Sha Po Lang
Chapter 51 Table of contents

Gu Yu’s voice fell to the ground, and he felt that Chang Geng’s pulse was a little faster. It’s almost impossible to count the pulse. The wrist that he pinched in his palm was hot. The volcano was hidden under the vein, and it was hysterically sprayed with a slight shock. However, it is necessary to shake Chang Gung’s body and meridians.

Gu Yu did not expect that he had already been euphemistic. Chang Geng actually had such a big reaction, and he was worried that he had something wrong. He reached out and leaned against Chang Geng’s chest: "Deep, don't think about it!"

Chang Geng took his hand down and slammed it in his hand. The bones slammed and slammed.

Chang Geng noodles are like gold paper, and the eyes are like blood. The eyes flashed through the infinite phantom. There are thousands of military horses ringing the bells in the ear, and the ghosts and ghosts are smashing through the building. A ur bone drink his blood. The big rise, the branches are everywhere, and the heart is thorny in the throat.

At the end of the Ur bone, there is a Gu Yu.

... is still in the mountains and waters.

Gu Yu was shocked and his lips were slightly moved, but he did not know how to proceed.

At this moment, Chang Geng clasped Gu Yu’s hand and held it to his chest. It seemed to make a faint whine. He closed his eyes and shivered and pressed his lips to Gu Yubing. Cracked hands on the back.

Although Gu Yu had some uneasy speculations, but did not expect this scene in advance, Chang Geng's burning breath followed his cuffs. His scalp exploded and he said, "Are you crazy?"

Chang Geng suddenly pushed him away, and then retreated half a foot. The whole person curled up and bowed his head and vomited a purple blood.

Gu Yu: "..."

All this is as fast as an electric stone fire, Gu Yu is not angry, panic has arrived, and when he is stunned, he is stuck in his throat, and his eyes hurt and stayed in place.

Chang Geng’s face brought a bit of near-gray bleakness. This mouth was spit out. He was clear in his heart, and his mind gradually returned. He turned his head away from Gu’s hand to help him. He whispered: “Offended. The righteous father, you have to fight for it... cough, you can listen to it."

Gu Yu took a sigh of relief, and the intricate tastes of his heart made a long story that was comparable to the "Quots of Shen Jiangjun Ji Ping". He didn't dare to spit out a word, suffocating him, and said: "I haven't tried to sin, but he vomited blood first. Do you dare to open his mother?"

As soon as he bent over, he picked up Chang Geng and placed it on the spacious carriage. He convulsed his heart and whispered. "Shut up and adjust your internal injuries first."

Chang Geng obeyed his eyes and closed his eyes.

Gu Yu kept him for a while, rummaging through the carriage, and didn't pull out a drop of wine. He had to drink the cold soup on the small hob and drank it with a bit of ginger.

He used to think that Chang Geng might be a little confused. It may have been influenced by the affair that he did after drinking. He had a little idea that was not suitable. He thought about this child's Huiji. He could understand it a little bit, who knows Just poked a poke, not yet started, Chang Geng himself actually leaked!

How could this be?

Gu Yu looked at Chang Geng, who was closed and adjusted his eyes, and looked at the misty water that he couldn’t understand. He sat down and concentrated on it.

The ancients said that "skilled Qijiaan Tianxia", Gu Yu did not know whether he was not repaired from the body, and even the whole family and the country were in a mess, so he was so worried that he was dying.

From the palace to the Anding Houfu, there are not many steps in the system. The carriage is even a tortoise, but it will arrive for a while.

When Gu Jiegang got off the bus, he flew a wooden bird on his face and fell on his shoulder without hesitation. He squinted his head and glared at him with his eyes wide open.

Suddenly, Gu Yan extended a hand behind him, Chang Geng did not know when he had quietly got out of the car and took the bird away.

His face is still ugly, but it has restored the peace of the week.

Chang Geng holds the wooden bird, and he is not in a hurry to open the letter to see who is it. When the old butler picks up the carriage, he walks over to Gu Yu and whispers: "If the righteous father feels awkward, I can move out, not If you are in front of you, you will never be overstepped in the future."

