The Universe’s Number One Healing Baby
Chapter 2 Table of contents

The staring lasted for a few minutes, maybe a few seconds. In short, it was hard for little Jianning, who was lying on the ground, to pay attention to the passage of time at this moment.

He looked at the bearded man in front of him, and swallowed nervously.

At the same time, the big man was also looking at him, with unclear emotions in his eyes. Just as the big man and the small were still playing the eye-to-eye game, a few more people came behind.

Among the people who came, most of the men had beards, while the women wore short skirts and boots with weapons pinned to them, looking **** and charming.

"Boss, what are you doing here?"

A green-haired, bearded, slightly thinner figure, he walked a few steps from behind, and after seeing the curly-haired cub on the ground, he was surprised: "Where did the child come from? Isn't this kind of commercial transport ship not allowed to take child?"

"have no idea."

"Well, it's probably the child of some crew member who brought it up privately."

During the transportation of commercial transport ships, they have to go through checkpoints at various checkpoints. Because the world is not peaceful, the crew must go through strict screening to work on the extremely dangerous commercial transport ships.

Raising a child here is very judgmental.

Lu Mao knelt down and stared at Jian Ning with great interest.

Jian Ning's eyes also shifted from the bearded face to the green haired face. Thick beards covered half of their faces, but looking at their deep eyes, straight nose bridges, and sharp facial features, it could be seen that they were not bad looking.

Compared with the last group of bad guys, this group of bad guys doesn't seem too bad just because of their looks.

Although Jian Ning is ready to reincarnate, but before he loses his life, he wants to work harder.



Jian Ning, who was still speechless, put her fat little hands on the floor, and changed from lying down to sitting. After he sat up, he first made a sound of greeting.

He was not discouraged when he realized that the few bearded people couldn't understand the words, but changed the strategy.

Along with him, his feeding bottle was thrown away just now, and the feeding bottle rolled in a corner not far from him. This feeding bottle with half a bottle of milk left is Jian Ning's only red stone necklace and shorts. Leftover property!

He crawled over and picked up the feeding bottle. Since it was not easy to climb while holding the feeding bottle, he pulled the feeding bottle with his chubby hand, and then pulled it all the way to the front of the green fur, and then picked it up again.


Here you go, protection money.

Jian Ning, who has rich survival experience in her previous life, knows how to deal with robbery. The best way is to call the police, the second is to spend money to eliminate disasters, stabilize the robbers, and prevent the robbers from harming themselves, and the last thing is to beat the robbers to the ground.

In the current situation, Jian Ning can't call the police, and it's impossible to beat the bad guy to the ground with his short hands and feet. He was able to bend and stretch, and chose to hand over his last bit of property.

Lumao stared at the bottle being handed to him, and the cub who handed him the bottle, and was startled.

Not only was he stunned, but even Zhan Rao who was beside him raised his eyebrows.

The two men stared at the curly-haired cub holding the feeding bottle. The cub's white and tender round face was upturned, and his **** eyes were watery. He was obviously afraid of them, but he had the courage to get close to them. them.

very strange.

They hadn't seen such a tiny cub yet.

Jian Ning held up the baby bottle, her fat arms like lotus root joints were sore, and the baby bottle hadn't been taken yet.

"That's not okay."

He was thinking in his heart, and at the same time, his brain was spinning rapidly. He didn't know if it was spinning too fast, and his head was still a little dizzy.

After a while, he ignored the discomfort in his head and put on a serious face.


Open your mouth!

He urged Lumao to take the bottle again, and before his arm was about to lose strength, he gathered his last strength and pushed the bottle directly in front of Lumao's mouth.

Lu Mao's mouth was not closed tightly, and he was really pushed in by him.

Jian Ning: "!"

Jian Ning's eyes suddenly lit up.

Dry this bottle of milk, let this cub go!

Jian Ning's thoughts were all on his face. After putting the milk bottle into the green hair's mouth, he himself lost the strength to lean forward again.

Lu Mao bit the bottle, the astonishment in his eyes only stayed for a second before it was replaced by complexity.

He looked at the cub sitting on the floor in a state of exhaustion. The cub's body was swaying, and the soft flesh on its cheeks swelled slightly as it exhaled, like a freshly steamed white soft bun.

"Are you... trying to please me?"

Lumao held the baby bottle in his hand, and his naturally smiling eyes stopped smiling at the moment. He asked the cub questions, and when he asked the cub, he even felt like he was going crazy.

The cub in front of him is so small that he can only crawl and bark, how could he understand his questions?

But to his surprise, the cub really nodded after hesitating for a moment.

