Sha Po Lang
Chapter 63 Table of contents

Because of a Western ambassador, the early screaming people were dizzy, and after the dynasty, Chang Geng did not take care of the large group of people who wanted to explore his temper, and helped the elderly to go out of the palace.

In the capital, people are worried, and the car is lacking. Usually, Gu Yu has let Huo Hu wait for him outside the palace. On this day, Huo Wei did not know what was delayed, and he did not see anyone at the moment.

Chang Geng just didn't care, and walked alongside the old president of the Lingyuan, and slowly walked back.

In the letter to the public, the eye circle has been recessed. The whole person is like a radish drained with water, leaving only a pair of glare eyes, which looks extra fangs.

"It's hard for our Highness to have patience to accompany us with such bad things as our legs and feet," Feng said with a letter. "Is there any news from the reinforcements? When will it come?"

Chang Geng: "The chaos of the four borders has occupied the five military regions. What do you know about the local garrison? In these years, the military and purple gold quotas of various states have been reduced again and again, and they are basically unable to afford several heavy armor. They are all contemptuous and light.裘 行 行 行 行 行 行 行 行 行 行 行 行 行 行 行 行 行 行 行 行 行 行 行 行 行 行 行 行 行 行 行 行 行 行 行 行 行 行 行 行 行 行 行 行 行 行 行 行 行 行 行 行 行 行 行 行 行 行 行I don’t have to use a lot of people."

"His Royal Highness has really made the old man feel uncomfortable. The Lingyuan has not had a decent thing for a few years," Zhang Fengxin shook his head in mockery. "I am useless and undead. It is also a vegetarian meal. I thought about it after the year." The emperor confessed to the old, and unexpectedly encountered a national disaster, I am afraid that it must not be hospice."

Chang Gengwen said: "The letter of public service is in the ages, and it must not be arrogant."

"Qianqiu...Is there a girders after the autumn?" Zhang Fengxin said, "I thought I would enter the Lingyuan, so I couldn’t hear anything from the window, I would deal with the firearm steel arm all my life, concentrate on myself. The life is like this, the world is bustling, and even if the gentleman is a different person, he can always hit each other. The more you don’t want to be, the more you want to do something, the more you can't do it— - Even if you only want to be a full stream of mobile phone oil."

Chang Geng knows that he only sent his own feelings and did not want to listen to his answer. He smiled and didn't say anything.

When the girders have come to this stage, the contradiction between the two powers of the imperial power and the military power is certainly □ □, but it is not the most fundamental reason. When the treasury is shabby in the treasury year after year, it has already been doomed. The end of the dismal end.

Zhang Fenghan: "The dark piles of the vacant nets of the 鸢 鸢 floor are being adjusted every day. The foreigners are now only dare to go on a military vehicle. A large number of eagle scorpions are afraid to go up, but the power in the dark piles is always limited. I heard that foreigners Every day, I use the rope to pull the raft and fly the kite outside the city. I am afraid that after a few days, the iron arrow stored in the dark pile will be difficult to continue. What should I do when I am there, does Gu Shuai have a charter?"

The existing sacred eagle in the North Camp, even the lack of arms and short legs together counted, a total of less than 100, once the banned network failed, I am afraid that the city was broken.

Chang Geng: "Well, he knows, he is thinking of a way."

The worried Zhang Feng letter heard this and laughed. I don’t know if this Yanbei King is a "heroic boy", or should he say that he has few roots, it seems that even if the sky is in front of him, the little prince is not a thing. "Know it".

Zhang Fengxin deliberately lowered his voice: "I haven't seen the Korean leader of the Yulin army in the last dynasty. Did the prince see it? Now there is a rumor in the DPRK that the emperor is angered by the Western messengers and actually intends to move to the capital."

Chang Geng smiled and didn't panic: "The emperor won't, when we haven't gone to the road, I saw the car in the Lingshu, and helped you up... Hey, is Hoblai coming?"

Huo Wei walked in a hurry, his face was uneasy, and came to Chang Geng: "The old slave is late today, and the prince is pleased to forgive."

"No," Chang Geng waved his hand. "What happened to Hobbe today?"

"..." Huo Wei glanced at him with a careful look. "Hou Ye was injured by the Western arrows last night. I heard it early in the morning. I just went... Hey, Wang!"

Under the stunned Huo Wei and Zhang Fengxin, Chang Geng’s face, which was still slipping, suddenly changed, turning over to the horseback, and a wind seemed to disappear.

The smell of smoke in front of the Nine Gates has not been scattered, and the Western Army’s Tianliang’s demise has just been withdrawn, and Gu Yu has been able to breathe for a while.