The blood in those eyes was exhausted, and the look of Chang Geng was slightly cold, and the eyebrows were drooping, showing a thoughtful heart.

Gu Yumu stood for a while, and there was really nothing he could do. He turned and left without saying a word.

Ge Chen and Cao Chunhua got up early in the morning to know that something went wrong the night before. They had already waited at the door, and they would rush to meet them, but they did not say hello when they greeted them. They calmed and crossed their faces.

Chang Geng sent his back, his face was dark and unclear, and he buried a bit of bitterness deep in his pupil. His mouth seemed to have blood, and his face was even more stunned than Gu Yu’s one-night.

Ge Chen: "Big brother, what happened?"

Chang Geng just shook his head, and when Gu's back could no longer be seen, he took back his sight and reached out to lift the wooden bird's lower abdomen and took a piece of paper from the middle.

I saw that the note said: "At the beginning of the first year, Gu Dashuai escorted the North Barbie to go out, and he was seriously ill. The second brother of the family made a special trip from Taiyuan and went back in January."

Put a "Chen" word.

The wooden bird did not know how long it flew, and the wings had already had slight signs of wear.

Chen’s words are not overwhelming, and a person may not understand it. Chang Geng is cautious, or knocks on the back of the wooden bird.

The bird opened the shovel and spewed a small cluster of Mars. In a blink of an eye, the paper was burned.

Cao Chunhua carefully asked: "Big brother, I see that the wooden bird has recently entered Houfu frequently. Is it something you are checking?"

"Check out an old case." Chang Geng Road, "I have always felt that although he has not changed since he arrived in the northwest, his views on many things seem to have changed a lot. He thought it was the result of subtle influence on Loulangus Road. It does not seem to be. "

Ge Chen and Cao Chunhua face each other.

Chang Geng briefly recovered from the loss of Fang Cai, and whispered indiscriminately: "What happened in the road from the northern Xinjiang exit?"

What made this day fall down when the quilt of Anding Hou was almost unable to get sick on the marching road, and even alerted Taiyuan Fujia? What did he meet outside the customs... or did you know what?

Chang Geng suddenly said: "Xiao Cao, Ah Chen, can you both run for me?"

After Cao Chunhua's low-key government, Chang Geng has passed the day when Shenlong sees the end.

Gu Yu turned to the opposite side for a long time, I wanted to find a day to talk to Chang Gung, but I suddenly found that I could not find anyone! Chang Geng simply did not see him.

He had nothing to do all day, and he was too busy thinking about it. He simply didn't even take medicine. He couldn't see it and he fell quiet.

At the same time, the hall did not stop.

First, the Emperor Longan wanted to restart the "Golden Order". Just announced, he immediately received a joint letter from the two workers. Even the army that was cleaned by the Emperor Longan into his own small cotton jacket had an inconsistent voice.

Li Feng Wang ate eight scales, ironed his heart and bent his own way, and quickly responded.

On February 2nd, the head of the Ministry of Housing was firstly accused by Yushitai of "accepting bribes from other countries for personal gain." Then, in the course of the thorough investigation, a series of bad things, such as eating and taking kickbacks, were quickly turned over. The biggest corruption and fraud case in Longan.

The Shangshang Shangshu is a bit like the grandfather of the country. Although there is a heart for the country and the people, but there is no courage for the country for the people, see the smoke and roll, see the emperor's attitude, immediately ignoring the mouth, not boring, boring the head to go, no longer Dare to counter the real thing against the scales.

At the beginning of February, Gu Yu was under house arrest for a half-month in Houfu. A mysterious eagle flew quietly outside the Beijing University’s northern camp, replaced the Xuan Yingjia, and even loaded it into Beijing overnight. God did not know how to come into Houfu. .

Gu Yu also finally had the opportunity to meet Chang Geng, who avoided him like a snake.

Chang Geng took the medicine soup to the front of Gu Yu, and the two of them quietly reached the point of squatting: "There is a mysterious eagle coming."

Gu Yu nodded and put the medicine up and drank. Chang Geng had already prepared the silver needle. When he saw that he put down the medicine bowl, he spread the needle to the front of Gu Yu and pointed his eyes: "Do you?"

