Silent Reading
Chapter 117 Table of contents

Mr. Fei may be the secret of the folklore—the trick of “shooting flowers”. He hurried Xiao Haiyang into the car in a few words, but he did n’t hesitate to buy a car to scent incense in the middle. Demented solid fresheners tucked into the roadside trash can.

Xiao Haiyang started thinking when he got out of the car: "Don't I tell him the address all the time? It doesn't matter if I navigate for a while, why should I get on the car and become a human navigator?"

It wasn't until Fei Du's choices and finishes his "important matters" that little glasses didn't think about it, and the safety belt was too late.

"Is it much better this time?" The berry fragrance was scattered from the hanging incense wrapped in white porcelain, like a clear wind, washing the air in the car, Fei Du sighed, "I drove this car for a few days, Concussion is about to smoke. "

Xiao Haiyang was not in the mood to discuss these small moods with him, and quickly pushed his glasses. He hesitated on the door with one hand hesitantly: "You ... you should know how to go, please put me in the nearest place Subway station exit. "

Fei Du gave him a surprised look: "You don't want to go with me?"

Xiao Haiyang's voice was a little astringent: "I have been suspended."

"That's not right," Fei Du said with a smile. "You're suspended, I'm not employed. We are both ordinary citizens now, and we are visiting a little girl in private, not asking questions in the name of the police, or having to notify the guardian."

Xiao Haiyang was silent.

Fei Du shrugged, and really pulled the car aside and parked at the entrance of a subway station. He said indifferently: "That line, get out of the car if you don't want to go. I'm in trouble today."

People are coming and going at the subway entrance. A small newsstand stands on its back to the heaven and earth, and beside it is a small pot of corn for sale. Xiao Haiyang pushed the door open, and Han Feng immediately sealed a layer of white steam in his glasses. Fei Du didn't keep it. When he turned on the car radio, the crisp anchor was focusing on social hotspots.

"So now, 'campus violence' has become one of the hot topics again. I don't know if everyone has experienced an unhappy heart in school? A friend from the mobile phone ending '0039' said: 'I went to primary school with four It happened ten years ago. Once I was blocked by a few classmates in the class and scolded me as a cub. He also threw me into the river. The river had just formed a layer of ice marrow and it was bitterly cold. From then on, my leg There's something wrong with it—'Hey, it looks like this is a letter from a older friend with a temperature. His classmates of the year were really too much, and he forgot about it for forty years ... '

Xiao Haiyang retracted the foot he stepped out of, closed the door without a word, and sat face-to-face in the co-driver.


Fei Du observes him and observes something quite interesting-the center of gravity of Xiao Haiyang's body is always leaning forward, the shoulders and back are always tight, the eyes behind the spectacles are full of vigilance, as if ready at any time Rush out and blow up a bunker or something.

Fei Du smiled a little at the corner of his eye, reattached the gear, and stepped on the throttle.

"You may not have heard it yesterday. In fact, Xia Xiaonan explained some details of campus violence." Fei Du seemed to inadvertently leak confidential information to him. Yu Guang glanced at Xiao Haiyang's attention and did not dare to miss it. He went on to say, "We now suspect that there is a situation of sexual / aggression in this Yufen Middle School, but the people involved-whether the perpetrator or the victim-would not admit it."

Xiao Haiyang opened his eyes slightly.

Fei Du didn't say any further, and his voice turned: "If it weren't for this, Wang Xiao was actually just an ordinary student who had run away from home. If you only visited her house by the way, you could report it immediately and accurately. Out of the address, I really remember it. "

In fact, even a person who truly remembers, when asked about a small detail that is not very important, needs a time of recall and reaction, which can be spoken out. In addition to good memory, it must be something he is familiar with.

This is Xiao Haiyang's habit. Every time he receives a new case, he will take the time to sort out the complicated information in the first time without any detail, and think carefully many times over and over again. "Machine" function, which allows people to answer questions when asked.

However, at this time, Xiao Haiyang just bowed his head slightly, without explanation.

"Seriously, if most people do n’t want to go, report me at most an address. I wo n’t come up as soon as I say get in the car, so you still want to go, right? You said it badly, but it ’s still Don't worry about this case, otherwise you won't suspend your work and rush to check in the next day-wrote an overnight? "

Xiao Haiyang's eyes hung a pair of huge dark circles, and finally opened his mouth: "It may not be useful to have it checked."

The leak is unsuccessful, but the matter can be big or small, it can be left to nothing, or you can be fired directly, depending on how the responsible person handles it. Xiao Haiyang exhaled, looking out of the window with vapor, and grinned at himself-even if Luo Wenzhou had planned to lift it high and lower it gently, he was probably stunned by the unpleasant series of words under his impulse.

