Sha Po Lang
Chapter 89 Table of contents

I can personally open this incredible Western, even if it was just dried as a dried pork for a long time, Ge Chen felt that he was worth it. The whole person was so excited that he saw a disciple of a peerless beauty, and his face was wretched on the console of the Western Ocean, and he was mad!

In the river water, a group of strangely colored fireworks was blown up. It was Gu’s **** who set fire to the river. Ge Chen straightened the Western Ocean in the past. The next moment, a child’s thick iron lock from the west to the mountains and the tsunami The ground swept out and opened the sea breeze. The person who lost the water was the Xuan Tieying elite. Instead of being scared by the weapon, he raised his hand and climbed the iron lock. The man followed the iron lock and swept a half circle. Then he borrowed a head and turned it over to the west. Hey.

Ge Chen shouted: "They have stabilized! This Western Yangling Lingyuan has been coveted for a long time. Today, I finally got one, and I am handsome. After that, we will follow the rest of your saddle." Hahaha!"

Everyone was swayed by Ge Lingshu’s slap in the face, and he could only try to climb the railing next to him. Gu’s ear was a raging river, and he snarled and snarled. The tie was tied, why didn't you think of him?"

The Western eagle flies past the sea monster, and at this time, it is too late for the Westerners to react.

The Western garrison on the South Bank returned from the chaos, and the red-faced face was going to pursue it. Who knows that the order has not yet been made, and the sturdy slab of the river opposite the river has gone out of Hong Kong without warning.

Mr. Ya stunned the clairvoyance in his hand and quickly told him: "Slow! Don't chase, it is a conspiracy. The whole team of the fleet is assembled and ready to fight! Hell, the Central Plains have been shrinking for so long, how come today suddenly?"

The pope’s face was not very good-looking. He personally accompanied a man with two mustaches out of the camp – about the so-called “guest from the Holy Land”. The two looked at each other and the pope turned his head, quite worried. Looking at the Jiangbei garrison of the big soldiers.

The slamming western scorpion on the river did not enter the girders of the girders, but when both sides were waiting for it, the girders of the squadron under the gaze of the enemy, suddenly the team changed to the former team, and there was no action, slow. The ground shrank back - as if it was just out of the light.

The rest of the Western Marines, which are foggy, don’t mention it. When the old general Zhong Rong received the biography of the Chang Geng Wood Bird, he was really shocked and secretly stunned the madman.

However, the prince of Yan and the relatives of Anding Hou, Zhong Rong and Yao Zhen, one Wenyi and Wu, two Jiangbei family members have to come in person anyway.

According to the rules, Zhong Rong Shi said on the road: "At the end, you will see the Royal Highness Princess Wang, Gu Shuai..."

The two have had a fate with him. There is no one who dares to let him go, and he is busy with the left and right to help Zhong Rong.

Gu Yu’s gaze inadvertently passed over the back of General’s hand. I saw that the back of the hand was covered with fine brown spots. It was as thin as a layer of skin, and an aging smell rushed.

Zhong Rong has been over the ages, although the back is still quite straight, the hair is white after all, and the tens of tens of pounds of scorn is unbearable, and only a layer of symbolic thin armor is placed on the body.

Gu Yu looked at him, and his heart was mixed for a while.

He once envied the old general, and hated not to follow suit. He unloaded the official position and the title, and buried his name, and the rivers and lakes couldn't find anyone. How happy it should be.

However, he envied a circle, he had not had time to go, but General Zhong Zhong had returned with his old body. The two men went south and north, and each of them tried their best. Gu Yu felt that he saw a circle and could not escape. Destiny.

Zhong Rong said that he had swept Chang Geng with an unclear look. He looked at Gu Yu and said: "Gu Shuai's face is not good."

Gu Yan smiled and said: "I accepted the Emperor's life and promised to send the two kings of Yan Wang and Xu Daren back to the capital safely. As a result, they failed to fall into the enemy's front, and they were frightened and scared. How could their face be good? ?"

