Lie Huo Jiao Chou
Chapter 76 Table of contents

"Wait, please ... you don't want to jump around," Xuan Yuan stretched out his hand and grabbed Xiao Zheng, "I didn't understand, what should I do? What's going on, Grandma Yu is planning to get an antiaircraft gun and hit the plane from the sky Come down, still have to organize a group of thugs to head office to smash the field? "

"They definitely aren't doing it in Yongan," Xiao Zheng glanced at his watch. "The Yan team set off in the morning, and they should have just arrived near Pingzhou now."

"Pingzhou" is a place located between Yuyang and Yong'an, a little closer to Yuyang.

Xuan Yuan: "Departure in the morning, half of the road has not yet been completed? What transportation do they use,‘ extra slow air ’or hot air balloon?”

"They took the road and drove back." Xiao Zheng said, "The injury of Yan's team was not suitable for ordinary planes. He refused to sit in the severe transporter, said that he was not in the office, and he was in no hurry to rescue. There is no need to waste public resources. "

"How about the train?"

"The train is certainly more unlikely to have a special train for him. There are many eyes on the bus. He is in a sensitive situation now. What if something happens on the way, what to do if other passengers in the car are involved?"

Xuan Yuan's face flashed with doubt: "Who knows the exact schedule of the Yan team?"

"I," Xiao Zheng said, "The field guards around the Yan team ... Oh, yes, and the old Du of the head of the Yuyang branch. To ensure safety, the Yan team's schedule is strictly confidential. I ordered the order directly, no Other conveyers. Even Feng Zeyi only knew that he was back, not clear about the specific itinerary. Who do you think is most like a leaking suspect?

Field guards, including Gu Yuexi and Zhang Zhao left by Wang Ze, were sent to Yan Qiushan to protect him from the beginning. Yan Qiushan was seriously injured and was hospitalized in Yuyang. If any of these people have problems, what did they do? The Yuyang branch has a bear-like look at the "nursing home". There are not many available field services. Wouldn't it be more convenient to operate in their local hospital? Not only is it easier to succeed, but it is also possible to push the suspicion to the people in Yuyang Branch.

They really don't have to wait for Yan Qiushan to divulge the secrets to her mother-in-law, unless the traitor has procrastination.

According to this logic, Du Chu's problem is a bit bigger-things don't lie in Yu Yang, so she doesn't have to take responsibility. But there is something that is unreasonable. If Du Chu really wanted to kill Yan Qiushan, she didn't need to do anything at all. The rescue at sea was slower that day, or the rescue team was not so powerful ... Yan Qiushan himself died dead and did n’t need it. "Secondary processing".

It took a long time to rescue, and it was hard to rescue them. Afterwards, I turned around and let the mother-in-law ventilate them, plotting to kill someone with a knife. Isn't this full?

Excluded all the impossible, the rest ...

Sheng Lingyuan held his head in one hand, and his eyes had already turned.

Xiao Zheng: "What do you think I do?"

"The most suspect," Xuan Yuan pointed at Director Xiao, "it's you."

"Fart!" Xiao Zheng Qingjin jumped suddenly, and once again felt that the two were a combination of "one plus one is greater than two" in terms of anger, "Don't be bullshit!"

At this time, the puppet clasped her hands in the abdomen in front of her body, bowed her shoulders slightly, as if watching someone with respect and respect, and it was probably the mother-in-law who had just talked to her and left.

Later, I saw a change in his body language, holding something in his ear and holding it in his ear. He should call: "Hey ... Anyu Expressway Pingzhou section, a convoy, one of which is a license plate number '林 c4004', Seven white off-roads with 'rats' on them. With two field offices of a total of 12 aliens, they immediately entered the Changlu Mountains and intercepted them in the mountains. The major branches of the aliens were in densely populated areas. In the mountains, they could not catch up even if they got the news.

"Look at the puppets logistically. Others come with me and apply for an emergency flight immediately!" Xiao Zheng hurriedly wrapped around a group of field-goers and ran out.

