Sha Po Lang
Chapter 58 Table of contents

Li Feng’s whole person shook, and Chang Geng looked at him blankly and sat down on the throne of the Golden Temple. Suddenly, some kind of cruel pleasure was raised outside of reason. However, he was very harsh on his own, only for a moment, he did not move. The cellar licked his own palm and pressed back the bloodthirsty pleasures. He knew that it was Ur bones, not his heart.

Chang Geng did not open his heart with sincerity: "The emperor takes care."

It seems that the person behind him who wants to kill Li Feng is not like him.

The Yanbei King made such a sound, and the Wenwu Baiguan, who was in the hall, immediately reacted and followed the road: "The Emperor takes care."

Li Feng’s eyes slowly landed on Chang Geng. In name, this is his only younger brother, but he can’t often notice him. Since Li Sifeng’s entry into the DPRK, he’s hardly out in the court. The sound, not too much deliberately made a courtier, and even did not rely on Gu Yu's Dongfeng and military commanders to talk, only occasionally chat with a few cold and poor Han Lin some poetry.

Chang Geng did not notice his gaze, but he did not change his color: "General Zhao is in the country, and there is no barrier in the East China Sea. When foreigners turn north, they can immediately push to Datun Port. It is already here, and it is too late to say anything. Please ask the emperor to remove the distracting thoughts and make a decision."

Li Feng did not know, but his heart was a mess, and he couldn’t speak for a while.

At this time, the kingdom that had been scorned by the rumors in the past few days glanced at the emperor's face, and boldly said: "The emperor, there is only one North Camp in the suburbs of Beijing, surrounded by the plain hinterland, a horse Pingchuan, if there is a battle here, we will In addition, there is no shortage of troops. In addition, Tan Hongfei’s rebellion is still inconclusive. There is almost no command of the North Battalion. If the Jiangnan group is completely annihilated, can the North Daying be able to do it? Who can protect the security of the imperial city? Not as good as...呃..."

Wang Wou did not finish this, because the eyes of a group of generals on the hall were nailed to him like a white arrow.

This old thing has not been cleaned by his own buttocks. He is a little bit swaying and daring to move up the emperor. If it is not an external worry, everyone will probably have the heart to divide him.

Wang wrapped his mouth and sighed, and he did not dare to bend up.

Li Feng looked uncertain and silent for a moment. He left the kingdom to the side and said: "Let Tan Hongfei reinstate his position and give him a chance to take sins and convictions... I am calling you to talk, who will talk about shit, Just get out and go out!"

The emperor was in a hurry and even the city’s swear words came out. The whole hall was quiet, and Wang’s blush was white for a while.

Li Feng slightly turned to the Ministry of Military Affairs: "Hu Aiqing, your palms, holding the drums, you said."

The Shangshu Shangshu grew up with a dish and a two-foot-long face. The name "Hu Guang" sounded a bit like "瓠瓜". In private, someone called him "瓠瓜尚书".

The melon book heard that Li Feng said this, and lived a full face and became a bitter melon. The drumming order was issued by the Ministry of Military in name, but the Ministry of War did nothing to dare to send it? He is a pen in the hands of the emperor. Does the pen dare to have an idea?

Hu Guang wiped a cold sweat, and the righteousness was insufficient. He said: "Oh... the emperor is right. Gyeonggi is the support of my big Liang Guofan. It is also the place where the people are going. How can it be done by foreigners? What is the body system! We are still a soldier and a pawn, but also to fight to the end, now it is to retreat, is it not to shake the heart?"

Li Feng was impatient to listen to the nonsense of his car. He intercepted him and said, "I want you to say how to fight!"

Hu Guang: "..."

Everyone is wraping in the king, but Wang Wuge is right. If the Jiangnan Shuijun commander has already been in the country, who can be in the East China Sea? How do you move troops?

In the event of a foreigner going north, Beidaiying and Yulinjun can block several rounds of artillery?

On a certain level, Wang Wong also has courage, at least he said the truth that everyone can't tell.

Hu Guang suddenly became a bitter bitter melon, and the cold sweat was like the simmering juice.

