Lie Huo Jiao Chou
Chapter 73 Table of contents

Bi Fang's old patriarch was so heartbroken that he couldn't pretend to cry.

The melee has been fighting for more than 20 years, whether it be people or demons. Except for some individuals who can stand on the pinnacle of power, anyone who is still breathing is miserable.

Needless to say the human race, after the war, the population was directly reduced to a quarter before the war.

The demons can't be more comfortable than anyone else. Although they borrowed the east wind of Abyss Fire, they became more powerful, but the ordinary little devil's foundation is there. Even if it can be twice as strong as the original, it can be stronger. Where to go? After all, the demon who is calling for the wind and the rain is a minority. Once the monks who have been singled are captured by human monks, whether they are innocent or not, it is best to commit suicide immediately, otherwise they will have to bear the anger of people for decades, and the human imagination of torture has always been amazing.

In fact, these little monsters that can be easily caught are not very good at all. Even if they have done evil, what great evil can they do? However, there is always anger to be vented.

Mixed blood, not to mention, the ancient name is hybrid, there is no place for their cones within **.

The winged clan was persecuted by the demon king and displaced, and after decades of life, it was hard to count the demon king to death.

But before seeing the dawn, we ushered in a darker age for them.

People are born weak and unconscious, and struggling to unify by struggle.

Therefore, the human era will certainly be more civilized, and it will also be more cruel to foreigners.

All things are born, but they don't give a way of life, look around blankly, all around are desperate.

It really deserves a big cry ... But what about Ling Yuan?

If Sheng Lingyuan is a coward, he should follow the trend, follow the "tide of the times", raise the flag of "God's will" and "righteousness", chase the anger of the human race against the sky, and kill all non-ethnic people He was clean, sealed into Abyss, and Abyss' fire was extinguished. Since then, the world is peaceful.

But for the rest of his life, he will keep the secret of his origin alone. He is a half-demon and half-human demon. Even if he can kill every insider, the fact that he is in the throat will always accompany him, every He was corroded every moment until he was corroded into a stubborn rat.

But if Sheng Lingyuan risked the world ’s injustice and dared to betray the people with the emperor's body, and insisted on supporting a way for the aliens, who would destroy the fire in Abyss?

How long can he last?

At this time, the world is like a handful of dry firewood. Mars can burn coke in three or two. The fire in Abyss is not extinguished, and the magic is not lost. It will inevitably regenerate and chaos within decades. Where did he put thousands of Limins, and his half-life effort ... and where were the brothers of the robes who sacrificed for the peace?

Advances and retreats are desperate, how can there be only the old Bifang who cried.

"Lingyuan, you follow me!" Xuan Yuan could not bear to jump into the Emperor's table and leaned over to pull him, "Let's go, go to the old forest in the mountains, or go overseas, I'm not afraid of water! We will never come back again ... "

His fingers crossed with Sheng Lingyuan's hand.

But Sheng Lingyuan just clenched his fist at this moment. The weak movement made Xuan Yuan have the illusion of being responded, so he was like a monkey fishing for the moon in the water, grabbing the air one by one, not again and again. Willing to die.

"Just dig a pit, and we can bury ourselves in the ground. Eating soil in the grave for the rest of my life is better than being a dog emperor ... Go!"

"Look at me!"

"Please, look at me Lingyuan, Lingyuan ..."

At this moment, Weiyun said softly: "Your Majesty, fire is in the heart, and the slave is brave. To restore the Sword of Heaven, you need to borrow your blood. As for the Suzaku bone-Suzakutsuka is in Abuchi. But Bifang was originally a genus of the divine bird Suzaku, but also a flamingo. There are special methods in the clan that can be explored to find the bones of Suzaku for you ... If so, it is the bones of the sword spirit's biological parents. Suzaku It ’s not difficult to find a child for a century. "

Sheng Lingyuan was silent for a while, and his pinched fingers were released. He re-buttoned the wave mask and looked down at the patriarch Bifang and asked, "What do you want?"

The Bifang chief robbed the ground with his head, choked and said, "Just ask me to decentralize my tribe."

The corner of Sheng Lingyuan's eyes jumped, the scar became more obvious.

Weiyun knelt next to Lao Bifang and said, "Your Majesty ... also let my tribe live."

An unnamed fire broke out in Xuan Yuan's heart, and he wished he could spit it out and dried the two pots: "You dare! You ..."

At this moment, Sheng Lingyuan, who was sitting in the shadows, sneered.

Xuan Yuan stunned, without waiting for him to return to God, suddenly the dark mist exploded around Sheng Lingyuan as a center, rolled into a huge net, took the lead to entangle Weiyun and the Bifang patriarch, and tied the two together. And also sealed the tongue.

Sheng Lingyuan was playing with a piece of broken iron. On the iron piece, the word "Tong" in the sword inscription was looming, and a blade was hung at the corner. The blade of the blown hair was scraped back and forth between his dexterous fingers, not even a white mark. He said in a nearly gentle voice, "A Yun, you are 'Tian Er', great, but there is more than just a master of refiners in the world, who told you that you can use this to slap you?"

