Sha Po Lang
Chapter 120 Table of contents

After receiving the Linyuan Wood Bird, Cao Chunhua did not dare to delay, handed over the matter at hand, and soon set off for the two rivers.

As soon as he was close to the station, Cao Chunhua felt that a murderous gas came from the damp and cold air, and there was a smell of smoke. He couldn't help but straighten his waist. The song was not smashed, and people didn't blink. It’s hard that the board is a pair of human-like dogs. I saw that the guardian squad was strict, and all the officers and men on duty were not even whispering, and there was nothing quiet about it. Only the place where the troops were routinely trained was shouting and killing.

Cao Chunhua blinked and thought that he saw another black iron camp.

As soon as he approached the station, he was stopped by the guards on duty. Cao Chunhua did not dare to make jokes under the military command of Gu Yu, and he took the order of the military planes in a busy manner. The average number of guards was only ten. At the age of □, after checking the order, it was neither flattering nor rude, and one person was led to go to the handsome account. Cao Chunhua looked back and saw that the guards of Fangcai’s eyes would fill the vacancy. I can't see the gap at all.

The guards who led the way were a little embarrassed. Later, I heard that Cao Chunhua had cleaned up the Beiban people with Gu Yu. This opened up a little bit of a scorpion: "Westerners can’t find anything cheap in the hands of the coach, and they can’t win in the front. These days, I have been circling around several ports in the two rivers, and I have been harassing constantly. I heard the centurion said that I might like to fight with you to fight for the family. Adults don’t say that I am arrogant, why are foreigners so rich?"

"Don't call an adult, I am also an errand," Cao Chunhua waved his hand and said, "I don't understand these things, but I heard Du Gong say a few words. You see their warships, all for the sake of Designed in the Far Sea and the Battle of the Sea, was Jiangnan Port and Dagu Port not being bombarded by others? Our army is like this, not to mention the small countries of the sea, they will be the place when they level a place. Thoroughly "eat", plunder local supplies, open factories that cannot be opened in China, force the captives to work for them, search for their **** blood - for a long time, naturally rich."

The guards silently silent for a moment, all the way to lead Cao Chunhua to Gu Yu's account, the guards at the door went in and returned, the young guards borrowed this work, and said to Cao Chunhua: "Adult, I used to listen to the veterans and talk about the past two rivers. They said that they were under the generals of General Zhao. There was nothing more to do with silver. The daily training was easier than the garrison in other places. When it was not worthwhile, you could go shopping on the banks of the apricots and smoke, and you felt that you were not born. If it is a peaceful year, it may be mixed with a "military master"."

Cao Chunhua looked back at him. The little guard was a little embarrassed and smiled: "Today, when you listen to you, you feel that you are short-sighted, and those who can afford the sword are always lucky than the pigs that are being driven. "

At this moment, the handsome accountant came out and said: "Cao Gongzi, the coach asks you to go in."

Cao Chunhua returned to the gods and stepped into the handsome account. At first glance, he saw a glass mirror with a special anger on the bridge of the nose. The carved pattern behind the lens was taken over by the nose, and it was almost covered by the bridge of the nose. His small half face, unlike a glass mirror, is like a mask.

Cao Chunhua stunned, and the first reaction in her heart was "What happened to the handsome girl?"

However, the handsome account is talking about business, Cao Chunhua did not dare to bother.

Both Shen Yi and Yao Zhen are in the same place. Yao Zhen is reading a letter from a Westerner: "The Yang Maozi said that they are in a spirit of friendship and harmony, and they are sincerely inquiring. Can you divide the four counties in the south of the Yangtze River into a transit area and allow for garrison autonomy? To protect the interests of foreign businessmen, the place can become a bond for shipping between the two sides... Oh, they also said that they love this land and do not want to be ferocious and war-torn."

Shen Yi: "Is still in the Three Counties yesterday, how can I add another place today?"

Yao Town looked at him helplessly: "Maybe because of "deep love"?"

"Go to his mother." Gu Yu’s face was smug with a sultry glass mirror, but he said nothing like a good class. "What do you love? Is it his love?"

