Sha Po Lang
Chapter 14 Table of contents

Big Brother practiced the sword early in the morning, and Ge Fat was originally prepared to hold the stinky foot. Unexpectedly, he had not yet exported. He came first, and he was scared to become a Mao Tuan on the spot. I dare not come out.

Chang Geng was like a baby who didn't sleep well in the early morning. His face was white and his eyes were slightly twitching. After a deep glance at Gu Yu, he slowly lowered the tip of the sword and restrained his voice: "I missed my hand for a while and offended my grandfather."

Gu Yu licked his chin and stretched his face and did not dare to laugh.

He tentatively raised his hand and imagined that Chang Geng’s back was taken as usual, and he was unconsciously escaped by Chang Geng.

Chang Geng said coldly: "Please ask inside Hou."

Gu Yu retracted his hand and coughed on his lips: "Chang Geng, wait."

Chang Geng heard him call his name, and his footsteps subconsciously slammed, only to see Gu Yu go back and rush to slap. The few people who lifted the box immediately walked in and brushed the box into the yard, and then pulled back, squatting on one knee.


Gu Yu stretched out his hand and gestured to the soldiers to get up. Then he personally stepped forward and opened the lock on the box. His hand was pressed on the complicated lock, like a dishwife holding a broken rattle. Just like to make a mystery, look back and rush to Chang Geng and smile: "Come, show you a good thing."

"Card" opened the lid of the box, and Ge fat took a long Geng hand. When he saw Chang Geng's face faint, he couldn't help but curious. He first looked at the probe and immediately screamed.

I saw the box lying quietly with a silver heavy armor. There was no variegation in the whole body. The lines were almost glaring, and the beauty was scary. Compared with it, the heavy armor who did not know where to get it was like a heavy one. The shovel.

Gu Yu said quite comfortably: "This is a custom made by the master of the Toling Privilege a while ago. The efficiency of the purple gold burning is twice as high as that of the same heavy armor. The joints have a reinforcing layer and will not break like those of the barbarians. The same thing is stuck in a sleeve, it is a masterpiece, much better than the one I used when I was young, but I still have no name... You should also have your own name, you can take your own small Leave it to the name."

In addition to being glanced at the light of the heavy armor, Chang Geng had no other expression on his face. In particular, he heard that Gu Yu suggested that he should name the heavy armor "Chang Geng".

The words "Chang Geng" don't know when they become so popular. Xiu Niang Hu Geer, Gu Yu, they all have a soft spot for his little name.

The enemy who was regarded as his mother-in-law gave him a dose of madness before his death. He named it "Chang Geng". He wanted to take care of his life’s little righteous father and gave him a pair of unparalleled weights. A, he also suggested that he take a name called "Chang Geng."

Is there any coincidence over this irony?

In short, the talented Gu Dashuai, once he did not know, successfully achieved the "Which pot does not open the pot."

Chang Geng’s long silence made people around him uneasy. Ge Fat’s small step was over and pulled the clothes of La Geng’s clothes. “Big brother, don’t you wear it? I saw the heavy armor for the first time. It was the group of barbarians that day."

Chang Geng suddenly bowed his head and turned back to the house without a word, and fell **** the door.

The smile of Gu Yu’s mouth gradually became a bit bitter. Standing at the gate of the hospital, it seemed awkward, but he quickly returned to the taste and laughed at himself to find a step: “The first time to give people the righteous father, when it’s not good, I laugh."

A Xuanjia sergeant came forward and asked: "Master, this one..."

"Put it in... Hey, put him in the outhouse, and leave the key to him." Gu Yu paused, as if he was going to say something, and finally he was discouraged. "Forget it."

He wore a dark blue casual dress, his clothes were thin, and people didn't see how thick it was. He spent a lot of thoughts to ask for a good idea. He just hit the horse's leg and turned to look at the door closed in front of him. A little pitiful.

Shen Yi witnessed this situation, could not help but groan: "You are not crazy, this time kicked the iron plate? It!"

Ge fat is a little uncomfortable, grabbing his head: "16 uncle..."

Gu Yu touched a little on his forehead, and smiled reluctantly: "Nothing, you can play with yourself."

After that, he turned and walked over to Shen Yi, forcing Shen Yi out of the old age, and then whispered his ear: "I was not very happy when I sent him the iron wristband last time. Why didn't it work?" "

Shen Yi looked around and saw no one, so he bluntly said: "Hey, you are a good person, do you have the same trick every time?"

Gu Yu is a bit anxious: "Let's talk about the wind, then what do you say?"

Shen Yi rolled his eyes: "You see, you have done such a big thing in northern Xinjiang, and you have been jealous of him for so long. He is jealous of your lungs. What about you? He now feels that you are pretending to lie to him. - There is also a big traitor who has pulled him up from a young age. Now it’s gone, but it’s still dead by you..."

"Far fart," Gu Yu interrupted him. "People like the grassland enchantress must know that they have to be willing to do what they want. If she knows that I am here, I know that they are not playing, and they will not die." "

Shen Yi pondered his words. He didn't understand how the causal relationship was here. He only heard that Gu Shuai, "the hero of the world, who is who I am," is the key point - what is "know that he is here, Do you understand that you have no play?"

Simply hopeless.

When Shen Yi didn't want to pay attention to him, he perfunctored: "You let him quietly stay for a few days. Don't run around with the little one, wait for him to come back."

Gu Yu: "I don't have a small mole."

Shen Yi sneered and said: "Yeah, you don't even have a wife."

Gu Yu gave him a foot.

However, after two steps, Gu Dashuai thought about it and thought that the matter was in the middle of his mind - just that he was too lazy to return to Beijing.

Can take a little emperor, can not always stay in the geese back, he slightly changed, a sly idea will count on the heart.

