Lie Huo Jiao Chou
Chapter 8 Table of contents

After hearing it, I felt a little familiar, and then reacted. He turned it over on the plane and just glanced at it. He received a lot of scolding for "neuropathy" and "net nursery" for the landlord. Brush out the follow-up, you can't find it.

Ping Qianru was born with a thin voice, afraid that he could not hear it, while struggling to bear the unbearable cold breath forward, he probably read the post again.

Then she said, "Later, the landlord returned once, but it was deleted as soon as it was put on. It probably said that she was a failing mother and would steal the things while the child was at school. During this time, her son's There are always some strange symbols in the diary. At first it was just a ball-point pen graffiti. She didn't go to her heart when she saw it. But recently, the symbols are getting more and more dense. Yesterday they were painted with blood. It was frightening. The child's behavior was getting more and more strange. She also took pictures of those pictures ... I ... hiss ... "

Ping Qianru tasted the **** smell, and at the same time itching under her nose, she reached out her hand, only to find out when she had two lines of nosebleeds, the cold moisture scratched the mucous membranes of her nose and nose, she could not walk Then, with a hard push, the laptop slid down the door to the door along the smooth floor, stopping just there, with the screen facing the room.

Before Xuan Yuan looked back, Sheng Lingyuan made a sound first.

He "read out" the ritual gently, sighing, and then sighed, "Ah, this is funny."

"What?" Ping Qianru didn't understand what he was talking about, but as soon as her ears passed by the voice, she was shivering instinctively like a small animal that encountered natural enemies. "He, he, he, he, is this out loud? ? Chatting or cursing me? "

"Tell Lao Xiao," Xuan Yuan pried open his teeth, "the devil said that it was 'help'."

Xiao Zheng listened to this retelling, and he stumbled for a few seconds. Then he suddenly responded to what Xuan Yuan meant, and his hair erected: "Find this boy and let the local branch bring the person back immediately, no matter what method! Quick! "

The process of sacrificing "living animals" is certainly not as simple as chopping people around with a kitchen knife. In daily life, "death by death" is certainly not a high probability event, but if it is expanded nationwide, the number of "abnormal deaths" is still a very considerable number.

As "live animals", it is impossible to be so "ordinary". Their method of death must be more complicated and cruel, which increases the difficulty of operation.

And the murderers behind the scenes are not likely to be defending in one place, because this is not a small number after all. In a short time, the sudden increase in the number of accidental missing persons in the same area will definitely attract the attention of various local security departments.

For the time being, if the "thousand people" live sacrifice is not an approximate figure, it is simply calculated as "one thousand people". To sacrifice these people in a lunar phase cycle, on average, more than 30 people will be killed, and the slaughterhouse may not have this efficiency.

Not to mention the tricks.

So how did this happen?

Or, the murderer behind the scenes is a huge organization with sufficient financial resources and manpower-this possibility is very small, as Xuan Yuan said, there are many ways to solve problems for people with money, talents and social status. Who would be so full of doing this kind of shit?

Either ... even the sacrificed "live animals" did not seem to die or disappear, and still lived in the crowd without exception.

"Archives!" Xiao Zheng growled, "focus on cases related to 'parasitic'!"

Outside the hospital's family lounge, Ping Qianru rubbed her nose and asked sighing, "Director Xuan, what does 'help' mean? What did Director Xiao understand?"

"Writing the" sacrifice "..." Xuan Yuan bounced out word by word, never said so long in his life, "It's a" sacrifice. "

If this boy is not some millennium old ghost who can write ancient magic art rituals by hand, why can he draw such symbols?

Only he has become a "sacrifice."

Help for help shows that he knows his situation, but weirdly, while drawing a shocking message of help on his notebook, he is living a routine day every day, and even "turns evil into a righteousness," turning from a troubled teenager into a good boy. .

So the question is, who is this "good boy" ... or, what is it?

At 9:35, the Exorbitant Control Board finally locked the identity and position of the poster. It was a boy who was a second-year boy, a single-parent family, and a mother with a high degree of control. He should be home at this time.

The headquarters immediately notified the local branch office, and the field staff moved in.

"Director Xiao, we have retrieved all files related to 'parasites' from the archives. There are thirteen species of parasitic dangerous species, most of which are mutant plants, but these plants usually do not have the ability to think. The host will soon be drained, and the host will die before searching for the next target. The only parasite that meets your description is a butterfly ... "

"I found it!" If Ping Qian didn't know where to find another tablet, she showed her powerful search ability while stunning, and quickly turned the archives of the General Administration to the bottom, "It's a butterfly The scientific name is 'Mirror Flower Water Moon Butterfly'. It says that its larva is only the size of sesame. If it is eaten by people, it will enter the human body, mature within 24 hours, and then control the human through a special secretion. nervous system."

"At this time, if an fmri scan of the infected person's brain is found, the amygdala [note] activity is significantly enhanced, and other evidence also shows that the infected person's brain still has its own consciousness, but the nerve impulses it has generated are no longer available. It is transmitted to related effector organs. Mirror flower water moon butterfly does not have its own intelligence, but it has a high ability to imitate. It is good at using others around the infected person as a template. After the infected person's brain dies, the butterfly completely replaces the infected person's brain and can Surviving, breeding for a long time in this capacity, and even not being noticed by people around for decades-isn't that the equivalent of watching your body being controlled by something else? "

Xuan Yuan didn't say a word, and he would have to do all he could to maintain those chains.

