Sha Po Lang
Chapter 96 Table of contents

When Chang Geng opened his eyes, it was dark everywhere, and only the bald head of the master was reflected in the vicinity.

When he was just moving, the uncomfortable Xu Ling rushed over and shouted: "Wang Ye! You can wake up Wang Ye! Do you still know me? Wang Ye..."

When he didn't finish it, Xu Daren whimpered himself first. He wiped a tear on the Chang Geng dutiful son, but he wiped it more and more. Finally he sat down and cried.

Chang Geng: "..."

The sound of wearing the ear magic is very similar to the sound of the flute of his family, General Gu, and Chang Geng’s ear is shocked by his shock. At this moment, he is very fortunate that the master is a dumb.

The dumb is not only noisy, but also very considerate to the Xu Daren who has a tear in his nose.

He approached the Chang Gengbi and said: "This place is close to the Jiangbei camp, it is very safe, the wooden bird is released, and the little brother of Sun Da Ge’s men has already tried to take the Wangye’s token to contact the Jiangbei camp, if there is no accident. General Zhong will be able to find it soon, and the prince is relieved."

Although the monk often pretends to be a ghost and does not like to take a bath, it is worthy of being a high-spirited person. In the three hundred and sixty days of the year, there are always two days to be reliable.

Chang Geng took some trouble and took a look at it. He deeply understood what it means to be "turning over the gutter" and couldn't help but smile.

On that day, Chang Geng will take down the guards and take Xu Ling to go to the Shahai Gang. Unfortunately, the luck is not very good. It is not the time.

Their forefoot just followed the boss of Sun to the rudder of the Shahai gang, and was on the way to the altar of the altar. The rebels who had the same kind of martial arts had already poured out, just happened to be right.

In fact, at this time, although Chang Geng’s heart was “slightly”, it was not too nervous.

Based on his understanding of the environment in Jiangbei at this time, this rebellion did not surprise him. The dog jumped into the wall and rushed to bite. Everyone knew that rebellion was a big crime of killing the head and the Nine, but if the Nine people did their best, they would be precarious. I can't live without it, what can I do? The death of the sac is also dead, and the defeat is to kill the head. Anyway, it is impossible to kill it twice. It is better to start up, at least to die, and to be named.

The emigrants who escaped from Jiangbei have indeed reached the opposite stage.

However, Chang Geng is not a god. He can infer that the displaced people are likely to have such a situation, but it is impossible to know when and how they will rebel. However, at that time, Chang Geng just felt that he had come unfortunately. What kind of wind and waves did Yan Wang have not experienced? He did not think that he might not be able to control the situation.

Chang Geng knows that there is no such thing as a mob rebellion forced out by alive.

As a result, the imperial court and the rebel people know that the Ziliujin era is not a fight, it is not a matter of killing one person by two or three masters. It is the key to the fire machine steel armor, even if the famous star is playing the grain. I can’t turn the flowers out of time. Even if Shahai does not make such a big deal, as long as there is no lighter steel armor and its own Ziliujin source, it is definitely not an opponent of Jiangbei Camp.

They forced them to rebel, nothing more than to ask the court for a way to live.

This living road has been prepared for them before Chang Geng came, and those who are not afraid of death will also be reluctant to live in the first line. With this vitality, who is willing to hit the Jiangbei camp? Who wants to be an egg to touch a stone?

The bosses who brought Chang Geng into the Shahai Gang, although they talked badly and had a bad attitude, but they understood people and acted recklessly. Seeing the help of this inside, they immediately decided to squat down the identity of Chang Geng and Xu Ling. In the case of excitement, the fall of a geese prince not only can't be safe, but it will ignite the anger of the rebels. If there is a long-lost indiscriminate deduction of the geese to go to the Jiangbei camp, then the two sides will really end up. .

Sun Boss himself and Chang Geng’s ideas coincide, and they don’t want to use these poor people’s lives to fill the mouth of Jiangbei’s big camp that should be aimed at foreigners – just to let the court listen to a loud voice.

Therefore, Chang Geng and Xu Ling still pretend to be the righteous businessmen from the south. Sun boss helped to cover up. At the same time, the monks who have been mixed in the rivers in the rivers and the generals of the people are also in the sand sea, thanks to the relationship established before. Very smooth contact with the rebel leader.

As everyone knows, Yan Wang has a three-inch tongue that tells people to talk about ghosts and tells ghosts. In addition to facing Gu Yu, he always plays an abnormal role. At other times, he has great combat effectiveness. As long as he is willing, fooling everyone is a fool of the standard. In just over a month, Chang Geng has basically controlled the situation, and originally helped the insiders to stir up. Later, everyone has been able to sit down and weigh the pros and cons.

Shahai Gang, including the boss of Sun, included a thorn in the court, and the other three were all moved by Chang Geng. They were willing to send people to try to contact the court.

