Silent Reading
Chapter 123 Table of contents

Fei Du stood in the narrow stairwell in the basement. This place made him unpleasant, but he was still within the tolerance range, so he didn't speak up, just frowned for a moment: "The driver just said that Lu Guosheng often took his car in private Then, before I went to Long Yuncheng, I also acted privately? Although these little people, although they have trackers on their bodies, they are not usually controlled so strictly. After all, they are the ones who really have no choice but to ask for 'organization' to keep— —But why did he delay for a while today, and the other party reacted so much? 'Those people' know that we are following Lu Guosheng? "

Luo Wenzhou was silent for a long time, and his heart began to sink. He suspected that this time they might receive another dead body without evidence.

At this time, his cell phone rang and received a message from Xiao Haiyang--

Xiao Haiyang was sitting in the corner of the conference room of the Municipal Bureau. The name "Police Reception Staff" was actually a three-word "reader" that did not leave "we have rules." The angry parents blushed and thickened their necks. If it were not for the city council, they would have attacked the police.

However, the real task of small glasses is actually only one, is to keep an eye on Wei Zhanhong.

At the moment when Wei Zhanhong took out his mobile phone, Xiao Haiyang instinctively felt bad. He had no time to think about it. He immediately put his hand into the table and opened a miniature signal shield.

The moment Wei Zhanhong pressed "Send", the mobile phone signal was cut off suddenly, the information was improperly stuck in the middle, and he circled anxiously, showing that the transmission failed.

Wei Zhanhong lowered his face and glanced around subconsciously, but there was no difference. Only impatient parents surrounded a young person in charge of the left branch and right side—oh, there was a four-eyed policeman in the corner—Wei Zhanhong He glanced at Xiao Haiyang and didn't take him seriously.

The little glasses followed the children who wore the wrong adult clothes and ran for soy sauce. The whole person was still awkwardly studentish. He could not hold a fart on his three feet, and knew that he was holding a notebook and sitting side by side.

Wei Zhanhong felt that he was overly suspicious, and it was common for signals to be bad in buildings. He took a deep breath, calmed himself, and walked calmly toward the door of the conference room.

A watchman at the door stopped him quickly when he saw: "Sir, where are you going, we can help ..."

"I'll go to the bathroom," Wei Zhanhong interrupted him with a smile on his skin. "Why are you afraid I'll run away? Where can I go if my son is holding you? Or do we go in here and go there? Someone has to follow the toilet? Then I suggest you better arrest us by handcuffs. "

The tone of his last sentence was deliberately raised, and several parents around him heard it, and it became even more heated.

Taking advantage of the shift on duty, Wei Zhanhong closed his face and smiled coldly, glanced at him coldly, and strode to the bathroom on the other side of the corridor.

The corridors of the Municipal Bureau are thin and narrow, and the windows are very unflattering. When you look at it, you feel awkward. Wei Zhanhong always feels that the closed doors and windows block the light and the signal together. He looked dignified, took the mobile phone all the way to the bathroom, and wandered around until he was near the window, and there was only a faint signal in the mobile phone.

Wei Zhanhong was close to the window and was trying to resend. Suddenly, in the corner of his eye, he saw a dark shadow on the window. Wei Zhanhong was surprised, and turned his head sharply. Who knows the neck on the other side? The Ministry was hit by a heavy hand knife--

Xiao Haiyang, who just raised the iron trash can above his head: "..."

A hand knife stunned Lang Qiao of Wei Zhanhong: "..."

Lang Qiao responded first, staring at the big bull's eye, and lowering his voice, asking, "Xiao Haiyang, what are you doing?"

The signal blocker was one of the gadgets that Luo Wenzhou threw to him when he was leaving. Xiao Haiyang opened it at the time, but it was a subconscious act. Later, he saw that Wei Zhanhong hurriedly left the conference room and drilled to a place where no one was. Contact your associates.

