Sha Po Lang
Chapter 130 Table of contents

After Gu Yu returned to Beijing, he had not been out for a long time. He was just fine at the beginning. He had a bad spirit for a while, and he was not able to stand for a long time. He was stunned and took a bowl of medicine. It was almost a day. But when the winter is approaching, his body is getting better and he can't stand it.

When he was too busy, he wanted to plung into the gentle town every day to rest a bit of meat and bones, and he couldn’t afford it all day long. However, he had a hard time dreaming of his life. He was about to go out of his troubles, and he had nothing to do with him all day long. The broken ostrich tortured each other and tossed the starling to the point where it could not be self-sufficient.

Probably some people are born to sleep on a hard bed, a sacral head, and the embroidered lie down from it for a long time.

Finally, even the emperor could not stand it. When the winter solstice was approaching, Gu Yu was released.

That day, he was catching up with him. He had to take a break the next day. Gu Yu was a little uncomfortable from the early days, and he didn’t sleep well at night. Although he was quite self-made, he would not turn over and over, but Chang Geng still knew him when he heard it. Didn't fall asleep—When Gu did not fall asleep, he would subconsciously press his breath low and long, sometimes barely inaudible.

Chang Geng asked, he did not say, when he was anxious, he began to talk nonsense. Anyway, he slid his tongue with Gu’s mouth, but if he didn’t want to say anything, he couldn’t find a place to start with the awl.

In addition to the New Year's Day, the dynasty of the three dynasties is taking turns to rest in order to prevent people from being responsible for the accident. Therefore, although Gu Yu catches up with the rest of the day, it does not mean secretly taking out the palace night. His Majesty the Emperor of Suhou can also take a break. At the beginning of the New Deal, Chang Geng had a lot of things at hand. He still had to get up early to get back to work.

Then he found that Gu Yu was also a dress that was going to go out.

"Let's wear more on such a cold day," Chang Geng asked casually. "Yes, what are you doing?"

Gu Yuzheng screamed through the eight hundred places: "Go to the suburbs."

Chang Geng looked up and glanced at the northwest wind screaming outside, and looked at Gu Wei’s face with a **** face, and frowned. “What?”

Gu Yu opened his eyes and watched the sky and looked at Chang Geng anyway, refusing to talk.

Chang Geng was too late to sue in Houfu for confessing his confession, and he had to rush to sneak a sigh of relief when he left. Ever since I watched my family's illness and my bones were separated, Huo Wei decisively turned into an eyeliner outside the mouth.

Gu Yu was inconvenient, and he couldn’t detect a traitor in his backyard for a while. When he was gone, he sneaked into his coat and told the man to prepare a very low-key carriage. He only took a Huo. Hey, the extra guards are out of the door without use.

Huo Wei: "Hou, where are you going?"

Gu Yu vaguely said something.

Huo Wei: "Hou, do you have a toothache?"

Gu Yu: "..."

Huo Wei rarely saw him look like "unspeakable", and said: "Is it difficult to do this?

However, looking at Gu Yu’s face and being incompetent, it seems that he is not going out to have fun.

The two of them had eyes wide open for a long time, and the cool breeze that was poured in the curtains blown out the heaters. Gu Yucai finally squeezed out the words from the teeth: "Huguo Temple."

Huo Wei: "..."

He was shocked to think: "My family, Hou Ye, got up in the morning and decided to take the wrong medicine!"

Gu Yu fell into the curtain with anger: "Look what you see, don't leave!"

When Gu Shuai was in the northern Xinjiang, he secretly promised that he would go to the Huguo Temple for a scent if he had a real solution to the bones of Chang Geng, but he could not make it.

This white-eyed wolf may have been a bit pious at the time, waiting for the time to move, and has long forgotten to throw the Buddha behind.

This time, somehow, Gu Yu did some strange dreams in the night, dreaming of a row of bald monks neatly chanting him, the head was twilight, shaking in one direction, Amitabha second. When I got up, I was still dizzy. After I read it for three or four days, Gu Yu finally remembered the "Hongyuan" that he had sent in the past and understood why this group of vultures came.

So he took a break, and he wanted to go to the Huguo Temple with a reluctance.

