Lie Huo Jiao Chou
Chapter 56 Table of contents

The puppet girl sat on the boat with her buttocks, and the snake skin turned over directly from the boat. As soon as she fell into the water, he broke away from the protection of the water droplets. The pearl luster on her body disappeared immediately, and a large mouthful of seawater was poured. Into loach dry.

The sword and light swords passed over his head and headed straight for Yan Qiushan.

"Hurry away!"

But when Yan Qiushan saw Xue Liang's sword light, he didn't know why he left. Suddenly, a slight smile flickered across his face, and then, Daoguang passed him by and bumped onto the side of the ship. There was no imprint of the "swipe" —it was just a few words. Realistic phantom.

The silent grave is sinking underwater, black holes, crescent-shaped, like a sly mockery.

"I'm scared and scared to death, what the hell." Snakeskin climbed into the boat again with a cough, spit in saliva, kneeled on the deck breathlessly, and checked that his body was incomplete "Yan, Yan team, you are great!"

The blind man knelt down and touched the intact ship's rails: "It is indeed the trump card of Fengshen I. How can I tell that this is a ghost?"

Yan Qiushan turned back to God, and just saw a small fish swimming past him. The fish stared at him curiously, his eyes glowed with faint phosphorescence, as if he had spirit.

Yan Qiushan's waist tightened subconsciously, holding a dagger around his waist, and staring at the little fish for a moment, but the little fish didn't feel like a crisis, swam around him slowly for a few times, and opened his mouth and chewed again. Here comes the algae.

Yan Qiushan breathed a sigh of relief, and smiled at himself—the wind was so used to seeing a fish, he had to jump along with his heart.

"It feels," he stunned, then glanced back in the direction of the road and said lightly, "Go in."

When the boat entered the cemetery, two narrow and deep rows of cemetery lights lit up on both sides of the cemetery. The cypress lights can be burned in the water, which is a specialty of the Gaoshan tribe. The milky halo sways coldly in the water. It seemed to illuminate a road to hell.

"Fortunately, there is a map," the snake's skin excitedly spread in the sea water. "Otherwise, it would be a real sword, right? Don't know what the" last batch of **** soldiers "of the mountain people look like, Are there any sword spirits? Then again, can the spirit of weapons designate men and women, if ... "

As he said, he thought wretchedly, but did not see Yan Qiushan's face sinking and passing by.

"Shut up," the puppet girl interrupted him coldly. "There is something on the wall, what is it?"

I saw the Tatar lamp shining on the stone walls on both sides of the tomb. The original dark stone wall seemed to have many human figures.

"Is it a mural?"

Yan Qiushan Yi Gao was daring. He stepped on a foot, drew a lamp from the wall, and raised his hand to look around.

"No, it's not painted on the surface."

I saw that the walls of the tomb were originally not ordinary stones, but a kind of dark crystal, translucent, a piece of black paint under the sea water that lacked light, which would be hit by a stun lamp, but it showed a half Transparent texture, like giant amber.

Yan Qiushan saw the wall clearly ... the pupils narrowed slightly, and a goosebump was raised.

I saw many people in the translucent tombstone wall.

There are people wearing ancient clothes, people dressed in modern times, and people wearing professional diving suits. Chinese, foreigners, non-humans with long ears or a face ... they are all like flying insects trapped in amber, The specimen was frozen in the wall like a face, with an astonished expression on his face, so agile, as if alive.

The puppet girl murmured: "Are these people thieves who broke through the mountain tomb prince?"

The deep tomb could not see his head at first glance, countless double eyes fell from the stone walls on both sides, staring at them.

The red sun slowly rose from the sea level, and the pearly boat sank into the 3,000-year-old tomb.

One side is the earth and the other is the ghost realm.

Sheng Lingyuan saw the fragments of Yan Qiushan's chest through the eyes of the fish. He didn't know what to think of, but suddenly he held the flute's hand, his crow feather-like eyelashes drooped, staring at the ripples under the reef and the sea.

"The one named Yan Qiushan ... is a good seed," he thought. This man has a strong mind and a keen sense. If he has the opportunity to hone his skills, he can become a master of the generation. "It is a pity that the demon is sad."

The sword was shattered, as if people were flying away, even if it was the sword spirit who could escape the sword body.

But probably because it is a sword, people are always prone to delusions, as if the weapon of the magic weapon is not the same as that of the fetus, which can open the cruel life to death.