Luo Wenzhou and Fei Du were not there. Tao Ran was entangled. Xiao Haiyang was unable to help himself. He was in a hurry, regardless of the consequences. Seeing that he had found a signal, Xiao Haiyang picked up a small iron trash can, so Stun Wei Zhanhong on the spot.

Who knew that he hadn't prepared for the hitting position and proper strength, Lang Qiao would not know where to come out, and knocked Wei Zhanhong down.

"What are you trying to do?" Xiao Haiyang asked rhetorically, "This is a men's bathroom!"

Lang Qiao: "..."

At the request of Tao Ran, Lang Qiaogang and several students in Wei Wenchuan's class inquired about who was going to Wei Wenchuan's birthday party. He planned to go to Tao Ran to report and saw Xiao Haiyang walk into the bathroom.

Xiao Haiyang ’s limb movements were too tight and aggressive, as if he was going to seek revenge. Lang Qiao felt really strange, could not help but risk the eye of a long needle, and glanced at it as he passed. A glimpse of the scene in which he raised a trash can to give people a scoop.

The two eyes stared at each other for a moment, and then they looked down at Wei Zhanhong who fainted.

Lang Qiao muttered, "Isn't this the bastard's parent?"

Xiao Haiyang ignored her, and quickly picked up Wei Zhanhong's phone while she was in lock screen.

See the above message without a comment number: "There is a ghost in the young master's birthday party, when and where?"

Wei Zhanhong failed to send a successful message in one shot: "'11 .6 ', Long Yuncheng."

Xiao Haiyang's mind suddenly changed, and his brain was almost overloaded—

According to Wei Zhanhong's answer, it is inferred that "Young Master" should refer to Wei Wenchuan, but what does "have a ghost" mean?

Is this "ghost" talking about Lu Guosheng?

If so, how does that tone look like this ... What happened when Lu Guosheng and Wei Wenchuan met in private in Long Yuncheng? Wei Zhanhong didn't know it!

By the way, he thought, it made sense.

Lu Guosheng paid attention to covering his whereabouts that day, and told his associates to dodge surveillance. He was not afraid of the police at all. Long Yuncheng's surveillance was not Skynet equipment. That was Wei Zhanhong's site. How could Wei Zhanhong honestly hand over the monitoring records to the police? I am afraid it is the most likely to be erased the first time.

If he is afraid of the police, he can contact Wei Zhanhongshan. Therefore, it is likely that Lu Guosheng came out to meet someone privately for some reason. He didn't want the organization to know about it. He also found a partner to co-operate. The partner's car, Wei Zhanhong, should be recognized. But he was cautious, leaving no license plate.

What "anti-reconnaissance"-they were apathetic for a long time.


It's not a day or two since the beginning of November, and those people haven't noticed that Lu Guosheng had contacted Wei Wenchuan in private. Why did he know it at this juncture?

Xiao Haiyang bit his lips subconsciously, and a pair of iron teeth and copper teeth bit his lips out of blood.

The photo and identity of the wanted criminal Lu Guosheng has not been released to the public. The police only showed the photos to a few children who had run away with Feng Bin when they started investigating Feng Bin's case.

And Wang Xiao and Zhang Yifan, except for the victim Feng Bin, were not eligible for Wei Wenchuan's invitation, and they were not in Longyun City that day. Those who have been to Longyun City before the incident are now basically waiting for questioning at the municipal bureau. This time the police focused on bullying on campus and did not ask them about Lu Guosheng.

In other words, unless the person in question, Wen Wenchuan, knows a wicked wanted man and buys / murders his classmates—otherwise, I am afraid that only Wang Xiao will be able to connect the birthday party that day with Feng Bin ’s murder by chance. Together.

This key piece of information was only asked by Fei Du and Xiao Haiyang by accident the night before. From yesterday to now, if no one was accidentally tapped or leaked, only four of them should know.

What went wrong?

