Sha Po Lang
Chapter 77 Table of contents

In the early summer of the 8th year of Longan, the countries of the Western Regions could not resist it. They gathered the remnants and opened the country. They jointly surrendered to the sovereign state and asked for a crime.

At the entrance to the ancient Silk Road, the countries of the Western Regions sat together with the representatives of the Liangliang for the second time and were forced to negotiate.

The opponent defeated, Gu Yu was lazy to come to the face, only sent Shen Yi full authority.

Shen Yi came with the demanding requirements of the girders - first, he had to knock a large amount of gold and silver, and secondly, he had to build a large garrison station in the Western countries to monitor the country. Since then, except for Loulan, who is an ally, the rest of the countries are not allowed to prepare. A firearm steel armor, including the shackles, was completely destroyed. Finally, the girders required that the country’s needs to produce more than 70% of the Ziliujin in the annual output of the tribute and the girders.

This article Shen Yi feels a toothache after reading it all over again. It is simply a three-pointer. The representatives of the countries are also crying and crying.

The first negotiation broke down. Gu Yu took the 300-day heavy attack on the next day and surrendered the Western Remnant Barracks. It bombed the heavens and the earth with a string of red earth, artificially completed the main content of the second article of the contract for them, and publicly declared that It doesn't matter if the other two don't agree. He immediately took the massacre.

The massacre of this incident is devastating. Generally, only the northern savage talents do this. There are few such ethos in the army of the Liangliang army, but the Westerners fear that Gu Yu hates that murderous vengeance and suspects that he has done everything, just started. It was still stiff, and when the Gu Kai made the door open, the coalition representatives on the negotiating table finally collapsed.

After several days of bargaining, it was unsuccessful. Three days later, the "Lou Lan New Testament" was signed. Under the guise of Gu Yu’s heavy military, the countries first cleared the domestic war preparations at the fastest speed, and then they repeatedly tried to piece together one year after excavation and had not had time to use them. Purple flow gold.

At the end of May, Gu Yu and Shen Yi secretly sent Ziliujin back to Beijing.

A heavy rain washed the streets and lanes of the capital, and the tiny flowers were covered with long streets.

The things of the governance reforms are so little that the chaos that everyone will think of will not miraculously appear.

First of all, the family door valve is not stupid, even if the Yan Wang is dissatisfied with the digging of silver from their pockets, but I also understand that compared to myself, those who are born in the sect of the sect, who are not able to collect a few silver coins It is the most hateful of this policy, and they are not allowed to make this bird for others, so at first, this group of people hided and prepared to read jokes.

Unexpectedly, this matter is also a sinister thing. In addition to a few stubborn old sorrowful sages, they said that a few words of "systems" are not "body", and even the middle of the river did not even turn up a splash.

Chang Geng first took the emperor in the book, and put Li Feng on his longer-term vision of the bonfire ticket. He wrote a clear distinction, skillfully concealed skillfully exaggerated, and finally painted a big cake for the emperor— - In time, the fire ticket will be promoted from top to bottom. The folk gold and silver will be collected into the national treasury. The private sale and purchase of full-screen bills will be fine. The number of bills will be decided by the court at the discretion of the court. There will be no private gold and silver filled with dust, and the national treasury will have no money. The situation available.

Li Feng had previously felt that Yan Wang had some ideas that were too deviant and unconformed. At this time, he discovered that this person was not a disfigured system. He simply wanted to put the word "body" under his feet.

In the past, the Emperor of the First Emperor received the soldiers of the world to cast the golden man. Today, he has a prince of the geese who has gathered the wealth of the world.

However, this idea is too tempting. After Li Feng understood a little about the concept of "selling a few pieces of paper instead of gold and silver", on the one hand, there was a vague uneasiness in his heart. On the one hand, he could not resist the temptation and buckled the fold. After three days, after repeated scrutiny, I finally ate the cake with no hesitation. I ordered Chang Geng to start the operation, but again and again, the means should not be over-excited. Especially for those rising stars from the middle of the DPRK, they should "suddenly figure."