He was so far away from politeness that he was even more at a loss.

Chang Geng did not let go of Gu Yu lying on his lap. He was like a strange doctor. Everything was just gesturing, or being helpless, and even refused to meet Gu Yu.

Gu Yu closed his eyes and closed his eyes. As the effects of the drug began to work, his hearing gradually recovered, and he was "noisy" around him. The outsiders shouted and whispered when the snow was sweeping. The Houfu family will guard the armor. The movements of friction with the weapons...and even the snoring of the clothes in Chang Geng’s action, all plunged into Gu’s ear. He spent more than ten days and was very uncomfortable.

Gu Yu resisted irritability and seized the opportunity to ask: "Chang Geng, tell me why I can't do it?"

Chang Geng certainly knows what he is asking, and there is no buzz at the moment.

Gu Yu: "Is it because... I drank more wine that day, what I did to you... oh..."

Chang Geng’s hand trembled, and the needle that was about to fall stopped in the air for a moment.

He has been silent, Gu Yu’s heart is really not to mention much more uncomfortable - from Li Feng that he is more angry, he has a clear conscience, can lean on the heavens and the earth to face the conscience, but Chang Geng here, although Gu Yu can not understand, but always feel A slap in the face does not sound.

If he did not have any inappropriate behavior, how can Chang Geng be...

"No." Chang Geng suddenly replied calmly. "It was actually that I was disrespectful to my righteous father."

Gu Yu: "..."

"There is no reason," Chang Geng gently pressed his head, not letting him move, and the tone was unusually ordinary. "What can be the reason for this kind of thing? To say it, it’s probably that I have never been hurt since I was a child." Except for the righteous father, no one has hurt me. In the long run, I have given birth to some inconsistencies. You have never noticed it. I didn't want to mention it to anyone, but I was so angry that I was accidentally exposed."

Gu Yu only felt that a big stone fell from the sky, and "Light" squatted on his chest, and he couldn’t breathe for a long time. I thought it was a real gas, who knows that it is actually Old age ailments!

"The righteous father does not have to be on the mind, the right is not good." Chang Geng indifferent.

The needles in his hands are not chaotic. If he did not personally admit it, Gu Yu probably thought that he was old and unrespectful.

But how can this happen?

Gu Yu is going crazy, and the feeling of premature aging is born. The first time I discovered that "Northwestern Flower" is no longer young and young - he began to understand what young people think.

"The emperor called me to the hearing in the past two days," Chang Geng suddenly turned the subject hard and asked, "I heard them quarreling all day, and arguing a big case of corruption and fraud, probably understanding the thoughts of the emperor. What should the righteous father plan to do?"

Gu Yu looked at him with a sullen look and was not in the mood to discuss the political affairs with him.

Chang Geng sighed slightly and reached out and took Gu Yan's glass mirror off the side. By this action, Gu Yu's view was isolated, and he said, "I will not tell you anything."

"I am willing to do anything for you. If you see me annoyed, I can't let you see. If you only want a filial son, I promise not to cross this line." Chang Geng said, "Father, I have no sense of this matter - you should not ask me what I think, okay?"

Gu Yu’s whole person is a big “bad”.

Chang Geng began to unload the silver needle on his body and calmly asked, "What do you want me to do?"

He waited for the opening, and he picked up himself: "Also."

If Chang Geng really entangled him in the following, Gu Yu probably already called the Houfu 300, and he packed up the already completed Yanbei Wangfu.

It’s a slap in the face, and he’s been cold for a year and a half, and nothing is gone.

Chang Geng gave him a "you are the one who sent me to the ends of the earth, and I am ashamed of it".

Gu Yu has a terrible headache and feels that this is a dog biting the king's eight shells - nowhere to go.

After a long while, Gu Yu asked, "Are you hurt?"

Chang Geng nodded, and the word "Gambling" was sung.

Gu Yu: "How do you get it?"

Chang Geng said calmly: "After years of delusion, I was mad at the moment."

Gu Yu: "..."

