Lie Huo Jiao Chou
Chapter 97 Table of contents

At the same time, with the assistance of the border guards, a team of field personnel on the northern border line locked in Yufu's confidants.

All three in this line fled with her mother-in-law. Unexpectedly, none of the old witches who seemed to be immortal had any notice, saying that they would die if they died, and these were wanted again, and they became dogs. After running out of Qingping Town, they hurriedly buried the mother-in-law's body, and continued to flee north. They were surrounded when they attempted to sneak away.

The person in charge of the on-site arrest operation held a borrowed horn: "People in the car pay attention to refusing arrests and deal with them in accordance with the special features of abuse.

His voice faded, and the door of the enclosed car popped open, and one of the suspects stumbled from the car.

The suspect had a shawl on his head and was standing antigravity. His hair was like a frosty mop. The field workers were shocked by this look, and seven or eight guns aimed at him at the same time.

"Stop! Don't move! Hold your head and squat ... hey?"

When I saw the suspect shaking a few times, he fell on his knees with a "thump" and shouted in the field, wondering how the suspect cooperated so much that he saw his mouth squirm. The left side was still a human figure, the right half The body has begun to blur like a shadow.

Immediately afterwards, the suspect opened his mouth and spit out a large mouthful of filth, and the stench smelled. All the internal organs of the five organs flowed out with the filth. Within half a minute, the spit was spit into an empty sack and fell to the ground. There is permeation everywhere, with a dark red bead in the middle, which is particularly piercing.

A field staff leaned carefully over, "What is this?"

Before he reached out to pick it up, a string of small black characters flowed on the "beads" and flew up on his own. All the items on the scene were important evidence, and the field rushed to stop. He held up his hands and a thin enchantment blocked the path of the beads. I saw that the beads were spiritual, and hit them tentatively, and they didn't move.

The fieldman turned his head and said to his colleagues, "Give me an energy barrier ..."

"Be careful!"

He didn't finish talking. The bead suddenly burst into a black smoke, which instantly corroded the enchantment. Then the bullet broke into the field's eyebrows and pierced through the back of his head. In the panic and roar of everyone, the bead Fly to heaven and disappeared.

This is the northernmost part of the national border. At this time, the local area is already more than -30 degrees below zero.

The thick northwest wind rolled thick snow, and a strange layer of grass buds grew on the ground.

It is no coincidence.

Near a small island in Southeast Asia, a boat full of stowaways floated in the port to rest. On board, popularity and fishy smells mixed together, like a salted fish pulling a boat. The person was in it for a long time and did not smell it, but at midnight that day, a stench that was stronger than ten cans of herring suddenly filled the boat, and the people who had already marinated were actually awoken by the smell.

A few smugglers scolded and followed the smell, and found a scarred man in the corner.

This man claimed to be "snake skin" and said he had committed an incident in the South China Sea, was wanted by his own country, and escaped by a fishing boat all the way. Nothing likes to tell sensational stories, but everyone knows he is bragging.

A stowaway kicked him: "What are you doing ... Ah!"

The snake skin planted along his strength, and everyone saw his image clearly, howling from the south to the north, and taking a big step back, there was a vacuum zone in the small cabin-only saw his waist The following has turned into a loach-like tail, and the cumbersome tail has broken through the skin. His eyes are straight, his pupils are dilated and he is completely dead.

After a while, someone carefully found a stick and stabbed him. A squeak sounded, and a crackle sounded from the snake skin. His skin seemed to have lost its elasticity, and it was dry and peeled like a garlic. Came down.

The crows and birds on the stowaway were silent. Under the moonlight, the ship was covered with moss, and in the sparkling sea, green was dripping.

The headquarters of Yongan's Exotic Control Bureau has been blasted by phone calls from various places-

"It is reported that some plants in the North Shanxi Shelter Forest have experienced off-season growth, and unknown corpses have been found nearby. The abnormal energy level is rated r level, please ask the General Administration for instructions."

"Dongchuan's three rental houses were on fire at the same time, and there were scorched corpses on the scene, suspected to be Yue Degong's Yu Dang. The cause of death was not clear ... uh, how many people? If, a few-wait for the leader, we have to confirm again .The number of arms, legs and heads is not right! "

"We are following a small group suspected of a cult these days. The branch has just issued an arrest order. Before we even started, several suspects exploded at the same time. The energy level at the scene exceeded our processing authority ... Oh, right , A dead cherry tree at the door suddenly scammed and was full of flowers. "

A large-scale abnormal energy response accompanied the abnormal phenomenon, and the second boot finally fell.

