Sha Po Lang
Chapter 75 Table of contents

Shen Yi, who was sent to death, heard a loud noise. Looking back, the lungs were spurting out, and the instinctively wanted to chase them.

The generals of Shen’s frontiers have been ups and downs for many years. After all, it’s no longer the zealous scholar in the Lingyuan’s court. When he was shocked, he’s just swaying. Shen Yi has already returned, and will tightly Ma Zhen lived, the first time licking his lips as a long whistle: "Xuanqiu don't mess, Xuan Ying to explore the enemy's movements, pass me orders..."

But he didn't finish his words. A mysterious eagle screamed in front of him: "Report! Marshal!"

"Wait, the handsome man doesn't open," Shen Yi stopped him. "What happened? Just tell me first."

The eagle eagle scouted and said: "Shen General, after the 16 countries of the Western Regions withdrew to the country, they regrouped and gathered a total of 18 vehicles preserved in various countries. They are heading for our place, and it is fearful to counterattack..."

Shen Yi Shen said: "How many people?"

"If you don't count as a car, from the sky, there are at least two or three thousand soldiers and cavalry..."

"Shen General!"

Gu Yu, a escort, ran over and crawled over, and he turned his head over, and almost licked his neck. The scalp was numb for a while. He couldn’t imagine it. If Gu Yu really had three long and two short, how could they hold the old silk? Twenty-seven points at the entrance to the road?

Do you want to go back again?

The pro-infant swiftly breathed a sigh of relief: "The handsome man will make you stand before the two kings in front of the two armed forces. They will hang their heads on the flagpoles and break the boat. Xuan Tieying will not leave a soldier and defend the city. !"

Shen Yicai listened to the first half of the sentence. A heart that was about to be stuck in the scorpion fell heavily back to the abdomen, and even the latter part of the sentence barely heard it. The wilderness of the pro-military repeated the side. He shouted: "Rebel...cough, the rebels are the end of the strong, the grasshoppers after the fall are finally stunned, listen to my orders, prepare for war!"

At the moment of the explosion, Gu Yu was protected by a heavy armor.

The Xuanjia sergeant was separated on the spot. Gu Yu briefly fainted for a moment, and was shocked with a blood. One ear could not be heard directly.

After waking up, Gu Yu can't take care of other things. The first reaction is that the enemy should take this opportunity to counterattack - the two rebellions in the Western Regions, and the deep hatred of the girders, one or two generations of people can not be solved, and now the Xuan Tie Camp is a thousand miles away. I am afraid, and this will probably be their last blow.

He Ronghui's liver and gallbladder have dragged Gu Yu out of the heavy armor. Gu Qi half of his body is blood, he has his own, and there are others. The potential of his body is erupting. His heart is ups and downs and countless thoughts. He Ronghui’s arm spread the command of the captives and the soldiers, and then he seemed to burn out the last bit of strength, and intermittently said: "The military service is now by Shen... Jiping temporarily represents this handsome job, can not be heard..."

He Ronghui almost cried.

Gu Yu’s ear was screaming, and I couldn’t hear anything at all. Naturally, I couldn’t detect the sadness of others. I just muttered: “The news of the blockade... Today’s business, dare to reveal a... a word, military law the wounded soldier, please ask Chen girl... oh..."

Gu Yu said this, a sharp pain in the chest - the old wounds have not yet had time to get good, then added a new color, a burst of black eyes, but still not idle: "slow, slow! Let The ambassador must have confirmed that the prince will leave the car and then call Chen girl. Don’t tell her what happened here, secretly come, be sure..."

He couldn't go on, and he slammed down with his hand, and He Ronghui was scared to death. He reached out and explored his breath. Seeing that the breath was weak, but he was still there, He Ronghui was down. Like a few mouthfuls, bent over and picked up the stunned Gu Yu.

Shen Yi looked away from the red-eyed He Ronghui, screamed and yelled: "King Turtles, brothers, follow me to renegade thieves!"