Xuanyuan looked at him only for a year or two. Compared with the young emperor who was forced to do nothing by the officials in the court, he seemed to have been reborn. There was a moody coldness between the eyebrows, which made people fearful. .

"As for the Abyss, the flamingos go, can't they go? Suzaku is the **** bird you waited for, not hesitant. Even if the so-called **** bird ancestral grave is lifted in the coming days, they won't come to live and peck me. Isn't it? "Sheng Lingyuan flicked his fingers, forcing the old Bifang to raise his head." Dare to talk to him about the conditions ... courage is commendable—come! "

The guards waiting outside the hall rushed in.

"Prince Takayama committed it," Sheng Lingyuan leaned lazily against his chair and waved his hand. "Go, ask these two to go to the prison and wake up."

The guards dragged people down.

Xuan Yuan fell to the ground, and the eyes of three thousand years later overlapped with the eyes of three thousand years ago, staring blankly at Sheng Lingyuan. Without empathy, he suddenly didn't know what Sheng Lingyuan was thinking.

Sheng Lingyuan stood up, wearing a Chinese suit, but he was dressed as cold as water.

His eyes penetrated Xuan Yuan, glanced out the sun at the window, and commanded the housekeeper next to him, "King Xuanning."

The housekeeper hesitated: "Your Majesty, King Ning said that he was sick and took a leave today ..."

Sheng Lingyuan raised his eyelids: "Oh, is he out of breath?"

The housekeeper bowed his waist to the extreme, and did not dare to make any more noise. He halted and quit, running away.

Xuan Yuan's fingers moved in a loss, and finally dropped down lonely.

He stood in front of the man countless times, but now he could no longer reach the other side of the corner.

He couldn't protect his Majesty.

His Majesty is coming to the world ... It seems that his protection is no longer needed.

King Ning is the eldest son of Queen Mother Chen Wei. To outsiders who do not know the truth, he is the only biological brother of Emperor Sheng Xiao who has the same father and mother.

In addition to Sheng Xiao, Ping Emperor had six sons under his knees. Except for Sheng Wei, who was too young in the first battle of Abyss, he had already died under the iron claws of the demons. Therefore Ning Wang Shengwei is still his only living brother.

King Ning is gentle and gentle, with a faint nature. He doesn't love many people and doesn't care about himself. He is a senior sick seedling. Sick Yangzi looks at death every year, and has been earning a dying year, and he still refuses to go on the road.

Usually there is no sense of existence, he is more than one, he is less one, but a few days ago, he suddenly did something absurd-a woman of unknown origin.

This is nothing, at least it makes others laugh at him, and he is lascivious. But he turned around and played the emperor on his own initiative, and wanted to give this village lady who didn't know where to come from. Anyway, Sheng Xiao didn't dislike the brothers' absurdity. He agreed with one sip. The queen mother learned afterwards that she was almost so angry that the princess washed her face with tears every day at home.

King Ning hung a face ready to enter the ground, and the disease came crookedly. First, he performed a red tape at the door. Before he finished the show, he coughed up. He seemed to be ready to meet the emperor after greeting. "Your Majesty ... Kekeke ... Chen ..."

Sheng Lingyuan didn't cry, interrupting him expressionlessly: "Weiyun brought the Bifang patriarch back."

Ning Wang coughed halfway, "struck his cough" and choked.

Sheng Lingyuan: "You instructed."

This is not a question. Ning Wang's forehead sweated, and he knelt on the ground and did not dare to rise up.

"I'm too lazy to talk to you," Sheng Lingyuan interrupted him again. "If you have any words, just tell me directly, don't make a turn like this next time, don't you know Weiyun is a blacksmith who doesn't turn his head? He told that The patriarch Fang had two wastes, one said he was going to Chiyuan to fetch me the Suzaku bones, and the other was to repair the broken sword. King Ning, tell me, what should I answer? "

King Ning's face changed, and he blurted out, "This stupid ..."

Sheng Lingyuan sneered.

King Ning did not dare to cough, and righteously said, "The prince of the mountains is very proud and arrogant. He is not like him. He dared to challenge Tianwei, and said ... what a jerk! He will teach him for him. . "

Sheng Lingyuan flicked his fingers at him, motioned him to roll, Ning Wang breathed a sigh of relief, and quickly got up and rolled out.

Just as he was about to leave the study room, Sheng Lingyuan suddenly eased his voice again and asked kindly, "Yes, brother, is the newly married sister-in-law all right?"

Ning Wang sighed: "She ... she is pregnant and the family has many eyes. I have arranged her in another hospital."

Sheng Lingyuan said, "Ah" and laughed, "Happy event, congratulations."

King Ning raised his head. The strange brothers looked at each other across most of the study. When they looked at each other, they didn't look much like each other, but the outline of their side faces looked exactly the same, showing the blood of their closest relatives.

