Lie Huo Jiao Chou
Chapter 68 Table of contents

"Human race." Sheng Lingyuan chuckled, and Fire Tongue took the opportunity to rush at him, smashing the black mist around him.

Xuan Yuan: "What a smile, be careful!"

As soon as Sheng Lingyuan raised his sleeve and blocked the baby in his arms with his arms, the fire left a startling burn on the back of his hand.

He didn't look at the wound, opened the coffin cover suddenly, and a Mars squirted out of the secret path as he held the body in the coffin.

The queen mother screamed hoarsely, trying to pounce on it, and then pressed by several guards.

Sheng Lingyuan bounced off Mars and looked down at the corpse that was burned with the coffin: "Dare to ask my mother, where is the noble human being?"

Xuan Yuan looked at them subconsciously and looked at the guards brought by Sheng Lingyuan. I didn't know how confidant these guards were. After listening to such a great disobedience, they were all indifferent.

Wait ... not right.

Xuan Ye couldn't help but take another look, and suddenly found that the guards were more or less of immortal origin.

With a movement in his heart, he vaguely understood something.

"When the burn is over, I'll pack King Ning's ashes and settle in the soil, I have to respect." The baby's cry resounded in the strange spiritual hall. Sheng Lingyuan checked the little thing from beginning to end, and saw that there was no real harm, With one hand on his arm, let him cry and not coax. "He lives without dignity and freedom. Don't let him die."

"He is my son! He is mine!"

"He was born by you," Sheng Lingyuan glanced down at Empress Chen, "not yours."

Bing Dian did not see the light all year round, and it was extremely eerie. The burning coffin grilled out water vapor, and the water vapor fell on the emperor's face, rendering his face into a pale color almost similar to the deceased, with a demon in his smile. Alien's cruelty: "Mother, are you really King Ning ... just a son?"

Queen Mother Chen stared at him: "What do you mean?"

"It's not interesting. When he is alive, you have to meet several times a day, and you will be furious when you do n’t see anyone. Now that you are gone, you have someone steal the coffin and put it in the ice cellar of your dormitory. Is he buried with my sister-in-law? "

"Your imperial concubine is alive and well, but ... is confused by the evil of the witch!"

"You said the one in King Ning's house, I forgot to offend, don't blame my mother, I can't remember the one, sometimes I saw you, thinking she was a puppet you cut in your own way." Sheng Lingyuan watched her gaze like some kind of cold-blooded poison, "I also heard that my brother and Xiandi were carved out of a mold. What do you hide here, you ca n’t live together, you have to live in the same place. What? "

The Queen Mother was slow for a long time before reflecting on what **** he was talking about, and Wolverine's unbelievable gaze shot at him: "What are you talking about? What's worse than you, you ..."

Sheng Lingyuan laughed.

That laughter made Xuan Yuan shudder, but anyone who still had a little humanity would not make such a laugh.

He stared blankly at the man a few steps away, never seeing Sheng Lingyuan like this.

"Of course the human race is noble," said Queen Mother Chen, who could not stand up straight. However, with such a humiliated posture, her expression was still very proud. "We are the only race in this world that can grow naturally without relying on anything. Those demons must be cultivated by innate blood and natural treasures, and the widowers' widows are sheltered by mountains and rivers. Only human races, mountains, rivers, moons, and all spirits can not enter the seven tricks. But my people have masters of anti-sky practice There are runes that are well-directed, and even the rural villagers who open up wasteland to farm are living with their own hands! Now that the aura on the mainland is depleted, those inferiors who depend on it should be destroyed, and the human race is the **** of heaven and earth. . It's not the magic of our Ayabuchi, nor is the Kyushu scuffle provoked by our clan! "

As a former female politician, Queen Mother Chen is now insane, and she has not lost her basic skills in impromptu speeches. Listening to the first half, Xuan Yuan was almost taken away by her, and she almost nodded until the last sentence. Nonsense-Kyushu melee was provoked by Ping Emperor. As everyone knows, the people themselves admit it. Otherwise, how could he get such a bad luck after death?

Although it is not the famous faint stunner such as "You" and "Li", but considering that his son is his successor, in the context of "Son does not speak to his father," put an ambiguous "Ping" in the nickname , Basically equals "you understand".

"Your cheap mother, letting the demon princess do nothing, sneaks into the palace of the imperial emperor, plagues the emperor, deceives the monarch, and provokes contradictions between the two races. In this way, those demon races can cross the Abyss with fairness!" His throat almost shattered the ice in the hall, "Let me go! You hybrids! Do you know why he wants to protect you? Because he is also a hybrid!"

Sheng Lingyuan beckoned to a guard, shoved him the baby in his arms, and said, "Don't make him cry, this is not over."

After speaking, he walked behind Mrs. Chen and waved to the guards next to her, motioning them to step down.

