Silent Reading
Chapter 112 Table of contents

Fei Du's expression seemed to be frozen by the outdoor temperature of minus five degrees at this time, and it was frozen for a long time, but Luo Yiguo had licked a little milk on the small saucer and erected a big tail to scratch his trouser legs. Fang awoke and moved lightly, Luo Wenzhou's hands like iron hoop seemed to have some organ, and immediately released, let him withdraw his wrist.

Fei Du bowed his head and Luo Yi pot with a big waist and round eyes, then smiled: "It's really fake, it scares me."

Luo Wenzhou's magma-like blood slightly cooled down, stopped the uncontrollable left and right collision, and gradually fell into a pile of heavy volcanic ash.

He realized that his timing was wrong.

Ever since he put Fei by his side, it seemed as if he was always impatient and unable to help himself. The progress bar that I had previously thought of and intended to be a long stream of water became a stray wild dog-I didn't hold back his sting, didn't hold back the feelings of **** in my heart, didn't hold back my mouth and said extra words ... more than one sentence.

Within just a few days, he repeatedly "planned to keep up with the changes". The original idea was full of loopholes and had become a rag that could not be sewn.

The unlucky father and mother of his son also came back to chaos.

Probably the so-called age and experience give "easy to use" is only an illusion. In many cases, the easy to use is just after reading thousands of sails, it is cold, tired, unwilling.

Unfortunately, at this step, it is impossible to look back.

Luo Wenzhou felt that he was really intimidating Fei Du, so he let his voice down slightly: "You just want to tell me this?"

Fei Du thought about it, took a few steps back, dragged a chair from the dining room and sat down. His elbow rested on the dining table, his fingers pressed against his forehead, and he pressed it on the temple with a momentary glance, eyes narrowed. He said half-closed, "I thought you knew me better."

Luo Wenzhou: "What do I know more about you?"

"Of course not that," Fei Du joked casually, seeing that Luo Wenzhou didn't mean to join in, he accepted the joke, but tiredness slowly floated up, Fei Du was silent for a while, "I remember You warned me more than once before, let me be disciplined, and don't try to experience your prison car someday. "

"If I remember correctly, the day after the chasing of Zhao Haochang, under the canopy, I had already passed the humility." Luo Wenzhou took out the hot milk and pushed it up from one end of the table, and the cup stopped accurately in front of Fei Du. No drop, "Can you pour some other stubble?"

Fei Du closed his mouth briefly, because he had a lot of emotions in his heart for a while, dazzled by people, let him talk like a spring, and I don't know where to start.

It took a while before he looked up.

"No, you do n’t really need to apologize, and you are right. I did n’t start my father-in-law. It was because of my ability. I could n’t do it. When you investigated Fei Chengyu, you found that another person was following him. It ’s my people. I hired them through some less legal channels. Later, when you withdrew them, all of them disappeared overnight. What they did was a grey business, and no one called the police. I ca n’t see the body—that's the warning Fei Chengyu gave me. My wings aren't stiff enough to shake him. I stopped because of this. It's not a moral or legal constraint. "

Luo Wenzhou's heart began to sink continuously: "So what?"

"Luo team, you have been doing this for many years in the frontline criminal police. You have not seen a thousand or eight hundred perverts. You should believe in your initial intuition. I am indeed 'the kind of person'-born with a defective brain, a sense of morality and Responsibility is lower than normal, dopamine and □ are secreted abnormally, can not sense normal emotions, sorrows and sorrows, and can not establish a long-term stable relationship with people ... Maybe even don't perceive what is called 'love'. "

Luo Wenzhou leaned against the wall next to the restaurant, and the wall clock walked on top of him for a moment—this thing had been broken for a long time, it was always inaccurate, or it was repaired after Fei Du opened it.

Hearing here, he said coldly, "It doesn't mean that to me, you don't like me, you can say it clearly."

Fei Du opened his mouth for a moment to explain, but quickly resisted again.

Luo Wenzhou's heavy "together for a lifetime" made him hardly breathless. His most instinctual response was to escape in panic and exhausted all his power to maintain his manners.

He is like a wanderer who wandered on the thin ice in Weiyang's long night, and did not know which invisible abyss to which the so-called "life" points.

Fei Du was silent for a while, and finally just said dryly, "Sorry."

"Then why do you provoke me again and again?" Luo Wenzhou's voice was extremely low, as if his chest was full of stones, and the voice had to be squeezed out of the crack in the stone, each word biting "creak "Sounded," I warned you, I refused you many times, why would you-- "

Fei Du looked away indifferently from his eyes.

