Sha Po Lang
Chapter 16 Table of contents

The intricate and complex relationship should be discussed from the emperor.

The first emperor and the horse, his life, Wenzhi martial arts, is a legend that is not a world. His old man pushed the girders to the middle of the sky, so that no one dared to commit, and Xuan Tieying and Lingyuan were founded by him.

It is a pity that the first emperor of the wise Mingwu was a lonely and lonely life. During the reign, he passed four queens, and there was no one. There were three sons and two women in his life, four of which gave him a white-haired person to send a black-haired person. When the first emperor died, there was only one long princess who had married early.

Legend has it that when the princess was sixteen or seventeen years old, she was seriously ill and almost died. Fortunately, she had already had a marriage contract with Anding Hou. The monk of Huguo Temple gave the princess a long lamp, and rumors that the princess would marry at sunrise - let alone, After marrying, the princess’s illness is slowly getting better.

In this way, the emperors of the emperor have long been stunned, but it seems to have been killed by the emperor.

For the rest of his life, when the first emperor of the dead wife died, he left the Xuan Tieying and the vital military power to the most beloved princess couple, but the Liangliang Jiangshan could not change his surname, and the next emperor had to pass the side.

The reason why the present day was successfully enthroned, the help of the princess is not small.

Yuan and the emperor had great affection for the princess. Until she passed away, she always respected her as a "mother", and took her only son, Gu Yu, to the palace to take care of herself, and personally gave the word "Zi Zi". I have said that "the son of a child is like a brother", so that the Prince can see it privately, and he must respect him as "the uncle."

Uncle or stumbling is a false name, not too important. What matters is that after the little boy behind Gu Yu, he was the leader of the army.

The old Houye old department is still there. If there is anything wrong with Gu Yu in the Yuan and Emperor, the emperor’s Jiangshan can still sit still and say two things.

Yuan and the emperor used to be young, and spent ten years weakening the old department of Anding Hou. Xuan Tieying almost ceased to exist under this soft knife. It’s a pity that people are not as good as days. The Western Region’s border defenses are tight, and foreign enemies are guilty. They have sent three coaches in succession. They are not old, they are rice barrels, and there is a fascinating slogan of the slogan of the martial arts. There is no one to take the sword. Man.

The Lingyuan, which has been quiet for many years, suddenly appealed to the book and asked to restart the Xuan Tieying.

The scrap copper that had been honed by the emperor for ten years was a bit sigh of relief, and finally it was still not dead, and it was brought back to life in the hands of Gu Yu.

Gu Yu’s feelings for the emperor are complicated.

On the one hand, after the death of the old Houye and the princess, the emperor raised him, and Yuan and the emperor gave him the warmth that his parents had never given.

The princess is not a woman in a deep house. It is a woman's face with a knife. She can live to marry, and she is not a singer of the singer. It shows that she is a true hero. Gu Yu is born with two sorrows. He doesn’t know what kindness the mother looks like. When he still walks unsteadily, he is brought to the battlefield of northern Xinjiang by the unreliable couple. The meal winds drink and eats sand to grow up, and he meets in his life. A little pampered and soft, elegant and gentle, all come from the Yuan and the emperor.

On the other hand, Yuan and Emperor's temperament is weak. When he was young, his weakness and reluctance could be said to be "lovely and benevolent." After he was old, he was completely "faint and incompetent."

When the old man didn't want to strengthen the country and expand the territory, he knew that he had to remember the emperor's rights on the one-acre three-point land. It was not to play the balance between the courtiers, that is, nothing to add to the Gu Yu, change the pattern. The heart of the cold soldiers.

On one side is the care of meticulous care, and on the other hand, it is the inexplicable elbow. Gu Yu is stuck in the middle by his two "innocent", I really prefer to eat sand on the side.

Shen Yi said with deep meaning: "The moon is full, the loss is too late, the handsome, the ancients have the training, the high power can not be shaken. The neighbors of the four borders let you smash it all over, the next step is to rebel? Of course You don't think so, but what the emperor thinks, can't be said."

Gu Yu said indifferently: "I am sealing the "stable", that is, fighting for the girders, and other things are not under my control."

Shen Yi opened his mouth.

Gu Yu said: "I know what you want to say, don't have to say it."

The two have partnered for many years, and one eye is enough to communicate meaning. This dialogue is a confusing one. Shen Yi certainly does not want to discuss the current emperor with Gu Yu. The old emperor is sick, a young age, this time. Urgently recruiting Gu Yu back to the palace, probably also returning to the West.

What he said is of course the new emperor of the future.

Not counting Chang Geng, this is the case. There are two sons on the knees. The Prince is a stable man since he was a child. However, like today, he is equally philosophical and arrogant. He does not approve of a large number of military expansions. He believes that there are injuries and people's livelihood.

On the contrary, the two emperors were ambitious and entered the ranks of the army, and they wanted to open up the blood of the territory.

For those of them, it is not necessary to say that you are better or worse.

Gu Yu's face is heavy.

Shen Yi knows that if he is interested, he should shut up immediately, but he still can't help but scream: "Grandma, as long as you have an attitude, even if it is only acquiescence..."

Gu Yan looked at him, his eyes were like two cutting blades that were condensed and killing. Shen Yi’s heart was stagnation, and the voice could not be picked up immediately.

Gu Yu said in a word: "After arriving in Beijing, the three departments were on standby outside the Nine Gates. They wanted to take advantage of the Emperor's dragon's discomfort and drowning in the waters. Whoever, will be executed on the spot, can you hear it clearly?"