The cub's nod made Lu Mao's heart skip a beat. He poked Zhan Rao's waist violently, and communicated with him with his eyes: "Boss, did you see it? This cub can understand us!"

Zhan Rao observed the cub until now, and felt that this cub was a little different.

The two have been together for many years, and they have a tacit understanding. With just one look, they have reached a tacit consensus——

Take this cub back to its old den and study it.

They made eye contact, Jian Ning stared dryly, unable to understand.

Zhan Rao has a taciturn personality, not because he likes to tease the cubs, not only does he not like to tease, but he also hates the cubs. The cub loves to cry and is difficult to feed. He has no plan to raise the cub in his life.

Even if the cub in front of him is brought back, he will send it away immediately after the research is over.

Zhan Rao doesn't like to deal with cubs, so after handing the cubs to Zhan Xi, he got up, called a few people who were watching the fun behind, and asked in a low voice, "Have you done what you just told you?" ?”

Before landing on this transport ship, Zhan Rao had already assigned them tasks.

Seeing Zhan Rao's question, the few people who wanted to watch the cub suddenly straightened their backs and went to work separately. The few of them came to inspect the transport ship, and the other three went to chase down the poisonous spider organization that had just escaped.

When it comes to robbing themselves, they prefer to kill their peers and annex all their assets.

There are rumors that this commercial ship, code-named B33, transported a cosmic-level rare treasure this time. The leader of the poisonous spider organization is notoriously greedy, and Zhan Rao is not at all surprised that he came to do this.

Not long.

A glamorous woman hooked a photon gun with her index finger, while turning it around, she came to report to Zhanrao: "Boss, I checked everything, and I didn't find anything of value."

The legendary cosmic treasure was probably taken away by poisonous spiders.

As the woman spoke, she also reported another piece of news by the way: "I saw the little cub's clothes. It was next to the trash can. It looked like it was pulled off abruptly, and a few buttons were broken."

After the woman's voice fell, Zhan Xi, who had just lifted the cub up, looked over.

He only looked at it for a few seconds before looking away.

Zhan Rao, who was talking to the woman, ignored the topic of the cub's clothes. He knew the reason why the poisonous spider stripped the cub clean: it was to check if there was any treasure hidden on the cub.

Being able to survive after being inspected by the poisonous spider, I have to say that this cub's life is very hard.

Zhan Rao was still talking in a low voice.

Zhanxi no longer listened to them, but continued to bully the cub who could understand: "Did you hear my self-introduction just now?"

"I'm from the Star Thief Group, and the one over there is our boss. Our main business is robbery, and our side job is to eat children. You have to be more obedient, or else I can eat you, a skinny and tender brat like you." both."

If it was so cruel, if it was a real cub, it would probably be scared to cry.

Xiao Jianning's Baozi's face was "shocked" in cooperation, but she thought indifferently in her heart—

He's not a cub, so he won't be scared.

Zhan Xi said threatening words, but held the cub firmly in his hands. Not only was he holding him securely, but he also went to the trash can the woman just mentioned, and picked up two tattered little clothes.

"Come on, stretch your arms and put on your clothes. I love cubs that don't dress well."

Zhan Xi took the small clothes and wanted to put them on for Jian Ning.

Seeing this, Jian Ning quickly stretched out her arms for him to wear, but the clumsy Zhan Xi just couldn't put on the simple little clothes, either folding his arms or strangling his neck.

When Jian Ning was strangled and spat out two more mouthfuls of milk, and the whole cub was dying, the woman who was talking to Zhan Rao finally couldn't help it.

She grabbed the pitifully tossed cub, and put the little clothes on gently and skillfully.

"You're so stupid, you can't even put on any clothes well."

The woman complained, not wanting to give him the cub in her arms. The soft and warm touch of the cub in her arms made her a little addicted to holding it.

Zhan Xi: "..."

Zhan Xi wanted to refute but lacked evidence to refute, so he could only pull his face, his smiling eyes were full of dissatisfaction and unhappiness.

How could he know how to dress the cub for the first time!

Except for a small cub, there was no other living creature on the transport ship. And the only cub was taken away by Zhan Xi again and transferred to a new spaceship.

On the new spaceship, perhaps due to flying sickness, Jian Ning always felt dizzy and her eyelids were still clenched.

He sat on Zhanxi's lap, leaning on Zhanxi's chest, and listened to Zhanxi babbling in his ear: "You can understand us, which means you are a precocious cub. Let me test you, 1+1 equals How many?"

Jian Ning: "?"

Jian Ning wrinkled Baozi's face and said "ah" twice.