However, at this time, Jiangbei Camp, which had been searching for the whereabouts of Yan Wang in the dark, suddenly moved, and the atmosphere suddenly became tense again.

Chang Geng knows that I am afraid that the fake geese have already arrived in the capital city. The east window has happened. The disappearance of his own in Yangzhou has become something that everyone knows. When it comes to the prince, the Jiangbei camp has to change its mind and make an attitude.

On the one hand, Chang Geng appeased the rebel army of Shahai Gang. On the one hand, he personally drafted a discount, and wanted Jiangbei Daying not to act rashly for the time being, saving him from falling short.

Who knows that there is a blind man at this time.

There are unexpected events in the sky. When people are unlucky, they are drinking cold water and stuffing their teeth. Yan Wang and his party have not successfully passed since they entered the armpits. After Shahai helped plot rebellion, for the sake of safety, the strategy of practicing the three caves of the rabbit is ten. In the first half of the month, I changed the location of the total altar. At this time, the altar moved to the middle of a small hill in the north of Jiangbei, and it was not very rare to have a mine behind it. The mine in Jiangbei area is not very rare. The long-armed division with specialization will remind him of these small mines, because the wooden bird in the back of the mountain is likely to be unable to fly.

Some mines will make things such as Sinan also ineffective. Even if the Linyuan wooden bird is exquisitely crafted, the core is actually a special magnet in the abdomen. It can connect with the magnets that the Linyuange people carry with them. The wooden birds only fly in the air. In this case, the height can be bypassed or the disturbance can be bypassed. When there is no flight, the magnet in the belly of all the wooden birds will be abolished immediately.

The bird couldn't fly out, no, Chang Geng had to use a stupid way - let the monk personally run the leg to send a letter, the letter that was passed out was the one sent by Gu Yu's pro-guard to the capital.

Who knows that there is another scorpion at this time.

The four rebel leaders generally have not read a few books, and the appreciation level is very close to the old farmer who loves to listen to the book in the Chenghuang Temple. They claim to be "the king of heaven and earth", and what is called "the king of heaven" and "the king of the earth" Goose bumps.

The boss of Sun is the "King of the Kings". Among them, "The King of Heaven" is the thorn that is exceptionally fierce and evil, and has a deep hatred against the court.

The thorns were originally spoken and counted. Everyone had to follow him to rebel. Suddenly, from the boss to the stubborn minority, he carefully thought about it. He thought that Sun Boss, who was always unwilling to fight against Jiangbei’s battalion, had problems. The boss of Sun, who is "greedy and fearful of death," has made a must, bought a confidant next to Sun’s boss, and is ready to grab the boss’s nephew and kill him.

The result was not so skillful. The people who bought it were stunned for five or six days. Sun’s little nephew didn’t catch it, but he saw that the monk left the altar in the middle of the night and joined the court. .

When Tianwang saw it, it took a long time for a long time to say that the good brothers who called them brothers and brothers were actually imperial eagle dogs. They immediately became mad, and the trust that was not much was followed by an instant collapse.

Chang Geng took the initiative and immediately found out that the identity leaked. Immediately before Tian Wang came to the door to question, he took the lead in bringing all the faces in the gang, and admitted that he was admired. Although the timing is not very mature, it is better than being screamed. The ground is exposed. Chang Geng can certainly kill the king, but the rivers and lakes have the living methods of the rivers and lakes. These throwing dogs and dogs are not as practical as the middle-class people. If they are not handled well, they may trigger a rebound.

At the beginning, the bandit nest was blown up by the king intently, and it was screamed into a ball. Yan Wang bachelor took out a hatchet and poked it on the table. He said coldly: "There will be three rules and six holes in accordance with the rules."

This hand has lived in most people, but he can't fool the real embarrassment. The king was provoked by him. If he didn't say that he had picked up a hatchet and smashed Chang Geng, Chang Geng knew that he couldn't stop, he didn't hide. .

This bloody, the rebels are also stupid, especially a few big lords, I know in my heart, the geese must not die in the sand sea to help, otherwise they will not reverse, but also die, not dead There was no room for manoeuvre at that time, so they stopped in the round, and the king was even more angry. On the spot, he announced that he would take people out of the sand sea.

Helping the inner guilt, the rebellion is afraid of it, and the boss of the night sent a **** to Chang Geng to leave. On the way, he encountered several waves of the murder of the Emperor, and the boss left by his boss was almost completely ruined.

Of course, this kind of goods that can lock themselves in the heavy armor is basically dragged down by half. Xu Ling is completely dragged down. For the master, even if it is alone, the dragon and tiger caves are easier to escape with a few drags. Chang Geng had injuries on his body. How many years have not been so embarrassing. In order to protect Xu Daren, the extremely dangerous place in the chest has added a knife wound that has been turned up. Fortunately, he is a half-apprentice of Chen’s girl. Stopped.

