Sha Po Lang
Chapter 12 Table of contents

The barbarians rushed to the nest and moved all over the army to attack the geese back to the city. What is the concept of the sturdy and heavy armor of the girders?

Probably "doing the cream" is not enough. The bone marrow has to be scraped three times.

They had a big warrior with a wolf in the nest, and with a long-planned and heavy armored force, they should be swayed.

Unfortunately, it hit the black iron camp.

The mysterious eagle took advantage of the giant python, and Xuan Jia gave birth to a savage man. Under the acquiescence of Gu Yu, he smashed the northern part of the city. The sun did not fall and the battle was over.

And this is not over yet, Gu Yu cooked the foreign enemies, and even with the speed of lightning, the knife soldiers turned to their own people, stunned everyone shocked the Xuan Tieying Shenwei, took the geese back to the city, Changyangguan, etc. There are more than 60 people in the first line of the Northern Xinjiang. They don’t ask for the indulgence, and they are waiting to be accepted. At one time, the northern Xinjiang is full of wind and the sea is in danger.

Chang Geng and Ge Fatxiao were temporarily placed in the house of Yan Hui’s Guoshou Guo Daren. Guo Daren’s seeing Gu Yu was awkward, and he was afraid of being implicated. I heard that he would take care of the little emperor to know that he had escaped. It’s really I didn’t dare to neglect, and sent two rows to call people. In Chang Geng, they listened to the door of the hospital where they lived, and they only went to the tea to pour water.

Ge fat was dimmed by Chang Geng’s light and enjoyed a royal courtesy.

The little chubby pier came over from the raging horses. When he thought that he would be a broken family, he cried a little, and cried half to think that Chang Geng was just like him. He was lonely and lonely, although he still had a relative like a father, but he was still connected. There is no one in the shadow of the person, and he does not come to see him. He can't help but feel a pity with the same sickness. I am embarrassed to be saddened by Chang Geng.

But no crying and nothing else, Ge fat little licking his fingers, trying to think about the various joints in the middle of the matter, and finally gave up, this matter is too complicated for him, how to think is a pulp Paste, I asked Chang Geng: "Big brother, they said that you are the emperor, is that the show is the queen?"

Chang Geng took half of the "sleeve in the sleeves" in his hand. When he saved the fat, he knocked out the sleeves in the iron wristband, and then sneaked back when he cleaned up the battlefield.

Great iron, sharp and strong is difficult to coexist, the sleeves in the cloud disk buckles even if the iron is cut, but it is not very strong, the tip has been folded in the heavy armor of the barbarians, the hot purple flow financial In one corner, the blade is gone, and it becomes a bare black iron piece.

Chang Geng used a nail to scrape the raised place on the knives, and casually said to Ge Fat’s novel: "The emperor’s son is not all born to the queen. He has a wife, and Xiu Niang is a barbarian. I am not What is the prince, the barbarian woman wants me to pretend to be a prince."

Ge Fatxiao: "..."

The younger son of the butcher’s family listened to this answer. The more and more Zhang’s monk couldn’t figure it out. He opened his mouth and licked the **** for a while. He felt that his big brother was too pitiful. The birds and beasts had parents, but he could not figure it out. My own ins and outs, my parents are like a mess that can't be solved, and I don't know where it is.

Ge Fat’s small letter vowed: "Big brother, you can rest assured that whether you are the emperor is a hundred or a singer, you are my big brother!"

Chang Geng listened. First, he made a mention of the mouth of the mouth. Later, it was about a taste, and finally revealed a faint smile.

Ge Fatxiao: "I will be able to enter the Black Iron Camp in the future."

Chang Geng didn't have time to pick up the phone. Someone outside the house suddenly said: "Xuan Tieying is no more than ordinary soldiers. The daily practice is extremely difficult. Have you suffered?"

When the two teenagers looked up, they saw that Shen Yi pushed the door in.

Shen Yi replaced the terrible black armor, and in the blink of an eye was the mother-in-law, who was covered with a "poor" word, and he walked into the table with two food boxes in his hand: "Day and night, eat Let's go."

Guo Daren is very healthy, and there is only soup and water in the house. The adults will be counted, and one more bite is worth a bite. Where can these half-year-olds suffer? Ge fat Xiaolian drank three bowls of chicken noodle soup, still only felt that a full of water, even a warm winter and cool summer flowers are faint, then open the food box, see the real buns steamed buns With the meat, the eyes are blue, and immediately cheered up, throwing away all the Xuan Tieying and Baitieying.

However, this little fat man is very interesting. Forgot that the world has not forgotten his big brother. He first took a big buns to Chang Geng: "Big brother, you eat."