The alpine prince is named Weiyun. Except for a bit of shabby funeral in his tomb, there are even more shabby dead bodies. In fact, there is nothing worth visiting. However, when Sheng Lingyuan closed the tomb, when Weiyun died, he would surely be entangled with the so-called "last batch of unknown soldiers" of the Gaoshan tribe. If it was not guarded, someone would have to give him a **** every year. "Fertilization on the ground" is not allowed.

In order to prevent anyone from disturbing the deceased, in addition to ordering Qingping Si to be guarded, Sheng Lingyuan also set up an organ in the tomb—a person specially guarding Qingping Division from guarding theft.

The so-called "map" archived in the Qingping Division is actually a lifeline.

The "detailed solution" of the grave entrance matrix method is recorded on that map. It is very complicated. If someone is smart and breaks the array according to the map's instructions, they will unknowingly fall into the real trap in the back and forth circle-Wei The cloud tomb is a whole array.

When they thought they had successfully opened the tomb, a row of sword phantoms would spurt out.

Those who dare to break into the mountain prince's tomb, of course, think that they are a bit capable, not so easy to be hacked, but they will be frightened by the phantom. In the era of Sheng Lingyuan, this was called "shock". When a person is frightened, the "soul" is unstable, and it is easier for them to be invaded by the evil spirits. In fact, after being strongly stimulated, people find it a false alarm. At this time, it is easier to relax their vigilance and fall into hallucinations.

Yan Qiushan thought that they were walking down the grave road, while watching the "specimen" on both sides fighting chills, and thanked themselves for being "fully prepared." In fact, their boat has long deviated from the original route, and the so-called "tomb road" illuminated by the cricket lamp is actually another crystal wall.

The crystal wall greedily sucked the boat and the living things on it, and Sheng Lingyuan looked through the eyes of the fish at the bottom of the sea and saw that the ship was half submerged in the wall.

He put the flute to his lips indifferently, and the believer blew a piece of music he heard recently, thinking, "It just so happens that there isn't such a large ship in the graveyard yet. A few of them will be safe."

Wang Zelu's road was too bad. I didn't know where to borrow two off-road vehicles. The group rushed to the beach, and a speedboat was waiting for them at the pier.

The King's team was poking at him: "Don't get dizzy by boat, Director Xuan."

Xuan Yuan patted his hand away: "There is no need to support the mourning family, Ozawako, quickly go to the boat."

"I am so old. It was the first time I saw old men who had hypoglycemia." Team Wang said with anxiety. "Director Xuan, the unit's physical examination should go on time. Don't drag a small illness into a serious illness, a serious illness ..."

"Which day do I need my body to say goodbye, I must write an invitation to notify you in advance, okay? What's new about hypoglycemia, I ate it at Dongchuan last meal. Try it for three days and you will feel dizzy. Xuan Yuan rejected the chocolate that Ping Qianru handed him. "Enough girl, you've stuffed two plates for me, and you will run out of nosebleeds-who's playing the flute, this song is so familiar."

The noisy waves and the sound of people and ships are mixed with distant flutes.

The flute sounds silvery, round and gorgeous, the pitch is extremely high, and the phrases are handled very harmoniously.

The Wang team listened for a moment, then blurted and hummed: "This is not the 'marry chicken with chicken, marry dog ​​with dog' ..."

He suddenly reacted to something and shut up. The two "leaders" accidentally leaked their respective playlists in front of the subordinates of the two departments. They looked at each other for two seconds, and their expressions became delicate at the same time.

"There is a small park downstairs in our house," the Kings team explained in a condescending manner. "The average old lady dances there every day, and I can sing."

"You can say, I think I have faintly heard it." Xuan Ye quickly followed "Sudden Enlightenment", "Yu Yang's life is very leisurely, there are all kinds of neuropathy, I played the square dance divine music by the sea early in the morning— —Is there a picture of the Yan team, give me one. "

Wang Ze flipped an old photo of Yan Qiushan from his mobile photo album, still a little worried: "The mermaid language you said is so unreliable. Does anyone say it works?"

What if the sea hears the bird population and gets irritated?

"It's 鲛, people, and words, thank you, the mermaid is an imported species." Xuan Yuan said, kneeling on the deck halfway, holding the picture of Yan Qiushan in front of him, reaching out and dipping the sea, writing "Yan Qiushan on the board" "Three words.

The Kings are even more worried: "I feel you still lack two pillars and one table."

Xuan Yuan "hushed" him, staring for a moment.