The Western Regions coalition forces knowing that they can't fight the Xuan Tieying. On the way to the retreat of the Emperor, they will have a total of a poisonous plan. They will arrange for the proficiency of the Western Regions to be counted as Gu Yu. At this time, I heard the explosion, and I thought I was successful. I was trying to take it in one fell swoop. Under the Silk Road junction, who knows that it has not yet traced to the Gusi Road mark, it has encountered the Xuan Tieying camp.

The explosion seemed to have completely angered the group of black-pressed iron war gods. The commander of the Kucha country thought that they would be able to return to the king when they forced the retreat of the black iron camp. Unexpectedly, they looked up at the king’s head and hanged with the flag. Like a knotted cold tassel, Kucha’s commander "ah" fell directly to the horse.

The head of the black iron general was buckled with an iron mask. The black pressure of the black iron under the weight of the armor could not tell who was who, as if the enemy could not see what was hanging on the flag, the general waved in the hunting wind, a light ride Backhand, the wind blade was rolled into a flower, and a rope on the flagpole was cut. The king of Kucha was landing, and all the way out. The commander of the Kucha country rushed to the ground and hugged the king’s head. With a big eye and a small eye for a moment, I couldn’t help but squat and stunned in front of the two armies.

This scorpion seems to be the horn of the Xuan Tieying. The next moment, the heavy armor moves. The coach is wearing a slap, sitting on the horse's back, lifting the wind blade in his hand, suddenly squatting, and the 20,000 black is silent. The crows and the horses walked together and shouted the killing sounds in the rumbling footsteps.

In the Western Region, the officers and men of the army, in addition to Gu Yu, which of the Xuan Tie camp will dare to be the master of the first play, directly kill the King of the Kucha?

Did Gu Yu actually not die?

Looking at this posture, they not only failed to kill Gu Yu, but angered Xuan Tie Ying.

This place, Shahai was blood, Xuan Tie heavy armor on the upper Western Warships, retired from the enemy 20 miles outside the ancient road, the Western Regions coalition counterattack failed, once again collapsed, Xuan Tieying all the way to the Western countries In the territory, the enemy’s head was nearly 10,000, and the Turtles and nobles were killed.

Chen Guangxuan just sent the Yanwang team back to Beijing with a good report. Before he could return from the excitement of crying, the two mysterious hawks flew directly to the northwest wounded soldiers: "Chen girl, the handsome coach invites you. Go for a trip."

When Gu Yu woke up again, someone was forced to open his mouth to feed the medicine.

I couldn’t hear anything in the chaos. Gu Yu took a breath and felt a pain in his heart and lungs. He had to hurt his tears. He was not fully awake, and he stumbled: "This Is it dying?"

When the thought came out, Gu Yu bit his teeth.

"No," he said. "Calace is still alive, Jiangnan is still falling, I am not blind."

This scorpion is like a dose of chicken blood, directly from his heart, Gu Yuyi excited, woke up.

Shen Yi, who was giving him medicine, couldn't open his teeth, and he rushed out of a cold sweat. At this time, he suddenly felt that Gu Yu's teeth were closed, and he was able to swallow himself. He suddenly overjoyed and shouted: "Zi Zi! Look at me in the blink of an eye."

Chen lightly said: "When you wake up, you will be fine. Shen General, don't worry, take him, give it to me!"

Gu Yu did not let the Western Warriors die, who knows that a bowl of medicinal soup surnamed Shen gave him a life of nine deaths, I don’t know where to take a little effort, struggling to push the scourge, he moved, the whole handsome account Boiling, a bunch of five big three thick men screamed and tried to help.

Chen lightly can't bear it: "Enough! Give me out!"

Gu Yu sharply smelled a woman's unique scent, knowing that it was Chen smack, slightly tilted his head, avoiding the medicine bowl that was sent to his mouth, and opened his eyes with difficulty.

Chen Xiaoxue knew that he was worried about something. He was busy writing a word in his palm and wrote: "Yan Wang has returned to Beijing, he does not know."

Gu Yu’s pale mouth bent slightly, and it seemed to be a smile. He barely drunk the medicine and his spirit spread.