Suddenly Fei Du asked, "What kind of person is Officer Gu?"

Xiao Haiyang did not expect him to ask this question, hesitated for a moment, searched his intestines and scratched his belly, and fell to the mouth, but only a dry sentence: "... a good person, a very good person."

Fei Du didn't interrupt him.

"I don't know what he is pursuing. He is a big man who looks no less ugly than anyone else. He does n’t even have a family. He lives in a small broken house by himself. Mom sent some, and the rest seemed to be scattered to various people who had nothing to do with him. I could n’t spend a few dollars myself. I occasionally saw his friends come and sit down, and when he said something, he would call him. There are a lot of people, and there are all kinds of mess, and he often comes to him to fight the autumn wind. He even cares about them. Just like the whole Yancheng is covered by him ... In fact, he is nothing, and he has to ride a bicycle to work. "

The book says, "The big heroes are for the country and the people." What kind of heroes is Gu Zhao?

Poor man? Sour man? Singles? Or clanging bicyclists?

Xiao Haiyang stopped his mouth suddenly, and stretched out his hand to cover half of his face. "I'm not punching, I just think ..."

"I feel like I can do nothing," Feidu said without hesitation. "When you need him, he comes forward, and when he needs you, you can't do anything."

Somehow this sentence got into Xiao Haiyang's heart, his shoulders curled up, and the "adult" shell, which had been so hard to maintain for many years, suddenly collapsed, revealing the little boy who looked through the door slit in horror 14 years ago.


"Where are you so many sorry?" Fei Du didn't pick him up and down, a cool sentence brought Xiao Haiyang back to reality, "Do you really not know what the Luo team meant to conceal what you did?"

Xiao Haiyang looked at him blankly at first, and after a moment, he suddenly reacted and almost jumped out of his seat: "He ... ah ... that ..."

Fei Du cornered his eyes and stopped the car smoothly: "Here it is, should Wang Xiao's house be here?"

Wang Xiao's home is an old dormitory building in the old city. It is said that there is no property right yet. A paralyzed old lady was sitting in a wheelchair in the doorway to bask in the sun, and the unclean household waste beside her had already raised Lao Gao.

Whenever the family has a little condition, even if the loan has been moved, the rest are basically old, weak, and sick. From the building to the people, there is a lifeless cramp. The small dormitory-like building is a long corridor with poor lighting. When you enter it, it will be dark. The cage-like cottages are lined up along the sides of the corridor. There are more than 20 households on the ground floor. The dense layout allows One thinks of the henhouses one by one.

Feidu carefully bypassed a puddle of unknown liquid on the ground: "Will their family still live here?"

Xiao Haiyang responded reflexively: "Wang Xiao ’s parents have formal jobs. Working in a bus company, the income is actually okay, and they are not idle after work. Helping others to work can also earn pocket money, but for her future Being able to study abroad has not cost me a penny for so many years. "

Fei Du asked casually: "Why have to study abroad?"

"It is said that when she was in junior high school, she was unable to keep up. The school teacher suggested that parents consider letting her give up ordinary high school and go to a technical school to learn a skill. The parents would not do it as soon as they heard it. To pursue a high education, I made a mess with the teacher, and then I did n’t know where to find Yu Fen's International Department. She spent all the down payment that was originally going to buy a house before she passed it on. ”

Fei Du glanced at him.

Xiao Haiyang evaded his sight hurriedly: "Interrogation of the background check done by Yu Fen's female teacher before-204, Wang Xiao's family."

Wang Xiao's parents really did like Xiao Haiyang said. They did n’t want to waste any time. After leaving the city bureau, they probably went straight to the part-time work place. The parents were like two donkeys. Even, tethered to the donkey's tail, they were crawling around and dragged away, rolling unconsciously towards the great future.

Fei Du reached out and knocked on the door.

After a while, the "cat's eye" lens on the door turned black in the middle. Someone should look out carefully behind the door, but there was no movement.

"Is Wang Xiao?" Fei Du opened his mouth very naturally, as if it was not a door panel in front of him, but a living girl. "We came from the city bureau, should you remember this police officer Xiao?"

There was no movement in the room, but the shadow in the center of the "cat's eye mirror" was still there, and the girl should still be behind the door.

Fei Du: "Can I talk to you?"

Wang Xiao remained silent.

Xiao Haiyang would not deal with this situation at least, and looked at Fei Du anxiously.

Fei Du was not surprised: "I know you have something to say in your heart."

Waited for a while, and only heard "click".

However, before a door slit could be pushed open, Fei Du was in Xiao Haiyang's stunned, grasping the door handle from the outside, and closed the door to be closed tightly again.

