Sha Po Lang
Chapter 81 Table of contents

However, I haven't waited for Jiang to see a clear distinction. Chang Geng has nothing to say: "Fang Shangshu really has talents, and it is the power of the world."

The prince's words are brisk, and the appreciation seems to be appreciated. It seems that the murder that can't be said at all is entirely the reverie of Jiang's own people. Only the word "ruling the world" is very subtle.

Fang Qin’s fold pointed directly at the heart of the Emperor Long’an’s heart. He did not comment on whether it was good or bad to classify the refugees into the factory. He only held up the security issues of Ziliujin’s supervision, and even dragged Gu’s out of the house to talk about it. Wan Xuan Tieying soldiers in the front line of **** battles, if not used, will not be loyal to the loyal ministers?"

Gu Yu is not too careless, but Li Feng’s counter-scale is properly poked. Chang Geng advised the public to make a concession on the Ziliujin issue, starting from the martial arts of the wise Mingwu. The flow of gold to the emperor's home is like another passing country, not to mention the fact that Jinghuayuan's accumulation of the royal shacks has been a torch. Since then, Li Feng has only become less secure.

Later, Fang Qin also delineated the possible consequences of a long list of purple gold sold to private businesses:

For example, if you open this mouth, how do you identify the Ziliujin in the hands of private businessmen from the court or smuggling?

If the price of foreign smuggling Ziliujin is lower, then the profit-seeking businessman will of course smuggle under the franchise brand. The private possession, private sale, and smuggling of Ziliujin will be repeated, and will not be more controllable in the future?

For another example, if there is no accident, the factory industry will always be longer than the mortal life. Even if the court only gives the thirteen civil franchise concessions, what should their children and grandchildren do?

The place where the purple gold is burned will only burn more and more, otherwise it will be difficult to continue, then the court is to have a concession for their children and grandchildren? What about the separation of children and grandchildren? What should I do if the factory is bought? If Ziliujin’s concession can also be bought and sold, then in the future, it’s not too convenient for the monks to privately attack the steel armor.

However, if the concession is only a hammer sale, and the people are not right, then the 13 people who have the concession will die, and if the factory is scattered, will it still be ruined?

At present, this generation of displaced people know that it is the foreign enemies that caused them to be displaced. It is the court that governs them to eat and give them arrangements, but what will they think about the repatriation after decades? They only think that the imperial court that forced the recovery of the concession has smashed their jobs. In this way, is it not a temporary crisis and an indiscriminate disaster?

In addition, there are various concerns, and Fang Qin finally sums up the elegant words: In summary, the people who are encouraged to sell Ziliujin to private businesses are either simple-minded or simply ignore the problem. I don’t want to think about how to end in the future, or I’m just smashing the sticks and licking the fish. I don’t know what to live with.

Fang Shangshu was only eight, a long one, and the words and sentences were poked on the heart of the Emperor Longan.

"If this fold is sent to the military plane in the usual way, we still have the ability to stop it," Jiang said with a sigh. "But... oh, Wang Ye, Fang Jia is deeply rooted in the DPRK."

Chang Geng suddenly laughed silently.

Jiang Chong was laughed at by him.

I saw the prince of the geese slowly picking up the tea on the table and seemingly and unintentionally saying: "Fang Daren said that it is a matter of urgency. It is not a nonsense of sings and praises. Wherever, even if we are sent to the military aircraft, what reason do we have to stop? Han Shi, is your sentence appropriate? When is the military aircraft, is it specifically used to deceive and use fraud?"

Although his tone was mild, but the words were already very heavy, Jiang Chong was shocked: "Wang Ye..."

Chang Geng’s look was slightly confined and he interrupted him faintly: “Today’s words are from your mouth, and you’re not going to pass on to the third person. I’m not sure, but I don’t want to hear similar words in the military aircraft. ."

Jiang was busy with the righteousness: "Yes, the lower official has lost his words."

Chang Geng’s look was mild, and he blinked and said: “I have limited experience. I am not enough to meet the city and the cultivation. I take you as my own, and there is no door in my mouth. It’s said that it’s lighter. Don't go too far to the heart of the cold stone brother."

Jiang Chong even said "Don't dare". He was hand-picked by Yan Wang, and others thought he was the confidant of Yan Wang, but he himself felt that he could not see the boss who was deeply ennominated.

The forces headed by Fangjia will not sit on the opportunity of the new capital of the DPRK to borrow money from the country, and will certainly spare no effort to suppress it. This is for sure.

Others may not know, but Jiang Chong knows that these so-called "news" are precisely the ones that the princes of the geese have fostered. From the reforms to the rule of law...and even earlier, the issue of the bonfire ticket has already been paved.

If his long bedding is to lay a game, then where is the last point?

The Royal Highness of the King of the Wild is really just and unselfish. Are all the things done to alleviate the state’s temporary crisis? He really has no desire and no desire as he has always shown. Only when the foreign enemy retreats, will he immediately go home and eat it as a free prince who eats royal food?

Is that really the case, what is it necessary for him to pave the way for such a large stall?