What Li Feng’s emperor didn’t know was that when Yan Wang’s letter was asked to change his rule, the richest man in Jiangnan brought a group of thirteen people from all over the country to Beijing, and invited him in the small restaurant that was chosen by Lin Yuan’s wooden card. One guest.

The small restaurant was originally ruined, and the name was unknown. In the past few years, the brilliance of the squatter was covered like a firefly in the moon. The eyes were not good enough to find it. This time, it was very lucky to retain it from the devastated capital. Down, at the beginning of the year, I took a break and officially opened the door to welcome the guests. On the original two-story building, I added two more floors. The broken bricks and tiles were very clean and renamed the "Wangnan Building". When I saw it, it was out of thin air. There is a lot of sadness in giving birth to a half-walled fall. No one knows that this half-dead restaurant is Du Wanquan’s industry.

When the two sides negotiated for the first time, they were very unsatisfactory. The readers were self-sufficient and expensive. They were both ups and downs in the Bohai Sea for many years. They were not willing to deal with these people who were full of skepticism. Most of them came to pay for entertainment.

Who knows that when they come into contact, they know that Du Wanquan is not simple.

Du Wanquan once personally rafted down the ocean, met the real big world, talked about people, and the chest gully was different from the ordinary merchant Jia Tianyuan. A three-inch tongue can live to let the dead live, plus Jiang Chong quietly From the mediation, many people soon floated.

Just as the laws and regulations of the reform of the government were infiltrated silently, Du Wanquan and others opened the largest private room in the South Building. The second banquet was led by Jiang Chong as the head of the Central Committee.

All of them were in the middle of the country, and the imperial examinations were officials. They started from scratch.

This time, the secret talk lasted for more than four hours, and when the moon went up, the first Jiang Chong only toasted the final game.

Jiang Chong abruptly rose up and looked around. Many people pushed the cup to drink more.

"Today's satiated, everyone is tired. I don't want to take a look at the scenery. I have a drink. The big guys have each drunk and scatter." Jiang Yongdao said, "As long as we are still going to fight, the fire ticket It is imperative to implement it, and Zhu Gong is united as a country..."

Jiang Chong said this, before the village did not stop at the store, and in a smile, he sipped the glass of wine.

If you are a country, please also consider your own way out.

For many years, the bureaucrats of the current situation were completely unable to insert their mouths, and the giants who were eager to have their own spokespersons met with the civil servants who had no power and no power and two sleeves, and formally formed an alliance.

After Du Wanquan sent away a roommate civil servant, he returned to the south building alone. He came to the next room in the private room. There was no servant in the house. The lights were not so good. Dim yellow steam lamp, there are two or two yellow wine on the table, a bowl of clear porridge and a dish of small dishes, porridge drank half a bowl, the wine left three points, the side dishes just moved a few mouthfuls, and the tableside people have already chopped chopsticks.

Du Wanquan is not a compound, but he looks forward to seeing the ceremony: "Yan Wangye."

Chang Geng politely nodded: "Du Gong."

Du Wanquan glanced over the porridge dishes on the table and said, "The royal family is really saving, so I feel so much, but this Wangnan Building is our own industry. Why don't you call it a bit? In the summer, I asked them to prepare some clean-hearted health..."

"Don't be busy, I will eat this slumber," Chang Geng waved his hand and said, "Today's business is full of Du Gong, and you are working."

Du Wan was so busy that he didn't dare to see him. He got up and diligently lifted the umbrella on one side: "There is a car in the backyard, please ask the king."

If at the beginning, when the monk summoned the Linyuan wooden sign, the most unwilling and unwilling person would be Du Wanquan. He did not rely on the folk strength of Linyuange in his early years, but earned the family business. It is impossible for Wanquan to admit that there is much help from Linyuange. At this time, he wants to put all his life into it for a person who has never been in contact with it.

However, after being in contact with Yan Wang for half a year, it is Du Wanquan who is most willing to be the front of the prince.