Chang Geng looked at Shen Yi and saw that he didn't see the person he wanted to see. He suddenly lost his appetite, waved his hand in the lack of interest, and suppressed the loss in his heart. He screamed half-deadly: "Shen General."

"Don't dare to be," Shen Yi looked at his face and knew what he was thinking. If he sat down next to him, he explained: "This time the border guards cleaned up, Gu Dashuai was really divided/bodyless, but his heart was very much Remember to hang, let me take a look."

"His Royal Highness does not dare to act," Chang Geng bowed his head coldly and coldly, and silenced for a while. He said coolly, "Ten... Hou Ye’s day-to-day plan is still frustrating."

Shen Yi smiled and said: "If the marshal knows that His Highness is so in the back, how can he feel sad? But unfortunately, he has something wrong with his heart. He will never say it, he will only change his way to find something else. It’s hard for us to do this.”

Chang Geng did not answer the words. The whole service seemed to be in the hand of the broken knife. He carefully selected a position on it and began to drill holes with nails.

He has a mirror in his heart and does not believe that Shen Yi will be a general subordinate. Even if the micro-service is out of the patrol, can the ordinary subordinates dare to make a safe and boring? Unless it is the old birthday star hanging - live impatient.

No one spoke, and the atmosphere was dying for a while.

Shen Yi faces with a smile, and her heart is awkward, because Chang Geng’s face is completely stunned to Gu Yu’s face. Gu Yu’s **** himself dazed his eyes and pushed him to the top. He said in his heart: "From the day I started the thief ship on the surname Gu, I have not had a good thing."

Shen Yi's family was born, to say it, and Gu Houhou's mother's family is still a little bit close, when the old Houye is still alive, pick him up to stay at the family, Gu Yu's heroic deeds from childhood, there are Shen Yi Half of the military.

Later, Gu Laohou died, and the two went their separate ways. Gu Yu attacked the prince into the palace. Shen Yi went back to take the test of his fame. He just refused to enter the Hanlin Academy after high school. Instead, he looked at the madman’s gaze. "Lingshu."

The Lingshu hospital here is not a drug consultation. They do not repair the body, only repair the body. Juxtaposed with the banned army, directly under the emperor, is the largest debt collector of the Ministry of Housing, and also the parents of the workers and soldiers.

Among the seven major services of "鸢", "A", "Riding", "裘", "Eagle", "Car", "Cannon" and "蛟", all the equipment design drawings, improvements and updates, and even the mystery of the black iron battalion All from the Lingyuan.

Lingyuan often used self-deprecating self-deprecating "Yulong Long-arms". They barely spoke in the middle of the DPRK. They seemed to be of a low grade. Most of the time they were in the Lingayuan to drum up those iron guys.

But no one dares to compare them with the craftsmen who lived in the folk oil.

The reason why Gu Yu was able to restart the Xuan Tie Camp was not only a matter of war or the emperor’s slap in the air. To a large extent, Shen Yi, who was in the Lingyuan, helped him to clear the relationship, the key moment, Lingshu Standing behind the young generals, the hospital gave him the most favorable support, which made the military power that had been faintly degraded for ten years once again overwhelmed the literary people.

After Xuan Tieying died and resurrected, Shen Yi was invited by Gu Yu to leave the Lingyuan Academy and became the exclusive armor of Gu Yu. Of course, these messy things, with Chang Geng’s knowledge and experience at this time, I don’t know. .

Shen Yi also did not intend to explain, just looked up and said to Ge Fat’s novel: "I have a few words to talk to the four temples, you..."

Ge Fatxiao immediately responded with a clever voice: "Well, you said, I am sleepy when I am full, and I should go back to sleep."

After that, he licked two buns in his arms, licked a big elbow in his mouth and ran off the chair.

The two of them were left in the house. Shen Yicai said slowly: "When the Western War situation was a little stable, Gu Dashuai received the secret purpose of the emperor, and he went to the northern Xinjiang area to find the four royal emperors who disappeared with your sister in the same year. ."

Chang Geng’s action stopped for a moment, raised his eyelids and looked at Shen Yi without a word.

Shen Yi’s sincerity is not like a fake. He said: “When we go back to the geese, we find signs of Beiban activities outside the city gate. The wolf king’s son has always been ambition, and there is a long-lost heart. The fear of change, this stopped to view, just happened to meet His Royal Highness from the wolves. The coach was next to the princess fourteen years ago, and has a relationship with the noble, the first time I see the temple, I feel familiar, until We will send you back and meet Xiu Niang to make sure that you are the four halls we are looking for."

