Silent Reading
Chapter 119 Table of contents

Xiao Haiyang had a sincere and solemn expression, and Fei Du had no choice but to take a sip of wine, and swallowed it with gas.

He slowly paced to sit down on the other corner of the sofa, stretched out his long legs and sat down: "There is monitoring around the scenic spot, and Lu Guosheng's physical characteristics have not changed much over the years. He knew before he started It does n’t make much sense to wear the gloves. I do n’t think that a person has been hiding for fifteen years. He does n’t necessarily yearn for freedom. He usually wears gloves. Be careful, because once exposed, he will be followed by the public security system. The day of the killing was different. The day he knew he must have someone to cope with, he could enjoy the killing process, and then he could escape. "

For a wanted man with several lives on his back, Lu Guosheng didn't care to carry one more, as long as the police couldn't catch him.

"A notorious, well-identified wanted man is standing in front of Skynet, and it is undoubtedly a good shield for the employer behind him."

In terms of serious matters, Xiao Haiyang's brain was not slow, and he nodded immediately: "I understand ... but there is still a contradiction. He killed the boy, searched the girl's cell phone, and let her go. This Why is that? Doesn't he know that the police will definitely interrogate Xia Xiaonan? In this way, his hard-covered employer will not be exposed? "

Fei Du didn't answer for a moment. In the silence, Luo Yigu slammed into his side, put his head on his thigh, found the source of heat, and fell asleep on him shortly after.

There are many reasons why Lu Guosheng did not kill Xia Xiaonan-it may be the employer's request, maybe Xia Xiaonan who betrayed Feng Bin was treated by the murderer behind the scenes; maybe because she is beautiful, she wants to treat her as a precious "booty" and is unwilling to kill Maybe the frivolous "employer" naively believes that as long as the threat is in place, the girl can shut up and the police can't judge anything.

It may also be the cause of Lu Guosheng. After all, none of the victims in his heavy blood debts are women. Some perverted homicide mental states are difficult to be judged by normal logic. They will be ruthless and ruthless at the same time. Deep-seated psychological reasons are tender to people with certain characteristics. These were unknown until Lu Guosheng was caught alive.

The only thing that can be determined is that if Xia Xiaonan also died in the trash can, the bodies of the teenage girls will be found together. By then the girl's cell phone will be searched. No one will know that one of the victims was also involved. It seemed like an unfortunate accident. At most, the police who couldn't catch the wanted criminals were dragged out to condemn them. Now, all kinds of coincidences have caused this supposedly impeccable murder ... It happened in Zhou's case. Not long after.

If "those people" were so easy to make mistakes, they would have been hit by a net, and it would be impossible to be active until now.

It was not until the evening twilight that Luo Wenzhou came back with Tao Ran. They hit a car and carried a lot of hot pot materials in large bags, as if planning to organize a weekend party during overtime.

Xiao Haiyang watched Luo Wenzhou take the key to open the door, stepped on his shoe and kicked it next to the shoe cabinet, and finally hesitated. He couldn't find the North to think: "Who is this?"

Tao Ran smiled and handed Fei Du an opaque canvas pocket: "Xiao Xiao is here for dinner?"

Xiao Haiyang: "..."

He wanted to leave several times this afternoon, and Fei Du made him "wait again". Xiao Haiyang was expecting someone to arrange a secret investigation, but waited for a hot pot!

Xiao Haiyang: "That ... I'm here ..."

Fei Du opened the cloth pocket that Tao Ran handed him and glanced at it. He saw that there was a small, black instrument--an anti-eavesdropping device!

"He's here to check." Fei Du knew, interrupting Xiao Haiyang's voice with a little carelessness, "I also intend to apologize to you, saying that yesterday shouldn't speak badly in public, hit the boss. I bought two bags of imported cat food deliberately, right?

Xiao Haiyang: "..."

Cat food was bought by Fei Du in the supermarket downstairs. Although Xiao Haiyang was confused at this time, he closed his mouth and said nothing because of the blind trust that Fei Du had established all day.

"Import?" Luo Wenzhou glanced at Xiao Haiyang. "Our family is a Chinese idyllic cat. Do n’t eat imported food. Feed the wrong food and watch out for the elderly ..."