The monk used a leaf to wrap a little stream of water, fed Chang Geng, and turned his golden sore medicine out and repacked the wound. Chang Geng drank the water, gently sighed and sighed, and then slammed his spirit, patted himself on the side of his body, and laughed at Xu Ling: "Ming Yu came over, sitting here - Sayong lost his horse, knowing that he is not blessed... ...hey, I haven’t stopped, you are mourning first."

Xu Lingsi swept the ground with his sleeves and wiped his tears. He even said a few words about "惭愧" and choked: "It is the lower official who dragged the prince."

Chang Geng heard a soft smile: "The last time the foreigners were besieged the city, Ming Yu brother himself angered and privately, and learned a bit of Fanbang. This time, what do you want? Go back and learn the martial arts of a broken chest?"

Xu Ling: "..."

Chang Geng: "If you look at the master, you don't cry, you are very calm."

The monk smirked shamelessly: "The poor shoulders can't be picked, the hands can't be lifted, and the princes are protected. Go back and give the prince a long life light, and give you a chanting every day."

"That's a thank you to the master. You are solemn and dignified. I am afraid I will have a short life." Chang Geng struggled to adjust his posture. A cold sweat immediately slid down the ear. He panted. Tooth, to Xu Lingdao, "These days have been rumored... That thing, the bandits of Shahai Gang began to talk about it. Yang Ronggui rebelled in my name. Even if they were clear and clear, they would certainly not be caught by them. But... Gua Tian Li... oh... Master, you can’t talk, your eyes are not good?”

There was no eyesight. The monk heard the words, busy and Xu Ling left and right to hold Chang Geng, carefully avoiding his wounds and turning him over.

"Oh, Guada Li is under ... I don't know." Chang Geng endured the pain and filled the second half of the sentence. "The things of the Jiangbei migrators have already reached this field. We can't go halfway... and rushing back to find the emperor. It’s better to stay here and solve the problem. I can still avoid this for a while with this little flesh injury."

Xu Ling saw that he had just bleeding under the gauze that he had just wrapped, and then listened to the insatiable "small skin injury". The admiration of the king of the geese has almost reached the point where it is no more than a blessing. More let alone.

He was sincerely expressing his own heart. At this moment, the monk suddenly changed his face and stopped Xu Daren. He put his ear on the ground. After a moment, he gestured to Chang Geng: "Come on less. People, fast horses, what kind of people?"

No one can judge whether the comer is the general or the mad dog under the king.

Chang Geng pressed Xu Ling's shoulder and forced himself to hold up. Xu Ling was shocked and was about to stop. Chang Geng reached out and interrupted him: "Hey--"

His face was deliberately relaxed and clean, his eyes were bright, and his eyes were like an injured beastmaster. Even if the blood flowed everywhere, he could always take a fatal tooth decay.

Chang Geng seized a long knife in his hand that he did not know from which bandit. The pale hand was covered with blue veins, but he could not see the weakness of a serious injury. It only made people feel awkward.

Xu Ling could not help but hold his breath.

Suddenly, Chang Geng slightly squinted his ears. Then, his chapped mouth showed a less obvious smile. He reached out and smashed his sloppy clothes and threw the knife in his hand. He decided to go to Xu Lingdao: It seems that the general is going out to meet and say that I have a request."

Xu Lingyi stayed: "How do you know Wang Ye..."

"Which group of people in Shahai have such a clean horseshoe and footsteps? It must be a general in the Jiangbei camp." Chang Geng was stunned to cover the terrible wounds in the chest and abdomen with a ragged robe. Said, "Excuse the king is awkward and rude."

Clearly: "..."

Yan Wang’s ability to pretend to be a model is also a good biography of Gu Shuai.

Xu Ling gave him five bodies to vote for the land. At this time, even if Yan Wang put a fart, he also unconditionally believed and immediately greeted him.

Chang Geng reached out and touched his purse. In addition to Anshen San, there were some emergency medicines. His fingers trembled and took out a piece of hemp leaves, secretly buckled in his hands. If he really couldn’t stand it, he would chew an emergency. Then I declined the help of the monk and stood up with a long knife.

Just then, he heard Xu Ling scream: "Wang Ye, is..."

If the words are not exported, the comers have already stepped in in the sharp sound of the horse.

Chang Geng: "..."

The one who came back from the light is actually Gu Yu, who should have returned to Beijing!

One of Chang Geng’s feet did not stand still. The long knife screamed and screamed. The whole person rushed forward and was caught by Gu Yu.

I saw that the prince of the prince, who was "the wind and the rain, I walked in a leisurely stroll", suddenly "scared like a mountain", and the calming "Beast King" became a delicate sick cat, with one hand softly on his shoulders. Hanging down, the air whispered like a gossip: "The son is sore, it hurts..."

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