Sha Po Lang
Chapter 70 Table of contents

Gu Yu frowned and carefully recalled for a moment: "I am familiar with it, I heard that... seems to be a **** in the north?"

"It is the head of the four evil spirits enshrined by the 18 tribes." Chen lightly said, "It is said that he has four feet, four arms and two hearts, and the wind and disaster, and the urinary greed. Discoloration, all creatures will be swallowed by it, is the most fearful **** in the northern land."

Gu Yu said, "It’s a bit unclear."

"I went deep into the grassland for half a year, but so far I can only say that the voodoo of the eighteen tribes can only be said to be a sneak peek. The depths and the source are far from my imagination. Many voodoos are related to their eccentric legends. One of the vicious drugs is "Ur bone"." Chen lightly paused a little, ""Four feet, four arms and two hearts", literally, Hou Ye listened and felt like?"

Gu Yu hesitated: "Listen like sticking two people together."

Chen Biaoxuan: "Yes, the evil spirit Ur bones swallowed up his brother when he was born, and he has doubled the power of the gods. There is an ancient witchcraft in the eighteen tribes, and the two brothers connected by blood are not long before birth. At the time of the merger, the strange person who is cultivated... can gain the power of the evil spirit, also called "Ur bone."

Gu Yu listened, silenced for a while, gently pressed his ribs, although there is steel plate support, but I do not know why, he still feels the pain of the ribs under the needle.

Chen lightly said: "Hou, your wounds..."

"Nothing," Gu Yu waved his hand. He licked his lips slightly and asked the tone. "Chen Chen, I didn't understand it. What is it called "putting two people together?"

Chen lightly hesitated.

"It doesn't matter," Gu said. "You said."

"I am also a hearsay, I am afraid it is not accurate," Chen said with a low voice. "It is to put a pair of children under the age of one in a sealed place, light, water, food... no, one of the two. I will be suffocated first, take out the dead baby, and refine it with the secret method."

Gu Yu thought that he had used the medicine in the past and his ears were not used. He asked hard: "What?"

"Refining." Chen lightly bit a bit, "and then with the secret medicine of the barbarian witch, to give him a little bit of life."

Gu Yu lost his voice: "Can the child still live?"

"The coach is too young to look at the techniques of voodoo in the 18th millennium," Chen said with a sigh. "In the voodoo that has been lost, even the dead will be made into a record of life and can be moved. It is the living refining device. They think that the people who are refining in this way... or "Ur bones" are small or powerful, or different from ordinary people, because "he" is actually two people, four Both feet can bring the power of evil spirits."

Gu Yu hesitated: "I am ignorant, I don't have any opinion on this kind of thing, Chen girl, I think this sounds like a nonsense that is circulating in the foolish people."

Chen lightly said: "Using our inherent knowledge to understand, Hou Ye can regard the Ur bone as a kind of poison that destroys the mind. Some madmen are really more powerful than ordinary people. The angle of thinking is often different from ordinary people. When you completely lose your mind, it seems that the intelligence is not new."

Gu Yu: "... there are things that we can't understand with our inherent knowledge."

Chen lightly said: "Master, don't tell you, I sneaked into the 18 tribes to search for voodoo, not only for your eyes and ears, but also for the trace of the Ur bones, but the records related to the barbarians are very few. There is only one rumor about an ancient barbarian general. The name of the man is called "Ur bone". This person is brutally murderous, but he is victorious, and he has laid the ground for the unification of the eighteen tribes. Years old, unmarried for life, the reason is "non-life is not dead, non-male and non-female."

Gu Yu heard straight goose bumps.

Chen Xiaoxue: "I checked this life and birth, and learned that her mother was born as a pair of dragons, but there was no record about the girl, and she did not say that she died... there are two explanations, or Is the girl lost after the family defeat, or..."

The pair of dragons and babies were made into ur bones, and the dead and the living ones were one. The male and the female were together, and they were "not born, not dead, not male or female."

Gu Yu pressed his hand under the ribs tightly, and Chen lightly asked nervously: "Hou, is the steel plate loose?"

Gu Yu bent down and took a sigh of relief for a while, whispering: "Why would anyone do this kind of thing?"

Chen Guangxu helped him to sit down and sit down: "It is usually the time when the country is broken and the door is not covered. This kind of pickpocket will be used. The blood is used as a sacrifice to worship the evil spirits. All the people named Ur bones are born. When it happens, it will cause turbulence and turmoil."

Gu Yu: "You only said that it is like a poisonous person who hurts people's minds. This part is clear."