Zhong Rong said faintly: "In this case, let the adults take care of the dust and discuss it later. Re-emphasize, you should arrange for the adults to change their clothes, take a rest and re-discuss, and in the extraordinary period, there will be some military affairs. Less to accompany."

After that, I saw Yan Wang’s eyes and did not kiss me with a fist. I really turned and left. Chang Geng probably knew that the old general was not satisfied with his arrangement, and he did not say anything on the side.

Zhong Rong is old, and the loess is buried in the neck. Maybe he will see the emperor one day, and he will not be a prisoner. The other ones who are in the middle and high weights are his descendants, so don’t worry about it. Still, An Houhou, his old man did not leave his words, and the attitude looked at Xu Ling who was only able to escape.

Only Yao Town was left with a headache, and he was busy smashing his stomach and hitting the rounds. He was anxious to arrange a camp break for everyone.

Gu Yu grassed and washed, and replaced the clothes that had been drenched by the rain. Not so much, I was too tired to do so. I told the people not to disturb them, and they slept in the darkness.

When he woke up, the sky was already dark, Gu Yu’s eyes were blurred, and the sounds around him could not be heard clearly. He only moved, and then he reached out with one hand and gave him two teas attentively. Let him wake up, and then handed a bowl of familiar medicine to him.

Don't ask, Gu Yu knows who the person is.

Gu Yu didn't have any spirit. When he slept, he was even more lacking. He didn't bother to pay attention to Chang Geng. After taking a bite, he went back to the pillow and concentrated on his eyes to calm his eyes and wait for the drug to attack.

Chang Geng sat quietly on one side, replaced the silver needle with his fingers, and hangs around the acupuncture points between his head and neck. Gu Yu was depressed by him, feeling that his heart was clear and clear like a hurricane. The crumbling lamp burns intermittently.

After a while, the gradually clear ear force and the continuous tingling sensation rose at the same time. Gu Yu was completely awake, and could not help but frown slightly.

Chang Geng’s movement stopped, and he bowed his hand in the eyebrows that Gu’s wrinkled, and the temptation seemed to be released. Then he might have no reaction, and he was bold and daring. The bridge of the nose kissed all the way, and finally fell on the lips with a slight bitter taste.

Gu Yugang didn't swear when he finished the medicine. He was full of bitterness and didn't want to kiss him. So he hid a little.

Who knows that this is not so obvious, I do not know how to stimulate Chang Geng, he only quietly and silently changed his breath, his breathing suddenly rushed, his hands were dead, and he took Gu Yu in his arms with a sigh. Unspeakable desperation means that a brain has invaded, as if not to kiss him, but what kind of hatred is biting.

Gu Yu reached out and pinched his back neck, but was dragged by Chang Geng midway and forced to press on the couch.

This is still licking my nose.

Gu Yu frowned, and the side of the body brought Chang Geng's elbow to the edge of the bed. He did not lightly and squatted. He was licking his numbness. Chang Geng really sighed, instinctively loosened his hand, but the next moment was ignored. Wrap it up.

Gu Yu, a singer and a deduction, used his technique to cure him: "Where is this, what are you crazy about?"

Chang Geng breathe a lot of scary, and he has to hold on to him when he dies. He is shackled and refuses to let go. He still stubbornly licks his arm to reach people, his wrists are twisted to a certain extent, and he "slams" and he screams. It is really scary that the person who is rather self-injured and self-inflicted will not be reluctant to evade.

Of course, Gu Yu couldn't break his wrist alive. However, his hand was slightly loose, and Chang Geng rushed up. It seemed to trap people in the bed between the beds. He stared at Gu Yu and looked like a hungry wolf. Like.

It is greed and fear.

It’s like being desperate, and it’s like being nervous and alerting.

Gu Yu’s originally blurred vision gradually became close to the focal length, and it was already clear after four times. Only then did he know that he had slept all day without knowing it, and he was resting when it was dawn. At this time, it was already dusk, and the twilight gradually merged.