Does the other party already know everything? Then will they throw Lu Guosheng's body as a gecko's tail and throw off his arm again to make them die without proof?

Xiao Haiyang was upset for a while, and the more nervous he became, the more confused he became.

At that moment, Lang Qiao glanced at the phone page: "Birthday party? Is Wei Wenchuan's birthday party? It was originally held here."

Xiao Haiyang looked back at her in surprise.

"Tao Ran asked me to deal with the problem teenagers. I asked them who had been to Wei Wenchuan's birthday party." Lang Qiao said.

Xiao Haiyang froze for a moment, what he thought, his pupils shrank: "Where did you ask, how did you ask?"

"Interrogation room, just 203," Lang Qiao said, "Just ... I said something to everyone at the end of the interview-Vice President Tao didn't tell me what to do with this."

"Everyone you asked?" Xiao Haiyang asked urgently, "Did you mention the time and place? Did anyone answer your student mention it?"

"I have asked everything except Wei Wenchuan," Lang Qiao raised his chin toward the information on the screen of the mobile phone. "No one mentioned the time and place. What happened to me just now when I saw you?"

Xiao Haiyang took a breath and turned out to be here!

If it was one of the four of them who leaked the secret, or more absolutely-someone followed him and Fei Du to Wang Xiao ’s house the night before, and learned this information from Wang Xiao ’s mouth, then the time and place, and the appearance of Lu Guosheng The facts are obvious, there is no need to ask Wei Zhanhong temporarily!

So it was Lang Qiao's question that caused suspicion. Someone eavesdropped on her questioning process!

Xiao Haiyang's heart was beating wildly, his mind was blank for three seconds, and then he bit his tongue sharply and returned to his mind—no, not to panic, the other party just heard Lang Qiao repeatedly asking an irrelevant birthday Yes, I became suspicious. I didn't really know what Lu Guosheng and Wei Wenchuan had personally touched. The word "have a ghost" may refer to "out of order" and "abnormal situation".

He repeatedly read "Calm" to himself in his heart, then took Wei Zhanhong's mobile phone, carefully deleted the word "Long Yuncheng", hesitated, and changed the address to "Fengqi City" ".

"Feng Qicheng" is in Nancheng, also Wei Zhanhong's industry, and "Longyun City" one south and one north, which is exactly a big diagonal line, which takes the meaning of a dragon and a phoenix. Xiao Haiyang couldn't sleep the night before. He searched for Wei Zhanhong's information on the Internet and remembered it.

At this time, Xiao Haiyang didn't know that the driver who was suddenly missing from the hive touched the nervous side of the other party. He just wanted to chat better than giving up a little false information. Although Wei Wenchuan hadn't been to Fengqi City, the other party might know that it wasn't right after checking. But at least I can confuse them for a while.

Anyway, I can only hope that Luo Wenzhou moves fast enough.

Seeing that the message was sent successfully, Xiao Haiyang sighed, and then he took out his mobile phone and sent a message to Luo Wenzhou: "On November 6, Wei Wenchuan invited several students to dinner in Fengqi City."

If Luo Wenzhou received this information, he should be able to infer a lot of information. If his mobile phone is passive, the other party will not see the flaw.

Lang Qiao could not find North: "You are in contact with the boss? What's the situation? Where did the boss go today?"

Xiao Haiyang glanced at her without saying a word. After sending the message, he picked up Wei Zhanhong's cell phone and planned to push him into the cubicle. However, the surname Wei looked thin, and the weight was not too light. He was so awkward that he was awake, but thankfully Lang Qiao came up to make up for it again.

Xiao Haiyang looked at her with a complex look: "You don't know anything, why would you help me?"

Lang Qiao: "I won't help you, can you move?"

Xiao Haiyang: "..."

Lang Qiao gave him a white look, spit his breath, and said in his heart: This waste.

Then she bent over and picked up Wei Zhanhong's two legs, and Xiao Haiyang lifted people into the cubicle and tied them together.