Chen lightly said: "Ur bones will go crazy. At first, it is a nightmare. After a long time, people will become sensitive and suspicious. If they are not controlled, they will gradually become hallucinations. Finally..."

"So..." Gu Yucai said two words, and the voice was dumb as if it had been cracked. He had to clean up the scorpion and he was able to continue this sentence. "So you gave him peace of mind. Scattered."

Chen Xiaoxue: "..."

Of course, she knows who Gu is referring to, and she has no choice but to default.

Gu Yu closed his eyes slightly - thinking of it, Chang Geng actually mentioned it to him more than once, and he was so easy to sleep, but he never went to the heart, only when the child followed Chen’s family. Medical magic barriers, day and night to make yourself the same as the old man's mouth full of health, but it turned out that ... there are so many difficulties.

Gu Yu: "To what extent is Chang Geng?"

Chen lightly snorted for a while.

Gu Yu: "You said, I can accept it anyway. As long as I live a day, he is crazy and stupid. I will take care of it."

Chen lightly said: "His Royal Highness... His Royal Highness will be firm and his heart will be peaceful. He hasn’t had any episodes of the Ur bones for many years. He has a few hearts in his heart, and he is more restrained than the average person, just a while ago... ...I have already suppressed it with a needle, and Hou Ye doesn't have to worry."

Although she said vaguely, but Gu Yu heard it - always calm, no episodes, except for a while ago.

"It’s because of me." He thought blankly, standing up almost like a scam, and snoring for a moment, his face was like a knife.

Then he let Chen's hand to help him, and lost his soul, the stiff steel plate supported him, making him look like a purple shovel.

Chen Guangxu stopped in the spot for a while, and Su Bai’s face was very dignified. She couldn’t help but look back in the direction of the capital. The wooden bird released in the past few days should have arrived in Beijing, but... she believed Is the decision written really correct?

The gloom of the capital, the wooden bird flew past, the small figure is completely integrated into the black cloud of pressing people, almost invisible.

Zhang Fengxin got out of a carriage and thanked the people in the car. "The troubled Wang Ye took the time to send it to the old."

Chang Geng picked up the curtain and smiled. "I lived in the military plane for a few days. I should go back to Houfu to get some clothes to change clothes. Just by the way, I don't have to be polite to the public. Isn't the Lingyuan hospital not giving you a horse?" "

Zhang Fengxin didn't care too much: "I used it for the following people to run errands. I don't go out of Beijing, I have old bones, and I also have activities. Now I am fighting everywhere. The court is using money everywhere. Let's save a bit. A little bit, can't you turn the tide, can't you make a little effort?"

Chang Geng smiled and said: "It is this reason, and I will be taught later."

Zhang Fengxin was busy saying "Don't dare", Chang Geng also called him to live: "Follow the letter to stay."

He said that he would take Zhang Fengxin’s big words and ask the emperor to release the ban of the folk purple gold, and handed it to his hand: "Following the crime of forgiveness, this smuggler I stopped without permission, and did not send it up - - There are no outsiders here. If I say something to you, the folk purple gold has always been a piece of the anti-scale of the emperor. Since the beginning of Emperor Wudi, there has been no day to relax, and the heart will be compared to the heart. Ziliujin is unique to the emperor and the country. To, if you are the emperor, can you allow the private people to sell the radish carving jade?"

Zhang Fengxin knows that it is useless to hand over the package. It is not called back by the military aircraft. It is to provoke the emperor of Longan to send a temper, but he is quite literate. He always feels that "you love listening, I should say Say, "Who knows that the prince of the prince of the prince actually went to see him and said it to himself, and he was so frank."

Zhang Fengxin was frankly made his face a little red, and sighed: "His Royal Highness... Hey, His Highness is justified, and he is always confused, adding trouble to His Highness."

"I know that the heart of the boxing of the public for the people is a backbone of the Lingyuan. The days of these years are not good. The steel armor must be handled by you." Chang Geng waved, "We protect you." It’s too late, how can you talk about it?”

Zhang Fengxin is a bit helpless, but the look of the geese is very sincere, and the tone does not make people feel numb. For a moment, I don’t know how to deal with it.

"My little brother, Ge Chen, has been in the Lingyuan since I went to the Lingyuan. I have been in the ear all the time." Chang Geng said, "I can’t even love you to eat monkeys and eat pickled radishes. I used to learn together. I think he would buy a white hair and wear it every day."

The old face of Zhang Fengxin was really red this time. He hated to call his newly recruited little apprentice Ge Chen to slap a slap, and all the chickens and skins fell into the ears of Yan Wang.