On the days of the cold winter and the non-annual festivals, there were few visitors in the mountain temple. Gu Yu hurriedly rushed to the early morning and sneaked into the Huguo Temple as a thief. At this time, the fog in the mountains did not scatter, and the stone steps hung. A layer of dew, surrounded by a quiet. Gu Yu can't appreciate it at all. He only walks down and walks fast, and he is rushing to pick up the tires. Huo Weisheng was afraid that he would fall, and he trembled with a tremble in the back. Halfway through the mountain road, the two men walked to the head in less than a moment, and they had already reached the front of the incense hall.

Huo Wei sighed a few breaths and hurriedly asked: "Hou, what are we doing here?"

Gu Yuyi’s head-to-head lawsuit, biting his teeth and cutting his teeth: "Scented."

Huo Wei: "..."

He also thought that this man was so arrogant that he made a special trip to collect debts for revenge.

The early lessons of the monks in the Huguo Temple have already begun. The sound of the morning bells, the futons in the incense temple are placed in a stunned manner. The monk with a plain robes next to him is facing the main hall and knocking on the wooden fish, silently chanting.

Gu Yan’s eyes were sweeping, and when he saw no one in the distance, he quickly sneaked into the incense hall, grabbed a nose and grabbed a piece of copper and shredded silver into the merit box, and then disgustedly picked up two incense and shook his wrist. Pointing, stretched his arms and tried to keep the cigarette from falling in front of him.

Gu Yu was fragrant, looked up and glanced at the golden Buddha statue in front of him. He said, "Do I want to worship this stuff?"

Then he made a decision with only one blink of an eye: "Go to him."

He didn't even have a position to worship. He looked down at the Buddha statue and looked as if he had given the face of the Buddha. He quickly inserted the incense in his hand into the incense burner and turned his head to Huo Wei: "On the end, go."

Huo Wei: "..."

For the first time, he knew that someone had worshipped the Buddha so arrogantly that their family, Hou Ye, was not so much to worship Buddha, but rather to wait for Buddha to worship him.

Just as Gu Yu quickly responded to the incense and lifted his legs and planned to leave the hall, the monk who was hiding next to the wooden fish suddenly stood up and looked back. He smiled and rushed to the head of the house. Is it good?"

Gu Yu: "..."

He made a complete preparation to avoid people's eyes and ears. Who knows that in the incense hall and the smelly monk's narrow road, he forgot to look at the yellow calendar on time.

When the monk smiled, he gestured to him and asked: "Why did Hou Ye come? I must not pray."

Gu Yu looked a little bit unnaturally and replied: "I wish it."

The monk said: "Hou Ye is sincerely wishing, why not be sincere, so it is too hurried to come and go."

Gu Yu secretly said, "Hey," but his face smiled politely: "When the mind is here, why bother to be obsessed with the form? Masters are in the same position?"

Now, with both hands clasped together, the first ritual, and calmly said: "Gu Shuai Hui root natural, so that I am admired by the practitioners, it is true - but Hou Ye can think of the long-term rush to come back, the moment of wishing to make a wish is very incomparable Really, now, it’s natural to come and fight with my Buddha."

Gu Yu was speechless and had no choice but to look at him with a smile.

Clearly: "The weather is cold, is it better for Hou Ye to come to the poor Zen room for a cup of tea?"

Gu Yu: "Don't bother, the master is busy, I... Well, I have a long way to go, I am going around."

He smiled and rushed to him again and again, and he floated out of the temple.

I saw that the sorghum went out and walked about a hundred steps. Suddenly picked up the robes and ran back in a small step. The thief’s head rushed to the temple and saw a very disrespectful bastard. In fact, I turned back to the front of the futon. I was unwilling to take a small eye with the futon for a moment, then took the incense and re-pointed it. I pinched my nose and showed a devout look, but even the back can see this. People are unwilling to heart.

Gao Yan admired the back of Gu Yu's back, and was satisfied with it. He happily raised his robes and walked away in a square step.

After Gu Yu went home, he washed it three times from the beginning to the end with the wormwood leaf soaking water, and called Huo Wei aside, seriously threatening: "I know that you have nothing to do with Chang Geng, but today, dare to talk to others. Explode a word and take it with your military law."

Huo Wei: "..."

Gu Yu walked out of two steps and violently turned his head, facing the distorted expression of Huo Xiao’s face laughing and not laughing.

