Lie Huo Jiao Chou
Chapter 23 Table of contents

"What a ghost!"

Xuan Yuan also went north and south and visited several botanical gardens. This is the first time that he has seen such a strange species of blood that collapsed without a word.

Since the sword was "run away from home," the fate has been extraordinarily frustrated, even if it was "upper body" by the devil. The devil's head is fragrant and looks pretty hygienic. How did he tuck his back?

Does a man need to carry so much?

However, Xuan Yuan dragged the big burden of goatee, so he had no hand to pick up the sword, so he tried to use it on all fours—he stretched his foot to pick the sword in the sky, then carried the goatee, chased the sword and flew up. Clamp the sword with your feet to save it from soaking in the "blood soup."

But he planned to return to the plan, and before his feet hit the sword, those **** flower juices flowed down the walls to half, suddenly ignoring the gravity of the earth, turned a very unnatural bend in the air, and sprayed out sideways .

The **** flower juice flying horizontally woven a red glow in mid-air, and when it touched Xuan Yuan's wings, it turned into a mist of mist, which was almost a bit spectacular. But the goatee screamed suddenly, and saw a few drops of blood-stained flower juice splashing on the back of his hand. The skin on his hand seemed to be splashed with strong acid and was corroded on the spot!

In such a flash of God's work, I don't know whether the temperature of Xuan Yuan's wings is too high or for some reason, the red fog around him has become increasingly dense. Rising quickly to the top of the cave, it quickly condense after encountering icy rocks, and then fell like rain.

Xuanyuan Birdman, although not producing acid rain, apparently became a porter of acid rain.

Seeing that the acid rain he burned was going to fall on his head, he could only take care of the living person and shouted at the sword: "Excuse me, senior, go back and get 'August 4' to disinfect you!"

As he said, he curled up his legs with force, and his huge wings put a cage on his body, forming a water and fire shield that barely covered the two.

At the same time, the epee fell into the water of the lake accompanied by the "Blood Rain".

Xuan Ye listened to this movement for a moment, and quickly looked down from the gap between the wings—because it was not the sound of heavy objects falling into the water, but a clear sound that was unique when metals collided with each other.

At this time, he found out that there was a stone platform underneath the lake. It looked like a square at three meters. It just passed by the water, so he couldn't see it from the side.

And what's on the stone platform ...

The next moment, Xuan Yuan looked clearly, and suddenly opened his eyes—

There was an open coffin on the stone platform, and his sword fell straight into the coffin!

Before he could chase it down, a palpitation flew across his chest, like a steel cone that stabbed him into the apex of the heart, and the cold, hollow, and stinging mountain rushed into the tsunami, and he couldn't breathe for a moment.

And it felt like coming quickly and walking fast, like some kind of distant resonance, at the same time, **** water poured into the pond, and the clear pond water became red and shocking.

Xuan Yuan suddenly discovered that the devil hadn't moved for a long time.

Sheng Lingyuan felt that his seven tricks had been obscured, and his senses became abnormally numb. For a moment, he had no luck in his heart. He imagined that the blood-like water would condense into a cocoon, getting thicker, and finally wrapped him in it. Let him shut his eyes and hide, until he was in the wild.

But ... hiding is not good.

He knew this when he was very young-the world for him had no place for him to hide.

Sleeping, breathing, resting ... for him, all delusions.

His memory resembled a awakened monster, opening his eyes and opening his mouth wide.

The epee buzzed, and the whole cave shook. All the flowers on the four walls were withered. The coffin centered in the water pool stirred up a huge vortex. Then, the water surface dropped a little bit. Shen, like sucked into something in the coffin.

When the blood in the pool water was sucked up by the coffin, and the pool water was clear again, it was already "falling out of the water"-

The coffin was completely out of the water, the sword was gone, and a ... "person" was sitting in it.

For a moment, Xuan Yuan wasn't sure whether he should call him "people."

The goatee's white eyes ran about in his eyes, fainted and woke up, and hanged in the air to "live and die". He was going crazy, and even Xuanzang could not help but get his hair upside down. He thought that he had visited a "thunder strike, frustration and ashes" at a close distance, and he would be able to travel to ancient and modern Chinese and foreign horror movies without taboos.

But the "person" was beyond his imagination ... because it was impersonal.

The coffin was clearly a scorched "corpse", which was forcibly broken from the middle, with no distinction between head and feet. He did not have a bone mutilated and was completely clumped together by the burnt rotten meat.

And that "corpse" can still move!

The bones on his body rang, and then, a bang, the bones forcibly penetrated the scorched skin. Those bones automatically sought their place, and a skeleton was quickly spliced, followed by meridians, Flesh, soon ...

Xuan Yuan fought a shiver fiercely. He felt that the scene was very cruel. The flesh was growing layer by layer, as if it was more painful than being cut down layer by layer by the gloomy sacrifices. When Ling Chi was remembered The man stood motionless on the top of the building, smiling all the time, until it disappeared.

