Lie Huo Jiao Chou
Chapter 15 Table of contents

Xuan Yuan: "Where?"

"Secretary General's Isolation Room, hurry up!"

Xuan Ye's drowsiness disappeared as soon as he got up. Before he could think about it, it was already a scalp. He grabbed his sword and went straight to the Exotic Administration Building.

The 60th floor of the headquarters of the Xishan Foreign Control Bureau is the "isolation room" on the entire ground floor, which is used to store various "dangerous" items that are temporarily unknown.

Xuanyuan always saw Xiao Zheng waiting for him at the door, and was stopped just as he was about to go in: "Director Xuan, wait, add protection!"

Three layers of protective clothing and three layers of outside, three staff around the bag for ten minutes, Xuan Yuan stretched his arms to let them fiddle, while joking: "Several of these bags of dumplings have a good workmanship. Salty? "

Sheng Lingyuan was in the epee, and he could clearly hear his breath and heartbeat—when the little devil put down the "sound of a thousand miles", his heartbeat was the fastest, and then he held his breath for a moment and walked slowly all the way. It was almost when he lay down to sleep.

"There are some cities," Sheng Lingyuan thought.

"Oh, you are all ordinary people too? How do ordinary people think about doing this ... the siege of the emperor, the vulture rule, the cap, the clan, the potential emperor, the silk chant, and the concubine! Then the duck father, the charm of the barium, the 16 stupid figure, the dust bank agent, the poacher swelled, and the case was bad. 鹨 Change to 17 Mengmeng's suspicious funeral 饫 矗 樗 馇 诎 傥 藿 馇 诎 傥 藿 馇 诎 傥 藿 馇 诎 傥 藿 勖 勖 勖 勖 勖 勖 勖 勖 勖 勖 笄 诘 笄 诘 笄 诘 笄 诘 笄 诘 募 募 募 募 募 募 蟪 妫 妫: 妫 ィ

Sheng Lingyuan stood on the sidelines, a little funny. This little demon is a congenital creature of fire. The whole person is a demon purification furnace. Putting a tube of blood can burn a can of "human face butterfly" into ashes, and it looks like an inverse.

Congenital spirits were born drowsy, mostly evading the world, and living in solitary living. They often used demigods to look down on sentient beings. They were simply arrogant, so they almost died. Because "unusual" people often rely too much on their "unusual", whether it is relying on strong, talented, beautiful or rich, relying on it becomes a shackle.

After all, with colorful wings, they can hold back invisible people, and they are willing to roll in the mud with all beings.

"Not easy to deal with," Sheng Lingyuan thought.

When Xiao Zheng called, Sheng Lingyuan closed his eyes in the epee-he didn't want to close, the surroundings were very different, he wanted to see more, but this little demon sleeps with his sword in his daytime Even after all, she slept back and forth, arms and legs flying randomly. Sheng Lingyuan had the intention to shave the half of his arm that had been thrown away. Unfortunately, he was trapped in the sword, and he was weak and weak, so he had no eyes or annoyance, and accidentally became really tired.

The phone on the bedside suddenly vibrated, and Sheng Lingyuan was awoken from half asleep and half awake. The moment he woke up, he felt cold.

Because the turbulent sea of ​​knowledge has been completely calm, the unbearable pain is almost impossible to feel. This sword is like a gentle hometown, and if you are not careful, you will be seduced into it.

Sheng Lingyuan hates things that look too good.

The reason is simple. People want to pay for something, and the "price" is of course painful. On the other hand, what others want from him will first be offered and seduced.

Anything that does not cause pain, or even makes him feel comfortable, will make him vigilant, because the other party must have something.

Sheng Lingyuan had a strange temper. He might have grown up in a conspiracy before he died, so he didn't believe in chance or luck. If one thing happens to happen, in his opinion, eight out of nine people are behind it.

The last time he was awakened by the gloomy sacrifices, although he did not understand what the other party was saying, he understood the grievous grievances and killing intentions, and roughly guessed what was going on.

So who is this time? What do you want to do?

The little demon himself is also very suspicious. Although he always looks like he knows nothing, and even lights up his heartbeat and breathing, but there is a ghost on the side of the couch, does he really feel nothing?

Sheng Lingyuan didn't believe it.

In contrast, he is more willing to believe that some beasts will deliberately show their belly to show harmlessness and frankness, and then wait for the opportunity to give a fatal blow.

"What's the matter?" After a long delay at the door, Xuan Yuan finally entered the quarantine zone, but before he could ask him clearly, he saw several people running quickly through a low-temperature warehouse, "Who is this?"