Just then, Chang Geng suddenly made a sound.

The young Yanbei Wang went forward: "Is the brother of the king wishing to listen to me?"

Hu Guang’s grateful eyes were cast into Chang Geng, and Chang Geng gently smiled at him. “The emperor and the first anger, the water is difficult to receive, and the death of a person cannot be resurrected. The predicament of the Quartet’s border has become an established fact. It is useless to argue against the fire. It’s better to think about what else to make up for.

He had been mixing with the monk for a long time. He didn't have a smoldering smoke on his body. The jade tree stood in front of the temple, and he was so quiet that he couldn't help but calm down with him.

Li Feng secretly spit out a sigh of relief and waved his hand: "You said."

Chang Geng: "At the moment, the Central Plains fires, the soldiers and horses have moved, but the grain and grass have not been done. It is inevitable that the replenishment will not be renewed. The younger brother asked the emperor to open the national treasury and decentralize all the Ziliujin. This one."

"Yes, you reminded me," Li Feng turned to the Ministry of Housing. "I will immediately coordinate with others..."

"Emperor brother," Chang Geng interrupted him without swearing. "The minister said that all were decentralized. - In an extraordinary period, the drumming order was already elbowed. The generals were still carrying shackles on their claws. The emperor brothers were tied to them. Going to the battlefield?"

This is replaced by any one who said that it is full of offense, but I don’t know why, from the mouth of Yanbei’s king, it makes people feel no fire.

Hu Guang, who was only on one side, said: "The court is seconding."

Not waiting for Li Feng to open, the household has already blown up the pot, and the head of the household department said: "The emperor, never want to, at this time, the purple flow of gold is really urgent, but the minister can not listen, in case of prolonged Today, the days are gone, what should I do next? Do you eat the food?"

The commander of the Yulin army probably wants to take down the head of the assistant lord and control the water in the control. In the court, he retorted: "The thieves have already come to the door. The adults are still full of careful calculations. The end will be really open." I have an eye for the emperor - the emperor, the urgent need to understand, we still talk about "going to the past", in case the four borders are trapped to death, relying on the Ziliu gold mine in the territory of the country, the three feet of the land will not last long. Get up!"

Hu Guangsheng was afraid that he couldn’t insert the words, and he blushes with a thick neck and follows: "The court is appreciating!"

Chang Geng did not say how to retire the enemy, first detonated a big noisy, he did not scream, and patience stood still, waiting for them to make a noise.

Li Feng’s brains are cracking open. Suddenly, they feel that their “heads” are all staring at their one-acre three-pointed chickens. The up and down pattern is not as good as a bowl. If all of them are distributed to the imperial kitchen, they may be noisy. A table of beautiful and magnificent new cuisines.

"Enough!" Li Feng burst into a burst.

After a quiet day, Chang Geng answered in a timely manner: "The words of the minister have not yet been finished. Second, the emperor is ready to contract the troops."

As soon as this statement came out, the ministers were once again stunned, and the wrath of the Son of Heaven could not hold back the boiling back of the sky. Several old men seemed to be ready to go to the head.

Li Feng’s eyes leaped and a sigh of anger rushed to his throat. He barely pressed down and didn’t rush to Chang Gengfa. He frowned like a sigh of relief and whispered a warning: “Auntie, some words, you think about it, the ancestors will Jiangshan passed to the hands of the donkey, not to let the tigers castrated."

Chang Geng no change color: "Chen Di wants to ask the emperor to touch his pocket. I am now able to support the country with the power of the country. This is not a tiger to cut the ground, but a strong man who breaks his wrist. I am afraid that when the poisoning is deep and the whole country is beaten by foreigners, it will be broken."

His plain tone of the analects of thought is like a cold water, poured into Li Feng's head without mercy.

Chang Geng did not look up to see the emperor's face, he said: "The third, Wang Daren said well, right now there is Xuan Tieying sitting in the northwest, even if the loss is heavy, but still can persist, the imminent is the East China Sea Mutiny, once the foreigners go north, the North Camp The fighting power is worrying. The far-aid reinforcements are all contained. It may not be enough to arrive. What will the emperor plan to do?"