More trouble.

Chang Geng talked to pack up the silver needle, went to the corner of the house, took out a little bit of peace and quiet, and asked with a faint look: "I want to call the mysterious eagle brother to come in?"

"His Royal Highness," Gu Yu suddenly solemnly called him to live. "You are the **** of heaven and the golden leaves, and the golden leaves and jade leaves. In the future, you can be expensive. Others treat you like a bead. You also hope that your Highness will be there whenever and wherever you want." Cherish yourself, don't be arrogant, and don't be self-sufficient."

Chang Geng's half face was buried in the shadow, and the eight winds did not move: "Well, Hou Ye is relieved."

Gu Yu: "..."

Chang Geng stood for a while, as if waiting to hear him still have any instructions, waited for a while to see Gu Yu dumb, and then turned away quietly.

Gu Yu leaned back and took a deep breath.

He would rather Chang Geng as if he was a teenager, and he couldn’t help but argue with him because he found that the **** was almost invincible once he had no desire to ask for it.

Gu Yu, who had a bad head, slid a few laps in the room, and decided that he would never have to worry about soft fragrant Wenyu, □ □ 添 香 anything, too much.

At this time, the long-awaited eagle eagle knocked in the door.

That mysterious eagle is probably flying all the way. Although it has been simply brushed, it is still a look, and Hu Yu has not had time to scrape.

"Master." The eagle eagle fell to the ground.

"There is nothing to do with vain," Gu Yuqiang said. "What happened? Does He Ronghui let you come?"

Mysterious Eagle: "Yes!"

Gu Yu: "The letter came to me."

He shook his wrist and unfolded the letter from the mysterious eagle, swiftly swept from the head, and the eagle eagle always blamed He Ronghui's words for ugly, but the words were concise and succinct--

At the end of the month, the small countries of the Western Regions and the Kuchai were born because of the border trade, because the affairs between the countries of the Western Regions have always been adjusted by themselves. The Liangliang officers and soldiers were inconvenient to intervene and did not pay much attention at first.

Loulan State and these two countries just stood up three-legged, and Loulan Guojun sent his brother to make a mediation, but the group was robbed at the border of Kucha, and the whole army was wiped out.

At first, I thought it was a satay. As a result, Loulan Guojun sent a thorough investigation and found the sword emblem of the Kucha monarch ban in the ruins. He immediately questioned the Kucha country. Shame the messenger. The Prince of the House of the Landlord was the first to go, with three thousand light rides to go to the tortoise to discuss, the Kucha country began to close the door and refused to respond, and then suddenly the city gate opened, there are hundreds of "sand tigers" inside. "

The so-called "Sand Tiger" is a chariot that walks in the desert. It is extremely heavy and consumes a lot of purple gold. The process is extremely complicated.

Gu Yu suffered a decade ago when he was in a rebellion in the Western Region. At that time, there were only three big sand tigers on the other side, which almost trapped his half-battalion’s immature Xuanqi, but as far as he knows, the Sansha Sand Tiger is already All the countries in the Western Regions have come together to make up their belongings.

Gu Yu got up, his brows were crumpled, and his fingers unconsciously pinched his hands. This is similar to the Southwest rebellion. He lowered his voice and asked, "Is it a real sand tiger, not an empty shell?"

The mysterious eagle was abnormally snoring, and quickly replied: "The handsome man is a real sand tiger. When he is less than a cup of tea, he will defeat the Loulan light rider. The little prince almost died and was rescued by his soldiers. On the same day, Loulan They sent people to our army to ask for help, but the fire paint has not been unsealed, and the land of the nations on the ancient Silk Road has already received news, and their respective voices are raging. Other countries in the Western Region, Tianzhu, and foreigners all gather their troops in their respective places. When the adults came to the camp, I waited for the "drums."

Gu Yudi took a table: "The ridiculous."

The eagle thought that he was referring to the drumming order, and he said: "The generals of our eagle eagle are also saying this. The black iron camp does not return to the drums and temperance, but the Mengdu protects that the coach is being The emperor banned, ordered to reflect behind the door, and let me wait for the sacred three--"

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