Gu Yu said to Shen Yi: "Exactly, the yoke of last night has not yet been sent out. If you go back and change it, you will say that the four halls are pure to filial piety. Although loyalty and filial piety are difficult to accomplish, the country is for the people and the people are annihilated, but afterwards, the sorrow is excessive. We can't afford it, we will take a rest in Yange for a while, and then return to Beijing after the temple is healed. Be sure to write it in a reasonable way and try to cry the emperor."

Shen Yi: "..."

But if he ever played, he must now personally cry the surname Gu.

It is a pity that people can’t keep up with the day.

On the second day, Gu Yulai watched Chang Geng practicing sword on the wall. A mysterious eagle suddenly sent an expedited gold medal order. Gu Yu only took a look and his face changed.

The emperor was in critical condition, and he called the four princes to return home.

Gu Yu turned over and jumped down from the wall. Chang Geng faintly heard him telling someone outside the courtyard wall: "Jie Jiping came to see me, we are ready to return to Beijing."

Chang Geng smashed it, and he focused on the sword and smelled a little bit of an unpredictable taste.

The whole girders think that he is the four emperors, except himself.

Chang Geng always feels that his life is too embarrassing. If it is really a prince, whether it is purebred or hybrid, there should always be a **** shelter for the real dragon?

How is this?

But then again, whether he is a royal family or an embryo, he said nothing.

Ge fat small observations, cleverly seeing Chang Geng's mood is not good, immediately smiled and joined: "Nothing, big brother, I will follow you later, if you are a general, I will give you a bodyguard, if you are a big official I will give you a bookboy. If you are an emperor, I will give you too...hey!"

Chang Geng grabbed his mouth and blinked. "Is this nonsense to be said indiscriminately? Do you want to die?"

Ge fat little pair of mung bean eyes turned around.

Chang Geng’s mood is suddenly better. The little fat man at the butcher’s house is not so good. If he is uneasy again, isn’t it too useless?

Chang Geng said: "I just ran it myself. Anyway, I didn't have any hangs. I ran to a deep forest and was a hunter. No one could find it."

However, the decision to run, first of all to cut off 16 ... Gu Yu, Chang Geng tried to move a knife, the pain of the liver and intestines, had to temporarily delay the shelving, this shelving, then with the flow of Gu Yu with the road back to Beijing .

Ge fat novels follow him and follow him. The boy who grew up in the country has chosen a path away from God. He also bought one for one. When he was ready to go the next day, Chang Geng looked at himself and changed it. It’s really hard to think that the boy is dressed up, but like a woman dressed as a man.

Cao Niangzi braved the courage and slammed the scorpion: "Geng Geng big brother, you saved my life on the dark river that day, I said, the man and the man, can not be ungrateful, the grace of life should be with the body. ......"

When Chang Geng heard the "Men's Husband", he got a goosebump. When he heard "I have a good chance", he had a little stomachache. He replied dryly: "It is very unnecessary to get along with you."

Cao Niangzi’s ear was red, and she said with a shyness: “I just want to go to Beijing with you and serve around.”

Chang Geng wanted to retire, but when he got to his lips, he slipped into his throat inexplicably. In the impression, Ge Fatxiao and Cao Niangzi were followers, and one did not say a few complete words in front of him. I can't talk about any friendship, but once I left the town of Yanhui, these two people seem to have become their memories of all of them here.

Chang Geng hesitated for a moment, turned his head and asked him to give him the guardian on the road: "Working with this big brother to ask about Anding Hou."

The guards soon returned: "The coach said that he should be the master."

Chang Geng gently spit out a sigh of relief, and thought it was true that this little thing that hangs on the teeth, Gu Yu will not manage.

Brought with Ge Fatxiao and Cao Niangzi, Chang Geng turned over the horse, and finally looked back at the back of the town.

There have been giants returning here, and the crowds on both sides of the straits are welcoming each other. Although they are poor and clean, they are always calm and happy. Now they are only swept by the war. The whole town seems to have fallen into a shadow. In the distance, only the crows come and go.

There is an indescribable premonition in Chang Geng's heart - he feels that those happy and simple days will never come back again.

The power of Xuan Tieying was all the way to the capital, and Rao was a young man who was energetic and could not help but exhausted in a few days.

When he was sleeping in a valley on this day, Chang Geng had a lonely nightmare in his groggy, dreaming that he had a steel knife in his hand, and he pierced the chest of Gu Yu, and the blood spurted the old high. Paper, his eyes were faint, with a little distraction, and a thin stream of blood ran down his mouth.

Chang Geng shouted a "father of the righteousness" and sat up with a sweat in his head. He subconsciously touched his chest.

Chang Geng flattened the scraped sleeves and found it to be very chic. The traces left by the purple stream were like a pattern. Like a cloud, they wore a hole and hung. On the neck.

The sleeve silk helped him kill a barbarian. Chang Geng thought that he had seen the blood, he could not be regarded as a child, and he was qualified to be a real man, so he was taken with him all the time.

The black iron piece touched the cold and gradually calmed the mood of Chang Geng.

He slowly spit out a sigh of gas and climbed out of his tent. The night guards saw him and immediately followed him and refused.

Chang Geng went to the river alone, washed a face, heard the fine insects in the grass, and then touched it, and then caught the little cold in the palm of his hand.

The fire is the autumn will fall, the number of lives of this little thing, it is almost over. Chang Geng felt that it was weird, and then let go of his life, and started aiming along the river bank without a purpose, and unwittingly came to Gu Yu’s handsome account.

He came back and laughed at himself. He just turned and left. He suddenly saw Shen Yi rushing in, holding a porcelain bowl in his hand, and a familiar smell spread in the place.

Chang Geng’s nose twitched and couldn’t move.

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