Shen Yi: "..."

I can't answer it.

Cao Chunhua did not hold back for a while and laughed.

Shen easy to rush to him and waved: "Xiao Cao is coming! Waiting for you for a long time, come over and talk to Mr., when can we build the "iron bug"?"

"Hey, Mr. Shen, you are so ugly... very soon," Cao Chunhua replied briskly. "The most important thing for us is the manpower to work. The northern section has been basically improved. The southern section is better." In the winter, there is no need to stop work. When the parts are connected, the steam car can run from Gyeonggi to the river. I heard Du Gong said that if it is smooth, it will be completed before the end of the year - right, handsome How do you wear a glass mirror?"

"Good-looking?" Gu Yu rushed at him and smiled. The peach-like eyes were about to fly. He said with a shamelessness. "There was a fall two days ago. This time I found someone to change the box. I specially asked Yangzhou’s famous person to personally The carvings are really reluctant to hide, so I have to wear them out to the big guys every day."

Shen Yi’s stomach hurts: “Oh my handsome man, you still have a good hiding. We don’t really have such beautiful eyes.”

Gu Yu ignored him and turned his face to let Cao Chunhua see it all in all directions. He said, "I can't do it. I will play with my beautiful people. I am afraid that the million teachers will not be able to deal with it. Three or two thousand are always fine. Is it Xiao Cao?"

Cao Chunhua’s face was "brushed" red.

Shen Yi and Yao Zhen each turned their faces to one side and could not look straight.

"You came exactly," Gu Yu jumped up and reached for the shoulder of Cao Chunhua, who was red-faced, and pushed him to the sand table. "I just have something to do with you. I want to ask you to run a kick and help me." Busy."

Gu Darai’s ingenuity “beauty plan” is not very useful for Westerners. It’s very useful for Cao Chunhua. His face suddenly rose to the next level, and there was a hot sweat behind his neck. He told him that he could "come well".

When Cao Chunhua fainted out of the handsome account, he was awkwardly excited - slow, Yan Wang is not sending himself to take care of the coach?

How did he just settle down, and in a few words, he was fooled by the coach to the southwestern border?

Gu Cai also specifically told him that the matter was confidential, and that he would rot in his stomach when he got out of the handsome account, and he would not even know what to do at the military aircraft...

This makes him go back how to explain!

Shen Yi personally arranged Cao Chunhua, who lost his soul, and then he turned back to look for Gu Yu. Yao Zhen has already gone back. The light in the handsome account is very dark. Gu Yu put his two long legs on a bench next to him, holding his hands on his chest, I don't know what to think about - he hasn't heard much since he started listening, but he has lost a lot of troubles. It's easy to focus on your own thoughts.

The cool breeze that Shen Yi pushed in and came in shocked him. Gu Yu looked up at him and said, "Is it arranged?"

Shen Yi nodded and asked: "Do you really want to use Xiao Cao, or are you afraid that he will ventilate the princes?"

"I am such a public and private person?" Gu Yan raised his eyebrows, but he did not wait for Shen Yizheng, sorry, he said again, "Everything."

Shen Yi: "..."

I have never seen anyone with such a distinction between public and private.

"When we start this war, the DPRK must change. The situation in this case should not be too laborious. Now this situation is also a last resort. I am a little mistake here, or don't let him be distracted. In addition, Xiao Cao also I really have to find someone who can change and trust," Gu said. "Isn't the old man on the opposite side think that he is playing along the sea all the way? I will let him see the difference between the handsome and the handsome."

Shen Yi’s whole person was divided into two by his words: the left half is the old part of the Xuan Tieying Camp, and he can’t follow his own coach’s liver and brain, and the right half makes Gu’s sincere sincerity and straightforward goose bumps. Once again, I was speechless, and I pleaded: "Is it a child, can you change a normal glass mirror?"

Gu Yu's armor is ready to go out to camp - the coach's daily personal tour is also a feature of the two rivers, even if he is jealous.

