Sha Po Lang
Chapter 60 Table of contents

Chang Geng took the battle report in the past, Gu Yu asked: "How much is left in the Jiangnan Shuijun?"

"It's hard to say," Chang Geng swept through the lines. "The long scorpion has never been to the sea, and he has never played a naval battle. Zhao Youfang panicked and died. He fled. - Father, do you remember that Wei Wang was in trouble?"

Gu Yu pinched his nose and understood what he meant.

In the same year, Wei Wang bought the Jiangnan water and land admiral and half of the water army, gathered in the east of the island and the capital of the city, but before he was ready, he was united by Gu Yu and Lin Yuange.

It is said that "Gu Yu and Lin Yuange's teamwork", in fact, there were only two or three black eagle and a few and a half children around Gu Yu, and Lin Yuange had only 30 people from the rivers and lakes. The monk, the heavy armor, will not take off the waste.

Gu Yu was very heavy in the army. He suddenly appeared to be a cause of frightening the rebels who were guilty of guilty conscience, but the side also proved that the navy of the girders was indeed a lame.

Even creating a counter-product is unfavorable.

If this happened in the Yuan and the Emperor's reign, Gu Yu may have the opportunity to intervene in the Navy like the rectification of the Northern Xinjiang City Defense Army. Unfortunately, Li Feng is not the soft-hearted nest of the first emperor who wants to kill the individual. The kind of thing is in Longan. It is impossible to happen during the year.

Gu Yu: "What about Yao Chongze? Is it dead?"

Chang Geng: "Nothing, there are too many people who die."

Gu Yan sighed: "What is the "Sea Monster"?"

Chang Geng: "It is said that like a big octopus, it can lurk in the water, float like a mountain, can cover the sky, and the giant python compares with it, like a pigeon on the shoulders of a strong man. There are countless iron claws on the body, and there are thousands of small sea otters sticking out in an endless stream. When the tip is opened, a large group of eagle can be released..."

When Chang Geng said this, the voice was slightly stunned, and the slender fingers gently clicked on the edge of the battle report: "If there is such a thing, at least four or five hundred pounds of purple gold will be burned every day."

Gu Yan looked at him, Chang Geng shook his head slightly, and the voice went to the end, and the latter half was hidden. Westerners paid such a big price, I am afraid they are not coming to fight with them.

"Resolving the garrison in the south of the Yangtze River, there is no worries at sea. The Daxie Port Squadron is not an opponent. The next step is to push the capital into the capital." Gu Yu collapsed the map on the wall. "Old Tan, how many troops can be deployed in Beijing?"

Tan Hongfei licked his cracked lips: "The Peking Camp has two thousand heavy armor, a light ride of one thousand six, two thousand horsemen, and a total of eighty vehicles. Each car has three pairs of white rainbows, one for each head and one tail. artillery."

This force forced the palace to be almost the same. It was a long-awaited blow to the Westerners, but it was too much water. Gu Yu frowned. "What about the Royal Army?"

"The Royal Forest Army can't do it. There are less than 6,000 people in total. More than half of them are all squadrons and have not seen blood." Tan Hongfei paused and suddenly remembered something. He took out one thing from his arms and solemnly handed it over to him. Gu Yu, "Yes, this is the emperor who brought me to the coach."

The thing was wrapped in thin palace silk. I didn't know what it was like in the jewels. When I opened it, it was a mysterious iron tiger.

Gu Yu took a look and glanced at it. He smiled and bent his lips. "What do you give me this time? The daylily is cold."

Tan Hongfei does not know what to say.

Gu Yu threw the Xuan Tiehu character to Tan Hongfei: "Well, since the emperor took the idea, you will use his intention to write the order. I will tell the local troops stationed in Shandong Zhili to return to the defense and solve the difficulties of the capital." Then let Cai Yuteng take the shot to lead the reinforcements... Hey, first adjust, can't adjust."

Tan Hongfei: "..."

Zhang Feng, who was old and weak, could not have such a hard heart as these animals. He was shocked and stunned. He suddenly heard Gu Yu’s extra-string sound. The old Ling’s face was white and could not help but ask: Is the meaning of the coach handsome... Is the Qin Wangjun unable to adjust?"