"I and Ge Chen grew up together in Yanhui City. When I was young, I caught up with the barbarians. There was no one in my family. I have been following me for so many years..." Chang Geng gave a slight meal and looked at Zhang Fengxin with some difficulty. "I don't want to talk about it, just say it. There is a ruthlessness. Ge Chen wants to ask me to follow the letter. He has always admired the letter of the public, wants to recognize you... Hey, be an elder, If you don’t ask for anything else, you just want to serve in the knees in the future. It’s all about his wish. What do you think?”

Zhang Fengxin was rushing to breathe.

After Ge Chen went to Beijing with Shen Yi, he stayed in the capital and entered the Lingyuan. He was diligent and embarrassed. He was very talented. He was specially attracted to Zhang Fengxin. In a few days, he was accepted as a pro-disciple by the old man.

However, he is not without self-knowledge. He has written a letter of blessing in this life. He has no power and no power. He will not be seen all day long. What benefits can he bring to people? Who can bless you? Even if the old man is desolate, who will come to take care of him besides a few old dogs at home?

Chang Geng looked at his look: "Hey, I told him earlier, I don’t want to ask him for such a noisy goods. You don’t have to be embarrassed. I will give you a meal for you. You can rest assured. The thing has been heartless since childhood, and will not go to the heart."

Zhang Fengxin said, "Your Highness is slow! Your Highness! I...this...the old..."

As soon as he was in a hurry, his tongue was knotted, and his head was sweating. Chang Geng did not say anything. He looked at him with a sly smile, smiled without a haze, and looked like a teenager, with a little bit of narrowness.

Zhang Feng's letter is rare to see that he is not old and has a heavy appearance. He has come back to God, but he laughs and said: "His Royal Highness is..."

"Then I said to him, I went home in front of me and said that I would like to go to the public," Chang Geng said briskly. "When you turn back to Xiaoge to find a good time, give you a hoe. - Right, this is the eye. It’s going to rain, you take the umbrella from me, in case you need it.”

Zhang Fengxin’s old thornhead with Li Feng’s head bag smiled and said goodbye to him. He looked at Yan Wang’s car with a kind eyes.

Chang Geng’s forefoot just left, and the sky was as he said, and the rain began to rain.

The letter was given to the umbrella that Chang Geng had left for him. He felt a bit of emotion. For the past six months, the soldiers had been ruined, even though they were not peaceful, but as long as they looked at these young people, they felt that the top of the hall was in the sky. The big pillars have not collapsed, and there are several people holding them.

There are so many talented and talented people in the world. However, if a person is too clever, he will always be a bit less bloody, and he will be more inclined to protect himself. If there is a real person who is brave and brave, he will stand up and pick up the beam before they can Gather together.

The people who are in the forefront are doomed to work hard, and they don't necessarily have a good end. They are not worth it anymore... But thousands of sands, if there are not such stones, haven't they been washed away by the ages?

After the letter went back to the public, I saw a white robes flashing past the corner of the lane, and he took a smile on his face and walked quickly.

The restaurant of Xiang Mo is not as dignified and dignified as it used to be. It is more like a casual little tea pot. It’s not too awkward to go in and out as a letter. He puts up the umbrella and shakes the rain on his head. I heard a few taps on the wooden stairs, and when I looked up, I saw the master picking up the fight. I stood on the second floor and slammed him slightly, and I went to the guild for a quick walk.

The two walked into the innermost private room in tandem. There was already a middle-aged man waiting. The man was about forty or fifty years old. He looked plain and dressed, but he was very arrogant at first glance. It seems that the eyebrows are round, but if there is a household official here, it will be very surprising - this person is the richest man in the south of the Yangtze River Du Wanquan.

Du Wanquan made his home in Jiangnan. He once personally set up a caravan to go to the Western Ocean. It was the giants who went to the Western Ocean after the levy of the Emperor Wudi. After nine deaths, they were profitable. After returning, they were called "Du Cai".

Later moved to the northwest and was elected as the president of the Central Plains Chamber of Commerce.

As early as in Anding Hou, I didn’t know why, because of what was being ordered in the capital, and when the return period was not returned, this savvy businessman was the first to call the Chamber of Commerce members to start evacuation in batches. After that, the turmoil in the Western Region did not hurt too much innocent. It is said that the wind vane of this **** of wealth is brought in time.

No one knows how much money Du Wanquan has, and he says that he is rich and can be enemies. Of course, it is nothing to see the enemy’s poor and sour.