"I don't," he replied in a serious manner. "I want to follow the example of Lanling."

Shen Yi thinks that this **** is not just for the sake of worry, it is for the sake of play!

After Cao Chunhua hit Jiangnan, he only had time to write a letter to Chang Geng, saying that Gu Shuai was busy with military affairs and bullying Mr. Shen every day. There was nothing wrong with it. After that, he had no news, and he did not know that he was being paid for by Gu Yu. Still simply "Let's not think". Chang Geng thinks of this person's flower disease, it is impossible to have no pantothenic acid in his heart, but while he is sour, he also puts down his heart. No news is good news. Can Cao Chunhua be busy making flowers and idiots all day long. There is probably a glimpse of what the monk said.

At the same time, Chen Guangxu came to Beijing in front of Chongyang.

Chang Geng was in the military aircraft for more than a month, and it was rare to take a day off to receive her.

The first time I listened to Gu Yuxin and said to him that when Gayalai’s confession found out the rubbing version of “God Girl Secret”, Chang Geng’s heart was really looking forward to it for a while, and there was a kind of old goblin who had been hiding in the world. When I was able to become a mortal, I was able to become a mortal, but after returning to Beijing, he prepared for planning in the midst of a hurricane, and he was able to cope with various political enemies while walking a tightrope. It was a bit of a concern for others, until this meeting with Chen Xiaoxue. Think of the old mind.

Chen Guangxu never sold off the guise. When he saw Chang Geng, he didn’t say hello. He came up with a phrase: "Can cure."

With regard to these two words, he nailed Chang Geng in the same place for a long while, until the breath of the chest was used at the end, he slowly spit it out, calmly picking the thorns: "It will take a long time to get rid of the deep-rooted ills from the mother's womb. ?"

Chen lightly nodded: "Yes."

Chang Geng’s hand on the side of the body’s wide sleeves twitched fiercely, and the voice was still calm and compelling: “People say that the evil spirits are the combination of the two flesh and blood, then I was born to be two people, how Can Chen girl be separated?"

Chen Xiaoxue rarely smiled at first sight: "The time is longer, and my Royal Highness may have to suffer."

Chang Geng’s heart hangs in the eyes of the blind man: "That son..."

Chen Guangxue: "There are related records in the secretive technique of the goddess, but the medication system is different from ours. There are still many things I need to research here, so I have to wait for me to sort out the clues."

Chang Geng took a deep breath and his heartbeat was about to break the chest. For a moment, I forgot that this is the eve of the evening. I want to go out when I turn around. I can’t wait for Gu Yu to know for the first time. I took two steps and stopped suddenly. I took a slap on my head and said, "I am confused. I can't let him know that there is no eye in the battlefield. He has a loose heart. What should I do if something happens?"

However, there was no place to share. His Royal Highness Princess Wang sneaked a blushing thing. He settled Chen’s girl and went back to Houfu in the evening. He wrote a letter in Gu’s room and then did not send it. Out, dry and pressed under the pillow of Gu Yu.

This is still not enough, he has turned over all the letters he has written in his secret collection, lying in bed and passing the various words of the person in his mind, and self-entertaining himself to splicing a letter. Gu Yu’s "Response" will make the one-man show play a bit of a taste.

A few days later, Chang Geng saw Fang Qin in the daytime and felt a lot of pleasing eyes.

Unfortunately, Fang Qin’s days are not very good.

These days, Li Feng’s head is smashing the scorpion’s scorpion’s fold. It’s two feet thick. If you look at it carefully, you will feel that the geese are simply stunned. Even if you cough on the road, there are people who want to cough in his cough. On the monarch. However, in stark contrast to this, from the military machine to the following new dynasty, but I do not know whether it was dragged down by the affairs, or simply crouched, changed the previous **** for tat, and began to unilaterally retreat.

Li Feng’s attitude is that he has no attitude, especially when he comes across some old-fashioned emperors and even Emperor Wudi.

In this case, the most anxious is not the military aircraft station, but Fang Qin.