Xuantie’s shoulders were recessed into one piece, and the arrow was already smashed. Two military doctors were around Gu Yu, holding pliers and scissors, carefully squatting his deformed shoulders, and the clothes and flesh inside were mixed. A group.

Chang Geng rushed in, his eyes fell on Gu Yu, and he couldn't help but open his eyes. His face was even more ugly than the injured one.

"Oh..." Gu Yu took a sigh of relief. "I said that the two can be a little bit better? Embroidery is this - how?"

Chang Geng did not answer, took a deep breath and stepped forward. The two medics swung back, bent over and carefully observed the piece of nails that could not be seen by Gu Yu, and found a small iron tongs with long fingers from his arms. His shoulders were cut from the other side. His hands were extremely fast. The sharp pliers cut the iron and opened the mouth with a deformed shoulder. The blood immediately glued him.

Chang Geng’s cheeks were tight, and he couldn’t breathe a little. He whispered: “How can I hurt me without telling me?”

Gu Kaisheng, who was still licking his mouth, was willing to endure his pain and gnashed his teeth. "Small things - what did the Western messengers at the meeting say?"

"How can we say that there is a big slogan on the Golden Temple," Chang Gen took a few unstable fingers and uncovered the broken piece of blood stuck to Gu Yu. "Let us lift the persecution against the Western countries." "Let the territory outside the Jiayuguan do the business district of the country, and the business districts in accordance with their rule of law in the country, and..."

The deformed shoulder armor was uncovered, and Chang Geng stared at Gu Yu’s wound and took a sigh of relief. He stood up and struggled for a moment.

"And...what?" Gu Yu had a chill, cold sweat, "I said the doctor, how is your old man still fainting?"

Chang Geng is stretched like a stick: "I faint your blood."

He grabbed Gu Yu's hip flask and poured two sputum. He was dizzy and vomited, and he breathed a moment. Chang Geng picked up the scissors on one side and cut the clothes that could not see the background.

"There are also thirty-six counties in northern Xinjiang, all the north of the line from Xijing to Zhili Youzhou to the eighteen tribes, and the Daliang capital moved to the eastern capital of the Central Plains - and the Princess of Ning is sent to the 18th section for quality. From then on Heading for the 18th-order minister, the year-old tribute..."

He is the only daughter of Li Feng, only seven years old.

Gu Yu said: "Fart!"

As soon as he was motivated, blood and water poured out. Chang Geng couldn’t help but screamed: "Don't move!"

The two men were relatively silent for a moment, and Gu Yu’s look was uncertain. For a while, he said: " continue."

"In addition, they also forced Li Feng to order, so that Shen Yi will take over the South Xinjiang garrisons from the South Sea Islands. The East China Sea Canal will be divided into rivers and rivers. The Jiangnan Navy will retreat to Hanoi, and the river and the East China Sea will be placed in the Western Far East. Chang Geng looked dull, but his hand wiped his wound very gently, and paused, and said, "There is still compensation..."

Gu Yu silently tightened his muscles.

"When the early morning, Li Feng wanted to make it, and he was persuaded by the group." Chang Geng took Gu's uninjured shoulder. "I want to clean the wound, righteous father, temporarily seal your perception?"

Gu Yu shook his head.

Chang Geng said in a good way: "I only use a little medicine. You are strong in resistance and can't sleep for a long time. If the outer city changes, I will keep it for you..."

"Baptize and wash," Gu Yu interrupted him. "Don't talk nonsense."

Chang Geng glanced at him and realized that it was useless to reason with this person.

At this moment, Tan Hongfei ran to say: "Grandma..."

When Gu Jiegang turned around, he smelled a strange scent. He sucked in without any precaution, and the whole person was soft.

The imperious martial arts of the martial arts, Hou Wanwan, did not expect that the royal king of the kingdom would still be a "in the sleeves of the Qiankun", a non-invasive means of rivers and lakes, but also used in his own body!

Gu Yu: "You..."

Chang Geng’s eyes were not stunned, and he quickly pierced the fine needle into his acupuncture point, and then he caught up with Gu’s unconscious body.

Looking at the coach who was laid down, Tan Hongfei squatted at the door and stared at the big eyes of the king of the county: "..."

Chang Geng did not change his color and made a squeaking gesture. He picked up Gu Yu and leveled it, and began to clean his wounds.

Tan Hongfei stunned: "This... that..."

Chang Geng: "Nothing, let him sleep for a while and be less guilty."

