Sha Po Lang
Chapter 1 Table of contents

There is a "General Slope" in the town of Yanbian in the border town. The name is very powerful. It is actually a small earthen bag. The long neck can look over the top of the slope.

The general's **** is not always there. It is said that fourteen years ago, the first iron horse of the first beam of the girders was attacked by the three battalions of the sacred iron, and the eighteen tribes of the squadrons were swayed. When the class returned to the DPRK, they went to the city and abandoned the waste. The land fell into a hill, and later the dust was blowing, and the wind and the rain hit it, and it became the general slope.

The general **** is a sloping slope. Whatever is not growing, even the wild grass is not owed, and the affair is not covered. It is barely located here, and I don’t know what to do. The old man said that this is because the Xuan Tie battalion is too heavy and arrogant. After a long time, there are those who have nothing to do with the confession as a prototype, and arranged a series of haunted ghosts. Over time, no one went there.

At dusk this day, there were two young nephews who came to the generals.

These two tall and tall, a short fat man, together look like a pair of running tableware.

The tall and tall one is dressed as a little girl. I have to look carefully before I know that it is a male baby. The little name is called Cao Niangzi. Because the fortune teller said that he was a female life and cast the wrong child. I am afraid that God will call back to re-return. When he voted, he was worried that he would not live long, so he had been a daughter.

The chunky one is the younger son of Ge Butcher. The little name is fat and fat, and the person is as famous. The whole person is faintly glazed with a layer of rich oil.

The two of them went to the general's **** probe to explore the brain, but only because of the haunted legend, no one dared to approach.

Ge Fat’s little hand held a bronze skin of “Thousands of Eyes” and stretched his neck to look in the direction of General’s slope. He whispered in his mouth: “You said that the sun is falling, not going down, my big brother is really...that What is it called - hang up!"

Cao Niangzi: "That is called a cantilever, don't talk nonsense, give me clairvoyance."

This fake girl often does fake drama, but unfortunately the direction is a bit of a problem, unlike the show, like a shrew, especially love to wave a pair of chicken paws.

As soon as he reached out, the fat fat of Ge Fat’s body was faintly painful. He was busy offering a thousand-eyed eye and shouted: "You can be careful. If it breaks, I will try to make me a pie."

The so-called "Clairvoyance" is a small round clam made of copper. It is surrounded by "five bats". Inside is a glass piece that is so transparent that it is buckled on the eyes. The rabbits that are ten miles away can see the male and female.

This little extraordinarily exquisite is left by his grandfather who was a scout.

Cao Niangzi took it for a long time in her hand and raised it to look at the stars: "It’s clear."

Ge Fat Xiao looked at him with his gaze and pointed out: "I know, that is called the faint star, also called "Chang Geng", the same name as my older brother, Mr. Shen taught, I remember."

Cao Niangzi grinned: "Whoever is your big brother? You look at people to care about you, squinting and chasing people to recognize big brothers, seeing you swearing... Hey, wait, see if that is him? "

Ge Fat Xiao looked at the direction of his finger, it was really.

I saw a teenager squatting on the sword, bowed his head, and slowly walked down the general's slope. Ge fat was not afraid of being haunted at once, and rushed out like a mine: "Big brother, big brother!"

He ran too fast, and was smashed at the foot of the general's slope. He rolled out and rolled to the young boy's feet.

Ge fat little gray head raised his face and looked up. He didn't look up and climbed up. He smiled charmingly and smirked and said, "Hey, big brother, I am waiting for you for a day."

The boy named Chang Geng silently retracted and stepped on the fat foot of Ge.

Every time I saw Ge fat, he felt magic in his heart. He thought that the Ge butcher who had killed a thousand pigs might be a natural eye. For so many years, he did not even regard his son as a pig. However, Chang Geng’s character is steady and his mouth is very good. No matter what he thinks in his heart, he doesn’t say anything to hurt people.

Chang Geng had a big brother and reached out to help Ge Fat Xiao, and took the floating soil on his body: "What are you running, watching you break, looking for me?"