The sacrifice is about to be completed. Only one spellcaster needs to randomly broadcast the refined butterfly larvae in the crowd-the most creepy thing in this case is the 999 people who have been sacrificed.

They are parasitic by butterflies, and their consciousness is painfully forced to look on, and more desperate than this helpless chronic death, no one is even aware of it.

People do the same thing every day, repeating what they said yesterday, melting in schools, companies, and society. Those friends who live with each other through the skin of the skin through the skin of the skin, chat without saying a word about a bad-hearted butterfly Then, come and go.

It turns out that a person can disappear so painlessly and itchily, so isn't it a great joke that the so-called person has a "soul"?

Of the thousand living sacrifice, only one mother felt the abnormality-and she was still a pervert with a desire to control her son!

Ten o'clock-

More than a dozen low-profile black off-road vehicles surrounded an ordinary residential building unconsciously, and trained field personnel rushed out, and the soldiers were divided into several floors.

Anxious mother is searching for some contact information of the so-called "master" on the Internet in an anxious illness, and the shopping cart is full of things with the words "open light" and "dispell evil". Her creepy son is in her bedroom, the door is not closed, and his back can be seen from the living room-he is plugging in his earphones and doing his homework while playing with his mobile phone, no different from a "normal" teenager.

But she just felt that way beyond description.

At this moment, the doorbell rang, and she clenched her hand and returned to God: "Who?"

"Look at your water meter. The property was notified yesterday."

"Oh ... come, I didn't see the notice, and let someone bear tear it up." The woman muttered, got up and opened the door, and was frightened by the field in black uniform at the door. She subconsciously threw the door On the other hand, a field hand quickly pinned the door frame and made a "hush" gesture at her. The woman covered her throat in horror and found that she couldn't make a sound.

The field workers peeped into the room like cats, and there was no sound under their feet. However, the "boy" wearing headphones in the room seemed to have ears behind him.

"Target wants to jump out of the window!"

The woman opened her mouth and screamed silently-this is the eighth floor!

Between the flashes of fire, the "boy" has leapt from the window, and there is something flashing behind it-like a pair of huge butterfly wings flying towards the night sky.

The next moment, a whirlwind suddenly swept out of nothing. When he covered the big "butterfly", then three ambushes on the roof jumped down and pulled out a large net from the air to take him seriously. in the middle!

At ten: one-

"Report, we have controlled the target! After inspection, it is confirmed that it is infected with Mirror Flower Water Moon Butterfly, please ask the General Administration to instruct the next step!"

"Director Xiao, we have found the records in the archives of the General Administration. It seems that we have lost a pot of Mirror Flower Water Moon Butterfly Eggs in Curry, and we have not found them."

"All relevant personnel in the archives have been quarantined by me. This matter has been reviewed one by one! Why not report such a dangerous item!" Xiao Zheng coldly squeezed out a sentence from his teeth, barely suppressing the anger. Aftercare. "

"Leader! Director Xiao contacted and asked if you know how to crack the mirror flower water moon butterfly?"

"Mirror flower water moon butterfly, are you saying 'human face butterfly'?" Sheng Lingyuan learned Ping Qianru's tone, repeated the word in Mandarin, and then smiled gleefully, "This is not good, human face butterfly Not easy. "

Xuan Yuan: "Cryogenic surgery."

"Use your nonsense!" Xiao Zheng Shen Sheng said, "Cryogenic surgery must first make the butterfly inactive, otherwise the ghost will burn with the host jade once it feels the invasion of external force. This process takes at least 24 hours. Twenty-four hours for you to steal? "

"But it's not helpless." At this moment, Sheng Lingyuan opened his mouth, as if the sacrifice was about to come, his eyes and lips cracked a little light blood. "The last sacrifice must die in the midnight. Yes, if you die at the wrong time, the curse will be in trouble. Now that the sacrifice has fallen into your hands, the solution is ahead of time. You ca n’t save people, will you kill them? ”

Xiao Zheng: "What did he say?"

"There are also forty-eight hours," Xuan Yan raised his eyelids, and the beautiful phoenix was soaked with water vapor, but there was still fire in the pupil, "said the devil, as long as you caught Shi before the turn of the night. Curse. "

"Director Xiao! The time when the boy parasitic on the butterfly began to draw the sacrifice was sixteen days ago, and the day before was supposed to be the infection time. That day he was mixed up in black and white in the Internet cafe for a day. We got the monitoring record of the Internet cafe and found out this person!"

"Let me see!"

I saw a moustache with a cigarette on the blurred screenshot of the video.

"Director Xiao, this is the 'donkey friend'" just rescued from the Abyss Grand Canyon, that is the leader. "

Ping Qianru covered her mouth: "Sister Bi! Sister Bi is with them!"

Sheng Lingyuan glanced down at the thick fog outside the window and said suddenly, "There is still a moment."

Xuan Ling Yi Ji Ling——

Wait, the concept of the turn of the midnight is twelve o'clock in the night, which is influenced by the modern Western calendar. The ancient child hour started at eleven o'clock! 2k novel reading network

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