Tan Hongfei blinked - long ago, he always thought that the palace of Yanbei Wang was like a gentle and ardent scholar. Later, he found that he could play, and he was very admired. He got a close look... until this moment, Tan The commander raised a sacred reverence for him.

Tan Hongfei subconsciously reached out and touched his face - the scar on his face was not gone yet - the heart said: "The daring of Wang Ye is also big."

Chang Geng: "Yes, what?"

Tan Hongfei only returned to the taste, busy: "His Royal Highness, the emperor is coming, the car is behind, you see..."

During the speech, Li Feng, who looked like a sly, came in with a little wish.

Li Feng looked down at the unconscious Gu Yu and reached out to explore his forehead: "Is it uncle?"

"Skin injury." Chang Geng wrapped the wound, put a thin layer of robe on Gu Yu, and packed his silver needle: "I just used him some anesthetic. I will wake up for a while. See you."

After Chang Geng finished, he got up and picked up Gu Yu’s cutting blade. He didn’t wear it, and turned and went outside.

Li Feng was busy asking: "What?"

"I am a city for the righteous," said Chang Geng. "Although the messenger is in Beijing, I am afraid that the Westerners will be lost. Maybe we will attack the city when we relax our vigilance. Be cautious."

Li Feng stood in the same place for a moment, suddenly grabbed a sabre, and followed it out, wishing a small foot shocked: "Emperor!"

Li Feng ignored him and went to the city wall.

With the clairvoyance in his hand, the Emperor Longan saw that the Western Army’s camp was not far away, and the fertile land in the suburbs of Beijing was now devastated. In the past, the car was like a flowing water, like the dragon in the capital of the city, and the depression was like this. The collapsed wall of the city was shackled by the black iron armor, and it was crumbling and hard to change.

The ordinary soldiers of Peking University will know Chang Gung, and they will come forward to see the ceremony, but they don’t know Li Feng. They just saw that he is well-dressed and unconventional. He is a civil servant and he is called "adult".

Li Ge's two brothers, who are separated from each other, stand side by side on the wall of the city. From the appearance to the body shape, there is no similarity. The relatives are as thin as the window paper that can be broken by a finger.

Li Feng suddenly said to Chang Geng: "Han Han should be back in the afternoon. You will bring a message to the uncle, let him find someone who can trust him."

Chang Geng did not inquire. It seemed that he was not curious at all. He only said smoothly: "Yes."

Li Feng: "Don't ask where did Han Han go?"

Chang Geng lowered his eyes and looked at the stone walls of the city wall. After a moment of silence, he said: "This time I dispatched the Zijinjin and the military needs of the Ministry of Housing. I found that there were some doubts about the imperial court’s purple flow in a few years... but it may be the emperor. Have your own arrangements."

When the Emperor Longan heard it, he knew that the purple gold that he had hidden was already noticed by Chang Geng.

Li Feng said a little embarrassedly: "Hey, Deshengmen has a secret road leading to Jinghua Garden. Let Han Han lead the soldiers out of the city and open the private library of Jinghuayuan. There are... cough, no The 160,000 pounds of Ziliujin that has been released and decentralized - you don't want to sing, and the people in the middle of the world are not stable. If you know the secret passage, I am afraid that someone will float."

Chang Geng nodded, not so horrified - Li Feng this is to take out the family.

It is impossible for the self-employed emperor to use it, such as the Emperor Longan. It is impossible to humiliate the country and vote for the country. He would rather be buried under the nine gates.

When he was silent, there was nothing to say between the two people - in fact, it has always been, except for the nonsense of the DPRK-China government affairs and the invitation to the Anshi, there is really nothing to say between the Li brothers.

Li Feng: "How much do you know the uncle?"

Chang Geng: "...yin the age of twelve."

Li Feng slammed his voice: "He didn't have a family, and he led the army in the northwest. I don't want to take care of you?"

Chang Geng’s gaze moved slightly: “No, he will hurt people.”

Li Fengqi looked up at the sky and remembered that he had once grown up with Gu Yu. When he was a child, he occasionally licked his father to be better and gentler, but most of the time he still felt that this little emperor did not How to play with them, but people are very good.

He also thought that this juvenile sentiment could last a lifetime.

However, it has only been more than a decade, and it has already been such a situation.

"Auntie," Li Feng said. "If the city breaks, you will pass it on to you. You will take the harem and the hundred officials from the secret road and move to Luoyang... and then slowly, there will always be a comeback."

Chang Geng finally looked at him.

"If there is such a day," Li Feng looked at the distance and continued to say, "You don't have to be in the Prince too, so that your nephews can have a place to live."