"If you don't want to tell me," Lang Qiao did not go to work on the first day, and knew that some investigations might be kept secret for a certain time and within a certain range. Although it was still unpleasant to be excluded, she reached out and ordered Xiao Haiyang. As a suspect, I certainly believe in my colleagues who work with me more often, but if you let me believe the wrong person, you should be careful about me and I will kill you.

Having said that, she walked out of the men's bathroom and looked around the door, making sure that no one saw her before she planned to sneak away.

"Hey," Xiao Haiyang suddenly called her, "the 203 ... It seemed like the last time Luo Huanjin was also there. When you use that room, speak carefully."

The scene where driver Sun Jiaxing was **** has been dealt with cleanly. Fei Du's man opened the car's four doors and left it under the viaduct. The driver's uniform and tracker were neatly placed there, and a print was printed on it. The "resignation letter" looks like he escaped by himself.

Not long after they retreated, another group of people came here. Several men got out of the car and inspected Sun Jiaxing's black Buick inside and out.

Suddenly, one of them pressed the headset: "Feng Qicheng? Got it."

He said, quickly took out his mobile phone and looked up, shook his head after a moment, and said to the person in the headset: "Sun Xin should not have been to Chengnan recently. There is a letter of resignation on the car. This person may have run by himself. Do you want to keep track of his whereabouts ... OK, okay, yes, we'll go back. "

The man in headphones waved his hand, and the people around him were well trained to drive away the abandoned black car.

Fei Du frowned and glanced at Luo Wenzhou's cell phone: "What does that brother Xiao mean?"

Luo Wenzhou stared at the message sent by Xiao Haiyang for a while: "I don't know, there is too little information, I can't judge it now ... So where is Lu Guosheng hiding? Hurry up, no matter how lucky you are, no matter what, Fight anyway. "

"This place must be connected to the hive," Fei Du quickly said, "but it must not be nearby. They are so rich, they have three caves, and it is impossible to dig a hill."

Luo Wenzhou immediately followed his thoughts: "So going from the hive to Lu Guosheng's hiding place will likely require transportation."

"But the transportation is not a welcome car," Fei Du said. "The driver named Sun just didn't lie. They went from the hiding place to the hive, and then from the hive to other places. These are two lines, and they should be kept confidential. "Otherwise, the firewall would be meaningless, and the driver of the welcome car would not know where it is."

It is too luxurious and unrealistic to have a car for one person, and it will increase the possibility of leaking a lot.

Wanted criminals who dare not even leave their fingerprints can not rest assuredly take public transportation all day, so ...

"What did the driver say just now? Lu Guosheng's pseudonym is Lu Lin, and his fake identity is the maintenance electrician of the hive-isn't it?" Fei Du suddenly stood up. "Employee ... is it possible that the employee shuttle?"

Luo Wenzhou froze.

Fei Du didn't wait for him to answer, he had taken out his mobile phone and dialed a number: "Is it, are there still the brothers who just came in ... I know you won't listen to my obedience to withdraw-- Then please do me a favor and sneak in to check the bus shuttle routes and routes for me. "

At the same time, in Fengcheng City, Nancheng, a few serious people broke into the surveillance security room. The manager did not dare to ask questions when he saw the people in the head office.

"I want to monitor on November 6-which private room did Wei Wenchuan order at the time?"

"Wei, Wei Wenchuan?" The manager scrambled to help people adjust the monitoring, while asking someone to check the consumption records in the private room.


The secretary rushed with unknown sweat: "Manager, Mr. Xiao Wei hasn't been to us recently."

The manager angered, "I didn't ask you to check recently, let you check last month ..."

"November 6th," the secretary whispered, "I found December from October 6th, and none."

The manager's eyes narrowed and he was about to say something, but the man hurried to monitor next to him changed his face, and strode out.

A complete shuttle route map was received on Fei Du ’s mobile phone: "I see, go—"

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