Lie Huo Jiao Chou
Chapter 37 Table of contents

At the end of Dongchuan, the mountain torn by Mithril penetrated Panshan Road and exposed his bones. The bronze coffin also sank into the depths of the pond with the rolling rocks. After the earthquake, the coffin cover was lifted to the side, revealing Alozin's indistinct face.

The dark red steel nails were nailed to his brows, which made his stretched eyebrows a little more cramped, adding a strange sigh, and he seemed to be trapped in a nightmare that he would never wake up.

On the cliff, rolling clouds converge in the night sky, covering the translucent night sky. Therefore, the staff of the different control bureaus who were cleaning up the scene did not see that the moon hanging on the mountain had a layer of blood red burrs.

At the same time, whispering sounds were heard from somewhere deep in the dead pond, and then, a very fine chanting flowed along with the water waves, and the needle-like point swirled around the bronze coffin.

The water flow also spun up, sparking countless tiny bubbles.

Gradually, the bubbles gathered together, condensed into a human figure, and stepping on the chanting beat, the "person" turned around the coffin, sang, and tapped on the bronze coffin.

咚 —— 咚 ——

Bronze coffins began to ooze blood, and those blood beads were not compatible with water and flowed down regardless of physical laws. From time to time, they turned around and bypassed things until the walls of the coffin were stained with blood and hidden gloomy sacrifices were highlighted. .

The sound of chanting and beating the coffin became more and more urgent. With each sound of the bronze coffin, the gloomy sacrifices in the coffin became clear. Then, those sacrifices “lived” from the four walls to the bottom of the coffin. Arozin's body.


The nails in Arozin's palm jumped up slightly, and his white fingers trembled fiercely.

The "people" formed by the bubbles stretched out "hands" and stroked Alozin's forehead. The sound of the water was mixed with the ancient shaman's words and murmured: "He sealed us into the Abyss forever, leaving only the rest of the world. Ordinary mortals, in order to let these ants steal their lives, kill the wolves, and only the sheep are left, the world is peaceful. Look at now, a group of hybrids who have only a few drops of blood can be embraced by people. You say it's ridiculous? "

Alas, the nails on Arozin's leg bones were loose.

"The demon tribe is defeated, are you all right? The witch tribe, the mountain man, the shadow figure ... don't think they are humans? They are all gone? You guys, even the bones and scum will be blown out and blown twice."

A sour "squeak" sound was made in the bronze coffin, and the nails of Alozin's brows were lifted up little by little by the **** gloomy offering.

The "human" condensed into a bubble leaned down and said word by word in Arozin's ears: "The history books of the human race don't have your name. Fool, you have seen it for thousands of years. You witches How can you make a good deal to share the Qingping prosperity? Your brother-in-law can kill you once, and you can kill you a second time ... not yet awake! "

The bronze coffin crumbled apart, and the gloomy sacrifice spread out from Alozin like blood.

The "person" in the water chuckled, and re-formed into a foam, and fluttered away.

It took a long time for Sheng Lingyuan to understand that although this place was called a "hotel", it was not originally a wine shop.

It was already midnight, but people were still in the lobby.

First, a group of elderly women walked past them, wearing little yellow hats, and the old women were fighting against each other. They wore colorful turbans and looked far away, like a group of upside down birds.

Then, without waiting for Sheng Lingyuan to look carefully, a very thin young girl ran over again, dragging a box that was almost half her height. She held her cell phone and said to someone, "Yeah ... I'm on a business trip, This is back to Yongan, the flight at night ... rest assured that you will see the latest version of the plan before boarding the plane! "

Sheng Lingyuan looked to the left and right and saw that there was no guard or entourage around the girl. Everyone turned a blind eye to her, and no one even helped her with a suitcase.

He thought about it for a long time, from Dongchuan to Yongan, thousands of miles, rushing late at night, not to mention a lonely girl, even a small cavalry, all wake up outside the score.

For a moment, Sheng Lingyuan was skeptical of seeing himself away, thinking: Is this mortal woman a rare and rare master?

"What a master, at first glance, it's a hard time for Party B." Xuan Yuan "heared" his doubts, took the room card from a colleague, and said casually, "I'm on a business trip, no one will receive it, and I will rotate it 24 hours a day. Hurry up at night, save money on red-eye flights ... Oh, it's the plane that takes off in the middle of the night-you know the plane, the one we take when we come. "

Sheng Lingyuan watched the girl's back in surprise, and saw that she was blown away by the night breeze at the entrance of the hotel lobby. It did not look like a magical thing. Then she came over a car and stopped at will, even asking Without asking, jumped up and left.

