Sha Po Lang
Chapter 114 Table of contents

Chen Guangxu pressed his breath to the lowest level, almost integrated with the surrounding vegetation, and was hidden in the corner of the black slab and thick felt on the top of the king's account, watching this unexpected progress.

I saw the wolf king account divided into two, the steaming wheelchair with a white fog slipped out from the middle, and the wolf king Calais was wrapped in a thick cloak, and he was generally curled up in a wheelchair and swept coldly toward the rebels outside the house.

"Three aunts," he cried openly and licked his thin lips and muttered. "My mother died early. You have taken care of me for five years. I am like my own son. Now... even you have to Do I pull the knife together?"

Although Mrs. Hong Xia is the initiator, but after all, she is a stumbling old woman. She can only plan, she can’t be slashed, she is not here, and Calais’s self-speaking words are scattered in the air, no one answers.

The fierce last-generation wolf king, his hatred and hate, joy and joy, male-doing or revenge, are all singular, parents, brothers, children and relatives... no, he treats them like pigs Dogs, they also betrayed him for compensation.

Some of the hands of the rebels trembled fiercely, and they couldn’t hold the blade of their hands. I don’t know who’s knife suddenly slammed into the ground, clearly in the quiet night.

"I have betrayed me, I want to let me die." Calais sneered a sneer, suddenly raised his chicken-like hand and slammed it down. "You must die first!"

With a slap in the face, the arrows in the king's account were all in one, and the hatchback was round, and the rebels were inevitable, so they had to fight back.

The assassination that should have been quietly turned into a **** river, and the movement was getting bigger and bigger. The entire 18 tribes were mostly alarmed. The Sirius were mostly confused and chaotic, and they ran to watch the tower to save the fire. There are busy rebellious and rebellious, and there is a heart to join the rebels, and more shackles are at a loss.

Shizi and the general manager were pushed out by the big flowers. The general manager had already wet his pants. He looked at the frightened child next to him with despair. He said: "The wolf king has such a son, maybe it won't How about him, I can't say it."

When he thought about it, his face immediately turned from despair and fear to resolute determination. He blinked his teeth and, after a moment, his face suddenly turned green, and then he collapsed in the eyes of the public. The general manager bite. The poisoned pouch is self-sufficient.

Cao Chunhua’s whole person is hairy. He originally expected that the assassination of Calais’s confusing things might not be very smooth, but it doesn’t matter. As long as the North is mostly chaotic, Gu Yu can easily get rid of it. Anyway, Hunting, regardless of whether you win or win, there are all the oriole.

But he did not expect that Chen will be the first to roll to the center of the vortex!

In a twinkling of an eye, the battle between the rebels and the guards near the royal account was almost in vain. At this moment, a barbarian suddenly rushed into the king's account with a roll of climbing: "Report - enemy attack! There is an enemy!"

This sentence is like a stone hitting a thousand waves, a man’s head is quietly locked near the king’s head, and the guardian’s head plucks open the crowd, and walks to Calais in three steps and two steps: “Wang, look forward to Some people on the tower set fire, and a large number of "ghost crows" on the border rushed to fish in the water, coming to this side!"

The eyes of Calais’s faint eyes twitched a few times: "Who is coming? Gu?"

The guardian’s head was cold and sweaty, and he didn’t understand what happened to Gu Yu.

The next moment, he was shocked to see that the Calais chicken claws clasped the handrails of the steam wheelchair with a low hand, and the people who had been stunned for half a year actually stood up bizarrely!

Guardian: "Wang!"

"Gu Yu, Gu Yu..." Calais murmured, his eyes bright and scary, like the three souls and seven scorpions in the skin were burned, and people couldn't help but have deep doubts about the previous rumors. - The dead goddess may not be his obsession, Gu Yu is.

Calais yelled and said: "Take my armor!"

The guardian had never seen such an ingenious way of doing things. He thought he had got it wrong: "My king, you... what do you say?"

Calais growled: "My A! My A!"

The head of the guard was frightened by his face that was about to split, and he did not dare to neglect. He was busy taking the heavy armor of the wolf king.

The snow-colored iron monster of nearly two people was lifted up by four men, and the "bang" was placed on the ground. The Calais stunned the body like the fallen leaves in the autumn wind. The skinny hands clung to the edge of the steel armor. Dragging heavy steps and stuffing yourself in step by step.