Du Caishen has been going south and north for many years, and his experience has always been higher than ordinary people. He vaguely feels that Chang Geng is indeed in danger of saving the country, but more is paving the way. Du Wanquan has a kind of excitement that cannot be said. Since the emperor's rejuvenation, the Yuan and the emperor have turned into a decline, and the Longan emperor and the end of the road - now is indeed the time to enter a new turning point.

He took the big ship with just a wooden sign.

Chang Geng just walked to the door and suddenly touched his waist inadvertently. The footsteps were a meal.

Du Wanquan looked at him with a sharp eye and asked: "What is Wang Ye looking for?"

"Nothing," Chang Geng paused. It seemed that there was some absent-mindedness. "The incense is used up."

These days, he was all over the place, and Anshen was too fast to consume. For a moment, he did not care about it. Chang Geng sighed and smiled at Du Wanquan: "Do not get in the way, Du Gong stays, don't have to send it - tell the letter to the public, he read The unforgettable things will be realized on the day."

He doesn't drink too much - the prince's identity is there. No matter what the occasion, there will never be two hundred and five dare to fill him. Although he is not drunk because of his self-sustainability, he started with his two or three cups. The ability of the headache can be inferred that the amount of alcohol may not work.

Chang Geng usually does not touch the wine, but this day it is too tired to listen to the wall for more than four hours, only to make people feel a little irritating on the two. Who knows that this is not a helpless sleep, and going back at night makes him a little difficult to sleep.

Chang Geng turned over and over in bed for a long time, until four days later, it was confused for a while. Half-sleeping and half-awake seemed to hear someone enter the door. He turned over and woke up. He raised his hand and unscrewed the small steam lamp hanging on the bed. As a result, I didn’t know if it was raining in the capital, or if there was no one in the house for a few days, then The flashlight only flashed and went out.

The stranger sat on a small couch and smiled. "What are you doing in my bed?"

Chang Geng was taken aback and his eyes were used to the darkness. With a little glimmer of light, he saw that Gu Yu was back. He asked: "I don't think there are two days to get to Beijing. How is it so fast?"

Gu Yu casually stretched out and leaned to the side: "I miss you, I am running back in advance."

The last time I was still in the year, I went to the winter and went to the spring. Now I have entered the summer. I haven’t seen anyone for half a year. Although Gu Yu’s report often carries “private goods”, I will send a letter after a while, but how Got real people in front of you?

Chang Geng thought that he couldn’t think of it, and now he had to pounce on him to hug him.

Gu Yu leaned back and fled away from his hand. Like a piece of paper, it fell to the window. The rain had stopped. The moonlight quietly entered the room from the puddle. Chang Geng saw the light armor that he had not unloaded for thousands of years.

"What do you do when you meet?" Gu said, "I am here to see you."

Chang Geng listened to the first half of the sentence and was crying and laughing. He said that he had sinned the wicked person, and he did not know who loved the manual foot. After listening to the latter part of the sentence, his smile suddenly converges, and it feels a bit wrong: "Hey, what's wrong with you?"

Gu Yu does not say anything, just watching him.

When two people sit and stand, they are relatively speechless, but they are like screenings.

Chang Geng’s heart jumped wildly without any reason, and it shocked him that he could barely hold anything else in his chest, and he couldn’t breathe. He couldn't bear to climb up and walked to Gu Yu, from the bed to the small window, but four or five steps away, but he seemed to be unable to walk.

He is moving forward, and Gu Yu will have to retreat.

Chang Geng turned around and grabbed the steam lamp that was not on the bed. He frantically screwed up the above organs. The steam lamp made a few buzzing sounds. Suddenly it turned bright. The house was full of blazing, Chang Geng ignored the light and glare, and turned to Gu Hey, but seeing the people standing by the window as white as paper, with a gray defeat that is not like a living person, two lines of blood trailing down his mouth and the corner of the eye.

The flashlight "slammed" and disappeared.

Gu Yu sighed lowly: "I can't see the light, what do you order it... Chang Geng, I am leaving."

What does it mean to "can't see the light"? Chang Geng was almost crazy on the spot, desperately rushing to the ground, desperately reaching for a grasp, but only caught a cold and biting mysterious armor.