Ge Fatxiao: "Chang Geng Big Brother, you will come back soon tomorrow, we are not going to class, are you going to grab the geese food with us? You can definitely beat Li Xiao monkeys!"

Chang Geng is a Xu Baihu - not a relative.

When they were two or three years old, Chang Geng came to this place to go to relatives with the widowed mother, who knows that relatives have already moved home and ran away. Just as the geese returned to the officers and soldiers Xu Baihu, the original match was prematurely dead, no children, no women, and I saw her show, so she came back to fill the house.

Xu Baihu took people out of the customs and collected the old tribute of the barbarians. It is usually these two days when they return to the city.

The border town is bitter, and the children have nothing to lose. Every time the princes return, they will bring some barbarian cheese and dried meat, and scatter along the way to the roadside. Every time they lead the urchins to rob, this is called "grabbing the geese." .

Since it is "grab", a group of young nephews will certainly be inevitably fighting, as long as the fight is not bad, the adults will not care, they will play their own gangs and gangs.

This kind of thing, whoever can pull Chang Geng into the gang, is equivalent to being invincible.

Chang Geng has been meticulous since he was a small martial artist. There are many children in the martial arts. The children of Xiwu are not a minority. They only have to work hard. Most of the children are casually mixed and practiced with two or five eyes. Only Chang Geng began to learn the sword. From then on, he went to the generals to practice swords on his own every day. He has been practicing hard for years and his perseverance is amazing.

Today, Chang Geng is less than fourteen years old, and one hand can already bring up an epee of more than 60 kilograms. Although there are counts, I have never participated in urchin fights, but those little nephews are inexplicably afraid of him.

Chang Geng listened and didn't go to the heart. He smiled and said, "How old are I, what are the geese?"

Ge fat is not refusing to say: "I have said it to Mr. Shen, and Mr. Shen has nodded. Let's take a break from these days."

Chang Geng took his hands and walked slowly, and the epee did not have to knock on the calf, and he ignored the fat little child.

He can't read books, and he doesn't know how to practice his sword. It doesn't matter if he does not take a vacation.

Ge Fatxiao: "Moreover, Mr. Shen said that he wants to change the medicine for the sixteen uncles. In the next few days, he may have to go out to buy herbs, not at home. If you have no place to go, let us go and practice all day. What is the fun of the sword?"

This sentence Chang Geng finally went to the heart, he was the next meal, asked: "16 is not just coming back from Changyang, how is it sick?"

Ge fat little: "Ah... it seems, he has never been better."

"Then I look at him go," Chang Gung waved red two little stooge, "go home, days late, missed the point of the meal your father beat you again."

Ge fat little: "Hey, big brother, that..."

Chang Geng is not interested in listening to him "this" "that" is not finished, the boy is this age, one year old is one year old, the head and the idea are a lot worse, Chang Geng has not been able to play with Ge fat little.

He stared at his long legs and turned away.

The little fat man ran a sigh, didn't ask for someone, sighed in disappointment, and looked back at Cao Niangzi: "You can say something!"

Cao Niangzi’s face was red, her eyes were faint, and she’s already stunned by Ge’s fat screaming. The girl’s arms are spring-like and her chest is like: “My long-growth brother looks better than others.”

Ge Fatxiao: "..."

I can no longer bring this present treasure out.

Ge Fuxiao said that "Shen Shen" and "Sixteen Uncle" are brothers, and they have a long history with Chang Geng.

Two years ago, Chang Geng was still young, and slipped out of the city gate alone. He accidentally lost his way to the wolves and almost was taken away. Fortunately, the Shen brothers traveled here.

Mr. Shen drove away the hungry wolf with powder, and saved him a small life. The two brothers later lived in the town of Yanhui. Xu Baihu rented an empty yard from them and thanked them for their help. They did not accept rent.

The name of his elder brother is Shen Yi. He is a scholar who has not tried many times. Although he is not very old, his heart is full of sorrow. He is a hermit in the place where the bird is not squatting. The neighbors are politely called. He is "Mr. Shen."