The heavy armor is self-contained, and there is a steel shelf support inside. It is much easier to operate than a slap, but it is not a random one.

The Calais fascinating face crawling into the heavy armor became red, and a bit of the tooth opened the steam valve under the foot. The huge power roared and started. The heavy steam behind the heavy armor screamed and rushed out.

... But the people inside are not the heroes who used to eat meat and drink blood.

Just after lifting his legs, Calais is already at the end of the strong, and it is difficult to maintain balance. The heavy armor slammed on the ground and the big guy of hundreds of pounds pulled out a deep pit.

The guard was shocked: "Wang!"

At that moment, no one could see the look of the face of the wolf king Calais, the man who was so thin that only had a bone shelf left in the nearly sturdy steel armor, like a worm in a walnut, everyone - Even if it was his enemy, at that moment, the words "the end of the hero" appeared clearly in my heart.

Even if he is a devastating madman.

At this time, the unique squeaking sound of the mysterious eagle is getting closer and closer. The black iron battalion is extremely mobile. The glue that was used for many days is only because the eighteen tribes do not want to burn purple gold, otherwise they will not be allowed. I am still dying.

At this time, most of them were in chaos. The three parts of the black iron were even more like no one. The black eagle opened the way and the black whirlwind rolled over.

The head of the guards took the opportunity to dismantle the heavy armor, and the Calais, who was trapped in it, said: "Wang, most of them may not be able to keep it this evening. We will **** you to leave first..."

Calais looked sullenly on the back of the guard, half a squat, and he reached out and pointed forward: "The other side."

Chen Xiaoxue escaped from a stream that did not know where to shoot. He thought about it, and quickly came down from the floating black scorpion, and a small piece of silver needle flew out in his hand, killing a few silently. In the vicinity of the barbarians, secretly chased up.

A team of guards guarded Calais and flew to the west side of the wolf king's account. The more he ran away from the crowd, and even there was almost no place to hide in the last four times. Chen was very difficult to catch up. She braved the discovery. Dangerous, adorned behind this group of guards, chasing after two full moments, found that he followed Calais to a deserted altar.

The altar was extremely grand, the whole building was like a cloud, and the whole stone was made into a palace. It was almost a palace.

The gate of the giant stone carving, the door is covered with thick felt, which is covered with mottled, unclear words and ghost characters. The surrounding area has been overgrown, and there has been no one left for a long time. A crow has been alarmed by the coming people and has gathered up in the sky.

Not only is this outsider unclear, so even the guards face each other.

Since the goddess of the eighteen tribes became a joke, no one has ever stepped on the altar of God.

Calais opened the hand of the guard, "Retreat."

The guards stayed and left a few steps away.

Calais slowly squatted down, his knees were dead, and he almost fell down at a glance. The guardian hurriedly stepped forward to help him, and was slap in the face: "Roll! Roll away!"

The head of the guards retreated to the side.

Calais took a lot of effort to make himself squat, and his waist was stretched as straight as possible, his hands were close together, his face was shivering and the violent pig liver slowly faded, and his face calmed down, after a while. He struggled to keep a squatting gesture and climbed a few steps forward. Like an old dog who was going to be a wooden dog, the chief of the guards slammed and didn’t dare to go forward and fight, but he watched him crawling beside him.

Calais climbed to the side of the huge stone gate, opened the already broken felt, and groped on the rugged mantra. Chen lightly realized that this long-lost **** altar may be the key, carefully approaching some, eyes Staring at Calais's actions.

Suddenly, he pressed something down and his arm jerked forward.

The ground immediately produced a violent tremor, and the guards were all shocked, but Chen fluttered and thought about it.

The stones around the altar moved up, and the ground rose up one after another with huge gears. The steel pipes that had been rusted in countless outer skins stretched out in all directions, closed and connected, and finally became a complete ring. . All the iron pipes were buckled, and there were a lot of small iron pieces unfolding from both sides. They shivered slightly in the breeze. They were one small fire wings one after another. This thing is very similar to the "鸢" of the beam. .

The whole altar is like a giant python. Chen 轻 絮 has an illusion, as if it is purple, it can rise up and rise to the nine heavens.

She was shocked and thought: "Isn't it that the barbarians were swept by the Xuan Tie battalion because they didn't have their own lighter technology? What is this? Is this barbarian wanting to sit on this thing and escape or ascend to heaven?"