He looked at Chang Geng's eyes in a dimly lit place. He did not find the ominous blood and heavy sorrow in his eyes. He knew that he was awake at this time, purely looking for things.

I don’t know how long it took, and the fierce color in Chang Geng’s eyes finally subsided like a flood of water, and an unspeakable color of pleading slowly opened the foam to reveal: “Zi Zi, I...”

Gu Yu asked coldly: "What are you?"

Chang Geng involuntarily shrank in his gaze, slowly let go of him, the whole person stiffened like a puppet, slightly closed his eyes, sitting on one side.

He is too sensitive in Gu Yu, sensitive to Gu Yu, there is no need to say anything, a look can make him cut off.

Silence spread in the little camp. For a long time, Chang Geng whispered in a deadly silence: "This time, I will force Li Feng to stand on my side. I want to test the door of the family." How big the wind and waves - those people are used to the old, and the inside is not a piece of iron. In the capital, the action is too big and it is easy to be bounced. It is better to use Jiangbei as a breach, and lead them to split their points lightly. I will also take the opportunity to push up the new expensive. Going to power, waiting for the next step to completely eliminate dissidents and clean up the court."

He seems to have a dark tide in a few words, and he does not mention the words "settling the people". He seems to be tempted to avoid suspicion. He deliberately refuses to say that he is kind, how insidious and deceitful, how shameless and shameless. .

Who doesn't know that Yan Wang sees people talking about people, and he talks about ghosts. As long as he is willing, the old thorns of Zhang Fengxin can be obedient, and at this time, he feels like he has become a The young version of Zhang Fengxin, who specializes in Gu Yu does not like to hear.

When he opened his mouth, he was out of control, and he took a breather for a while. He continued to say nothing: "These new upstarts were won by the bonfire ticket, and the national difficulties were gathered to integrate the party. As long as you take a little light, you will be able to become a general trend by taking advantage of the situation. They will be eager to stir up the old government and the old system. I have to ruin the emperor from the Emperor’s arbitrariness in this generation, as for Li Feng. How is he loving, and Li’s family is all dead, I am happy."

Gu Yu was heard at this time. This mixed-package thing was a loss of heart. Instead, he deliberately went to his bluffing arbitrarily, not to find a fight.

Gu Yu’s heart braved the fire and thought, “Oh, your intention.”

Then he asked very eagerly: "You are not surnamed Li? Then are you a surname pig or a surname dog?"

"I?" Chang Geng gave a short smile. "I am a natural pig and dog, but a human flesh in the hands of a pretty woman..."

He didn't finish the words. Gu Yu had to give him a slap in the face, Chang Geng instinctively closed his eyes, but he refused to dodge hard, and the slap came with the wind, but fell on his face. Before, Kankan stopped at his neck.

"The merits of the world have been judged by you. You and I are stalking and arrogant. What do you mean by swearing?" Gu Yu wanted to put pressure on the air pressure. Who knows that he also moved the real fire, "Cry two The three hanged and forced me to admit that you can do anything, and do everything right, and then I will agree with both hands - you are satisfied? Sleep well? Conscience laid down?"

His voice seemed to carry a knife, a **** mouth, Chang Geng hurts like a slight sigh, and trembled: "There is nothing to do with the world, it is the world who bears me, I have never owed this world. There is nothing in the way, I will tell him who is talking about it... But people live and think about it, son, I will be in my life, and I can’t tell if I want to divide it. It’s on you, you have to break my thoughts. It’s better to give me a finger to die, I will leave."

"Oh, how, the king of the geese will die for me?" Gu Yu almost made him laugh. "I hate others in my life, I threaten me."

Chang Geng listened like a hail, and it was difficult to suppress himself. He didn’t talk to Gu Yu on this day. He was uneasy in his heart, and he also thought about fooling Xu Ling. He took a good job and ran for one. Fan understanding... It is not difficult.

However, the reason is a thousand, he knows well, but he can't do it.