Before he finished speaking, when he looked up, he saw Luo Yiguo squinting and shaking his tail and chewing his head. From the perspective of his body language, he felt quite happy, and did not mean to smash the pot and bowl.

Luo Wenzhou: "..."

This little animal that eats inside and outside!

The hot pot materials are ready-made, so there is no need to deal with it, even junior players like Fei Du can handle it.

Tao Ran and Xiao Haiyang set up a hot pot and boiled the ingredients first, sat down and chatted, and watched Luo Yi pot at any time, and Fei Du went to the kitchen to help wash vegetables.

As soon as his forefoot came into the kitchen, Luo Wenzhou sniffed gently: "Did you drink?"

"..." Fei Du was caught off guard by surprise, because he did not expect that a man living with a solid freshener would have such a smart smell, and immediately denied it, "Don't drink, grape juice."

Luo Wenzhou swayed left and right twice, observed where Tao Ran and Xiao Haiyang were sitting in the restaurant, and then unexpectedly raised his hands and pressed Fei Du to a visual dead end. He tasted it in his mouth. .

The kitchen door was half open, and Tao Ran and Xiao Haiyang could see with a probe. Fei Du could even hear the low voice of the two of them. The sudden attack of Luo Wenzhou's kiss was extremely barren and almost anxious. Compared with the "easy and pleasant" hot pot dinner at this time.

Probably no one can be truly calm when facing the knife coming from behind.

In winter, the weather is dry, and his lips are fragile. Fei Du hissed, and he slightly opened his side. He grabbed Luo Wenzhou's hand, and said inaudibly in his ear: "Baby, bite the bleeding, and you will You have to carry me out. "

Luo Wenzhou had already obtained the identification result and slap him angrily: "I carried you out-didn't drink? Do you have the truth in your mouth?"

Fei Du tilted his head and covered his unrepentant smile, and gently licked Luo Wenzhou's earlobe. While he was agitating, holding the washed mushrooms steady, he floated away.

The bottom of the pot has already exuded a very aggressive hot pot flavor. The various meats and seafood lined up on the spacious dining table looked very rich. Luo Yi pot followed the fragrance and was so anxious that it screamed and went back and forth under the table. After turning around, the four of them were all solemn.

"Who said you weren't in the group? Isn't it to be in the group to eat hot pot with us after work? Xiao Xiao, don't resist. People and people are cooked together after two meals. We have to go to work tomorrow. Today we Just eat well, substitute tea for a drink-toast. "Tao Ran's voice seemed to have a smile, but there was no smile on his face. He took the anti-eavesdropping device quite seriously and looked up at Luo Wenzhou than Made a "ready" gesture.

Xiao Haiyang raised the two porcelain cups expressionlessly beside him, and stunned himself.

The dry pot was bubbling, and the indicator light flashed slightly, sending out an invisible scanning signal.

Luo Wenzhou took the detector of the anti-eavesdropping device and stood up: "This is a thing of the past, Xiao Haiyang, the boss is not a young person, and pay attention when talking outside, not everyone will tolerate you like me-I go See if the noodles are soaked. "

With that said, he took the detector and patrolled inside and outside the house, carefully examining even a few pairs of shoes next to the shoe cabinet at the door.

"Fei Du, can you stop playing with your mobile phone? How much money do you have to make without even having a good meal?"

Tao Ran heard what he meant, and immediately answered: "Everyone shuts down-we also learn from the Internet, and we ’re all together, no one is allowed to move, who ca n’t help but move today, and today ’s meal The cost of money was reimbursed. "

Fei Du did not know where to turn out a dozen special material paper bags that can isolate the signal, gathered everyone's phone closed, and pierced the bag.

As Luo Wenzhou approached the entrance, the red light suddenly turned on.

Luo Wenzhou's face changed suddenly, Tao Ran immediately turned on the TV sound. Several people watched the indicator on the anti-eavesdropping instrument-walking towards Luo Wenzhou, it dangled very steadily. After a while, Luo Wenzhou was hanging from the hanger. Removed the broken briefcase that Tao Ran carried on his back. In the deafening sound of TV music, he opened Tao Ran's bag from the inside and clasped against the inner bag. There was an eavesdropper.

