Lie Huo Jiao Chou
Chapter 95 Table of contents

Sheng Lingyuan has never heard of any such forbidden name.

This forbidden technique is more nasty than the name itself. He took care to make the first "thin thread" penetrate the chest, and the dense thin threads spread like spider silk toward the limbs indefinitely, thinner than the stitches of Su embroidery. Missing is still fine.

No matter the brute force of the body muscles or the mana in the meridians, it is not a point that can be issued. It must have a certain "circuit", just like the muscle contraction depends on the traction of the joints. Need your own mechanism. Because the two people are connected, Xuan Yuan feels particularly sensitive to his body. Each "thin line" can be subtly nailed to the key node of the force.

Sheng Lingyuan seemed to be a puppet with rusty joints all over his body.

He had a subtle feeling—it seemed to be born of sympathy.

"Haven't heard of it?" Xuan Ye's voice was as low and soft as those thin lines, but there was a sense of existence. "I haven't heard of it, it's my own invention."

Sheng Lingyuan: "..."

For three thousand years, this inexperienced gadget failed to "know about astronomy and geography", and learned "hand-testing oil temperature" and cooking, and developed a ban on him specifically.

What you need is nothing to gain!

"I don't think so," Xuan Ye heard his voice in his heart, and raised an eyebrow. "I want to do what I know about astronomy and geography"? I don't want to grow up to be a calm and rational person like you, I will Things are much more useful. "

Perhaps because of the same origin, the burning pain brought by Suzaku's blood veins reduced after touching those thin lines. Then, the feeling of itching or numbness crawled all over Sheng Lingyuan's body, like countless soft feathers. Holding his five internal organs.

"It is said that in the past, a kind of poisonous spider in the north, when the mating, the silk will penetrate the partner's body, 'stitching' a pair of spiders, because the offspring needs a lot of energy, the North Plain is very cold, there are not so many food sources. A spider does n’t have enough energy reserves, so it ’s necessary to draw a companion who is faint. Then they will entrust life to the next generation in mutual consumption, and die together. ”Xuan Ye ’s hand slipped to Sheng Lingyuan He scratched his fingers behind his back, leaving a spell line on his back. "The first time I heard this story, I felt too perverted. How could this perverted species be an anti-marriage and anti-education textbook. But no Within a few moments, the nibbles on the ring of torch are broken, and you are like a ghost that creeps out of my back and chews my heart. "

"It was the first time that Nirvana was broken, and I haven't gotten used to it, so it's been a long time. I dreamed of the kind of North Plain spider. Later, the spider in the dream became you. I wrapped the real fire with blood and forced it. Make a thin thread, and sew your heart that ca n’t be warmed ... I thought, why are you so cruel and even cut your own heart, I must sew you a little harder and tighter. I still have to sew myself on it so that you can't get rid of me in my life. "

Sheng Lingyuan's back was scalded by his blood, and the spells painted by Xuan Yuan were disorganized and invisible, but his instinct was not right, so he secretly corroded those thin lines with the spirit of the demon.

"You save," Xuan Yuan's nose almost stuck to his side, "Suzaku is a demon, he is evil, and he is free from poison."

Sheng Lingyuan: "You ..."

"You don't even know how to call me, do you?" Xuan Yuan interrupted him. "It's strange to be called" Tong ", and" Chick "can't be called with anger-Lingyuan, who am I?"

"Xuan Yuan." Sheng Lingyuan's voice tightened.

Although Xuan Zheng used the identity of a mortal, he refused to change even his own face. Sheng Lingyuan guessed that the name "Xuanyuan" was not changed by him after an excuse, or it was simply changed with the face with a blind eye method.

"That's right." Xuan Yuan smiled. "So smart. The last name is borrowed from mortals, and the first name is mine."

"I don't want to hurt you," Sheng Lingyuan said in a low voice, "go away."

At this time, he had already figured out the trajectories of those "thin lines"-the thin lines were the real fire wrapped in Xuan Yun's heart and blood, and indeed he restrained the magic, but he couldn't talk about the efficacy without the dose. The key point of this so-called forbidden technique lies in Xuan Yuan's heart. He "sewing" the two together and breathe together. If he concentrates on attacking one of them, temporarily interrupts his heart, 80% of his grasp can be broken.

But then, the master of the forbidden technique will definitely be backstabbed.

But the two evil rights ...

"It's okay, you hurt," Xuan Yuan said, "I'm used to it anyway."

When Sheng Lingyuan was stagnant, Xuan Yuan suddenly turned his head, captured his lips, and took away his breath with a bit of fierceness. At the same time, he pressed a hand behind Sheng Lingyuan to draw a closed circle, all chaotic The lines are all connected. Sheng Lingyuan didn't come up in a breath, feeling that the spirits seemed to be bound by Yan silk, and the heart rate that had been slow to jump was forcibly dragged to the same frequency as Xuanyuan.