Then he half-knelt down, holding up the woman who was lying on the ground embarrassed, and asked softly, "Aren't you my biological mother?"

"You deserve it too!" Queen Mother Chen took a sip, and Sheng Lingyuan ducked away on one side, her expression cold.

The queen mother glared at him fiercely, and seemed to stab his flesh with his eyes: "You are the evil girl that the demon puts into my belly with the demon method! As soon as you were born, I knew that you were exactly like that demon!"

Xuan Yuan: "..."

And this operation!

"You were born as a hybrid, and later refined into a devil ... Ridiculously, what else did those people say that your mind changed greatly and was affected by that magic sword? Isn't that your nature? Those who worship you If you know the secret of your birth ... "

Sheng Lingyuan raised a hand, and the words of the queen mother abruptly stopped. For a moment, even the crazy woman shivered in the breath approaching by the demon.

However, Sheng Lingyuan just corrected her crooked cricket, and carefully pulled her strands of gray hair behind her ear: "Mother, how do you say nonsense?"

He was like a little son coquettishly, leaning close to her ear, whispering: "After the mother, the world ’s men are so sad, because when the child was born, he refused to write the name of the biological father on his head. Women are not the same, are they their own children, who is the father of the children, and the women know exactly-since you said that I was forced to you, why did you not say that, why did you give birth to me The emperor, even if he loses his homeland, will he be reduced to a tool to have children? "

Queen Chen froze slightly.

"Because that child was stolen by you." Sheng Lingyuan laughed. "I also have a story here, mother, do you want to listen?"

His fingertips were covered with black mist. If she swept across the skin of Queen Mother Chen without hurting her, Queen Chen seemed to be swept by the letter of the serpent and shuddered involuntarily.

"At that time, the demons had an earthquake and their spirits dried up. A large number of demons were forced to flee, and the demonic king moved the heart of annexing the human race. He has a younger sister, half-brother, who has always been coveted for his noble motherhood. This was spoiled. The princess is also ambitious, and very self-righteous and ignorant. After being deceived by the demon king, he supported him to the throne, and then sneaked into the human race. In addition to her passion, she also played with the human race nobles in the palm of her hand and successfully stirred up the war. , Persecute the family of **** birds to cast Abyss fire. "

"She's so proud of it that she thinks she's smart."

"But this stupid woman did not expect that the demon king hated her because she had lived in her shadow since she was a child. The demon king was even more greedy than she thought. He wanted not only the world, but also the seals under Abyss. The power of the demon. To this end, he took the opportunity to wipe out the entire family of God birds ... that is, the princess's mother. Then the princess found that she was plotting a joke. "

"So she sacrificed herself, using half of Suzaku's blood on her body, wrote the Suzaku tribe's forbidden technique, the big gloomy sacrifice, and introduced the resentment of the divine bird to the tribe's idol. The idol that millions of people worshiped There is a spirit, and it fell into the ground to become a demon, and was born to destroy the fire of Abyss. Unfortunately, the big overcast sacrificed something.

"The human race and the demons do not marry each other. Even if they are married, it is extremely difficult to have children, so the princess did not expect that she had a burden in her belly. I do n’t know what to think. It may be that no other child is good to cast. On her. Because of this burden, her desperate gloomy sacrifice almost didn't work, and she only got a residue that had no face, no strength, and no light. "

"How can there be such a burden, like a special trip to defeat her, a special trip is the same as her. The world has countless fatalities, all against her, she is completely abandoned, unrecognizable, and I can't help but cut it out to eat it." Sheng Lingyuan smiled strangely, "But the big demon is not easy to fight. In order to continue the race, the mother's natural protection of the child. She is hard to go against nature, tried a few times and can't start, then it is better ... just arrange a good errand for it, so Quietly released that prophecy ... The prophecy that became a human life-saving straw, while dying, deliberately left your dying self to the exiled mother. "

"The mother-in-law was pregnant with the father's womb, but unfortunately she was too old. At first, when the bad news happened, the child was gone. So after you heard that prediction, you came up with a clever idea—the secret technique. 'Move flowers and trees', dissect the banshee, transfer the congenital inadequate fetus to herself, and then after the stolen child is born, turn around and 'dedicate' him ... the 81 elves are admired Since you are selfless and unwilling, you want to die generously, and you have made an inhuman and demon waste into ... the best sword for your prosperous family. "

Queen Mother Chen trembled.

"But mother-in-law, do you remember the expression on her face when she gave birth to a banshee? Did she laugh?" Sheng Lingyuan said in her ears, "because you were fooled. And , Don't you think about how clever your child was, just then?

Empress Chen screamed in a life that sounded like a human voice. The coffin of King Ning had been burned into coke.