The four people exchanged their gazes silently on the little thing. Only Luo Yiguo's attention was still on the food. When he ignored no one, he made a long unhappy noise.

When Luo Wenzhou's eyes moved, he came up with a bag and struck Luo Yi pot with one hand. Luo Yi pot hangs on all four feet. I don't know what's wrong with shoveling **** and screamed with a small throat.

Luo Wenzhou sipped a glass of boiling water in the cat's scream and poured it into the eavesdropper. "Doraemon", the old leather on the briefcase gave a strange smell, and the anti-eavesdropping device flashing red was quiet. Came down.

For a while, no one snored. Luo Wenzhou let go of the back potman Luo Yiguo and took the lead to break the silence: "Tao Tao, you have been carrying this bag for ten years. You can sew two layers of thread with a zipper. It's almost time to change. I have a few new ones. You can see which one you like in a moment, and pick whatever you want. "

Tao Ran smiled reluctantly: "Okay, get me the most expensive one."

Xiao Haiyang: "Who is it?"

Tao Ran has calmed down from the initial shock. He drank the herbal tea in one sip: "Everyone is possible. I don't have anything valuable in my bag. I usually don't care about it. I usually just throw it away-crowded on the subway. People, places of various packages, acquaintances, informants, witnesses, victims who have met recently ... are not without opportunities, they may not be their own. "

"Indeed," Feidu hurriedly put a few pieces of meat into the hot pot. "If it were me, I would install the eavesdropping device on Lao Luo, at least one of you."

Luo Wenzhou's office is also basically a public space. His things are littered in the city bureau. If a colleague lacks change to buy cigarettes, he can spit out the change directly from his bag.

If they are members of the criminal investigation team, there are almost no obstacles to doing both hands and feet.

Luo Wenzhou exhaled for a long time, his voice was almost low to drown in the water vapor: "Lao Yang's last post mentioned the '327 case' and Gu Zhao, so this person should be at the same time as them ... or even earlier, It is likely that this is a highly respected and old leader, and this is why they set up their base camp locally. "

Xiao Haiyang looked at this blankly, and then looked at that: "Where, which old Yang? What are you talking about?"

Tao Ran asked Luo Wenzhou a questioning glance.

Luo Wenzhou reached out and took a photo on Xiao Haiyang's shoulder, and briefly introduced: "This two-five-five was raised by Gu Zhao, and is considered a senior and the victim's family."

Fei Du shrugged: "Then I am a criminal and family member of the betrayal."

"Tao Ran and I are tracing the truth about Lao Yang's death three years ago." Luo Wenzhou said, "Some time ago, the master gave Lao Yang's posthumous writing to us-now everyone's information is different. Everyone eats each other Just breathe. "

They are like a group of people groping forward in the dark, or out of selfishness or justice, by chance, they embarked on this path to find the abyss, stumbled, closed their eyes and traveled so far. At this moment, all the starting points The path that is different from the end point finally meets at the same point, shimmering with the flickering light in the vast expanse, looming the shape of the abyss.

"I can detain Wei Wenchuan and his son temporarily," Luo Wenzhou said, "but it won't be long, because we don't have any evidence on hand, and Wei Wenchuan is a minor. They also know in their hearts, so they are very fearless, time is tight, next step What should we do? It is not convenient to directly investigate what you said as “Beiyuan Longyun City”. I checked that the entire building was built by Wei Zhanhong and is their own industry. It is theoretically possible to call the nearby monitoring, but You need to apply for inspection and monitoring, and you must have a valid reason. I ca n’t just adjust it secretly. If there are so many people in the team, even if the “worm” in Tao Ran ’s bag is not lost, it ’s hard to keep it secret. Don't leak the news until you can hit it seven inches in a single stroke. "

Tao Ran: "What about the informant?"

"Can the informant trust it?" Xiao Haiyang asked. "Three teachings and nine streams do everything. You don't know who he is in contact with, and what benefits he receives. Uncle Gu had an accident that year. I suspect it was him. The informant has ghosts. "

At this time, Fei Du, who had not been silent, suddenly said, "My people can use it."

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