Chang Geng replied: "If the information in the battle report is correct, Westerners can't carry too much weight with them. They can't afford it. If they want to kill, they will land in the south of the Yangtze River. They must split their troops and go all the way from the sea. In the capital city, all the way from the land to cut off the capital to the four-way passage, besieged us... I am afraid that the order has not been passed."

I was sent to the public on the spot, and I sat down next to me, and I couldn’t help myself.

Chang Geng did not expect him to react so much. He quickly poured a glass of water to the front of the public. He skillfully patted him on several degrees in his heart: "You are old and calm, old people." Try not to be overjoyed, or it will be easy to stroke..."

Zhang Fengxin grabbed his hand and almost burst into tears: "My Highness, you are born to know what is anxious?"

"I haven't finished talking about it," Chang Geng said. "When my father was in prison, I was worried that the border had changed and I had contacted some friends."

Said, he found a wooden bird from his sleeve.

"This kind of wooden bird needs a special magnet to lead the way. It can send letters to each other among the people who hold the magnet. They have received my letter before, and now they should have rushed to the major garrisons, and I hope that they will have time." - If the capital is really besieged, I can use the wooden bird to send a letter, and they will send it on their behalf. It is enough to win the letter with the mysterious iron tiger and my righteous father."

When Chang Geng realized that he had left the mysterious eagle, and the long communication in various places would have been wrong, he began to use the Linyuan Pavilion and set about setting up such a huge communication network to prevent it.

Tan Hongfei and Zhang Fengxin looked at Chang Geng with a stunned look.

"It’s all about small insects. I can’t think of other ways in a hurry.” Chang Geng said, “You can use it when you don’t know what you are doing. It’s not going to last for a long time. Once the enemy is aware, this thing is no longer It’s safe, you can hit it with a small stone."

Gu Yu’s heart couldn’t say anything for a while. When he was in prison, he didn’t worry about Chang Geng. At the moment, even if he was transferred by himself, he might not be better than Chang Geng.

Not only did he save half of the Xuan Tieying, but he still stayed this way.

He was grateful and gratified, and felt that the young man who only closed his eyes in front of the sword in front of him should not grow up so fast, he did not take care of it.

However, in front of the outsiders, Gu Yu’s feelings are not easy to send, only a faint sentence: "His Highness is well thought out."

"Let's go, Lao Tan, go to Beidaiying with me." Gu Yu took a jug hanging behind the door and took a look at the sky. Even the armor was not covered, and he took a coat and strode away.

Chang Geng also stood up: "The righteous father took a step forward. I went back to the Lingyuan with the letter, and escorted it after the count."

The short-lived warmth and the smog were gone, and the two fled in a hurry.

Gu Yu and Tan Hongfei brought a team of guards, galloped out of the city, and went to the north camp.

Gu Yu’s clothing belt was right, and he was only halfway. The tumultuous thunder of the horizon suddenly changed and turned into a bright lightning. The sly squatting, the gloomy sky was like a crack, and it was rare before a rain. The rain covered the skull and covered his face.

For a time, I poured out a shower and stormed.

Tan Hongfei was almost a little breathless when he was caught in the rain. He slammed the water drops on his face. When he remembered that he was only reported in Houfu, Huo Wei told him that Hou Ye was sick and couldn’t help himself. Clipping the horse's belly, ran to Gu Yu's side, loudly said: "This rain is too big, handsome, you are not cold, it is better to find a place to hide, wait for the rain to stop and not hurry..."

Gu Yudao said: "When you look at the cloud, who knows that it can stop in the Year of the Monkey, don't talk nonsense!"

Perhaps it was the sudden sudden rain that came too urgent and unreasonable. Gu Yu suddenly had an ominous premonition.

The Xuan Tieying was also called the "black crow" by the Fanbang people. As the head of the black crow, Gu Yu really grew up with a crow's mouth. His almost all ominous premonitions will come true, and he will never lose his hand.

Tan Hongfei estimates that Westerners will go north in two or three days - he is too optimistic.

It was night, on a watchtower in Datun Port.