Chang Geng said: "You stand, where are you going! Gu Zihao!"

"Go to the place to go." Gu Yu’s voice brought some coldness. "You are now rich in wings, and you will take the Linyuan Pavilion and take advantage of the Lijia Jiangshan. The world will be in the palm of your hand. What is the means? Li Feng does not Did you die in your hands? I have been left for a long time, and I have to say goodbye."

Chang Geng hurriedly said: "No, wait, I don't have..."

He instinctively wanted to refute that he didn't, but when he couldn't say it, his heart was confused, and he felt that what Gu said was actually doing it himself.

Gu Yu said coldly: "I was asked by the emperor to take you back from the town of Yanhui, and I have been taking care of you to the adult. I hope that even if you are not a pillar of the sky, at least the personal taste is right. Good man, how did you do it?"

In the early summer night, Chang Geng suddenly felt cold as never before.

"I took care of you when I first grew up, but I didn't expect to raise a wolf in the middle of the mountain." Gu Yu sighed slightly. "Daliang since the birth of the mother / ancestors, two hundred years, I thought it would last for generations. Who knows that the national jade is destroyed in my hands..."

Chang Geng wants to grab him, or cry and scream, but the whole person seems to be fixed in the same place, can only look at Gu Yu lightly and turn around, sighing: "Gu Mou Jiuquan Please sin, don't have to see you again."

Then he actually passed through the wall, disappeared out of thin air, and the open window was empty. Chang Geng burned in five times, yelled and woke up, his heart beat like thunder, and he was full of joy. Slowly spit out the suffocating qi in the chest, and then understand it later - it is just a realistic nightmare.

I don't know what it is for drinking. His head is pumping a pain, his limbs are sore, and he sleeps more than he sleeps.

After a moment of calmness, Chang Geng is planning to drink his mouth, and then close his eyes to raise his spirit for a while. Who knows that he just propped himself up and saw a black shadow on the wooden chair by the window. The person who breathes is very gentle and long, obviously a master. Even Chang Gung was shocked by his own heartbeat noise, but he was not aware of it for a while.

He instinctively said: "Who?"

The man smiled lowly: "What are you doing in my bed?"

There was no more frightening than this. Chang Geng did not wake up from the nightmare. At that time, his elbows were soft and fell directly back to the bed. Gu Yu’s broken bed from the bed to the pillow was everywhere. The collision was not the same, and the gentle and calm prince was almost stunned by a pillow.

Gu Yan was shocked and went to bed to help him get up.

He slammed Shen Yi and his own soldiers, and he came back two days earlier. He planned to take a rest tomorrow morning to scare Chang Geng. Who knows that he came in and saw that the bed was occupied by someone. He knew from Chen girl that Chang Geng did not sleep well, and it was difficult to sleep. When he fell asleep, he was easily alarmed and he was not willing to wake him up.

"Where are you hitting? Hey, let me see," Gu Yu said inexplicably. "You are very bad when you take up the nest, but I didn't say anything. Why did you see the ghost... say, back What good things have I done?"

Chang Geng shivered and grabbed his wrist. This time he caught the warm body temperature of the person. This temperature just let him breathe a sigh of relief.

Gu Yu found that Chang Geng's mood was a bit unstable, and he wanted to say a few gossips to ease it, so he said, "Why don't you ask me why I came back two days in advance?"

Chang Geng’s face changed at that time.

Gu Yu’s crow mouth continued: "I miss you, I am a whip in my own hands..."

Chang Geng shouted: "Don't say!"

His nephew was too fierce. Gu Yu’s meal, then he cautiously asked: "Chang Geng, what happened?"

As he said, he went to touch the steam lamp on the bed.

But just so gently twisted, the steam light jumped two times in a mess, then "snap" did not move, and actually broke.

For a moment, reality and nightmares overlapped with an incredible coincidence. Chang Geng whispered in a hoarse voice, and the soreness of the limbs poured into his heart, turning into a thousand and eight thousand kinds of horrible The illusion, opened a big mouth, swallowed him one by one.

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