Gu Yuzhen injured the lungs, and the old wounds recurred and burned over and over again. The words "dead is not eye-catching" are generally supported by the meteorites. The next day, people climbed up in amazement, and the soup was like water. The irrigation was carried out, and then the generals were all called down and listened to the battle report.

When the meeting was over, Chen Guangxuan put a bowl of medicine in front of him, and Gu Yu took it over and sipped it. I don’t know if it hurt his head or a big bang on his ear. He used to rely on the ear of the drug. Always been awkward.

Putting down the empty bowl, Gu Yu asked in the first sentence: "When did the geese go?"

Chen lightly cherishes the words like Jin Dao: "The early morning of the third day."

Gu Yu sighed with relief - the Western Region was in the middle of his control. As long as Chang Geng had already left, there would never be a word in the capital.

At this point, both public and private things he put down his heart, automatically counted this as a false alarm, and Chen Xiaoxue smiled and said: "I have recently forgotten some things, I will not check for a while, now I am looking at it."

Chen lightly did not laugh, but pulled a chair and sat down, making a gesture of long talk: "Hou, I have a few words to explain to you."

Gu Yuyi.

Some doctors are irritated, and patients who have any problems do not cooperate, they must violently jump, and some doctors are sheep-type--you come to me to govern, not willing to rule down, not reluctant, love Do not do, love does not die.

Chen Guangxuan is undoubtedly the latter. Regardless of the front line of Gu Yu's steel plate, she has repeatedly said that she has not said anything, and she rarely does such a positive color.

Gu Yu: "Chen girl please."

Chen Guangxue: "Any place in the human body is not alone. The eyes and ears are also connected to the organs. Hou Chen’s childhood poisoning has continued to this day, and this battle has repeatedly hurt and swelled, making the lungs turbulent. The five internal organs are disturbed - since the chaos of the Western Regions has been suppressed, in my opinion, the coach is best to take the opportunity to **** the prisoners of war and return to Beijing to rest one or two, otherwise..."

Gu Yu: "One day, what kind of panacea can't cure me?"

There was nothing wrong with Chen’s face, and he nodded. "Hou’s own body, I think there are counts in my heart."

Gu Yu snorted, and for a while there was no buzz.

When people are in their 20s and 30s, it is very difficult to feel the "oldness" and "illness" brought about by the passage of time. Occasionally, they are not physically strong. They generally do not think in serious places. They have no personal feelings.珍 」 ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ”

Gu Yu also failed to be excused.

Until this moment.

He always felt that his home was to bury his bones and dying in the mountains and rivers. He regarded himself as a fireworks, and when he finished, he would be regarded as the loyal reputation of his family.

However, when the matter came to an end, a long Geng emerged from the air, and a slap in the face of his established trajectory away from the original direction, he could not help but mourn, want more - for example, after the social loss, there is still a little left The year and month that do not leave the disease, leave it to Chang Geng.

If he dies early, Chang Geng bears the curse of the Beiban woman's viciousness. What can he do in the future? If one day Ur's bone attack, he really... who will take care of him? Who will control him?

Chen was not good at words. He was worried that he would swear and stupid. He couldn’t convince Gu Yu. Who knows that she hadn’t waited for her to make a draft, but Gu Yu suddenly said: "I know, thank you, I also ask Chen to worry about it later. Now, in this situation, recuperation may not be possible, but as long as I don’t go to the palace, there is no emergency military situation, and the medicine can not be used as much as possible, okay?"

Chen lightly stunned and suddenly found that Gu Yu seems to be different.

The three generations of Xuan Tieying passed to the hands of Gu Yu, which was a piece of iron. One sentence was a prohibition and absolute authority. Under the blockade of Gu Yu’s news, Beijing only got news of the victory of Xijiang.

In the public hall, he listened and cried, and the whole country was boiling. Even Gu Yu later wrote a letter to plead guilty, saying that his predecessor’s suicide of King Kucha seemed to be in the details. Anyway, Gu Yu’s lively means of fortune is not a day or two. Even Li Feng feels that it is like what he can do.

Only Chang Geng frowned at the sin that was passed to the military plane. Although he couldn’t tell why, he felt that there was a hidden feeling.