"Don't open the door," Fei Du said, drawing a pen from his coat pocket, plucking out an advertising leaflet inserted in the door, writing his phone number on it, and shoving it under the door. "I haven't taught you to open the door to strangers when you are alone at home? It's not safe-this is my phone. Officer A and I will go to your backyard and wait. You can see us through the window. , Just call this number if you want to talk, okay? "

Half of the leaflet with the phone in it was shoved into the room and half exposed, and after a while, the paper was slowly pulled in.

Fei Du gave Xiao Haiyang a look, and went out, Xiao Haiyang quickly followed, and ran outside, Xiao Haiyang could not help but whispered and asked, "Why not let her open the door?"

"Two basically strange men knock on the door. Little girls with big hearts will hesitate before opening the door, let alone a girl like Wang Xiao. She can't let us both in, and there must be a security chain in the room." Fei Du was The cold wind outside the building swept away, and immediately took a nap, entangled three layers of the scarf loose around the neck, "I guess she wanted to send us away through the door gap."

Xiao Haiyang still didn't understand--what's the difference between talking through a door slit and calling through a window? After all, the corridor is relatively warm.

"In the corridor, the residents are so dense, the walls do n’t know how many ears, Wang Xiao is in a stressful state of stress, and he will not say anything. Give her the phone, and her initiative will be with her-and Their home has security windows like this. Looking out of the window, the house itself will increase her sense of security. The door that goes in and out every day has no psychological hint. "

With every pause of punctuation marks in Fei Du, Xiao Haiyang nodded like the elementary school student who listened carefully. He had completely forgotten that not long ago, when Fei duo held a message on a phone and held him out, he even scolded it Shameless.

The two came to the inaccessible backyard, and when it was about 30 to 40 meters away from the small building, Feidu stood still, and no longer approached. Sure enough, they didn't stand for long, and Feidu's phone rang. .

Fei Du glanced up, there were curtains on the back window of 204, and there were unnatural folds in the corners of the heavy curtains. Apparently someone was hiding behind them, and opened the curtains a little to peer out. He picked up a pair of earphones on the phone with Xiao Haiyang.

"Hey ..." The girl's hoarse voice came through the headphone cable. Although she was still tense, she had taken the initiative to speak, "My parents have gone to the city bureau in the morning."

"We've seen it," Fei Du said, "but I still want to talk to you."

"I ... I have nothing to say," Wang Xiao said softly, "I have answered everything that should be answered, and I don't know anything else, so you can leave without any other things."

Fei Du said that the telephone can alleviate Wang Xiao's nervousness, but it increased Xiao Xiaohai's nervousness. He was almost forced to get out of the phone phobia. He always felt that he was out of breath, and the other party might hang up the phone, and even rob him when it was No chance.

Fei Du did not directly ask her key questions, saying only: "Do you know that Xia Xiaonan has been selected as the 'Deer' this year. If you don't run, will you be bullied for a while in the future?"

"... I know, Feng Bin said."

Fei Du: "Do you have a relationship with Feng Bin and Xia Xiaonan, are you friends?"

"No," Wang Xiao said for a while, then said, "I said a few words with Xia Xiaonan. The relationship is normal, Feng Bin is not familiar. I am very lonely at school, not flattering, no friends."

Fei Du raised his head slightly and smiled at the closed window of 204: "Since the relationship is ordinary, then why would you go with them this time? If Xia Xiaonan replaced your position, those who bully you will shift their interests to With her, your life will be much better. Why did you not tell others when you learned that they were leaving? "

Suddenly Wang Xiao didn't say anything, but unexpectedly Xiao Haiyang didn't hang up.

Fei Du breathed a sigh of relief and slowly said, "Sometimes, people's thoughts are actually not free, because foreign objects no longer try to shape you all the time. They force you to accept the mainstream aesthetics and the people who have the loudest voice. Opinion-even if it's illogical, not human, and totally contrary to your interests. "

Wang Xiao breathed softly, as if crying.

"But as long as you are still alive, you will always try to make a faint sound," Fei Du stared at the curtain of 204, as if it were the girl's face. "Before, she told you to follow Feng Bin and try to resist, Try to protect a classmate who doesn't have a good relationship with you, now? Does she want to make the bad guys pay? "

"Wang Xiao," Fei Du whispered, "when they locked you outside the bedroom building, were you forced to go to the boy's bedroom? Has anyone hurt you?"

Xiao Haiyang's heart referred to his throat.

I don't know how long it took before the **** the phone made a faint sound.

She said, "... No."

Xiao Haiyang's heart fell back, and his heart, lungs and lungs hurt together. Fei Du sighed silently and lowered his eyes.

"I ... I ..." Wang Xiao breathed breathlessly. "No, but I have heard of that person ..."

Fei Du froze and asked, "Which?"

"The man who killed Feng Bin, the ... killer."

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