Shen Yi's face was slightly white, and for a long time, he whispered: "...Yes."

The two men were silent for a moment, and Gu’s look gradually eased and suddenly said, “I am not rushing at you.”

Shen Yi smiled a little.

"Yuan and thirteen years, the most painful year I have lived, the princess and the old Houye are not there, you have been taken back to Shen family, I was almost blind at the time, my ears could not hear clearly," Gu Yu whispered. "There was heavy snow outside that day, it was so cold that I was holding the old Houye's sword and hiding behind the door. I was not willing to let people close. It was the emperor who led the three emperors to quietly come to my house. When I stood in the snow for half an hour, I took it out. He wrote in my hand and told the insiders to pile up a snowman for us. Three emperors... Auntie, one year younger than me. It’s like a little girl, always laughing, how can I not be angry with him?”

When Gu Yu said it, the voice stopped.

The three emperors died at the age of nine.

Shen Yi: "The emperor is a rare lover."

It is a pity that it is not a good emperor.

Gu Yu did not pick up this words, looked up and looked not far, Chang Geng riding in the right, side and sitting in the car Ge fat novels what, Ge fat small reveals a sly chubby head, screaming and screaming. If Chang Geng feels a little, he suddenly looks back and looks at the gaze of Gu Kai. The boy’s look suddenly becomes uncomfortable and turns back in angrily.

Gu said: "This kid looks exactly like his barbarian. The temper is like the emperor. I always feel that if the aunt can grow up safely, it should be like this."

Shen Yi closed his mouth and realized that it was useless to say whatever he said.

Chang Geng couldn’t hear what Gu Yu and Shen Yi said, but he always felt that his smile and smile were running on his own. It was like a man’s back. After a while, he couldn’t help but sneak a peek at Gu Yu. Found that he actually came over.

Is this still not finished?

Chang Geng didn't want to talk to him at all. He immediately ran to the horse's belly and ran forward. Unexpectedly, he ran over his head and went to the van near the **** of the barbarians.

The eyes of the Sirius are like the bones of the bones, and the resentment into the bones. Chang Geng saw that he felt uncomfortable in his heart, and he took a reins and planned to stay away from him.

Who knows that at this time, the barbarians ate people's eyes over Chang Geng, and fell behind him, suddenly screaming: "Gu Yu, hundreds of millions of souls look at you."

His sound was like a rusty piece of iron scraping through a porcelain plate, and the ghosts were sturdy, causing people to squint. Chang Geng’s horse screamed uncomfortably and began to panic.

"The ghosts that my family can't go to look at you, the iron armor buried in the ground looks at you, hahahaha... I will give you ominous power in the end of my life, you will smash the dead under my knife, and be mortal after death. The ghost must not bite for ten thousand years..."

The distorted face of the barbarians and the **** mouth of Xiu Niang subtly overlap. Chang Geng has been cool from the tip to the instep, such as the ice cave. He suddenly screams and raises his hand to pull out the waist. I want to cut the head of the barbarians into a rotten melon.

But the sword was not completely pulled out, and it was pushed back by a hand carelessly.

Gu Kai did not know when he had slipped to his side, and he impatiently swept the gods and sorrows of the gods. "How can you save your infinite power and save your tyrants and the longevity?"

He said, he took the reins of Chang Geng and looked at the pale-skinned teenager. He smiled and said: "Real letter? Hey, they scared the children very well. In this respect, they have at least led my beam for more than ten years. What are the good looks of the prisoners? Go and play there."

Chang Geng: "But he dares to say you..."

Gu Yu did not care, did not care about the lungs laughing, laughing out of a blast of rain and what I am mad.

Chang Geng’s brows were not exhibited. First, there was some incomprehension. Gradually, the cold air that wandered around him and couldn’t patrol seemed to melt into the laughter that Gu Yuman didn’t care about. It really became ridiculous.

In the first time, Chang Geng’s heart made a small thought. He seriously thought: “Why should I be afraid? If Ur bones make me crazy, will I be crazy?”

On such a long marching road, Chang Geng's heart full of fear and sorrow gradually settled down in the armor. He was like a fallen seedling, and with a little light, he could straighten up.

In a blink of an eye, I arrived at the Imperial Capital.

When the gate of the Kyujo Palace opened to both sides, even the tall eagle, which was high above, fell to the ground and worshipped.

Gu Yu took Chang Geng's head back: "Don't think too much, go see your father."

When Chang Geng was pushed by him unknowingly, and he really saw the old man in the hospital bed, it was difficult for him to associate the person with the shape of the dead with the "emperor".

He was so old, he had to be like a group of dried silver silk, his skin was thin and thin, and his thin lips shivered, and he looked hard at Gu Yu.

Gu Yu’s footsteps were unnoticed and paused. Chang Geng’s keen sense of him seemed to take a breath, and when he looked back, he saw Gu’s face that was not angry.

"Your Majesty, the minister does not disgrace the mission," Gu said, "I will find you the four halls."

Yuan and the emperor’s eyes slowly turned to Chang Geng. Chang Geng’s whole person was shocked. For a time, he wanted to retreat. He always felt that the old man on the dragon bed had a long hook in the eyes, not seeing him, but through Who did he see?

However, Gu Yu pushed him behind him, and he could not help but move forward two steps.

Gu Yu whispered in his ear: "Your Majesty."

Chang Geng squatted down and saw two lines of old tears in the eyes of Yuan and Emperor's turbid eyes. The wrinkles flowed down the corners of his eyes, like the pus flowing out of his eyes.

Chang Geng heard Gu Yu whispered: "Call your father."

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