Luo Wenzhou froze. He suddenly felt very boring. He was silent for a moment, exhaled heavily, strode to the study, and fell to the door.

Luo Yiguo was startled by the earth-shattering door knocking, "Hou" blew his throat, straightened his neck and looked up. I wondered what was wrong with the shoveler. It blew up Mao for a while vigilantly, and when no one took care of it, he rushed over to Feidu in a fog, jumped onto the dining table, and stared at Feidu with big eyes.

Fei Du seemed to be standing still, silently staring at it for a moment, and his heart was filled with anticipation, and his mind was silent again. His chest was empty and white, and his mind was silent.

For a while, he remembered a sentence in the interrogation room of the Municipal Bureau Xia Xiaonan during the day, "You may not meet a guy who likes you so much in your life."

Feng Bin was to Xia Xiaonan, just like Luo Wenzhou was to him, all had the same luck as an accident. A person's life can only be extravagant once.

And in a lifetime in which I do n’t see my head, it is precious to have a little memory. Although the memories are a bit short.

But it doesn't matter, all "remembers" in the world are short.

Fei Du slowly stretched out his hand at Luo Yiguo. Luo Yiguo instinctively leaned back to hide, and then he hesitated to come together again, tentatively smelling Wen Feidu hanging in the air Smelling his hand inside and out, it finally let go of his worries and bowed his head in his palms.

Fei Du finally fell down carefully, and stuck it on the lubricious and slippery back of Luo Yi pot, stroking the hair gently from the top of it.

It turns out that cats are like this. The hair is delicate, very soft, and different from plush products-the roots of the fine hair are warm and dry, and when you put your hands on it, you can feel a long breath and a gently struggling heartbeat.

It is a carefree little life.

Luo Yigu squinted and squinted in his throat for a moment. He fluffed his big fluffy tail for a moment and issued a very humming hum.

Fei Du lived peacefully with him for a moment. The cat was comfortably served, then he grouped himself into a ball, closed his eyes slowly, and slept on the spot.

Fei Du quietly retracted his hand, picked up his cell phone, walked to the door of the study, and knocked lightly: "Thank you for your care these days."

Luo Wenzhou ignored him.

Fei Du didn't do much to stay, turned around and took off his coat scarf from the hanger in the porch, ready to go out to find a nearby hotel, make up for a night, and find a way tomorrow to let someone clean his vacant apartment and move back Home.

Even deeper in the middle of the night, it took a little courage to walk into the winter night from the home where the heating hit the people. Fei Du sighed, thinking that just thinking about it, his hands and feet were cold like a conditioned reflection.

However, when he had just put on his coat and had not had time to put his arms in his sleeves, the closed study door was suddenly opened from the inside.

The unlucky Luo Yiguo just closed his eyes and was awakened by a gust of wind passing by. He didn't know who to provoke. It yelled angrily, slammed into Luo Wenzhou's second bedroom that had been vacant for several days, and refused to come out.

Before Fei Du had time to turn around, he was suddenly dragged from behind him, he took a half-step off guard, and the overcoat emptied on his body fell to the ground.

Luo Wenzhou grabbed his scarf, Fei Du had no choice but to retreat along his strength in order not to become a hanged ghost on Christmas Eve, Luo Wenzhou raised his hand against the narrow wall of the entrance.

"I ask you two things," Luo Wenzhou said Shen Sishui, "first, you don't like me. Why should Zheng Kaifeng's car explode in front of me?"

Fei Du: "I ..."

Luo Wenzhou didn't listen to him at all: "Second, since you are a pervert who doesn't hurt and doesn't know love and hate, why are there electric shock and vomiting equipment in your basement? I have been a frontline police officer for so many years and I have seen the pervert. There are no one thousand and eight hundred. I have never heard of any of them because they are keen to toss in themselves! "

Fei Du's pupil narrowed sharply, and then he subconsciously moved.

Suppressing him is no more difficult than suppressing Xiao Haiyang. Luo Wenzhou folded his arms behind him, dragged the loose scarf around his neck, wrapped three rounds in his hand, Fastened it fast, and chuckled coldly: "General Fei, you lack exercise."

Fei Du was dragged into the living room by Luo Wenzhou, and was thrown on the sofa nearby. His long legs hit the coffee table. Only a plate of oranges prepared to entertain Luo Cheng and Mu Xiaoqing rolled down to the ground, and no one managed it.