"Well, you fools who think you can count on." Sheng Lingyuan flicked his sleeves and stood up. "Come, the queen mother lost her eldest son, mourned me, and she was insane. She looked at it, My heart is really uncomfortable. Please go down, take care of someone, don't let idlers wait for her. "

Who can't be crazy in this dark world?

"You stand, you stand! You ... 你 ..." The guard stepped forward and covered Ms. Chen's mouth.

Sheng Lingyuan said word by word: "Mother and mother rest assured that the son-in-law must visit a famous doctor, find a good medicine, and return you calm as soon as possible."

The queen queen was suddenly quiet and understood what he meant.

"It's just that the mountains and rivers are settled. There are so many things. I'm afraid it will take some time. Please ask my mother to allow me and allow me more patience."

The dogfight is over, but the killer is not finished.

When he's strong enough, when he can cover the sky with one hand--

After Sheng Lingyuan said, he bowed at her and turned towards the Ice Hall: "Don't you let the little cub stop crying, why not stop?"

Outside the hall is blue sky and white sky, long and bright, the willow buds are already fresh green, but the snow of the Tomb Palace has never melted.

Xuan Yuan shook it suddenly, his hands clenched, and a porcelain bowl filled with leftovers slipped and fell to pieces.

Yong'an's heating was full of heat, but he couldn't steam the cold sweat on his body.

Sheng Lingyuan heard the movement, took a look, and saw the leftovers and broken porcelain that had dried up in one place, and shook his head: "So clumsy, how did I survive?"

He said, slamming a pot of flowers on the balcony, the flowers were left by the landlord, they did not look good, the landlord was too lazy to move. Because they had not been watered for two weeks, they had been stunned, and they were a little bit of Sheng Lingyuan, but it looked like they were youthful. The naked eye quickly drew the vines, and the wind grew, and the broken porcelain and rice residues were cleaned up.

After packing, those leaves seemed to be overdrafted, quickly dehydrated and withered, and turned into a dry one, and they couldn't die anymore.

Sheng Lingyuan didn't even look at the flower, and looked curiously into the refrigerator and asked him, "Why do you do these trivial things yourself?"

Xuan Yuan stared at him intently. He couldn't think of more than twenty years after Qizheng, and he came over step by step with five poisons.

"It's too expensive to hire someone," he said. "It's not so easy to hire the right one. It's not enough to get an unreliable one ..."

Sheng Lingyuan was amused by him, and he said that this little demon was well dressed, and even the details were imitated in place.

"Isn't your demon tribe most about level suppression, how difficult is it for a big demon like you to call some lower spirits?"

Xuan Yuan was silent.

Sheng Lingyuan: "Well, wouldn't this even be lost?"

"Your Majesty," Xuan Yuan said, "the avenues are vast, all beings ... every soul has a place to live. Isn't this what you want in your life? Don't try me again."

Sheng Lingyuan just filled his ears with the "history doctrine", heard his head hurt, rubbed his temples and asked, "What do you want in your life? What kind of fallacies do you have?"

Then don't say it in front of him, he doesn't care, it doesn't mean that he is not embarrassed to hear these speculations.

"The Witch tribe did not leave any records. All the people who were forced to mention Alozin's forces were passed through the official folklore in a subtle way, and the Gaoshan people only left the Qingping Division. Some vague records and folk legends, as well as demons ... the demons and half-demons that returned in the past were all gone, and some were collected by the Qingping Division, and even Qingping Division was forgotten. "Xuan Yuan said, "I have always felt very weird. You didn't even cover up killing your mother-in-law, and future generations said that you didn't even bother to pack a morally reasonable story about these things. Why are these historical facts inconceivable?"

Sheng Lingyuan stunned, and the false kindness on his face disappeared.

"Your Majesty," Xuan Yuan felt that his heart and lungs were tumbling together, and his gasping was painful, so his voice was very low, "Alozin said. The Abyss fire was re-burned, and the Witch tribe could come back and push back according to his logic. Was it necessary to extinguish the Abyss fire at that time, and these humanoids who have the ability to fight against the sky ... the demons must be dead? "

Alozin left Dongchuan from the battlefield, and there is not necessarily no room for recovery. Since he is willing, he must still have feelings. And the battle was not finished at that time. According to common sense, shouldn't we first unite all the forces that can unite? It was a little too anxious to unload and kill the donkey.

Why is Dan Li doing so well?

Because the witch extermination is one of his goals.

"But the blood of the witch race is actually endless, isn't it?" Xuan Yuan said, "Weiyu said that the mountain people have endless blood and the demon is not dead, so by analogy, since Alojin can be awakened by the gloomy sacrifice, it means that the witch The blood of the human race has not been cut off, has it? You have hidden them all. "

Three thousand years later, the blood of various ethnic groups merged, leaving only a few peculiar abilities, who no longer knew who their ancestors were, and which abilities did not consider themselves "non-human."

"But the Abyss fire is still out, what price did you pay?" 2k novel reading network

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