Chang Geng did not respond. After a while, he indifferently said: "The emperor brother said it was heavy, not to the point."

Li Feng looked at his younger brother and vaguely remembered what he had heard from his mother's mouth when he was a child.

She said that the women from Beiman are all monsters. They will play with poisons and confuse people. In the future, they will also be the monsters that have tarnished the royal blood of the girders.

Later, Anding Hou took the four emperors who had been in the folk for many years to return to the palace. For the sake of the emperor's will and his own virtue, Li Feng left him, and the House of Internal Affairs had a more than a case. Usually, he did not bother to see his eyes. .

Until this moment, the Emperor Longan discovered that he could not see the young man.

The national disaster and the enemy did not change color. The ninety-five lords could hardly touch his heart. The clothes on his body seemed to be last year, and the cuffs were thinned and not changed.

He is more elusive than the master of the Huguo Temple, and he loves nothing, as if nothing in the world can touch him.

Li Feng opened his mouth. At this time, I wish Xiaojiao whispered to me: "The emperor, it is time to go back to the palace."

Li Feng returned to the gods and handed the sword to the side of the soldier. He patted Chang Gung’s shoulder silently and glanced at the young man’s straight back and turned away.

After Li Feng left, a gray-faced monk went up to the tower - it was true.

The Huguo Temple monks have all been evacuated into the city. He accompanied the host and prayed for the National Day every day during the day. At night, he secretly used the informant to investigate the people around Li Feng.

Chang Geng gave him a look.

After shaking his head, he said: "I have checked a circle, and the resumes of the emperors are very innocent. In the past, they did not have close contact with the 18 witches and their subordinates."

Chang Geng: "The emperor is suspicious, not a person who can't hide things. We have repeatedly leaked secrets here. That should be his confidant. Have you checked Zhu Gonggong?"

It turned out to be shaking his head in a dignified manner - check it, no problem.

Chang Geng slightly frowned.

At this time, Gu Yu, who was replaced by a needle with Chang Geng, finally woke up. He almost didn't know what tonight, until the dull pain of the shoulder wound came, and then he remembered what happened.

Gu Yu got up and put on his clothes, ready to go to Chang Geng to settle accounts.

Who knows that when he first came out, he heard a loud noise coming from afar. The entire capital was shaken up. Gu Yu grabbed the wall and said: "Earthquake?"

Chang Geng’s land on the tower of the city turned back, and the color of the haze between the eyebrows flashed through. He always thought that the traitor of the imperial city was the palace of Li Feng’s side. He could be cautious and suspicious of Li Feng, how could he disclose the things of Jinghuayuan to his side. Minions?

Gu Yu: "What happened?"

"I don't know," Chang Geng walked down quickly. "Li Fengfang came here and said that he let Han Han start from the secret road and go to Jinghua Garden to transport Zijinjin... Is that the direction of the western suburbs?"

Gu Yu woke up and woke up.

On the day of the fifth day of May, the secret of Jinghuayuan leaked, and the peace talks of Westerners were really blind, but they did not want to take the opportunity to attack the city, but sent troops back to Jingxi, killing Han Han halfway.

After Han Hao’s dying struggle, he finally lost his heart. When he made a decision, he put a hundred thousand purple gold in a fire and directly bombed the secret passage, and the jade burned.

The big fire devours the entire western suburbs, and the inexhaustible purple gold statue is the fire brought from the underground. It will be escorted to the purple forest, the martial arts, the Westerners who can’t catch the defense, and even the splendid landscapes and pavilions of Jinghua Garden. All the pavilions were paid for by the torch. The special purple gas reflected the half of the sky like Xiangrui. It seemed like a bright and colorful glow from the sky.

The heart of the earth is burning, and the whole Jinghua is shaking.

The heat flow stretches for dozens of miles, and slowly flows into the rock-solid nine gates from the western suburbs. The capital is still called the cool summer, and it is comparable to the southern Xinjiang stove.

Ziliujin had a light and indistinct smell that was against the east wind. Everyone finally tasted the special taste - it turned out to be an indescribable fragrance.

It seems that the rosin is mixed with a little grass.

All the remaining heavy armor were mobilized by Gu Yu, and the string of Bai Hong was tight.

Not as he expected, the Western Army really moved at this time.

Gu Yu did not know how many Western troops had burned the fire, and did not know how long the Pope could last for such a severe loss. For many days in the besieged city, both sides have reached the limit.

Only after the passing of time, the first wave of madness and offensive came, and the heavy armor and the chariot alternated. The artillery fire and the white rainbow came one after another. There was almost no gap between the two sides.

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