"Fourteen years ago, Gu Dashuai was just a coveted young child. Xiu Niang didn't remember him. At first, we intended to show her identity and pick you up. I didn't expect to accidentally discover that Xiu Niang was dark with the barbarians. In order to avoid stunned snakes, Gu Shuai secretly transferred a part of the staff from the Western Region, while thinking about the plan, please enter the 瓮 瓮 此次 此次 此次 此次 此次 此次 此次 此次 此次 此次 此次 此次 此次 此次 此次 此次 此次 此次 此次 此次 此次 此次 此次 此次 此次 此次 此次 此次 此次 此次 此次 此次 此次 此次 此次 此次 此次 此次 此次 此次 此次 此次At least I can protect my Daliang North Xinjiang for five years, and look at the temple to see the tens of thousands of people in the border. Don't think about the deceitful things with the coach."

Chang Geng listened, thought for a moment, and nodded in a reasonable way: "Well."

Shen Yi suddenly breathed a sigh of relief and smiled: "Beibei Sirius gave two treasures of the prairie for my emperor, one is Ziliujin, the other is Sirius goddess, the goddess is valuable, and the majesty feels the goddess Then it was sealed as a noble, and it was the only one of the royal dynasty that I had in the future. Later, the minister had already said it with His Royal Highness. If the prince had the knowledge under the spring, he would be very pleased to see that his prince was so big."

Chang Geng sneered in his heart, as said, that Xiu Niang - Huge is not his relatives? Relatives, this virtue, where can my mother go?

Chang Geng: "I think according to common sense, this story should be "Gui". After discovering that I have been pregnant, I want to escape. I want to kill a child with a bowl of abortion pills?"

Shen Yi: "..."

The secret of the palace is inconvenient, but the bear child guessed it.

After all, Shen Yi is a fox who has been arrogant in his power since he was a child. His face immediately and extremely realistically puts on a little bit of surprise: "Where is your high school? If it is because of the show girl, then you don’t have to think about it. Foreigners, the heart is understandable to their own people, and His Highness is not her own. Not to mention that, in the past few years, she has worked tirelessly to raise her adult, and she has managed to send her half-piece of the sacred jade to Beijing, presumably to be good. With the preparations for the country, I don’t want to imprison the Highness, and most of it is because I care about my blood. My mother is still like this, how can my mother not hurt you?"

After a pause, Shen Yi said: "The appearance of His Royal Highness is like a model carved out in the mold. The temperament is with the emperor, and the blood is not deceived. As for the girl who cuts off the temple and the toes, I think There is always another hidden feeling, or it is the age of the Highness, and it is possible to remember the mistakes."

Mr. Shen’s speech is well-founded and eloquent. If Chang Geng does not clearly know that there is a kind of poison that is slowly causing madness, he is probably persuaded by his story.

He can no longer fully trust the truth in other people's populations. He has a slap in the heart and a skeptical skepticism. He can't help but open everybody's words and look at them. When you look deeper, you feel full of doubts. .

Chang Geng suddenly felt exhausted.

After a fragrant incense, Shen Yi held a stiff face and was sent away by Chang Geng.

Chang Geng sent Shen Yi to the door: "I used to see short-sightedness, thinking that Gu Houye is inadequate, and often hey, Wan Wang Hou forgive me."

Shen Yi lowered his eyes and could only see Chang Geng’s head refusing to talk with him. He had to sigh and left the small courtyard where Chang Geng lived. He left the courtyard and turned out the path, just outside the hospital. In the small garden, I saw the legendary "military military".

In the courtyard of Guo Daren, there were a lot of Yindancao. Gu Yu was sitting in the small pavilion alone, doing nothing to lick the leaves of Yindancao, and the fallen leaves were in his mouth, and he chewed it for a while.

I don't know how long he had been sitting alone here. A silver dandelion grass made him bald, like a shrub that had been stalked by a goat.

Shen Yi lightly coughed, but Gu Yu was as unseen, until he came to the front, Gu Yu was able to squint and see him.

"Is the drug effective?" Shen Yi sighed.

Gu Yu’s face was confused, and he subconsciously turned his side face and made a forceful gesture.

Shen Yi had to go forward and get close to his ears: "Go back first, go back and talk to you - hand to me, there are stone steps."

Gu Yu shook his head and refused his support. He took out a "glass mirror" from his arms and placed it on the bridge of the nose. He walked slowly without saying a word. The two little eyes on the ear of his eyes seemed to be faint. Go on.

Shen Yi smashed the leaves of the silver dan, which was bald by the goats of the surname Gu, and chased them up.

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