Luo Wenzhou yanked Fei Du's shirt that had to be carefully waited for by the dry cleaners. The broken button wiped his chin and fled, Luo Wenzhou raised his hand and held Fei Du's chest-this body is young, recovering after all The ability is as strong as metabolism. Many old scars have only light traces, and you have to see some shallow shadows under the headlights.

"You are not afraid of burning your internal organs with a tattoo sticker, are you afraid of burning your internal organs? Are you not afraid to die silently and silently in that empty basement of your house?" Luo Wenzhou Ju looked down at him, "Go back from Heng'ai Hospital that day, if not I forced you out, what are you going to do? "

Fei Du was mixed with a group of trousers from a young age. His shame was limited, and streaking was not a big deal. But at this time, Luo Wenzhou opened it by hand, but it was not just a shirt, but he was wrapped in it. Flesh on the flesh. For the first time in his life, Fei Du felt an inexplicable panic, and bent his knees and bumped into him: "Let ’s go—"

Luo Wenzhou did not dodge or dodge. After suffering this, his hard knee bumped into a muffled sound that sounded painful when he heard it. Fei duo stiffened and missed the opportunity to fight back. He asked Luo Wenzhou to hold his knees apart and forcibly joint "Ga" sounded softly, Fei Du closed his eyes subconsciously.

But the two stalemate for a long time, as if foreshadowing a violent treatment, but Luo Wenzhou didn't frown on his hair.

"I really want to ..." For a while, Luo Wenzhou sighed, lowered his head and kissed his dry lips gently, and whispered, "dig out your thief and look at it."

He said, loosening the clamps, he lifted a thin blanket from the rocking chair next to the sofa, and threw it on Fei Du, rubbing his eyebrows tiredly: "It's too late, go wash and sleep. I Back ... back to my room ... "

"The basement used to be Fei Chengyu," Fei Du said without moving, and suddenly said lowly. "Fei Chengyu is a sadistic man. If my mother breaks his 'rules', he will be dragged into the basement. Punished here. "

Luo Wenzhou froze suddenly, his heart beating madly, and holding his breath subconsciously, he took a deep breath, only to stabilize his voice, and asked gently, "What rules?"

"A lot, I ca n’t say clearly, such as not being allowed to talk to outsiders-including babysitters and cleaners, forbidding her eye contact, forbidding books and TV shows outside of his permission ... her daily schedule They are fixed, get up at 7:30, go to the dining table at 8:30, start cleaning the vases at home, and replace with new flower arrangements. If the error time is more than one minute, he will be dragged into the basement-electric shock is nothing, yes Very light means. "Fei Du whispered," Fei Chengyu believes that this is his way of expressing love, you not only have to get one's *, but also get her spirit, put her whole person into a glass In the bottle, let every branch of her grow with her own heart. This talent belongs to him. He doesn't avoid me when he does these things. He even has a children's desk in the basement. "

Suddenly Luo Wenzhou's breathing was difficult: "Did he ... have ..."

"Has I ever abused me?" Fei Du gave a slight pause, and then said with the same expression, "No, I am the heir. Fei Chengyu even thinks that I represent part of him and will not do me anything."

Luo Wenzhou's clenched heart lowered slightly, relieved, and walked lightly, sitting next to Fei Du.

"I have always wanted to get rid of him since I was sensible, but I just thought that I hadn't done anything-until she committed suicide." Fei Duo whispered, "She was trapped in the devil's cage, and there was only one indifferent beside him I, long-term deformity and abuse, her spirit is abnormal, and in addition to depression, there are deep symptoms of persecution delusion. I believe that the air is full of probes to monitor her, even when I am alone with me, Never dare to say something outside the 'specified range'. Fei Chengyu asked her to read me an hour's book every night before going to bed, so she spent two years carefully mixing what she wanted to say into those reading subjects Here, she tried to inculcate the concept of 'freedom' repeatedly ... Maybe my reaction was too indifferent? After finishing her last book, she finally showed me what it means to be 'not free, or rather die.' "

"I'm sorry," Fei Du said softly, "I actually knew she had committed suicide from the beginning. The reason why I didn't agree with the suicide conclusion at the time, entangled you unrelentingly, forcing you to investigate repeatedly, actually wanted to Use you to give Fei Chengyu trouble with them. "

Luo Wenzhou: "... they?"

"Do you know the parasitic relationship?" Fei Du said, "I will provide you with nutrients, carbohydrates, and you will provide me with protection and trace elements ... Fei Chengyu has such a parasite behind him."

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