"That's a taxi," Xuan said. "The driver-oh, it's the driver, it's the one who pulls people in, and collects money by distance."

Sheng Lingyuan couldn't help asking: "Aren't she afraid?"

"Afraid of something, afraid of going at night? I don't know, but everyone is like this, why do you want to live ... hey!"

While talking, a colleague from the local foreign control office came over, carrying a few big bags. Their group was "crashed" again, and it was eighteen rolls in the swamp. They were so embarrassed that they arranged for their colleague to pick up some clothes and daily necessities, and packed them from the 24-hour shop. Order fast food.

Colleagues said: "This is what we sent last year when the unit organized a sports meeting. The head of the General Administration came over and should buy some good things for the big guys, but I do n’t know how many of you are wearing them. I ’m afraid they are not suitable. These are anyway. Sportswear, big and small are not a big problem, make up first. "

"You're very kind. It's a big help." Xuan Yuan thanked others, and turned to Sheng Lingyuan who was still in a daze to go upstairs, opened a bottle of Coke and drank himself while walking, sighed, "Ah, hungry and cold, still pro Colleagues save my life-Your Majesty, a bottle? "

Sheng Lingyuan stared grimly at the bubbling little black water.

In this way, the first fireworks on earth after Her Majesty's "Xia Fan" is "Fat House Happy Water", which seems to lay down a life style that can never be higher in the future.

"I told people that you are my sword spirit, and now I can only make up a night with me, and then talk about other things later." Xuan Yuan said, taking him to the thirty-first floor.

The hotel corridor is very clean, and it is also a magnificent local magnificent style. From the elevator, there is a picture of Ao Xue Han Mei, with a dazzling crystal lamp on top of your head, and your favorite sound-absorbing carpet at your feet. ... is that the rooms are too densely packed, a little embarrassing-with Sheng Lingyuan's ear strength, standing in the elevator shaft, he can hear various movements in the nearby rooms.

There was a terrifying snoring sound from the room. The one seemed to have a bit of breathlessness, stopped for a few seconds from time to time, and stopped breathing at any time.

Next door, a group of people didn't know what games to play. They laughed and made a lot of noises. It was almost dawn and they didn't sleep.

And in the room on his right, a pair of dogs and men are busy and busy, and they have a lot of words. They talk and talk. His modern Chinese is just listening, and he does n’t dare to say that he is accurate. I think these two seem to be discussing **** each other.

Forced to listen to the "real-time broadcast" in his heart, Xuan Yuan swiped his room card: "You still have to move, sir!"

Why is your curiosity so heavy?

Xuan Yuan found that Sheng Lingyuan, no matter what he saw, his face was faint, and his face was not shocked. He would never show a little strangeness like "Liu Ye visiting the Grand View Garden" ... if it was not that the "Bluetooth" was still connected, Xuan Yuan He was probably confused by it.

After his Majesty entered the door, he touched everything calmly and quickly made a rough inference of their purpose.

Don't say, guess ** is not less than ten, except for some things that are slightly wrong-

"It's soap, it's wash hands, not snacks."

"A hole in the wall? It's a power source ... no no no, there are no safety hazards, every family has it, you are merciless. There is no thunderbolt inside ... yes, it is not the law of Xiao Zhengshi, it is the uniform distribution of power plants of."

"That's the air-conditioning vent. It's not ... there's no need to plug it. Usually no one poisons it."

"The water in the faucet cannot be drunk directly and is not clean."

Xuan Yuan said this, and heard Sheng Lingyuan thinking, "At least there is no medicine smell", then he was silent for a moment: "Are you insulting our happy water?"

Then, he angrily opened a bag of fried chicken.

When Sheng Lingyuan was in the sword, he had seen Xuan Ye cooking at home. At that time, he thought that this little demon was outstanding, and he was also the head of a tribe. His life was usually "luxury".

Only then did he realize that it didn't seem to be the case.

I saw that the oil-sucked meat was sloppy together, and there was no tableware. There was no preciousness at all. It was covered with a layer of colorful skin and was torn off by Xuan Yuan and left behind.

Sheng Lingyuan picked it up and looked closely, and was shocked to find that there was actually a word on it! There was no paper in the Kyushu melee era, and the writing was done with simple slate, very grand. Even the witch people who use leaves to write, the utensils that have recorded the text are precious and sacred ... These people actually use it to wipe oil!