Sheng Lingyuan held up the tea bowl: "No wonder ..."

No wonder you are dragging your sick body away. It turned out that you wanted to run a life for your wife and unborn children.

"Big brother is very diligent and affectionate."

Ning Wang answered calmly: "The children of the idler are in a private situation, and with a smile, they are inferior to His Majesty."

You hold the shards of the Heavenly Sword in your hand, and you ca n’t cut your heart out right away, drain your blood, and endure torment, pretending that you do n’t care, because public and private must not be confused, even if you have never been to all races, Implication of innocence, at this time can not push the boat for the Suzaku bone and the sky magic sword. Otherwise, in case of change in the future, no one will say that this is the emperor's original intention, and the heavenly magic sword will carry the infamous name forever. Then how can the sword spirit who knows to eat and play live by itself?

King Ning took a deep look at him, thinking: It is really a lonely road.

Then he bowed his waist and left, retreating.

The conversation between the two of them was similar to that of a fighter. The blank Sword Spirit three thousand years ago didn't understand, but Xuanyuan three thousand years later understood. He stood for a long time in the intersection of memory and reality, and his ebb and flow were generally ups and downs. He wanted to slap himself and ask him which brain was broken, but he would feel that Lingyuan didn't care.

Jin Wuxi fell, and the light of the sunset swept into the South Study Room. Sheng Lingyuan had casually ordered the housekeeper to move to various places of Bento, daily office ... just accidentally, his fingers were cut by the broken sword blade in his hand.

A wound was condensed, and healed quickly. Xuan Yuan suddenly had an impulse, and he wanted to kiss the finger.

I do n’t know how King Ning could do it. Three days later, Weiyun pained Chen Jiguo in the prison and asked the emperor to plead guilt. Bifang also proposed that the winged tribe would always obey the tribe. The emperor ignored them and basked them several times, so Weiyun used the secret method of the Gaoshan people, together with the patriarch Bifang, to take the blood oath of "never betrayal"-Gaoshan people have the vice of slavery, in order to control the slaves , Especially the slaves of the foreign race, they invented a "blood oath", which is a unilateral constraint on the slave. Even if the soul becomes an instrument, as long as the master does not lift the blood oath, it will still take effect. If it is violated, it will be immediately suffered. To ten times back bite, not even the idea of ​​betrayal.

At this point, Sheng Lingyuan bypassed them and handed over the fragments of the Sky Sword to Weiyun.

Intellectually, Xuan Ye certainly knew that this was only history, but only memory. This time, the attempt to repair the sky magic sword was unsuccessful, but when he saw Weiyun announced the sword to become successful, his heart was still hanging high, for eighty-one days, Waiting for Sheng Lingyuan outside the sword, the fluttering sword spirit, are all too suffering.

Sheng Lingyuan immediately stood up and Xuan Yuan stopped him: "Don't go, don't ... don't look."

But Sheng Lingyuan passed through him unconsciously.


Xuan Yun wanted to cover his eyes in vain, couldn't cover it, wanted to hold his hand, couldn't hold it.

He had no other choice but to go through time and hug Sheng Lingyuan with all his strength.

"... Stop this? Are you paying in cash or on your mobile phone?" The taxi driver called him back to this world with a throaty voice. "Oh, what's wrong with your eyes?

Sheng Lingyuan in the back seat glanced at him inexplicably, and swiped his hand over the door. The "machine spring" inside was too complicated to understand for a while, but he successfully found the way to open the door. His Majesty did not reveal anything at all, and he pulled the door of his car like a native modern man, and nodded to the driver.

Xuan Yuan almost dragged him over, and saved everything.

Hands have been stretched out, forcibly returned to the cage-not yet.

At the beginning, Xuan Yuan thought that the failure of the repair of the Heavenly Magic Sword was caused by Weiyun's hands and feet. As long as he found the key, he could repair Zhichun.

But there is a loophole in this idea-suspicious like Sheng Lingyuan, if Weiyun has a problem, he will not see it?

Now Xuan Ye finally remembered it, because there was a blood oath, Weiyun couldn't do anything about it.

The masters who were not born in the mountains all failed, and once again proved that the sword spirit is irreparable is the truth.

Lingyuan couldn't believe him.

And ... he intuitively felt that Sheng Lingyuan had a headache.

Xuan Yuan was so confused that he almost didn't know how he got to the forest at the entrance of the foreign control bureau. The mist of identity verification in the forest rose and the stone bricks at his feet moved. Xuan Yuan finally couldn't help but grab Sheng Lingyuan hand.

Three thousand years.

He greedily demanded a little faint body temperature on the palm of his hand, and sighed almost in his heart.

Xuan Yuan didn't dare to turn around, lest he reveal his flaws, only to hear his mouth say without a tone: "There is a mystery in the woods, Your Majesty, follow me closely." 2k novel reading network

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