After thinking about it for a while, Zhan Xi realized that the two sounds meant 2. His face was full of surprises, and he asked, "What about 1+2?"

Jian Ning said "ah" three times.

Zhanxi was even more excited, and at the end of the question, his number was getting bigger and bigger: "What about 2+8?"

2+8, you need to "Yeah" ten times.

Jian Ning drooped her little face and quit.

From the moment he opened his eyes to now, let alone milk powder, he didn't even drink his saliva. Now that he keeps making him talk, his throat is going to hurt!

Don't say no, the star thief holding him is still urging him to give the answer.

Jian Ning, who didn't want to speak, simply raised both chubby hands. The two hands add up to exactly 10 fingers.

Zhanxi: "!"

Seeing that he was still able to answer, Zhan Xi looked up at Zhan Rao, wanting Zhan Rao to take a look as well.

But when he looked up, he found that not only Zhan Rao, but also other people surrounded him at some point. Everyone looked at this cub who could only do math in shock.

The voice of the woman who dressed Jian Ning just now trembled: "Boss, the cub we picked up must be the legendary genius cub!!"

"I heard that this kind of gifted cub is very rare, and there will not be a few in a hundred years. If this kind of cub is sent to school, it will definitely be admitted to university, become a cultural person, maybe, maybe even go to a big city develop."

Star robbers generally do not have household registration, so they cannot go to university, nor can they live in big cities.

This once-in-a-century gifted cub made them feel novel and excited. They don't have much culture themselves, but they are envious of cultural people in their hearts.

Jian Ning was asked more questions. This time, besides Zhan Xi, other strange uncles and elder sisters were also asked.

These people are much more careful than Zhan Xi, at least they know how to feed him water and feed him a kind of weird-tasting nutritional cream that seems to be a meal.

"Okay, okay, stop. I think he can't open his eyes. He probably wants to sleep. The cub sleeps too much. Let's not disturb him to sleep."

Hua Ya cleared her throat and let the surrounding people disperse.

Everyone who was not very interested in the cubs was quite reluctant when Hua Ya chased them away. They haven't had enough interaction with Zai Zai yet.

Zhan Rao didn't show any reluctance, but before he turned and left, he threw a piece of candy to Jian Ning seemingly casually.

Jian Ning held on to his spirits and yawned from being tired until now.

He felt that his head was even more dizzy.

Zhan Xi was relieved when he saw that everyone around him dispersed. He poked the little face of the cub in his arms, and said in a low voice: "I didn't expect you to be a little genius cub, okay, go to sleep first, or you'll be sleepy like a little fool."

Upon hearing this, Jian Ning closed her eyes listlessly.

Within a few seconds, Zhanxi heard the cub's even breathing. He held the sleeping cub with one hand, and connected to the star network with the other hand. video.

While watching the video of raising cubs, Zhan Xi accidentally scrolled across the video of the little prince of the empire. The little prince of the empire has just turned three years old, and the royal family will occasionally release some videos of him.

And in these released videos, the little prince always has a cold face and a bad temper.

It stands to reason that such a cub would not be pleasing, but it can't stand the good genes of the imperial royal family. Even if the little prince born has a stinky face, it is hard to look away.

A crowd of Yan dogs and royal supporters, out of blind love, called the little prince's bad temper real, and the little prince's cold face arrogance.

Looking at the comments under the little prince's video, Zhan Xi snorted coldly with disdain: "Such a bad-tempered boy, he only finds it cute when he's blind."

It was also a cub, but the one sleeping in his arms was obviously cuter and more obedient.

Zhan Xi was still watching the video, and the person who went after the poisonous spider just now came back. Those three people frowned, and said to Zhan Rao who was sitting on the sofa in the corner: "Boss, the leader of the poisonous spider has escaped. We arrested his subordinates, and they said they didn't find the treasure."

"I suspect that the baby was taken away by the leader of the poisonous spider..."

Zhan Rao and the others talked about the rumored rare treasure and discussed its whereabouts. Zhan Xi was watching the cub-raising video, and the others were whispering about the genius cub.

The atmosphere of the spaceship seemed very harmonious for a moment.

And in this harmonious atmosphere, Jian Ning's chubby hand was holding Zhan Xi's fingers, and the eyebrows on Baozi's face suddenly frowned tightly.

A few minutes later.

Zhanxi felt that his fingers were a little hot. He looked down suspiciously, and found the cub with his eyes closed, his face flushed, and he was running a fever.

The author has something to say:

The boss pondered: The baby must have been snatched away!

Ning Ning looked up: the baby is here!

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