Lie Huo Jiao Chou
Chapter 19 Table of contents

Ji Qingchen was originally a place where scammers and metaphysical enthusiasts gathered together, so it didn't take long for the posts to hang out that they received various private letter responses.

Xuan Yuan quickly jumped over all those questioning, imaginative, and nonsense marketing, and did not know what he was looking for. Sheng Lingyuan was struggling to see the characters on the screen.

Some characters don't know, although some characters can be guessed similarly, but I don't know if he guessed wrong or what, I always feel that it is not like human words to be connected together.

The screen is too bright.

Everything is too bright here, the windows in the room are completely transparent, and there is no cover from the outside. After sunset, everyone lights up and burns the oil. These people do not sleep, and the house is illuminated as brightly as during the day.

And these large and small "square boxes" are even more excessive. Some of these gadgets are called "mobile phones" and some are called "computers." He also heard people call them "notebooks" and so on. In short, Sheng Lingyuan Didn't figure out if they meant anything, anyway, things looked similar. People stared at them all day and night, watching endlessly, eating and walking, watching until they fell asleep at night, and let the little box—should be called a “mobile phone” —slid down and take pictures. Up to my face, it seems like I can't sleep without such a mouth every day.

At first, the millennium old ghost felt fresh. When the freshness was enough, he began to feel a bit "noisy".

"My cell phone occasionally drops my face once, not a bedtime ritual." Xuan Yuan explained dryly, dimming the screen, but the browsing speed was still fast.

Sheng Lingyuan really couldn't keep up with his speed and couldn't help asking: "Can you walk around and watch the monument?"

Xuan Yuan said with an electronic cigarette, "No, I am a scumbag."

"What scum?"

"It just means that reading is not good," Xuan said. Thinking of the devil, they would not even have paper. Recording a fart is a huge project. It is also a bit reluctant to let his elderly person jump directly to the paperless environment. Slowing down the scrolling speed, explained, "Our people now write what they say is similar to what they say. These movie soup words don't have much information. At a glance, you probably know what it means. It's good to read more."

As an internet addicted young man, Xuan Ye often hangs on all kinds of online languages, so when he reads online messages, he feels no different from daily spoken language, but in the eyes of real ancients, the difference is actually quite big-especially inside Mixed with abbreviations, abbreviations, numbers, and letters.

Sheng Lingyuan: "What does that half word mean?"

Xuan Yuan glanced over, a cursive prefix: "..."

Your eyes are sharp and you always capture the point.

"唔 ......" Xuan Yuan pondered the word for a moment, and did not know how to explain it to the "unearthed cultural relics", so he had to say vaguely, "Just ... scold."

The two of them are in a weird state, and Xuan Ye can directly "know" to the ancients who are thirsty for knowledge without detailed "words".

Sheng Lingyuan: "... Oh."

He understood a little bit. The previous people were full. It was three or five people who gathered together to talk about tea after dinner. The people here didn't have to go together. It was convenient to hold a small box and yell.

No wonder just holding this thing in your hand is not good.

At this time, the computer prompts that a new reply has been received, and Ping Qianru utters a "beep": "Director, look at this person."

I saw a question from someone: "Is it a symptom that appeared after the 10th last month?"

"This is a newly registered trumpet," said Ping Qianru, "on the 10th of last month ... isn't that the time when we infer that the boy was infected with butterflies?"

Xuan Yuan: "Ask him how to know."

It took a while for the other party to send the second private message. Without answering it, he asked another question: "Where do your evil relatives live?"

Xuan Yuan nodded, and Ping Qianru returned: "North Xiaoba."

If they want to catch insiders, they can't pretend that they have touched the moustache Ji Qingchen, because if Ji Qingchen still has a partner, two words will be exposed.

Therefore, their fabricated identity is a person who has "contacted an infected boy and was 'infected'". I heard that a master can cure evil spirits, so I tried to contact them. In order to look real, Xuan Yuan also let Ping Qian be here Several metaphysics enthusiasts gathered and posted the same help posts at the same time.