However, at this time, "Jiao Shi" was constantly struggling, holding his coffin tightly with his hands, and the bronze coffin of Cunyu was deformed by him alive.

Like in a silent scream.

Because the vocal cords and tongue haven't grown.

Just looking around, Xuan Yuan already felt that his whole body was burning with pain, and he didn't feel a cold sweat.

After more than a quarter of an hour's work, the flesh and bones of "Coke Corpse" were full, pale skin was born on the **** body, and then the waterfall-like hair covered the coffin. His hand that was tightly pulled on the coffin finally Drooped weakly and made a soft noise.

At this point, the water surface of the pond had dropped by almost two meters, and the entire stone platform was exposed. Looking down from the height, the stone platform was covered with dense lines. There were actually two layers on the line, and the first layer was overcast. On the stone, Xuan Yuan has never seen it, but judging from experience, it is more like an unknown text than a decoration. The other layer was painted with paint, which he knew well-it was a gloomy ritual.

The water surface calmed down, Xuan Yuan hesitated for a moment, and finally landed carefully on the stone platform, stomping his feet to avoid the weird words on the ground, and heard the disordered and rapid breathing.

"Uh ... that ..." Xuanyuan asked tentatively. "Are you ... the senior?"

The man in the coffin seemed to be struggling a bit, unable to answer.

Xuan Yuan looked around for a moment, and finally found an empty space next to the coffin without sacrifices, and set aside the goatee with his tongue out. Until then, he realized afterwards that he seemed to be missing something. what.

"Wait," Xuanyuan thought, "what about my sword?"

Xuan Yuan returned to God, and a series of questions crowded out from his head in a line.

what's going on?

How did he become alive? Where did it come from?

These minor details can be set aside first, the most important thing is that the devil's head "comes out", what about his sword?

Before his sword was "upper body" by the demon head, it was like a part of his body that could move with his heart, but he couldn't sense where the sword was now!

Xuan Yuan stepped next to the coffin, but before he found the sword, his eyes were fixed by the man in the coffin.

He's seen Sheng Lingyuan. The person in the coffin looks the same as the one he met at the Abyss Hospital. He has the same face and the same body, but he can clearly see the difference when he compares it with the previous one. Abyss Hospital The "Sheng Lingyuan" has no "liveness" on it, making people feel that he will not hurt, and there is no mood of anger and sorrow. Even if it is broken into pieces by the thunder, it just makes people feel scared ... like seeing the thunder The horrifying battle on the tree.

But at this time, the person in the coffin was "live", and Xuan Yuan could almost feel his pain.

He crouched silently in the coffin, probably trying to prop himself up, his scapula was piercing the tight skin, and trembling silently with the suppressed breath.

Xuan Yuan saw this man's moment, and was suddenly overwhelmed by some violent emotions. It was an indescribable sorrow and ecstasy. The hatchlings intertwined, and the soul trembled with it.

It seems that the resentment that has been lingering for thousands of years has finally ended, and it seems that I have been trapped in the boundless night for a long time, and finally I can see a glimmer of dawn.

In his lifetime, he had never experienced such joys and sorrows, and his soul was like a sorrow. Xuanyuan had been fully suffocated for a long while, and the emotions with no reason had faded like a tide.

He pressed his chest involuntarily, feeling that something had just left him.

The man in the coffin was as white as he had not seen the sun for a thousand years, and the hair was like black ink. A line of shocking blood dried on his side, connected to the corners of red eyes, and seemed to be a line of blood and tears. The intense color contrast dazzles the eyes, which actually constitutes some shocking impact.

as well as……

He is undressed.


Xuanyuan returned to God, he stared straight at a naked / male daze, which lasted enough to arrest him twice with "gangster crime"!

"Hey, what ... I don't, it's not intentional, you popped up without saying a word ..." Xuan Ye quickly looked away, and the scene he saw only seemed to be sticking to the retina, he tried hard I blinked, and I hurriedly touched myself, maybe I was trying to cut off a piece of clothing to give people a hurry, but I found that I couldn't help-his coat and sweater were burned out by the wings of a backless beggar. Without the habit of wearing autumn trousers, if you take off your pants, you have to become the Haier brothers, and you will be too self-conscious.

Xuan Yuan said, "Well ... that ... I chopped the goatee's clothes for you? Do you mind if you get a little irritated?"

Sheng Lingyuan ignored him and leaned out a hand to put it on the side of the coffin. He beckoned weakly.

The dead vines twitched, entangled with each other, and made a robe based on the "double-threaded needle" on Xuanyuan's sweater, and fell on the man.

Sheng Lingyuan didn't seem to be able to bear the weight of a single piece of clothing. The whole man was depressed by the falling robe, and Xuanyuan subconsciously reached out to help him, reached halfway, and dangled in place, not understanding why he had Such an impulse.

At this time, he heard Sheng Lingyuan murmuring something.

Xuan Yuan held his breath: "What?"

The man spoke every word, as if squeezed out of his teeth, his voice trembling with blood.

"Who ... who opened his coffin ..." 2k novel reading network

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