. He revealed this intention because he wanted to pave the way in advance.

To save these people from being too confused when Jian Ning becomes the new lord one day.

After expressing this intention, he also talked to Saul.

Sol has always been obedient in front of him, and it is precisely because of his obedience that he let Sol take the position of the lord.

But when he gave Saul the position, he made it very clear—

One day in the future, he may change someone else to sit in this position.

Saul complied respectfully.

Thinking of Sol, Nuo Fan's face showed a cold look.

This time, there is no evidence that Saul did it.

But Nuofan didn't have to ask for evidence.

If Sol uses some gentle means to express his dissatisfaction, Nuofan may consider him and have a good talk with him...

Now, Nuo Fan doesn't plan to talk about it.

After seeing that Jian Ning was safe, he took a large number of aircraft and went back.

He still has to deal with Saul.

The parents have been booing Jian Ning for several days, but César has not been in front of Jian Ning in these few days.

When they returned, César was found injured.

If there is an injury, it must be healed.

César's injury was not completely cured by the herbs, and he still had to receive treatment from a doctor.

During the treatment, César and Jian Ning did not see each other.

in a few days.

Jian Ning, who lived a regular and peaceful life again, came to use the washing machine in Cesare's small apartment just like yesterday.

The small washing machine in Sizer's apartment is very convenient to use and dries quickly. If you don't want to dry your clothes, you can dry them here.

While waiting for the drying time, Jian Ning was lying on the small sofa, flipping through the books he brought over boredly.

What he brought was a novel.

This kind of novel is still very popular among their students.

Carlo brought back a bunch of novels for them to read together.

Jian Ning doesn't like to read novels very much, but occasionally reads a few books, just to pass the time. The book he was flipping through was a sweet and greasy love novel.

The protagonist in the novel, childhood sweetheart, childhood sweetheart, sweet from beginning to end.

Such a sweet plot from the beginning to the end, obviously looked very boring, but Jian Ning finished it without knowing it.

The end of the novel is their wedding. The two changed their tunes at the wedding, one was called wife and the other was called husband.

Looking at the changed word "husband", Jian Ning couldn't help but think of the husband she had a few years ago when she was a child.

The kid said he kissed Cesare.

But when he kissed Cesare's forehead, he didn't have any ambiguous thoughts at all.

That's obviously not a relative.

But children always say that what they say makes this originally unambiguous relative a little more ambiguous.

The touch of lips touching forehead seems to be warm.

Jian Ning tried hard to recall for a while, but she couldn't recall what it was like at that time.

He hugged the blanket on the small sofa a little annoyed, turned around on the small sofa: "Why did I forget so quickly..."

The melon on his head may be like what his father said, he fell on it when he was a child, so he fell stupidly.

After tossing left and right on the sofa for a long time, Jian Ning's hair was tossed and messed up. He propped up his arms and sat up.

"Since you've been misunderstood...or else, let's kiss again."

This thought flashed across Jian Ning's mind, and it became more and more clear.

From looking at César from the spaceship, the heart suddenly beat faster, then to the kiss on the forehead, to the husband who was misunderstood so much...

Furthermore, his heart is still beating violently.

Jian Ning clenched the blanket tightly, those beautiful eyes inherited from the royal family seemed to be shattered.

He wasn't sure if he wanted to be in a relationship.

He just made sure—

He wanted to kiss Cesare again.

Jian Ning made up his mind, but if César didn't come back, his idea couldn't be implemented at all.

It just dragged on for two days.

Jian Ning's enthusiasm was about to fade, and he went to Cizell's small apartment again during his lunch break.

He sat on the sunny bed in front of the floor-to-ceiling windows, and called Zhan Xi: "Dad, is my brother still okay? When will he come back?"

"have no idea."

Zhan Xi has visited César, but he really doesn't know what César's situation is now: "Your brother needs to recuperate properly after being injured, don't rush him to go back."

Jian Ning: "..."

Jian Ning: "Oh."

Jian Ning didn't urge César to come back, he just wanted to know when César would come back.

"If you want to know that, just ask him."

Zhan Xi said: "Aren't you two the closest? You still have to ask me why César will not go back to school."

Jian Ning didn't say anything about Zhan Xi's words.

Before going out this trip, Jian Ning and César were the closest.

He chatted most frequently with César, no matter how trivial it was, he would share it with César.

He could say anything to César unscrupulously.

But after leaving the door, he opened the dialog with César, obviously feeling that he couldn't be as casual as before.

"I was going to ask him myself."

Jian Ning finished talking to Zhan Xi, found an excuse, and hung up the phone.


Jian Ning ate a hasty dinner, then came to the small apartment to catch up on sleep. He didn't sleep very well in the past two nights, so he was very sleepy during the day.

I was so sleepy that I felt like someone was calling me in my ear.

"Ning Zai, Ning Zai."

It was Cesare's voice.

The reason why Jian Ning couldn't sleep well in the past two nights was because of César.

At this moment, he heard César's voice, and he subconsciously thought that he was dreaming again.

"elder brother."

Jian Ning, who was in a daze, saw the owner of the voice, it really was César.

Like the previous two nights, he hugged César's neck naturally.

This time César was much clearer.

Jian Ning was a little happy.

He touched Cesare's face and looked at it for a while. After seeing enough of his eyes, he leaned over and kissed César on the forehead.

Warm and crispy.

The touch is surprisingly good.

Jian Ning kissed this, her face was full of unsatisfactory feelings.

He sat up cross-legged, cupped Cesare's face, and kissed it again.

This time I kissed the tip of the nose.

Cesare's straight nose bridge, as well as the tip of the nose, are very attractive.

After Jian Ning finished kissing, she still laughed happily.

"It's so sweet!"

He was happy and satisfied: "Brother this time... so close!"

Jian Ning was addicted to kissing, he kissed César's face again and again.

César heard his whisper, and his eyes darkened.

"Ning cub."

César raised his hand and touched Jian Ning's face: "When did you kiss me?"

"Yesterday, the day before yesterday... many days."

Jian Ning's adolescent dreams before were all about being intimate with someone who couldn't see clearly, but now, his dreams like this are all about César's face.

He pecked Cesare's face like a chicken pecking rice.

Having pecked Cesare so many times, Jianning felt that this time was the best.

"Why kiss me?" César was still asking in a low voice.

Jian Ning didn't distinguish between dreams and reality, and was still laughing silly: "Because I want to kiss you!"

He is domineering and arrogant: "I want to kiss you, so you have to kiss me!"

"Why do you want to kiss me?" César was still asking this question.

Jian Ning was asked this question repeatedly, and finally stopped being silly, and a thoughtful expression appeared on his face.

He seemed to be thinking about the answer to this question.

After thinking for a while, Jian Ning opened a pair of slightly blank eyes, and replied: "I don't know... I just want to kiss."

"Kiss is very comfortable."

"I want to kiss you a few more times."

Jian Ning's ignorant answer, to César's ears, was his kiss, not because he liked it, but because—

I want to kiss.

He has curiosity and a desire to explore this kind of intimacy.

Therefore, he wants to do this kind of thing, but this kind of thing has nothing to do with liking, not love.

César got this answer, but his heart didn't feel so gloomy.

It doesn't matter.

It doesn't matter whether Jian Ning likes him or not.

Jian Ning wanted to explore this kind of intimacy, so he satisfied him.

At least compared to others, he is much cleaner.

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