In a blink of an eye, only Xuan Ling and Sheng Lingyuan remained in the confinement room. Xuan Ling pulled out his cell phone from his pocket, connected the Internet, and broadcasted the movement of the puppet to Director Xiao in real time.

Sheng Lingyuan looked at the puppet who acted as a one-man show, with a chest like Dongchuan's witch mound washed down by water. The dead body scrambled to float upward, and wherever it floated, he stepped on it, but they pressed the gourd to float Scoop, he had to close his eyes, calm down, and divert his attention: "One more person knows the journey."

"Yes, yes," in order to prevent the puppet's action, Xuan Yuan leaned against the corner of the other side, a few steps away, he looked at Sheng Lingyuan, "This man is suspected to be bigger than Lao Xiao."

Sheng Lingyuan: "Why didn't you just say?"

"Some places haven't figured it out, and dare not draw conclusions casually, and maybe no one has leaked information, but which communication link has been eavesdropped, and it is not the same as the past," Xuan Yuan said, looking through the puppet, it seems to be trapped In the long-term memory, "The amulets and curses used to be passed down from generation to generation, unchanged for a hundred years, to be able to find another way on the cornerstones of their predecessors, they all have to be first-class masters and countless. Unlike now, technology Iterations grow faster than hair, people all over the world are working on these things, and you don't know where new technologies have come out. "

He said the second half of the sentence, and then switched his accent naturally, and Sheng Lingyuan, who had closed his eyes, suddenly gave birth to an illusion, as if talking to him was an old friend who hadn't seen him for years. He came from the same time and space, like him, and it was dazzling. The world is out of place.

He couldn't help but glance at Xuan Yuan.

Xuan Yuan leaned against the wall, his eyes were quiet, and the small mole flying from the corner of his eye seemed to close a line of dew in the morning light, lighting up the eyes.

"Looking at it like this, there is still a bit of evil." Sheng Lingyuan thought to himself-this little demon is usually too committed in life.

The puppet started busy dispatching troops, Xuan Yuan listened for a while and then suddenly asked: "Your Majesty, after you have been in office for more than 20 years, you haven't stood up, and finally passed it to your nephew ... Why? "

Every night, I slept in the big dorm, the candlelight stayed on all night, and I fell asleep with my horror—what magic skills did this practice?

Sheng Lingyuan didn't answer, and asked: "Oh, how did you guess in history books?"

Of course, there are too many inconvenient gossips in the classic history books. Only the truthful record of "the son of the posthumous person and the elder brother" is recorded.

Xuan Yuan picked and chose a more implicit one: "They said that the prince is actually your son, but ... for some reason, it is not easy to recognize."

This is a more popular interpretation, especially in folk drama interpretation works: Wu Di's brother is a sick ghost who lays 360 days a year, and has the ability to make a son. After he and the son's biological mother died, the princess was still alive. The child should have been raised by her aunt, but the princess bizarrely announced that she would go to the mountain to practice and disappear. The child was adopted by Emperor Wu. It ’s normal to be an uncle ’s adoptive nephew, but you can spend three thousand nanny in the tomb, and all of them want to hold this lone seedling, but the emperor of the arrogant world put these people away, took the baby in person, and gave him a small name Tonger-In summary, there is only one reasonable explanation, which is that this child is not actually called "Tonger", but "Luer".

Because the green is a brother, Sheng Xiao is not too brazen, so he just pulls a cover.

Sheng Lingyuan hesitated, and then came over what he meant, and couldn't help whispering: "Where did this come from? The queen mother died in the palace, presumably a mother-in-law could not run away from me. Sheng Xiaolian is not as good as this animal I have done everything, can I still take care of Sheng Wei ’s face? Those of you who wrote history books do n’t go for a snack. I thought they would say that I killed too much, and it was hurting. Although it ’s desolate / excessive, but destined No son. "

Xuan Yuan: "..."

His Majesty himself represents another historical perspective.