In front of the long tube, there are two palm-sized dust-proof brushes in front of the sky. They are ups and downs in vain in the rain, and they are blown low when they are not long.

The old tower soldier on duty had to stretch out his hand and explore the rusty handle of the window. The firearms on the head had been broken for a long time, and no one had ever repaired it. He licked the rain on his hand and slammed the handle of the long arm. The gear that had lost his teeth was half-deadly smashed/snapped, and a small metal umbrella slowly rose and unfolded without eating. Covering the front of the clairvoyance in front of the hurricane.

The old tower soldier wiped the water vapor on the surface of a thousand miles of glasses, complaining to his companions: "The same is to be a soldier. People come and go in the sky, the wind is blowing, the prestige is going to die, let's go down, every day on the tower is not sweeping the floor, it is a domino, than his mother. The monks have stopped, and they can't touch a little oil. They don't have any **** in the day. They still have to spend it all the year round. Their women don't know each other... Hey, this is really evil, how is it so heavy? , where is the big sensation?"

The companion sweeping the ground and sweeping his head did not lift: "You are looking forward to nothing? Didn't you listen to Wu Chang saying that the fire was passed over? If the Westerners call, you will do something."

"Don’t listen to Wu’s Luo’s fart. Who can’t call him for a few days in the West?” Towerer’s Road, “Isn’t you still sitting next door to the capital?”

"Anding Hou has been in prison."

"Oh, isn't that released again?" The old tower soldier said here, as if he had a little bit of a bit of taste, suddenly said, "Yes, it’s also very weird to say that it’s not all Why are you giving it out so quickly, is it..."

"Oh," the companion raised his head sullenly. "Don't chew the tongue, you listen!"

A thunderous "rumbling sound" came from the wind, and the watchtower seemed to feel something, and it started to shake.


No, the thunder is a burst of time, how can it be so long?

The old tower soldier hesitated and bent forward in front of a thousand miles, slowly shaking the lens up.

The next moment, his turbid gaze passed through the dark rain curtain, and he caught the huge shadow of the sea.

There is no such monster in the nightmare, and it screams in anger and screams in the sky.

The old tower soldiers thought that they were blind, and they rubbed their eyelids hard. When they saw it again, they saw that the "sea monster" was just like a fly. It was only a vague shadow. It was enough to see how far it was. It was enough to see a clear eye.

The black-pressed sea otter group slid in the darkness in the darkness, and the battle flag in the wind and rain seemed to be an ominous soul, and the shadow covered the vast ocean.

"The enemy attack..." The old tower soldier made a difficult start.


The old tower soldier turned back and said: "The enemy attack! Westerners call, ring the drums! What are you doing, go quickly-"

The rushing drum sound penetrated the shower, and the lights on the tower that had not turned around in the circle suddenly accelerated, frantically rotating, and passed through a hundred, but a few breaths, all in Dagu Port. The watchtower sounded drums.

The North Sea Land Admiral’s heartbeat was about to explode, and he had not dared to close his eyes when he received the news of Jiangnan’s defeat. He grabbed the clairvoyance in the hands of the guards.

Just looking at it, he sighed "God" in his heart and cooled from the front to the back.

"What about the general?"

"All..." Even the throat moved. "The long cockroaches go ahead, don't say hello, heavy bombardment... Slow, on the ropes, right, all the long squats in parallel, on the iron lock! Connected to the iron fence outside the port! "

"White Rainbow -"

"Notify the immediate withdrawal of fishing vessels and merchant ships in Hong Kong!"

Lian Fu looked down at his own arms, and the "Bonfire Order" had not yet had time to close it up - it was the highest level of readiness warning for the girders. Once the "fire order" was received, it indicated that the whole territory had entered the state of preparation for war.

The signing of the Bonfire Order is a "Gu" word, which was signed by Anding Hou personally.

When the Xuan Tieying was attacked in the northern Xinjiang, more than a dozen large and small generals took off the black iron armor, put down the wind blade, scattered all over the place, retired retired, and the old-age pension - even the scorpion thought that he had been in this life. They will be trapped in a small port terminal, and they will walk around the pier every day, and sometimes manage the fishermen’s gambling and rushing to fight the little things... even stunned that Peking University’s camp has changed for the past, he There is no courage to stand up like Tan Hongfei to discuss.