Judging from the current situation of the Exotic Control Bureau, the Mirror Flower Water Moon Butterfly is an epidemic. Although it is contagious, it is not necessarily contagious. The principle is unclear, but just looking at the current situation, males, under 30 years of age, are relatively physically strong and seem to be more likely to be infected. The infection rate of ordinary people seems to be much lower than that of the special-powered crowd. The child's mother lives with him every day. It is okay. Several special-powered field offices of the local control office only performed the arrest task. .

These scammers are ground snakes, afraid of revealing flaws in the contact process. Their fake identity is not entirely fabricated-they borrowed a small messy identity living near the infected boy's home.

This lunatic is a social idler who once clashed with the boy after he became infected with Mirrored Flowers and Moon Butterfly. He is one of the few ordinary people who has been infected and has been secretly isolated by the Extermination Control Bureau.

The other party responded quickly: "Do you know this person?"

He sent him the picture of the infected boy.

You and I have used several rounds of conversations, and the other party "set" all kinds of information about their fake identities, and Xuan Yuan can basically be identified on their side. This is an insider who knows a lot, It may be Ji Qingchen's faceless nursery.

At the end, the other party said, "I know Teacher Ji. He has recently traveled far away and is not in the local area. He left something for me before leaving. Maybe someone who has fate wants to come to him for help. I can give you a try, but It doesn't necessarily work, you have to be mentally prepared. "

Ping Qianru immediately replied: "How much money you want, as long as there is a way to save people."

After a moment of hesitation over there, Ping Qianru added: "We can give you half of the money first, then whether you can do it or not, you don't need to refund it, as long as you are willing to help us contact Teacher Ji."

They were stupid and had much money, and the other party immediately "comed" immediately. Ping Qianru finished the matter of giving money, and soon there was a time and place to meet, and she was offline.

The agreed place was a small, inaccessible park. Xuan Yuan asked the local police for help and got two cars.

Lao Luo opened a loaf of bread, pretending to be a poster, and pulled Yang Chao. After Yang Chao ’s protest was invalidated, he temporarily acted as an unlucky child of “middle evil”. He was tied into a mule with three layers inside and three layers, and his face was covered with nasty and swollen makeup. Thrown in the back seat of the van.

Xuan Yuan, together with Ping Qianru, sat in another car and hid in the dark, watching from a distance.

Xuan Yuan bored the news webcast in a car bored, corrected his "sword", and asked, "Senior, what kind of origin is this indecent thing like Jinghua Shuiyuedie?"

Sheng Lingyuan didn't immediately answer. Xuan Ye could only hear his obsessive and news-reading webcast. However, for a moment, he felt that there seemed to be countless complicated memories in the other person's mind, and there was a flash of the picture— -Thousands of corpses, men, women, and children all over the ground, all dead eyes are looking at themselves.

Xuan Ling's spine had a layer of coolness, but before he saw it clearly, those chaotic pictures and thoughts were suppressed again.

what is that?

Xuan Yuan moved, right, the devil said that he could n’t remember a lot of things, and what reminders would make him think of something ... So, if I just asked casually, it seemed that I accidentally stimulated the other Some core memories.

Can he ...

A little more exciting?

Xuan Yuan immediately noticed that his thoughts were slipping into a bad place, forcing integrity: "Hey, how can I do that? How can I have such a shy thought? It really is too bad!"

Sheng Lingyuan chuckled and said slowly: "I know you are not deliberately inquiring, you are only concerned about the case, it doesn't matter."

Seeing that there was a crack in peaceful coexistence, Xuanzhen quickly tried to repair the relationship, and said sincerely and respectfully: "If you don't want to remember, don't remember, uh ... Of course, if you can use your experience and intuition, give us a little Prompt, that would be even better, and I thank you on behalf of all the hybrids and waste of the Exterminator. "

Sheng Lingyuan said, "Well, what do you want to ask? Don't you all guess that this butterfly is not born in nature?"