Just before she had figured out a conclusion, it turned out that her common sense was no problem. She only listened to the "squeaky" sound, and suddenly there was a smoke coming out of the pipe in a circle.

Then, after two consecutive breaks, the purple stream was preserved in the ground for a long time. It has already been mixed with unknown impurities. The open flame under the flaming fins is flashing and extinguishing, which is different from the pure purple gold burning. The smell of the nose is wide.

Speaking slowly, in fact, from the first break to the beginning of the altar, only the blink of an eye, if you are lurking on the side of Ge Chen or Zhang Fengxin, you can see this altar like a giant The structure is not complete at all. It seems to be fancy. In fact, it is only a hard-wound flamingo and a pipe-shaped gold scorpion. It does not solve the most critical shape problem of the blast, even if it is forced by firepower, it will rise to the air. Will disintegrate.

And the long-term disrepair obviously aggravated this damage, and it didn't even mean to be lifted off, it has already ruined.

The giant burial under the altar and the goddess who prayed to the longevity, as if destined to be the unreachable dream of the Sirius group, can never be realized.

The head of the guard was frightened, and the fart yelled and shouted: "Wang! Get away!"

It seems that he was shaken by his scorpion. The stone door carved by the megalith suddenly collapsed, and a large number of pipes that had already floated out of the ground were pressed. The gas produced by the purple gold burning exploded rapidly, after a deafening loud noise. The altar was actually blown up. There was a huge fireball in the middle, and it was swaying to the sky. Calais was immersed in the fire. Looking back at his guard, he had no fear on his face.

At that moment, Chen Guangxue suddenly understood that Calais may not know that once the altar was lit, it was a way of blowing.

... He is willing and conscientious for a long time, just looking for a more brilliant way to die.

The altar of the boulder began to falter, and it was about to collapse.

Chen lightly gnawed his teeth and excused himself. He grabbed a gap from the flames of the Quartet, and he could go and smash in the eyes of the public. Then the "bang" slammed and the altar collapsed.

Cao Chunhua lost the trace of Chen's frivolity in the middle of the road. There was no other way to do it. He had to stay in contact with them, until Xuan Tieying entered the capital, and he got the general direction of Calais from the barbarian guards. Cao Chunhua is familiar with the terrain of Beiban Metropolis. Hearing about it, he probably knows that Calais is the one to come to the altar of Goddess. Now he is in a hurry with Shen Yi, who knows that he is seeing such a scene.

Cao Chunhua’s pupils were shrunken and shouted.

Shen Yi did not hesitate to unload the light armor, take the material on the spot, rolled a large circle in the ice and snow that had not come to the cold in the bitter cold, mixed with the ice and snow, and suddenly rushed into the fire.

The splendid end of the choice of the wolf king will be the guardian of the town, a group of northern barbarian elite guards, wood piles like standing in the same place, almost can not afford the meaning of resistance, has nothing to do with the prisoners, do not bother to fight.

The purple gold that has too much impurities burns without the power of the roasting ice sheet, but the smoke is very big. People are in it, and the eyes can't open. The clues are quickly covered with a layer of ash, and they are thrown down by Chen. On one side. She saw it, and the moment that Calais fell out of the heavy armor, there was probably the desire/desire of death. For a dying person, the torture was not very useful - not to mention that she would not force.

She stepped through the altar that was collapsing, and found the shadow of Calais's difficult climb in the black ash. When it was on fire, the more it went up, the easier it was to breathe. It was easier to walk on the ground, and Calais was a little while. There will be no danger of being smoked. Chen lightly licks his mouth and nose, squints at the direction of his direction, and finds that Calais ignores the noise around him, and his eyes are fixed on the big stone platform in the middle of the altar.

What is there in the stone platform?

At this time, a large pillar in the altar was smashed down against Chen Guangbu. She had to sneak away and borrow a force on the gravel, then flew away to Shitai.

If the earliest designer wants to make the whole altar a big cockroach, according to the position of the stone slab, it should be a general mast of the sea god, and the slate with the slogan engraved on the table is a circle, and the doorway Those unintelligible mantras are different. The true words of these eighteen tribes, Chen Guangxu, who had previously visited the barbarian voodoo outside the northern Xinjiang, also worked **** the barbarians, probably can understand the above records. It is the history of the eighteen tribes.

From beginning to end, no word mentioned the vulgarity of the barbarian. Chen Guangxue was finally coughed up by smoke, and his heart was extremely disappointing. Is it really just an altar site, and there is nothing she is looking for? ?