Li Feng was forced to be ten years old by his words. For a long time, he finally said: "The purpose is to go to the emperor."

Chang Geng heard this will, and he didn’t look at it. There was no joy or anger, as if everything should be divided and reasonable.

I wish the little feet of the atmosphere did not dare to go out to the ground and was about to go. Chang Geng suddenly reminded me: "The emperor, the Heavenly Prisoner is a person, and only sends a wish to the father-in-law. It is a child's play."

He has instinctively distrusted any of the servants around Li Feng, including those who have been secretly helping Gu Yu in name.

Li Feng was powerless and said: "When is it, I still care about these vagrants - Jiang Aiqing, you run for a squat."

I wish the little feet to follow the Jiangchong with a small step, and I can't help but look at Chang Geng far away.

He is the old man in the palace. Today's girders are full of literary martial arts. The princes who are counted in the dynasty will be the same. There is no such thing as he is unfamiliar. Only the king of Yanbei, who was kept in the Houfu by the shackles of the shackles, was "not doing business when he grew up." I traveled around the ground and rarely showed up. In addition to being mixed in the crowd, he didn’t even go into the palace alone. At most, when he was on holiday, he followed Gu Yu to ask for an appointment... Everyone almost gave him a Nothing to know.

Nothing to know, it means variables.

Jiang Chong and Zhu Xiaomao did not stop, went out of the palace and went straight to the dungeon. When people arrived, I wished my little foot suddenly remembered, screaming at the scorpion: "No, Jiang Daren, Hou Ye wants to enter the palace, wearing a prison uniform. What kind of system is it? Or I will immediately ask someone to take a new dress this year, to get one?"

Jiang Chongzheng’s grief and indignation in the country’s brains suddenly caused the old lady/supervisor to hang back to the soul, crying and laughing: “When is the father-in-law, when are you, you still remember these chickens and dogs, I...”

When he didn't finish his words, he saw a person coming to the horse, and he went to the front of his eyes. Under the ceremony, it was the family of Houfu who led Huo Wei.

Huo Weili asked for a fist: "Jiang Daren, I wish the father-in-law, the villain is the slave of the stable Houfu, and sent it to Hou Ye under the command of my family."

Said, both hands touched a suit and armor.

Jiang Chong's heart is moving - Yanbei Wang is a meticulous person at first glance, but as far as trivial to this extent?

Who is the guard of his guard?

Gu Yuzheng in the dungeon was bored and glared at the tail of the fat mouse to let him swing, and noticed that the wind behind him was wrong. He looked back a bit strangely and vaguely saw three figures in the outside. One person walks like a wind and seems to be wearing a kimono.

Then, the door lock was opened, and a special Gongxiang got into the nose of Gu Yu, and it was also stained with a special sandalwood scent of Li Feng.

Gu Yu narrowed his eyes and recognized the fat man with a big waist and a round waist.

If it is to review him, and there is no direct reason to send the little feet, Li Feng can not make his own face, and he will be arrested and released, then it can only be...

The smile on Gu’s face disappeared, and my heart said: “What happened?”

Jiang Chong quickly said something. Gu Yu couldn’t hear it. He only caught a few words of "enemy attack... Zhao...", and he was so confused that he had to install a pair of landslides. Steady, nodded in order to change.

Jiang Chong was calmed by his instinctive calmness, and his heart was fixed at the next moment. The anxiety and anxiety that filled his face suddenly and coldly fell into his stomach. The tears almost came down: "The beam and the pillars of Houye are the fortunes of the people." "

Gu Yu is full of inexplicable feelings, thinking: "My mother, what is this?"

On the surface, he just patted the shoulders of Jiang Daren and said, "Let's lead the way."

Fortunately, at this time, Huo Wei took a step forward and put him on the side of the service, and untied a jug from the waist: "His Royal Highness will let me bring Houye to the cold."

Gu Yu opened the cover and knew that it was a medicine. Suddenly, he was relieved and sighed.

Huo Wei changed his clothes for three, five and two places, so he cleaned up a bit, and the group went straight to the palace, and the ambiguous and awkward peacekeepers made a mess. The first time I looked forward to the effect.