Sheng Lingyuan didn't say a word, but couldn't help but frown, thinking, "If it's extravagant elsewhere, it's too unconventional."

Xuan Yuan: "..."

"Not only do we wipe the oily paper with words, but some of them also have the words on the tissue paper. They are printed in batches, not luxury goods." Xuan Yuan sighed, "Your Majesty, aren't you hungry?"

Sheng Lingyuan remembered what “happy water” that just had the medicinal smell, and shook his head stubbornly: “Oh, thank you, it's not necessary anymore.”

Although Xuan Ling's little demon has wings, raising chicken wings does not have the feeling of "injuring others." The outer skin of Huang Chengcheng didn't know how to make it, it was very crispy, and it clicked and clicked. Sheng Lingyuan's ears were just like those of a messenger. His Majesty thought it was indecent to stare at people, so he looked around.

The room is very small, it is a so-called "standard room". Two white beds can be seen through the door. The mattresses were soft and the pillows were clean. Even by Sheng Lingyuan's standards, they could not be described as crude, but they were not very particular, and there was no even a bed tent on the top.

The floor-to-ceiling window was closed, but there was no curtain. Here is the thirty-first floor. Standing by the window, you can see Wanjia lights.

Unlike the small county town near Abyss, Dongchuan is a big city. Under the glorious lights, even the sky and stars are dim. The city is built against mountains. The large high-rise buildings are undulating with the terrain. The roads and viaducts are intertwined. They are outlined by tall street lights and they are dizzy. .

At this time, it was already more dewy. Although there was no traffic jam, there were still many pedestrians on the street.

There is a big theater downstairs, and there is a singer who is performing a concert here. The audience just came out in the early morning. A large group of spectators rushed out from the street. There were little girls standing on the side of the road, and they were in groups of three or five. Jumping and jumping, there are more people in this mountainous area than in Sheng Lingyuan's impression.

He couldn't help being drawn to the window and stared at the crowd under the neon lights.

Sheng Lingyuan was looking out the window, while Xuan Yuan was looking at his back. Just at the moment when Xuanzhen first recognized a little positive emotion in Sheng Lingyuan's mind, he was not happy at all, but those dark noises that were constantly rising and being suppressed by force were temporarily disappeared. Already.

Xuan Ye "heared" his thoughts with half a doubt, "How many people are there?"

"Dongchuan?" Xuan Yuan thought of the root fries and thought, "It's not clear, I guess there are hundreds of thousands."

Sheng Lingyuan stayed a while, Xuan Yuan felt very confused, probably because his imagination limited his mathematics, the next time Emperor Huang could not construct the concept of this order of magnitude.

This rare confusion gave him a bit of humanity, and Xuanzhen couldn't help laughing: "Do you really want to taste it? Otherwise, you can take a bath first, just when our unlucky condition has not passed yet So that I can tell you how to open the shower-change the clothes in the bag over there. "

"There is water coming from that nozzle, heated water is twisted to the red side, and cold water is added to the other side ... these bottles are filled with shampoo and bath lotion, the bottles are almost the same, and the contents inside me It ’s almost the same, just pick a bottle and wipe the flush ... ”

Xuan Yuan pointed him to the toilet tools in the bathroom, and Sheng Lingyuan could “see” these things from his mind. It does n’t need to waste so much, it ’s quite easy, but there are too many fresh things. Thousands of years have passed. Everything familiar to him during his lifetime was overthrown. His Majesty Rao's ability to accept was amazing, or he couldn't help overwhelming. His eyes were always a few seconds slower than Xuan Ye's words, and he seemed lonely and helpless.

Xuan Ye imagined a bit along his feelings, and his tone softened involuntarily: "It's not complicated at all, but I'm used to it twice ... I have a question if I need to say anything."

"Well." Sheng Lingyuan pretended to be indifferent, and looked away from the shampoo, nodded, "How nice."

"Well, this is going to be strong," Xuanyuan thought helplessly.

As soon as the thoughts came together, the next moment, he came across Her Majesty's gaze of laughter.

As soon as Xuan Yuan's heart was tight, a first-level alert popped up, and he heard Sheng Lingyuan ask: "I just wanted to say, how old are you, how can you be so hungry? Did n’t all of you congenital spirits 'grow up the valley'?

This sentence seemed to be a firm and fierce hook. Xuan Yuan did not watch for a moment, relaxed too much, and caught him countless pictures of memory—2k novel reading network

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