At this moment, I didn’t know where it was blown up. After the ground vibrated, she was shot down on a large slate opposite her.

Chen Xiaoxue: "..."

It’s really bad luck when you drink cold water and stuff your teeth.

She instinctively stepped back, but the smoke blocked the sight after all, Chen lightly slammed on the foot, the whole person directly fell down the stone platform, this will not be slate shot below!

In desperation, Chen Baifu’s white boxing in the sleeves was rolled out. I didn’t know what was hanging on the stone platform. She coughed hard and tried to pull herself up. Who knows that? The things that were caught were not strong, and I pulled them down with a slight pull.

At this moment, a figure rushed over and hugged her to the side, with a loud bang on the side, and the big slate was shot in the air and brought a gust of wind. Chen lightly smeared the sludge on the altar. The horror looked up and saw Shen Yi.

Shen Yi angrily picked up her collar: "You don't want to die?"

Chen Guangxu was screamed by him, and his eyes widened.

When Shen Yi encountered her gaze suddenly, the anger of Haotian was also dumb, bent over and picked up the white practice in her sleeve, and said, "Go first... what is this!"

I saw that there was something wrapped in the white practice in Chen’s light sleeves. One person was the size, and it looked like a stone statue. I don’t know if it’s hollow or very light. I was stunned by Shen Yi. Shake open and reveal a head.

It was a lifelike portrait of a woman, with her eyes closed and her face calm.

Shen Yi looked at the outstanding "stone statue" of the carving, and inexplicably got a goose bump.

Chen Guangbu first glanced at it, then he was taken aback and squatted down to open the dust on the surface of the "stone statue", revealing a white background, and the tentacles were still soft.

"It's a human skin." Chen lightly whispers.

Shen Yi thought that his ears were infected by Gu Yu: "What?"

Chen lightly looked up and saw that behind the slab that fell from the collapsed stone platform, there was actually a secret hollow. This is beautiful... I don’t know if it is a dead person who is living in the middle.

So is Calais actually coming to this person's skin?

Chen lightly ignorant of his thoughts, but he had to follow the instinct and lean over to pick up the things wrapped in white.

Shen busy said: "I am coming, go!"

He took a group of white exercises, picked up Chen, and flew away from the altar.

There were explosions everywhere, and there were thick smoke everywhere. In the tumbling fire, a fuzzy and hoarse voice rang intermittently: "The cleanest elf... the wind is also going to kiss... her skirt..."

All the boulders on the sorghum pillars of the whole altar collapsed into a line. When they saw that they were going to escape, they only heard a loud noise. A cluster of huge flames with purple light rose high, and the seven or eight people held together. The column fell to one side and the entire altar collapsed.

Shen Yi's face was black and gray, and he couldn't breathe completely. He suddenly felt desperate. He felt that he might have to explain it here. During the flash of the light stone, he suddenly put the human figure in his hand into Chen’s light and will cut it. The wind blade turned back and bowed back, trying to protect the person on the side.

Chen was shocked by the fact that he didn’t know what it was like in his heart.

At this moment, the sky was uploaded to the long eagle of the eagle eagle, only to hear the "squeaky" sound, Shen Yi suddenly looked up, saw a group of black eagle iron claws throwing a thick arm of the arm, lively dumped the top of the altar Living.

Gu Yu arrived!

Shen Yi did not hesitate to hesitate, and regardless of the gravel that fell on him, he ran away with Chen.

The forefoot of the two of them had just left the altar, and the iron lock in the hands of a mysterious eagle broke down. The forward Xuanqi dragged the two and dragged them away.

At the moment when the iron lock collapsed, Gu Yu almost rushed into the sea of ​​fire and saw the two men rolling out of Mars. He was able to hold the reins and comfort the almost scared horse. I sighed with a blank expression.

Then he blew a long whistle, and the eagle eagle rushing into the sky and the Xuanqi on the ground made a gesture: "Remove!"

Calais’s confusing singing voice could not be heard.

The eighteen tribes have stood up for centuries, and the altars have been smouldering, and the smoke has rolled into the sky of the longevity.

The wind blew off the wolf flag that had been smashed by the war, and screamed and flew out into the flames and dust.

In the long rivers, the thick and colorful Sirius tribes suddenly left.

The purple gold is still burning.

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