Until they rushed to the bottom of the palace wall, Gu Yu’s ears slowly recovered consciousness.

He rushed to Huo Hao and made a gesture. He was willing to pay attention. He was busy with the first two steps and attached it to his ear. He repeated the words of Jiang in the dungeon.

When Gu Yu didn't have time to listen to it, the head that had been sorely hurt had already slammed the string, and almost a piece of golden flowers was smashed in front of him. He was in the middle of a footstep, and Huo Wei held him. Arm: "Great!"

Jiang Chong was shocked. He didn't know that he was still calm and calm, and he was suddenly guilty of a disease. He looked like a dead man, and he asked nervously, "Hou, what happened?"

"Xuan Tieying has lost more than half of it" "Northern Territory has lost one after another" "Zhao General's smashing country" "Southwestern smashing heavy blows"... The three words became a cluster of deadly blades, swaying into the limbs of Gu Yu In the hundred miles, he had a sharp tingling in his chest and a sweet throat.

His forehead is slightly exposed, and the cold sweat is squatting down the corner. His eyes are a bit sloppy. Although Jiang Chong knows that even if he is in the dungeon, no one dares to punish Anding Hou, or he is scared: "How is Hou Hou?" Is it necessary to ask the next officer to take a step? What about the doctor?"

Gu Yu’s body shook a little.

Jiang Chong: "Now the girders are on the shoulders of Hou Ye, you can't have anything to lose!"

This sentence seems to be like a thunderous slap in the face of Gu Yu’s ear. He will scatter the three souls and the seven souls of the four sides, and gather them back to the roots of the bones. Gu Yu’s eyes closed and forced. I swallowed a bite of blood.

After a meal, under the gaze of Jiang Chong, he said with a dumb voice: "I haven’t seen the sun for a few days, I have a headache - I don’t get in the way, I am old."

As he said, Gu Yu lowered his head and slightly adjusted his body. He took his arm out of Huo Wei’s hand and threw the gray-haired mouse that had been in his hand. He said: "This is my life. Rat brother, give it something to eat, don't starve."

Huo Wei: "..."

After Gu Yu finished, he turned and walked to the palace.

At this time, in the hall of the Golden Jubilee, Chang Geng’s three words and words triggered a slap in the air. When the sharp voice of the little feet screamed and screamed "Anding Hou into the palace," everyone was dumb, and the hall appeared for a while. Dead silence.

When Gu Yiyi looked up, he was on the eyes of Chang Geng. The eyes of the two men were at the touch of a finger. He had already seen the winds and waves in Chang Geng’s eyes that could hardly describe one.

Immediately, there was no one to see the ceremony, and the appearance of humiliation was as if he was not from the prison, but he had just slept in Houfu.

Li Feng immediately announced the Sanchao, and rushed out the quarreled mouth guns and the diners, leaving only Gu Yu, Chang Geng and the generals to discuss the rectification of the Beijing defense.

At the home, the public letter of the letter had to come out again. The entire Lingshuyuan was brightly lit, and worked overtime to sort out the existing war preparations in Beijing.

A whole day and a night, until another four days, the sky has already revealed the white belly, Li Feng, who darkened his eyes, let them go back.

Before leaving, Li Feng alone stopped Gu Yu.

In the hall, both sides were screened back. Only one monarch and one minister face each other. Li Feng was silent for a long time, until the palace lanterns felt the sun, and they jumped out. "Card", Li Fengcai came back and looked complicated. Gu Yu glanced at him and said vaguely: "...the grievance of the emperor."

If Gu Yu’s stomach is already familiar, he can blurt out without thinking.

What the "Thunder and Rain Dew are Jun En" and "Death in the Society, and what is wronged" has been closely connected under his slick tongue.

Suddenly, his tongue seemed to be stunned. He tried hard to say it a few times and had to smile at the Emperor Longan.

The stiffness that the smile can't tell is a bit embarrassing.

The two had no time to say anything, Li Feng sighed and waved.

Gu Yu lowered his eyebrows and retired.

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