It’s a pity that he didn’t wait for him to think about it. The special envoy of Sendao, who sent the letter, took another letter: “Wang Ye, this is the family letter that Hou Ye gave to you.”

Gu Yu wrote his family letter last time, or the two years that the man had just traveled to Gusi Road, and one was Shen Yi.

Chang Geng Han’s first-class kungfu, quietly picking up the channel, thank you, and sincerely and ironing the scene, he opened his mouth and said that the special envoy of the mysterious eagle who had never seen the world said that he was tearful, and he could not swear to swear to serve the country. He was sent away with dizziness.

When the special envoy left, Chang Geng immediately retired the small eunuchs on both sides and couldn't wait to disassemble them. His hand was already clever, and he was very careful and careful. The envelope did not tear a bit, and it could be a complete one. use.

As soon as it was opened, it first fell out of a small dried apricot flower.

Gu Yu’s life is like Shen Yi’s body. He wrote a lot of things without any detail. He’s ruined his mouth. He described the bears of the Western Regions’ coalitions as not to ruin the water. The enemy’s fart is as if it’s in front of you. There are still people here, this will be amazed. Whoever saw the bleak and bleak prince of the geese laughed so openly after the case of the case?

At the end, Gu Yu wrote: "There are several apricot trees at the gate, which are involved in the war. The trunk is already mostly burnt, and the insect ants are not born. I thought it was already dead, and the day came back from the camp, and I saw the dead wood and the spring. The flowers are blooming, the night is blooming, the pitiful and lovely, the people who walk in the landscape, the scenery is countless, and what is the flower of love, but also the cow playing the piano, it is better to start with the first, and then play with you..."

After the sentence of Anding Hou that can be handed down to the world, Chang Geng faintly recognized that it was "willing to cut a few branches of Chunmei in the early spring of the next year." Later, I thought it was ominous to talk about the future, and it was painted and written with enthusiasm. I didn’t know whether it was intentional or coincidental. His mark of the branch was vaguely left with a mark of the flower branch. The word "Gu" was crossed across the door. Just look at the word that pressed the flower mark and you can feel it. The dark fragrance of the stocks came to the surface, and the unspeakable elegance was unparalleled.

Chang Geng was stunned by him.

These family buddies seem to be rough or not at all in peacetime. These hurricanes make a small means of getting the moon, and everyone has a few tricks to press the bottom of the box.

Chang Geng couldn't help but think of the strength of the card that was filled with Huang Tang and the stagnation between the romantic and the inferior. He wouldn't be so jealous for those unreasonable love affairs, but he felt that such a singularly cute.

Chang Geng took a bowl of herbal tea and slowly read Gu Yu’s book from beginning to end three or four times. He hated not to put every word in his mind, and he could draw an identical picture with his eyes closed. This will put the letter paper and dried flowers into the purse and put it in place.

Then he wrote the word "Shijia" on the paper on one side and closed his eyes slightly.

The "three sacred kings" of "King of the Wild Goose" represents the royal family. On the occasion of the difficult situation of the country, the interests between the family and the royal family are unprecedented. As long as he is not out of the box, he will not jump out and end up with him. The well-off family even expressed great support for the fire ticket, and this time more or less a little silver...

So what's next?

Once the border is a huge amount of military expenses, the displaced people are still crossing the river continuously. The people inside the gibel are not worried about production. The emergency bonfire ticket will soon bottom out. The court can't rely on borrowing money to live.

Reforming the field system, the tax system, and the civil and commercial system are all imminent, and it is okay to move anywhere.

At that time, the dignitaries of the Manchu dynasty will be his enemy.

Chang Geng Fang also cooled down with a warm smile, and the wolf slammed it and made a cross on the word "Shijia".

Under the lamp, the young prince Jun Jun is extremely cool, and it is extremely cold.

Dear letter to the public, Ge fat is also good, Chen girl... even Gu Yu, they seem to think that the person who provokes the girders can gently squat down the girders when the building is completed.

But how is that possible?

The word "power" has always been a road to no return to life when you are in danger.

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