Huo Wei was shocked and sneaked back to the thief. He said nothing, turned around and ran.

Until many years later, Chang Geng did not find out what Gu Gu was doing that day, and it was obvious that Gu Shuai Junwei was still there.

I don't know if it is rare for Gu Yu to worship Buddha once and for all. The Buddha gave him a gift of one get one free.

In the afternoon of the next day, Chen lightly visited and brought a prescription.

"In the palace, I haven't been able to turn to the clues for a long time," Chen said. "On the contrary, I found something useful from the book of the goddess of mystery. It can solve the old poison. It is just the damage of the handsome man's eyes and ears for many years. Even if you detoxify, you can only wait for it to recover slowly in the future, I am afraid..."

I am afraid that it is impossible to completely recover.

Chen Guangxu: "Do you want to try it?"

Gu Yan glanced at Chang Geng, who was close to his words, and took it without hesitation. He said that he couldn’t care about it, but if he could make Chang Geng feel a little more secure, he wouldn’t care to drink a few more pots of soup.

At the entrance, Gu Yu suddenly felt that this medicinal taste was a bit familiar, but I couldn’t remember where I had heard it. I thought that it was too much medicine in my life, and there was a lot of overlap, so I didn’t go to my heart. .

On the contrary, Chang Geng was very nervous. He played for two hours in a dozen games. Every time he was fragrant, he would have to look up and ask him what he felt.

It’s all indulged in old diseases, what can you feel when you take a drug?

Gu Yu half-deprecated: "It's much better."

Chang Geng asked: "Where is it better, can you see me after taking off the glass mirror?"

Gu Yan, Chang Geng smiled and said: "When you look at the scores, you can see all the hair, and you can see all your eyes."

Chang Geng: "..."

Hearing this person and not talking about people, Chang Geng will drop the pen to the side and plan to talk to him in the past.

Gu Yu smiled and lifted his legs, and gave the emperor a slap in the face. The leg method was still better than that. Chang Geng couldn’t help but slammed it. He didn’t stand still and fell straight into his arms. Still unconsciously stretched out his arms and waited to pick up, Chang Geng himself scared a cold sweat, lest he was so big, he pressed him down, and he reached out and put a hand on the chair handle, angered: "Gu Zihao!"

Gu Yu looked smirk, and the salted pig hand quickly took advantage of Chang Geng's waist. Chang Geng made him feel the fire, and he was worried that he couldn't eat it. He didn't dare to touch it. He had to black his face and buckle his wrist. Come out and press it aside. Gu Yu did not struggle, and he took a side-by-side kiss on Chang Geng’s arm: "Hey, incense."

Chang Geng simply can't say anything: "You..."

Suddenly, Gu Yu’s look changed, and the wrist broke away from Chang Geng: “Wait.”

Chang Geng is busy standing up: "What?"

When Gu Yu was indecent, his nose was inadvertently picked up the old beads on his wrist. A very fine taste emerged from the gap between the wooden beads. It was so light that only Gu Yu and the dog could smell it. I remembered why Chen’s prescription was so familiar – the smell of the drug was exactly the same as the light fragrance of the beads on his hand.

For many years, Gu Yu and the string of wood beads combined, he did not care too much about this thing, these small beads seem to rely on him, no matter what experience is always accompanied by the side.

Gu Yu picked up the beads that were rarely left, tried to screw a few beads, and finally tried a large bead. Under his fingertips, he showed a shallow gap, and the latter one. The sound is crisp, and in the hands of Gu Yu, it is divided into two, revealing the inside of the Qiankun - there is actually a pill inside.

The two men looked at each other for a while, Chang Geng turned the entire palace over to the sky, in order to find the clues of antidote, but unexpectedly the antidote was originally hidden in Gu Yu, followed him in the rain, accompanied by a whole ten For more than a year, it was not until Chen Guangxu found out about the drug formula on his own, it was only able to show some clues.

Gu Yu suddenly couldn't help but smile. He reached out and squeezed the pill. He smiled and said: "How is this little thing exactly the same as the temper of Yuan and Xiandi?"

It is an untimely anti-drug, untimely warmth.

... untimely poisonous, untimely antidote.

"The big cousin looks at you."

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