But if Yan Wang only used this big lie to lie to the world, there is another picture in his heart... What can he figure?

He is the only brother who is still alive today, and is the only prince of the prince. If you want to go further, you will only have... that position.

But this is totally unreasonable. Yan Wang wants to really want the throne. When the Emperor Longan personally passed on his intention to let him succeed, why did he resist the purpose?

To take a step back, even if he refused at that time, and then he started to raise his mind, why did he suffer from the prince's sin and sin against the middle and heavy ministers? Isn't it normal to pull it together?

Jiang Chong was confused and asked: "But your Highness, even the lower officials have read this affair. They are full of doubts about setting up a factory for private businesses. What about the emperor? But if this matter is not true, then it is not How do the imperial courts appease Du Gong, who are the people who have made great contributions to the country, and how should many displaced people settle down?"

"You want to be embarrassed," Chang Geng said with a deep smile. "After reading the emperor, I will only be full of doubts about the private business buying and selling Ziliujin. Since Fang Daren has already said so clearly, the private business has bought and sold Ziliujin. It’s not feasible. We might as well think about how to solve this problem. Isn’t it the best of both worlds?”

Jiang Chong slammed the ground.

Chang Geng: "Go back and prepare, tomorrow will be listed a little earlier. The military plane will discuss this matter before the DPRK, don't let my emperor disappoint."

Jiang Chong responded with a sigh of relief. For a moment, he heard some kind of unspeakable ambiguity from the words of Yan Wang’s calm and calm words. It seems that he had already expected Fang Qin’s fortune. Think about how to deal with the next step.

But... Since there is a solution, why didn't you propose it at the beginning, do you have to go around this bend?

In addition to intensifying the contradiction between the upstart of the bonfire ticket and the family door valve, what is the use?

"Oh, yes, Hanshi." Chang Geng stopped him.

Jiangchong, who had a lot of troubles, returned to God and thought that he had something to do, and he was busy listening.

Chang Geng: "By the way, let them give me two pounds of salt and small yellow croaker. I will bring it back, thank you!"

Jiang Daren’s foot slipped and almost rolled down the stairs.

At this time, Gu Yu, who was left by the Emperor Longan, was able to leave before the palace gate was locked.

The Quartet war preparations must be reviewed by Anding Hou before they can be reported to the military and transferred to the emperor for approval. The latest Ziliujin blending plan will be handed over to Gu Yu after the Dachao meeting. Who knows that the emperor left it and left him at this point. Zhong, Shen Yi had to wait until the night was coming, and when he was yawning in boring, he saw Gu Yu walked out slowly.

"How come this for a long time?" Shen Yi greeted. "I thought you were quarreling with the emperor because of what."

Gu Yu took over the folds he had prepared in his hand and turned it over: "When I get back to see it - there is something so noisy, it’s age."

Shen Yi: "..."

He looked at Gu Yu with a shocked look, and his tongue snarled: "This... this age? Handsome, are you okay? What did the emperor say to you?"

Actually, the "western flower" that smells beautiful all day long is called "this age"!

Gu Yan glanced at his shoulder, and the little prince squatting on his shoulder did not dry.

If a person has been a bachelor for a long time, it is always easy to feel that he is still young and young. Unexpectedly, he has become a "uncle" generation. This is how you think about it. If you change your life to a short one, It’s been about half a lifetime.

"Nothing." Gu Yu said absently as he walked. "It may be irritated by the great dynasty. I told you a few words of dejection... The man in the emperor, from childhood, is so competitive, he has to press it." When others started, they didn’t think about Taishan’s meditation when they first stepped into the throne. In those years, he’s...hey, it’s not easy.”

Shen Yi bears his hands and listens silently. Every time he touches these royal ruins, he feels very tired. He is headed by Yuan and Xiandi who have already entered the Imperial Tomb. One is more than one, and three days are better. , let you be unparalleled, hate can not afford to pour the world, two days of annoyance, and let you turn into a prisoner in a blink of an eye, do not know the life of the knife on the blade.

It is said that Yuan and Xiandi, if they can quickly smash and numb, now Gu Yu can reincarnate almost as a wife, but that person wants to get rid of the family, and several times he can’t bear to start, like a hunter with a heart-warming tiger nest. After doing all the work, I was forced to kill the young tiger. I had to take it home as a cat, killing it with sincerity, and lovingly and sincerely cutting it. As a result, I developed a "bad root" of such a deep love. I don't know if it is a failure.

Shen Yi sighed: "We don't know how difficult it is to go to the middle of the battle. It is not easy to know that the title of His Royal Highness is over." Guess what, I was still chanting with me yesterday, saying that I am "the horse is lost, I know." Non-blessings - Originally, my family was not a famous family, but it was also a modern imperial examination. It was just eight hundred people who ate the royal food. When I was willing to go to the spiritual hospital, my old man was nothing, Sangu and Liupo were crazy, and later from Lingshu. I’m not going to talk to you from the army, it’s not like... Hey, don’t mention it. In the eyes of our aunts, I’m just a hopeless loser.”

Gu Yu was dissatisfied: "How can the real military strength be defeated?"