"The mother of the prince is a widow's survivor," Sheng Lingyuan said lightly. "When he was young, the power of Qingping Division in my hand was not stable, and the palace of Duling was not a piece of iron. I have retained the child's mixed-race identity and cannot let him He died and had to stay by his side. "

The prince himself is a hybrid, so that he can not be affected by various "humanism" and will continue his policy after he succeeds, leaving a way for those inhuman races.

Xuan Yuan slightly tilted his head, and half of his face hid in the shadows: "Your Majesty, Prince, do you have deep feelings?"

Sheng Lingyuan replied very devilly: "It is useful, I can't talk to his parents, let alone him."

Xuan Yuan finally couldn't help but ask, "You name him ..."

Sheng Lingyuan: "Tonger?"

Sheng Lingyuan rarely called him like this, or simply omitted the title, or jokingly called him "chick", but he heard these two words from his mouth unexpectedly, and Xuan Yuan's heart jumped wildly, his throat rolled subconsciously. a bit.

"That was an old man who used his name," Sheng Lingyuan said lightly. "Given the prince, I was afraid I couldn't help killing him. Remind me not to let my predecessor sacrifice into a bubble."

Xuan Yuan Yi Dao-Tian Mo Jian broke, completely because of the panic of the human race, a conspiracy, not a "sacrifice."

What does it mean?

Sheng Lingyuan misunderstood his stunned expression, and couldn't help but tease him: "Why, isn't He a moody devil? There is such a sad idea ..."

Xuan Yuan interrupted him: "nonsense."

Sheng Lingyuan laughed: "Isn't you scared at first sight when you saw me, and the swords are facing each other, so forgotten so soon?"

Xuan Yuan: "..."

Sheng Lingyuan smiled halfway, and suddenly frowned, because he realized that he could not help but change back to Yayan with Xuanyuan. He suspected that it was because the body was warmly nurtured in the backbone of the Fire Keeper's family. The little demon had offended several times. He didn't even kill himself, and he accidentally relaxed too much.

"Since you have doubts in your heart, you might as well go and see for yourself." Sheng Lingyuan didn't plan to chat with Xuan Yuan any more, and he stopped the speech unilaterally. A lap, "She can't go out of this lap, yours ... hasn't the camera been shooting all the time? Let's go."

At this point, Yan Qiushan had already driven into the mountains, and Gu Yuexi from time to time looked back at Yan Qiushan's condition, fearing that he was uncomfortable with the car, but found that Yan Qiushan, who was lying behind, was sitting up struggling. .

Gu Yuexi hurriedly asked, "What happened to the Yan team, what do you want?"

Yan Qiushan waved his hand: "Mountain roads are not easy to walk, tell the brothers not to speed."

Suddenly, Gu Yuexi found out that Yan Qiushan didn't know whether the wound hurt or what happened, and her hands resting on her knees started shaking.

Not waiting for her to ask, suddenly a sudden brake pushed her forward, Gu Yuexi was severely pulled back by the seat belt, followed by a loud noise, she looked up, and saw a huge tree suddenly grow ahead. Mutation tree.

The inflated card broke the pavement, and the branches and leaves rushed upwards, at the same time, the flat road cracked quickly under their feet, and the abnormal energy alarm on the car cried with a throat.

Gu Yuexi was stunned: "What kind of ghost is this?"

There are not many cars on the road, and they will be forced to stop. Before waiting for the response from the field, Yan Qiushan pulled the car door.

Zhang Zhao quickly called out, "Where are you going to Yan team?"

"Guide them away," Yan Qiushan said, "please come to me, you give priority to protecting other pedestrians!"

"Wait! The Yan team ..."

Without saying anything, Yan Qiushan rolled out on the spot, and a tree vine hit the place where he had just stood before, separating him from the field car.

Zhang Zhao frowned: "Did him? Our schedule information was leaked? But, but how did the Yan team know ..."

Gu Yuexi shoved him sharply: "What are you still doing, chase!" 2k novel reading network

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