Fang Qin is in fact extremely opposed to this kind of behavior: "The emperor's heart is like a mirror, you are so aggressive at this time, are you not afraid of losing the Sacred Heart?"

At that time, some people replied: "Fang Daren opened his mouth and closed his heart, and his vision was inevitably limited. He wanted to be the first emperor of Li Jiazong, but he was a son of the unremarkable king of the county. Why should he go to the local palace for help? When the Emperor first, my family's ancestors lined up the public, and took the lead, what merits? The Danshu iron coupons are still available in my house. How, now, their sons and grandchildren have settled down in the mountains and rivers, and the birds have to hide them?"

Another humanity: "I really push us to the bottom, just ask the emperor to go out, can't you dare to take the world and ignore the ancestral legislation?"

Fang Qin took a deep breath and shouted: "Zhu Gong also please be cautious!"

Everyone gave him a face, and he didn’t say anything for a while, but his look was not very convincing.

The patriarchal clan of the gibels, regardless of the size of the official's official position, can be a face to the family tree. There are many in-laws in the ancestors, strong alliances, ancestral generations and royal power disputes are inseparable, the family can prosper to this day, at least for every generation The teams are all right, and over time, they are a bit "think of the fact that the emperor was supported by my family."

On weekdays, they feel that their family members are long-faced and willing to listen to him. They can really make trouble. Although Fang’s family is the head of the family, it is difficult to really suppress who is effective. Everyone is a relative, no one is nobler than anyone. Why do you have something to do with the head and the interests of your own people?

Fang Qin had no choice but to express his feelings and move with reason: "The emperor is very happy, and most people are not allowed to challenge Tianwei. The Westerners made a big insult and couldn't help but remind him of the siege of the capital in the past. If he said that he still had I hesitated, and now I am sure that I will fight this battle with enthusiasm. Why do we have to bear the fame of the country and the people in this time to find such troubles? I also ask the public to think about it!"

He sighed and slowed down his voice: "If you can endure this time, when you finish playing, when there is no war in the country, the military aircraft will inevitably face reorganization or abolition. Those people may not be willing, they must act. When can the emperor not see that their hands are too long? Everyone thinks about the drumming orders and the melting orders of the year. I know how the Holy Spirit really intends to do so. At this time, it is only an expediency to activate these merchants. The plan, wait for them to be useless, will the Holy Spirit still protect you? I am afraid that even the sacred iron tigers of Gu Yu will have to be handed back, and the small military aircraft can’t keep covering the sky."

Fang Qin thought that he had said that he was bitter and deliberate.

However, the full-time aristocrats, not everyone will look forward to it - the only person who said that he had a vouchers in his book, said: "Fang Daren is well-founded, but it is too ideal. Do you say that you are finished? When can I finish it? One or two years is him. It is also a year or two. Is it true that we all swallow the sound of the loess over the top of the head?"

Fang Qin is actually very incomprehensible to these rabble people. A large number of this group of people are unrecognized countries, and they are arrogant in their own lives. They are also deserved to be caught by small scorpions, but they cannot express them because they The fundamental thing that can bring these people together is the interest. Every day, the great ideal of "making the country for the people" is louder and no one cares.

"If we don't say anger, we really fight for a decade or two. What national power is exhausted. If you don't talk about others, the emperor will not agree. It can't be so long." Fang Qin had to change his saying, "I am with When you say the words of your heart, you can use the identity of Yan Wang. As long as he does not rebel, no one can put him to death. But it is the family source of the family. As long as the emperor is in place for one day, as long as we are not in a mess, who is Can you move our roots?"

This is a lot more pleasing than "You can't kill you, no one can kill you." Although it is a meaning - it also caught the itch of the gangs, Fang Qin is the first person in the family, and this The group of people have been working for decades and have experienced experience.

Sure enough, under his running, the imperial court was much flattered, and the two factions seemed to be smothering for a while. All the contradictions were transferred to the bottom of the table, and the interior of the girders ushered in a brief period of calm for several months.

For more than three months -

Then an accident that caused Fang Qin to give up was happening.

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