What Xuan Ye said to Xiao Zheng at the headquarters of the Exotic Control Bureau was not purely "guessing".

There is an ancestral "Qian Yao Tu Jian" in his family, which is very old and has been written by his ancestors many times-that thing was first carved on the stone, and it is not well preserved. The existing stone inscriptions in the family are left. Several pieces are scattered, and the pictures and text are not clear. Later, I do n’t know if there are any versions of bamboo slips, silk, etc., anyway, they have not been preserved. The most complete ones are paper editions, and the paper pages are missing a lot, but the most dangerous species on the first few pages are all together. Spreading casually in the crowd, it must be one of the most dangerous things.

But that book is not there.

With Sheng Lingyuan's words, Xuan Yuan's mind naturally flashed the "Qian Yao Tu Jian", and he immediately became alert, diverted his attention, and wiped the pictures related to the Tu Jian from his mind.

Sheng Lingyuan pretended to accidentally say "Yeah": "I mentioned it casually, but it was not deliberately inquired, but your tribe actually keeps the ancient thousand demon, little demon, it seems that you are not young."

Old thief, this is revenge!

Sheng Lingyuan explained tepidly: "No, I'm really as careless as you."

It would be inconvenient to turn his face. Xuan Yuan had to reluctantly rely on deep breathing and smile to maintain his inner peace. He smiled like a goosebump and couldn't help but stay away from him.

Sheng Lingyuan said: "I can't remember it, but you have to ask me intuition. I think this butterfly is not a race, it is a magic method-people like you are here."

Xuan Yuan looked up and saw a middle-aged man with a goatee walking towards the agreed place.

His eyesight was very good. Without a telescope, he could see that the middle-aged man had an unsteady waist, a futile footsteps, and a heavy sickness on his face. His expression was alert and frightened.

At the same time, Sheng Lingyuan snorted: "So fierce."

"Blood?" Xuan Yuan said for a moment, "what does he mean? He killed someone?"

"No," Sheng Lingyuan stared for a moment through the epee leaning against the window. "It came from somewhere else."

I saw Luo Cuicui got out of the car and greeted him, saying something to the goat.

Lao Luo had a terrible face, playing the victim's family with almost unique talents. Goat looked at him for a moment, nodded hesitantly, and pointed to the car next to him, which meant to see the "middle evil" person.

Lao Luo quickly opened the back of the van and showed Yang Chao to the other side.

The light in the van was dim, and Yang Chao was tormented by them because they could n’t endorse, and there was still a deep grudge on their heads. At first glance, it looked like a “middle evil”, but Xuan Yuan saw that the door opened instantly The goatee didn't even look into the car, and his feet moved a step back.

What's wrong, the other party feels it!

Xuan Yuan immediately decided: "Catch him first!"

Luo Cuicui grabbed the goatee's arm in response: "Master, where are you going, don't go!"

The goatee pushed him fiercely, but the next moment, he was stumbled by the crazy long green dill. Before he could stand still, Xuanyuan had stopped in front of him, pressing the fired epee down on the goatee, the goat Hu Hulu was terrified.

At this moment, a huge black hole suddenly emerged from behind the goatee's back, with several white-bone claws stuck out, one claw clasped the goat's neck, and the other sword that grabbed Xuanyuan, the blade hit the white bone , And let out a soft noise.

The bone-claw didn't know what the evil thing was. At the moment of contact, the savage blood struck, and the fire on the epee was actually blackened!

At that moment, Xuan Yuan and Sheng Lingyuan both tore the whitewashed peace at the same time, revealing their true thoughts red / naked / naked.

Xuan Yuan thought, "Can you take the opportunity to kill the demon in the sword?"

Sheng Lingyuan thought to himself, "Is this little ghost dead?"

Xuan Yuan sent the epee into the bone claw regardless of his recklessness. At the same time, he felt that the other end of the epee was sticking to his own hand. The sword body quickly transmitted the blood, and the filthy fire was about to bite back on him--

Plastic friendship is plastic friendship. 2k novel reading network

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