"A field service, when we were hunting the boy, he was on the front line," said Xiao Zheng. "After contacting the boy, several front-line field services had symptoms similar to the sudden change of sex, but they were reflected in some In minor matters, if it wasn't for the trouble of Jinghua Shuiyue Butterfly, it might have been ignored and the consequences would be disastrous. Jinghua Shuiyue Butterfly is about 15 to 30 days from infection to death. We are now approaching the boy Everyone I contacted for a month was secretly isolated-come and see. "

Xiao Zheng led him to a house with a huge "danger" sign on the door. In the middle, there was a glass cover with three layers inside and three layers outside. There was a butterfly in the cover, about the size of a grain of rice.

"It was just taken from the boy and still alive."

There is a magnifying glass on the glass cover, which is convenient for observation. Xuan Yuan puts it together. The butterfly is very beautiful, and the body is flashing with multi-colored fluorescence. There is only a small human face on each of the left and right wings. The "human face" still moves. First, a pair of smiling faces. As soon as Xuan Yuan approached, the "smiling faces" disappeared, the left half of the face became frightened, and the right half was crying.

No wonder it is called "Human Face Butterfly".

Before he could see clearly, the butterfly's wings quickly fluttered. It fluttered in the glass cover for a moment, bumped the walls all over, and then suddenly disappeared.

Xuan Yuan leaned back subconsciously.

"Rest assured, it can't run out of the lockout box," Xiao Zheng said, "this butterfly will be invisible, and will come back in a while-I said what's wrong with you? Cats and dogs can't wait to see this butterfly for a long time, It's invisible as soon as you come. "

"Maybe my big watery eyes have too much power, who is pregnant?" Xuan Yuan sighed and looked at Xiao Zheng while blinking his eyes. "How about Director Xiao, are you sick and nauseous now?" Symptoms? "

Xiao Zheng: "..."

Why didn't more than eighty thunders chop this thing together?

Xuan Ye found a chair from the side and sat down, poking his epee on the ground: "How do you know this butterfly will reproduce?"

Xiao Zheng opened a magnified photo from a nearby computer: "On the left, this is just a butterfly separated from the body of Bi Chunsheng's husband. There are three black lines on the abdomen. This is a special treatment-on the right is just you Just saw it. "

The butterfly belly has nothing.

Xiao Zheng said: "And now it seems that it may be contact infection."

Xuan Yuan was silent for a while, and said dryly: "Awesome, the zombie virus in the biochemical crisis has to hold a sip."

"This is also the reason why the mirror flower water moon butterfly is positioned as a" first-level danger "species, even if it is stored in our internal archives, it must be handled." Xiao Zheng paused, and said with some difficulty, "Now it seems ... maybe Some of them have not been dealt with thoroughly. "

"What the **** is that boy? Why did Bi Chunsheng choose him as a bait?"

"I don't know. This boy only went to junior high school. His life experience is clear at a glance. We checked all the dossiers of the past ten years and determined that he had never been in contact with the Extermination Control Bureau before and had not been involved in any case. The butterfly cannot be Implanted in an event. "

"That is to say, there are two possibilities," Xuan Yuan's fingers dangled on the epee, "or, Bi Chunsheng got a living mirror flower water moon butterfly by some means, and implanted it In the boy's body, in the event of an incident, use him as a bait to divert your attention. "

This is the most ideal situation, because if this is the case, only this butterfly has a reproductive function, and since the boy is not dead, it will not be infected for a long time, and there will not be too many people in daily contact with junior high school students. Countable.


"At present, it seems that the boy hasn't had any intersection with Bi Chunsheng." Xiao Zheng said, "We searched all the places and offices of Bi Chunsheng and found no results."

"If it weren't for her, it would be cold," Xuan said. "This matter should be checked from the beginning. All the field offices of your bureau are suspects, ordinary people, because your bureau does not openly recruit, and most of them are the top seven. Aunt Baba introduced that all kinds of relationships are inextricably linked, so they are also suspects. If the butterfly on the boy was transmitted from other places, what was the source of the infection, how many people did he infect before, and when did it start? Contagious-you do n’t know. Now all human beings, except for us, have become butterfly-controlled walking dead ... We may also be butterflies, but we do n’t know if we are, still playing here "Thief's house play game."

Xiao Zheng: "..."

Make him say cold sweat all down.

"Director Xiao, let us embrace the spirit of revolutionary optimism and think from a rational point of view," Xuan Yuan sighed, his voice turned, "Everything in this world is nothing new. It can happen, it happened long ago in history, it is impossible to wait until now, spreading over you, you are not the selected child. "2k novel reading network

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