"Communication of the North Camp," even tightened the tight body, and took a deep breath, and forced back the belly that he had swelled out. "Reporting to Anhou, Datun Port was attacked by the Western Navy, go!"

Even the squatting stepped out, what I remembered when I left, I smashed the wind blade that stood in the corner of the wall for many years, gently stroked it, turned and carried it on my body.

In the past, the cutting blade of the yellow sand has long been rusted, and the small groove of the purple gold is not opened. It has become a black iron bar with a hand pressing. In addition to the middle of the night, it is no longer used. The field is over.

However, when he put it back on his body, he suddenly found the feeling that the mysterious armor was in the same body.

After years of indulging and fat, the snow knife and the steel armor are embedded in the blood of the bones, still faint.

The iron fence of the long 蛟 成 正面 与 与 与 与 与 与 铁 铁 铁 铁 铁 铁 铁 铁 铁 铁 铁 铁 铁 铁 铁 铁 铁 铁 铁 铁 铁 铁 铁 铁 铁 铁 铁 铁 铁 铁 铁 铁 铁 铁 铁 铁 铁 铁 铁 铁 铁 铁 铁 铁 铁 铁 铁 铁 铁 铁 铁 铁 铁 铁 铁The battleship fell into disarray and sank into the ocean under the waves.

"General, the iron fence may not stop!"

"General, the left wing is sinking too much, the iron rope..."

"Watch Tower - Be careful!"

A firearm from a distance came over like a fire dragon. Even the rain curtain couldn’t hold the raging fire. "Boom" slammed into a watchtower. The tower slammed and slowly bent down in the air. Come.

The wind light that passed through the top of the tower was extinguished.

Even the squadron pushed open the guards and boarded the deck of the ship. He snarled: "The heavy artillery is not allowed to stop, and the white rainbow is blowing the rocket!"

"Lianjun, Datun Port is impossible..."

"Don't get away!" Lien Chan pushed the small soldier of Bai Hongjian away. He shouted a hundred-pound blow of rockets and squatted on the white rainbow bow. He wiped the rain on his face, double The hand caught the calibration of Baihong.

The first rocket was bombarded by the white rainbow, and the iron shell of the tail of the rocket was shed. The light of the purple stream seemed to be a smoldering fire, and the rocket was suddenly accelerated. However, the flag of the sea monster on the sea monster fell into the sea next to it.

The fluttering flag of the Holy See was smashed into a diaper by the huge impact. When the wind was scattered, the rocket was not lost. In the middle of a rushing Western sea otter, a gorgeous fireworks exploded at sea.

Even if you scream for a long time, you must be angry.

Without the coach, Xuan Tieying did not dare to retreat.

When the news of the attack on Dagu Port was delivered overnight, Gu Yu was in the handsome account with Tan Hongfei and the commander of the Royal Army, Han Han, finally combing the Beijing city defense.

I was shocked by the news that Han Hao almost jumped up and lost his voice: "How could it be so fast!"

Gu Yu face sinks into the water: "Who is the North Sea Land Admiral?"

"Lian," Tan Hongfei's eyes were reddish. After a while, he couldn't help but add, "It is the deputy at the end of the year."

Gu Yu’s eyes twitched slightly: "Han Tongling."

Han Yu would like to know: "Yes, I will return to Beijing immediately. The Grand Master is relieved. Even if the Royal Forest Army is a young soldier, there is only one place where the Imperial City is buried."

Gu Yu looked at him deeply and opened his handsome account: "Can the old things in Lingyuan be faster?"

The voice did not fall, and a commander ran over: "The handsome man, Yanbei Wang is coming!"

Gu Yuyi turned back, Chang Geng's horse had already flew to the front, and took the reins: "The handsome man, the Lingshuyuan has already rebuilt the existing Xuan Tie heavy armor, the Eagle A 500 is finished, and the smashing split is not complete. The wrist has three thousand pairs of long arms, four thousand pairs of iron knees, and a shoulder helmet.

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