The birds and birds have a fast heartbeat, not to mention the flamingos born from Akabuchi. Sheng Lingyuan's heart has never jumped so fiercely, hitting his chest, and almost lost consciousness for a moment.

The next moment, the threads that "sewed" the two people infiltrated into his body, Sheng Lingyuan suddenly pulled off, Xuan Yuan caught him, his wings spread out on the ground, and they fell together.


what have you done?

Xuan Ye didn't answer, grabbed his hand, made a small tick on the fingertips of Sheng Lingyuan, cut a small mouth, and then showed his finger to him-I saw the same hand on Xuan Ye's hand wound. Sheng Lingyuan's wound healed quickly, and Xuan Ye's fingers followed the same cleanliness.

He said, "You are mine."

Sheng Lingyuan lifted his collar, his hands trembled and he gave him a punch.

Xuan Yuan was beaten too far by him, but smiled: "Is this the first time in your life that you have fisted with someone?"

Sheng Lingyuan not only moved his fist with others for the first time, but also for the first time realized what it was called tinnitus with anger, his brain was "buzzing", and he had a migraine, and the second punch could not be beaten anyway.

"You ..." He was a little incoherent. "You're so angry with me that you don't need to care about the Abyss Green River."

Xuan Ye didn't know what he wanted, he might be afraid of being mad, and he said "um", "But isn't it, since there is this prohibition of living and living together, mad you, of course, you will be without me, to At that time, the fire in Abuchi was really unguarded. "

Sheng Lingyuan: "... Get off."

Xuan Yuan picked up the coat that Sheng Lingyuan had dropped on the ground, patted him, and put it on him: "There is no solution to the forbidden technique, and you don't have to bother to find out where it is-the source is myself."

Sheng Lingyuan: "Get out!"

"Ah, obey the order," Xuan Xun followed the good, "resigned."

With that said, he got up and walked to the door of the bedroom, leaning on the door and glancing back again. There was no trace of blood on Sheng Lingyuan's face, but his eyes were burned with anger and steamy. Undressed, with a red / naked upper body underneath, he could clearly see his chest rising and falling rapidly with breathing.

Xuan Ye's mind jumped out of some scenes that were not easy to elaborate on this-this time it was true, not a trap.

He got what he wanted, no psychological burden, so Xiao thought very freely, and along with the sympathy of Yu Yun, conveyed it to Sheng Lingyuan 151.

A cloud of black mist slammed out of the room, slamming Xuan Yuan directly from the door into the living room, and the door banged loudly and closed.

Xuan Yuan took a roll, but seemed to have eaten the sweetest fruit on the big pear tree in Dongchuan. He coughed out of breath and laughed in the living room again.

The door was closed, and the sound could not be closed. Although the little blood sympathy could not last long, Sheng Lingyuan felt the excitement in Xuan Yuan's heart, the sympathy gradually blurred, and Sheng Lingyuan's tinnitus was slightly slower, and he heard a whistle from the living room. sound.

Sheng Lingyuan: "..."

He sighed and leaned his head back on the edge of the bed behind him. His anger passed. He was lazy and thoughtless for a while, and his heart was empty. There was only the cheerful whistle in his ear, heavy exhaustion and the absent drowsiness.

Suddenly, the dream that had been closed for many years quietly opened a seam to him.

Sheng Lingyuan actually dreamed of childhood.

Five years old ... or six? Anyway, it was very young.

Sword spirit is unreasonable because of trivial matters. Although the little prince was taught from an early age that "the emperor must be able to accommodate people", after all, he is too young to have a big breast, and of course, it ca n’t hold too broad a heart, so he ca n’t stop it. The wayward sword aura comes out of fire. After several rounds of quarreling in my heart, I always felt that it was not enough, so I took a lettering knife and carved the "Sword Spirit Shuttle" ten times on the ground.

Sword spirit is lazy and playful, his mind is late, and he grows in his knowledge every day, but he has n’t learned a few words-he can only understand what Sheng Lingyuan wrote, because he knows what he thinks when writing.

As a result, the sword spirit lingered for a long time and could not help asking: "What dog do you write?"

Only then did Sheng Lingyuan realize that he was stunned with anger, and he learned how to unilaterally close his thoughts without a teacher. He can be regarded as the way to cure that little ghost, so he launched the first Cold War in his lifetime, for two moments-Xiao Jianling could not hear what he was thinking, and was locked in the sea by him alone and scared.

Xiaosheng Lingyuan hurriedly coaxed, and regretted that he was too much, and the "war" ended without illness.

What a long time ago ...

At this moment, a ringtone suddenly came in, and Sheng Lingyuan's light pajamas flew instantly. He heard Xuan Yuan's whistle stopped and picked up his cell phone: "Lao Xiao? You are so late ... what do you say?" Read novel

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