His mood at this time was not as calm as it appeared. Some fragmented pictures kept flowing outwards. He didn't know what it was. It might really be like the ghost knight in the altar said that the ring of torch protects him. Now that the ring was broken, those messy memories of inheritance began to haunt.

In any case, now is not the time to ponder these things. Xuan Yuan only seems to be connected with Sheng Lingyuan when he is "Bluetooth", forcibly ignores the successive thoughts and suppresses them from consciousness.

The crowd circled and heard a strange sound coming out of his mouth.

The sound seemed to "roll" from the back of the nasal cavity. It was low and gentle, reminiscent of the waves of the deep sea, and the pronunciation was very subtle, and the moment the words blurted out, the royal team in the water system felt anything. Stand up.

As soon as the joyful square dance divine tune stopped, Sheng Lingyuan looked up abruptly: "Who is nosy?"

Xuan Yuan said a slang word, called Yan Qiushan's name.

At the beginning, the sea did not respond, and he was not in a hurry. After repeated dozens of sounds, Gu Yuexi, the most keen, suddenly covered her mouth in surprise—she found that the sound of the waves and Xuanyuan's slang words overlapped subtly. , Constitutes some mysterious rhythm.

Underwater, Yan Qiushan's fishing boat has been swallowed up most by the crystal wall. The snakeskin scalp looking down at the map has followed into the stone wall, and he doesn't feel at all.

Suddenly, the water tumbling around them, a small vortex condensed for no reason, and hit the ship with a force.

"What's the situation?" The blind man's ears were the most flexible, and his ears moved. He said, "Wait, Yan team, someone calls you."

"Yan Qiushan!" The man's voice was wrapped in the waves, and the waves rushed forward. Yan Qiushan was excited. At the same time, a big wave hit the boat trembling violently, but the front end of the boat was As if fixed by something, the tail is about to fall apart, but does not turn over.

The moment Yan Qiushan felt that the situation was not right, the impenetrable illusion was broken. At the same time, everyone saw the crystal wall that almost sucked them in, and backed away collectively. The snakeskin yelled and yanked himself out of the transparent stone wall, tearing away a piece of hair and scalp.

"What's going on?" Yan Qiushan grabbed the puppet girl, "Is there a problem with the map?"

"Impossible!" Said the puppet girl immediately. "I'm the most powerful person around my mother-in-law. She framed you and brought me in. What's good for her?"

"Don't be noisy! Our boat is still sucked in by that wall!" The blind man shouted, "There is a diving suit on the boat, take things, abandon the boat!"

"Responded, look!" On the speedboat, Wang Ze found that the sea water at their feet separated on both sides, a groove formed on the water surface, and pointed out a path, "Useful! Director Xuan, go back and remember to teach me the mermaid language, will A foreign language works! "

"Don't talk nonsense," Xuanyuan stood up. "The queen is watching the ship. As soon as Fengshen comes down with me, Pharaoh!"

Wang Ze reached out and grabbed a few bubbles that appeared to be able to enclose people in the seawater. He jumped first, and the bubbles wrapped him tightly. He could move freely and breathe: "One person, one air It ’s limited, you can breathe slowly and save time. "

Xuan Yuan jumped into the sea with several field trips, and the sea accepted them like an old friend. Then, the water splashes turned up to form a water channel, pointing directly at Yan Qiushan's direction.

Sheng Lingyuan silently recited the technique, and a group of free sea fish immediately turned their original direction bluntly, and approached with his heart to check.

"Three thousand years later, will anyone still be mermaids?"

The Tatars were not exterminated by the Gaoshan people.

At this moment, Xuan Yuan, who was swimming in the front of the fish, looked at the eyes.

Sheng Lingyuan: "Is he?"

Xuan Yuan's heart came up with an unexplained thought: "Xi Shu?"

Yan Qiushan put on the diving suit three times, five times, and two, and the blood of the tartar who had been carried with them had been lost in half. The blind man did not know where to draw a short knife and stroked it into the waterdrop to wipe the legendary ancient 鲲The fish's gills were cut in half, and in the shouting of the snake skin's pain, he took the rest of the blood of the tadpoles: "Jump!"

Several of them jumped off the boat at the last moment the boat was completely swallowed by the crystal wall, and swam desperately inside.

At the same time, Xuan Yuan, who was chased by Shan Renyu, came to the entrance of the mountain prince's tomb.

"Troublesome little demon." Sheng Lingyuan frowned, shoved the bamboo flute into his pocket, jumped into the sea, and flew towards the tomb of the mountain prince like a white light. 2k novel reading network

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