In addition to being a hermit, Mr. Shen also serves as a doctor, a couple of letters, a couple of writers, Mr. Xi Xi and a "long arm teacher". He is very versatile and will give people a brutal injury. He will also give birth to a mare and run a private school at home during the day. Teach a young boy to read literacy, and send the students away at night, they can roll up the sleeves to repair the steam lighter, steel armor and various colors, subsidize the home, hidden in the world.

Mr. Shen will have anything, he will make money and he will take care of his family. It is also a good hand to cook and cook. He can do nothing. His brother has nothing to do but he has to be responsible for the defeat. The brother of Mr. Shen is called Shen 16. It is said that it is a bad health from a young age. I am afraid that my family will not raise a large amount of money. I have not given a large size. Because it is the 16th birthday of the first month, I made a name for it.

Shen 16 did not study or work at night, the oil bottle fell down and did not know how to help, even the water did not see him pick, not strolling is drinking, very unskilled, almost no advantage.

In addition to growing well.

It’s really good to grow up. The old Shouxing in the town personally identified it and said that he was ninety years old and had never seen such a neat man.

It’s a pity that it’s useless. When he was a child, he had a serious illness. When a person burned out, his eyes could see the two feet in front of him, leaving ten steps away, even men and women could not tell. He also recited his back and said anything to him. He shouted from Shen’s door every day. Through the courtyard wall, he could hear the gentle and gentle Mr. Shen’s mad dog roaring at him.

All in all, Shen Xie is a sick and awkward scorpion.

According to his conditions, it should have been a unique white face, but unfortunately, in this town, besides the poor, the poor gods, even if there is a fairy, no one can afford it.

According to the local customs, when Da En Dade did not think that he was reporting, he would recognize the relatives, and the children and grandchildren of the children and grandchildren recognized, and did not recognize the children and grandchildren themselves.

The Shen brothers saved Chang Geng from the wolf's mouth, which is a life-saving grace. Chang Geng naturally recognizes one of the two as the righteous father.

Mr. Shen’s reading and reading broke his mind. He insisted that he was unreasonable. He did not dare to accept it. Instead, his brother’s 16th brother was so happy that he changed his voice and called “son” on the spot.

In this way, the Shen Xie that mixed up accounted for a big bargain - if this idle disease sickness will be destitute in the future, Chang Geng will have to give him a pension.

Chang Geng lightly walked through the yard and walked from the corner door to the home of Mr. Shen.

There are two bachelors in the Shen family. There are not even hens. Naturally, there is no need to avoid them. He has always been with him and the door is not knocking.

As soon as I entered the yard, a scent of medicine and a sigh of sighs like a gossamer rushed.

Mr. Shen is frowning in the courtyard. He is a scholar-like youth. He wears an old gown, not old, but always frowns, and has a cold and full of smoke.

The buzzing sound came from the house. The slender figure of the man was blown on the paper window by the dim light. Obviously, the level was not good, and I couldn’t hear what the tone was. There were often one or two sounds that didn’t ring. Mute and dumb throughout, with a strange coolness and burnout.

If it is said that it is music, it may be a little far-fetched, Chang Geng side ear tastes a bit, I feel that if you have to boast, it can only be said that he is very stunned.

Shen Yi heard the footsteps and rushed Chang Geng a smile. Then he rushed to the house and said: "The ancestors, the mouth is under the mouth, the urine will let you blow out, Chang Geng is coming!"

The boastful one turned a deaf ear, and with his ear power, he might not have heard it.

Mr. Shen looks like a dish.

Chang Geng listened to the people who felt that the bragging was still full of anger. Unlike the illness, he put half of his heart and asked: "I listened to Mr. Ge fat novels to change the medicine for sixteen. What happened to him?"

Mr. Shen looked at the color of the medicinal soup. He didn't have a good air. "Nothing, just change the season. The medicine is different at four o'clock. The sick scorpion is delicate and it is difficult to wait very much. Yes, you come right, he doesn't know where to get it today. I want to send you a message tomorrow morning. Go and see."

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