"That is, but now my old man is a bit lucky," said Shen Yidao. "He said that nowadays, the middle and the lower are all undercurrents, and the situation is becoming more and more complicated. It’s not as good as following you to fight outside. At least the muzzle tip. They are all aimed at the enemy."

Gu Yu’s heart was not more practical, but it was more serious. He didn’t know what role Chang Geng played in the chaotic hall. So far, the military aircraft office seems to be only a special period. The war is the first, and the temporary institutions that co-ordinate the national strength and coordinate the ministers. Although they have the power to imitate the former system, they are the state center, and directly the emperor leads the six, but each of them still retains the original position, as if once the war Quiet, the military aircraft office can be abolished at any time.

Headed by the prince of the geese, the military aircraft office has always been around the emperor and the major military regions, and all of them seem to be in a foggy position.

"Don't say these bad things," Shen Yi interrupted his thoughts. "Right, isn't you still living in Houfu? How is it with him?"

Gu Yu: "..."

Shen Yi couldn't see the expression of "a word that was difficult to say" on his face. He said, "I heard people say that in the past, His Royal Highness Princess Wang lived in the military plane for ten days and a half, and only recently started to press the point. Going, it seems that it is from the time you return to Beijing... Hey, to say it, if he is not particularly serious, he will not dare to take your pastime."

He smacked a sigh of emotion in the three papers, and I don’t know that it’s not easy to feel that the prince of the geese is not easy. Let the surname Gu’s rush from it, or admonish Gu Yu’s feelings of shocking the world, and break it off – anyway, Gu Yu is unable to comprehend the spirit. , frowning: "I don't understand, what do you mean?"

"It means I don't know what to do about this," Shen Yi scratched his head. "It's just for you."

Gu Yu: "..."

He felt that Shen Yi was not worrying about him, and he was completely adding to him.

However, I slept all the time, and Shen Yi’s words, together with my emotions, have been eight years old. I can only rely on Gu Shuai’s face to be three feet thick. This kind of “reality” is really inconvenient to tell the world.

He glanced at Shen Yi and followed him step by step. He didn't seem to want to return to each other's meanings. He didn't swear and raised his eyebrows: "Why are you still following me, ready to go to Houfu to see how I am worried?" "

Shen Yixiao laughed, and Nene said: "Zi Zi, I have been married for so many years, let me have a meal?"

Gu Yuqi said: "Is your family so poor that you can't open the pot?"

Shen Yiyi turned his mouth to the normal state, twisted and swayed for a long while, and said: "I am... I want to give me a family member recently, that... a little too warm, I can’t afford him, I have to hide and hide. - Hey, you are almost OK, don't laugh and flash your waist. Is there such a good enemies? Oh, you have to send me for you, I have you gloating..."

Gu Yu laughed and couldn't breathe: "I... really long-sighted, the first time I saw a general who was forced to eat a hundred meals because of forced marriage."

Shen Yi: "...Gu Zizhen, are you still in love? If you are still shut up, please let me have a good meal and forgive you."

He really regrets that when he can't climb up the bed, he will revenge and hate it. If he is honest, he is bullying.

When Gu Xiaoxiao was tired, he persevered comfortably: "I know how to be satisfied. Some people urged the old father to be alive. I want people to remind people to remind them."

Shen Yi listened a little bit and said: "I may be afraid that I will die on the battlefield, and I will leave it to Shen. I haven’t let him worry about it for so many years, that is... I myself. I know that it is inherently trivial. If you have a wife and a child, you will not be able to stay in the frontier. You have already been so lonely. If I go again..."

Gu Yan didn't smile, and looked back at him in two steps.

Shen Yi: "I recently saw that you have the meaning of retreating after you want to be successful. I really want to fight the foreigners back. The emperor can't find you any more trouble anymore. Besides, there is also the royal king of the prince, and the gentleman is careful and careful. And it’s for you... I’m sure I can take care of you. I’ve been stalking for so many years, and it’s true that I’m going to take care of my heart and become a family.”

"Ji Ping," Gu said. "Is it wrong..."

Shen Yi waited for him to say.

Gu Yu: " also secretly love me?"

Shen Yi was stunned by the rock on the ground.

Gu Yu shook his head and sighed: "Natural beauty is hard to give up, hey, it is too troublesome to be too handsome."

Shen Yi finally couldn’t bear it, and roared: "You still have to be shameless!"

When General Shen was in a hurry, he turned into an anger, and he returned to Houfu with Gu Yu. Unexpectedly, he met the prince of the geese who had just returned from Wangnan Building at the gate.

In the face of General Shen, Chang Geng greeted him very politely, and handed the little yellow croaker to Gu Yu: "It was just out of the pan, and the righteous father said it was delicious. I bought it back."

Shen Yi laughs.

Gu Yu dry cough.

Chang Geng's eyes, the expression - Shen Yi feels that it is a mistake to come to Houfu's rice. His eyes are all stunned. Gu Yu is hearing the "father of the righteous" and he has a backache.

After the appearance of the Temple of the Wild Goose, he surrendered to the two generals who were alive and kicking. The smile could lead the two into the door.

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