Such a **** of wealth, but now with the monk of Huguo Temple, the old thorns of the Lingshuyuan gathered in a rather shabby wine cellar.

After seeing Zhang Fengxin, Du Wanquan got up and graciously got up and put it in the seat. He said, "Please, please, please, my old brother has not seen each other for ten years. Now it seems that you are a little. It hasn't changed, and the style is especially good."

Zhang Fengxin said while deducting: "Where, old."

Du Wanquan's color is hand-in-hand: "Du Mou was dissuaded by his wife and children before he came to Beijing. I am afraid that the situation in the capital city is not stable. I am here to explain this old bone. I told them that the letter is not older than me. Is it high? When the soldiers are under the city, there is no fear of the unarmed face. I am a small businessman, although it is not like this unparalleled national sergeant, but if you come to visit after the event, you will not dare, what is it?"

Du Caishen lived in the mall for a long time, and he was alive and well, and he talked with His Royal Highness Princess Wang. They all belonged to two sentences that could make the face red and make people feel useful. Zhang Fenghan realized that he would go with him again, they were dark. I don't necessarily have to say good things, I have to sit in the first place.

When the monks clasped their hands together, they gesticulously said: "Mr. Du’s family is big and big, and he has a lot of opportunities to go back to the Lingyuan, and we will gossip about it, and then we will talk about it. ."

He said, he took out the beads in his arms and gently pulled it. A bunch of beads spread out. Then he opened the largest bead and took out an old hollow wood. The shell was simple and there were countless delicate gears. Show it quietly.

Fengxin and Du Wanquan looked at each other and no longer had a look. They each took out a piece of hollow wood block from their arms. Three hollow woods were put together and attracted to each other. They slid on the table and the gears inside each other When you bite together, your eyes will be tightly stitched together, and you will put it into the upper part of a wooden sign with a word "临" on it.

"This brand was put together one after another, or something more than two hundred years ago," Du Wanquan sighed. "The last time the ancestors had entrusted this to the emperor, did not choose the wrong person, change It’s been two hundred years of peace and prosperity, and now it’s in the hands of our generation. I hope that this time we can still choose the right one... Today, the masters convened the “Linyuan”, and some people must have chosen it.”

I gesticulously said: "Zhong Lao and Chen’s family are on the front line. People can’t come. In the days before Zhong’s old days, the trustee brought his opinions and the wooden sign of the custody. The Chen girl was in chaos, and the people were a little farther away. I haven't seen it yet, but I guess it is half a day."

Du Wanquan glanced at the Linyuan wooden sign on the table and sat down in silence: "Master, please."

"Amitabha," suddenly put his hands together and bowed his head. "One person from the beginning of the war, by the Linyuange wooden bird to pass the book, left a lively chess game for the besieged capital city, killed in danger, killed the traitor, personally defended the city, resisting the purpose By the throne -"

Zhang Fengxin heard this and immediately added: "The master said that this person I agree, I have the most contact with His Royal Highness in the middle of the DPRK. Although he is young, he has both ability and morality. I am willing to entrust this wooden card to him. Speaking of embarrassment, I have eaten many old things for many years, and I can’t afford anything at the crucial time. I heard the frontline battle report smashing. I can’t think of the Western Army’s ability to besieged the capital, and I can’t think of using wooden birds to send letters... Mr. Du, what do you say?"

At the same time, the two men looked at Du Wanquan at the same time. Du Wanquan thought about it. For a moment, he did not respond. He said: "The name of His Royal Highness is very expensive. I have never touched it. But I heard that the Highness had studied under Mr. Zhong Lao, and The Chen family has a relationship, and the two must know more about it. Is it better to wait for them?"

After taking out a wooden bird from his arms, the wooden bird's abdomen has a very fine seal, intact.

"This is the old man," he said. "The poor have not been opened yet, please."

Du Wanquan smashed his hand and was quite embarrassed: "Du is not welcome."

He finished, carefully uncovering the seal, opened the bird's abdomen, and took out the fourth wooden sign from it.

This piece is put together, and the word "Yuan" is spelled out more than half. There is only one corner left, and a wooden paper from Zhong Rong is pressed under the wooden sign.

Zhang Feng said: "Zhong Lao teaches the king of the princes to send troops to shoot and shoot Kung Fu. What kind of sentiment is it, no?"

His voice suddenly stopped, and he saw Du Wanquan laying the stencil of General Zhong Rong on the table. The note said: "This child has the talent of the world, but the childhood is too rough, although it is rare. Ren Hou, after the middle age, may not end in the end, and there is a hidden danger of "Ur bone", hope that Zhu Jun Shen."

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