It can be known that love is a fascinating thing, like a double-edged sword without a handle, hurting and hurting others.

Gu Yu pushed him away, Chang Geng was shocked, and hurriedly reached out and grabbed him: "Don't leave!"

Gu Yu took the wrist with him and forced him to spread his hand. Then he didn't know where to pull out a thing. He raised his hand and took it to Chang Geng's hand. He screamed and Chang Geng screamed fiercely. A moment - this life has never been stunned by the prince of the king of the wild, who has not been beaten by the gentleman, and for a moment he has forgotten.

Gu Yu holding the white jade flute: "You take yourself as a pig and dog, who will treat you as a person? You don't know how to cherish yourself, who is the one who asks for it? ?不不贱?贱不贱?"

He groaned in his mouth and took a sigh of relief. He pumped three times on Chang Geng's palm, and took it to a place. He finished the red stamp and there was no smudge.

After playing, Gu Yu used his white jade flute to stop his chin: "How do others treat you, what is the relationship with you? Others are respectful of you, you are invincible, others are abandoning you, you are really his mother. Is it a group of mud? Is it a barbarian woman who has been dead for 800 years, what can be done with a little vicious voodoo next door? Look at me!"

Chang Geng: "..."

"Listen to the people who are going to learn the rich five cars, but I don't know what is called "self-weight". What is your five-car loaded? Is it a straw?" Gu Yu said, throwing the jade flute aside and sighed, "You wait." After a whole day, I came to fight specifically, now I’m done, let’s go.”

Chang Geng sat on his sloping side, holding his red and swollen palms, and returned a little bit of scent in a burning pain, incredulously looking up at Gu Yu.

Gu Yu’s back to him poured a cup of herbal tea, and after a slow drink, he asked, “When can the two rivers live together?”

Chang Geng dumb voice: "...if it is fast, before the end of the year."

Gu Yu also asked a question similar to Xu Ling: "When the Jiangnan in the north of the country, can you fight a battle?"

Chang Geng closed his eyes and gently replied: "Western China is not a piece of iron. It is known that the Pope's own position is faltering. During the year, the messenger will talk to me. If it is to be counted, it will take a year or two to recuperate. After you have saved your eyes, you can let go."

Gu Yu was silent for a while: "How long can you be peaceful after playing?"

Chang Geng: "When the country is strong, it is natural."

"Well," Gu Yu nodded and said, "Let's go."

Chang Geng did not turn back: "Where... Where are you going?"

Gu Yu: "Don't you want to check with Jiang Dajiang for Yang Ronggui's fraud? Why, I guess wrong, you didn't plan to go all night, but still want to wait for Zhong Lao to pick you up?"

Chang Geng looked at him.

"I have to stay in Jiangbei for a few more days," Gu said. "Twenty of the guards will take you away. Unless the foreigners cross the river, they will be enough to deal with the local officials. It will be dark, don't delay. ."

Chang Geng stood up silently and sorted out his messy appearance.

"And," Gu Yu paused. "Your hand, I will take some medicine myself."

Chang Geng struggled to open his face, seemingly forbearing for a while, whispered: "Yefu, I want you."

Gu Yu thought that his ears had a new problem: "What are you talking about?"

Chang Geng no longer repeats, his ears are red and red, eager to evade and screaming at Gu Yu, his eyes continually drilling into his white clothes.

Gu Yu: "..."

Gu Yu’s how to be romantic is also a normal wind, a normal flow. In that case, there are quite a few bad habits of the family’s children. It’s hard to understand the Yaxing, which is “everything in the sky, in the rain, and in the water.” The kind of bed must be called "father of the righteousness", and the "sense" that can be heard and sentimental is stunned. "It seems to be a little crazy."

Therefore, he pointed to the door of the military account and said shortly: "Roll."

Chang Geng did not dare to delay the business. He was so eager to suppress it. He didn’t quite sneak a sneak peek at Gu Yu, barely calmed his mind and fled.

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