Everywhere is like a blind man--

"The first is an unknown cause of death. Most of the dead are 'talented', and there are also some ordinary people. The corpses are all separated from the flesh. If the deceased is a trotted person, some non-human characteristics will appear on the corpse. Second, many It was reported that a similar dark red bead was observed. This thing seems to be wise after it gets out of the corpse, and will attack people who try to intercept it, and it is very lethal. Finally, plants within a certain range near the corpse will grow out of season, It is abnormally prosperous, and other information needs to be further summarized. "

"Sudden death, fake demon dan, and ... oh, I will never say that I am" lovely, love to see flowers "." Xuan Yuan enlarged a live photo just passed, and saw that it was a piece of In the snow, the large group of peony flowers was crowded and grew next to the corpse, looking very strange, like a natural wreath.

"Wait a minute, I don't understand," Wang Ze said. "Isn't it usually only the auspicious aura or the beast that infested that bloom? The villains don't all have a" grass "configuration ... No, what did I say wrong? Director Xuan, you Stare at me? "

Sheng Lingyuan, who “appeared with a dead tree”, inserted a sentence: "When flowers bloom and thank Xie, when Tianbaodibao or Xiangrui is born, it is often because of its strong breath that disrupts the surrounding heavens. It's Xiangzhao, but folklore adds fuel and vinegar, and gradually uses 'flower blossom' to represent extraordinary. "

"Simply put, you can understand it as energy flow," Xuan said. "A plant that is affected by a certain kind of energy will exhibit abnormal vitality, will bloom, and if it absorbs energy, it will die."

"Leader," at this time, a field ran over to report, "We just checked the body of 'Silver' and found a very strange phenomenon-his temperature dropped sharply after death, and the rate of stiffness and decay was much faster than that of ordinary corpses. Within minutes, there was almost no 'special' response. "

For a period of time after the death of a special talented person, the corpse can detect the energy response-the energy loss takes time, and a cup of hot water can wait for it to cool. Xiao Zheng Yiyi: "The abnormal energy increased sharply before death, and the body returned to ancestors. After the death, the special energy response immediately disappeared, and the corpse temperature dropped rapidly. How does this sound like ..."

Wang Ze replied: "It's as if they have been refined, first concentrated into the essence, and then take a sip to clean it?"

Xiao Zheng: "... Shut up."

So where did those beads go? Who was ... or what was sucked away?

As soon as Xiao Zheng thought of this, his scalp became numb.

Xuan Yuan asked: "Who are the dead?"

"As far as the current report is concerned, many of them are wanted or have prior records." A field service responsible for summarizing the situation replied, "Strange ... what kind of duty police is this?"

"Leader," at this time, Dr. Wang of the Ancient Books Restoration Department, with a long neck, panted to the ground floor, "All the information of the Biquanshan Tomb ..."

Dr. Wang also knew that it was important. He might have driven his own maximum horsepower and climbed in a running position. Before the words were finished, the folder in her arms was rolled by a black mist.

Sheng Lingyuan flew to him in a blink of an eye, and put the folder in his hand: "Thank you."

Dr. Wang "runs" too quickly, the reflection arc can't keep up, and he has nothing in his hand. He doesn't know it yet. He keeps his inertia and "rushes": "... I'm urgently transferred!"

Xuan Yuan: "..."

This broken unit didn't give him a long face at all.

Sheng Lingyuan found a quiet conference room, quickly skipped the nonsense of the "experts" and flipped out the photos of the excavations in the ancient tombs.

"I know this, it was unearthed 30 years ago." Xuan Yuan followed and found a chance to talk to him.

Sheng Lingyuan ignored him.

Xuan Yuan said a word, and he moved forward in secret: "When I left Akabuchi to go to college, I specially supplemented a major for it, borrowed all the materials, and even visited the museum. There was nothing in the tomb. The thing, the owner of the tomb is so rotten, and the unearthed things are ordinary utensils of that year. Most of the demon characters above are the contents of the tomb rituals, which has no practical significance. "

He talked about it, and if he had shouldered it, he touched Sheng Lingyuan tentatively.

Sheng Lingyuan raised his head expressionlessly.

Xuan Yuan pretended that nothing had happened, and he moved a centimeter to the side. The bird with the highest education in the world said, "Although other memories are sealed by Nirvana, I still know the word."

When Sheng Lingyuan's eyes were very soft, his eyes were like a pair of deep ponds. Under the warm waves of light, they could see nothing, nothing.

At this point it cooled down, but it was drained like a pool of water, revealing the background. Not gentle or amiable, plainly filled with impatience and "go away".

Xuan Yuan suddenly thought, "I have only seen this expression."

His heart was hot, and when he had a clever idea, he sold it and then took the opportunity to sell miserably: "Really, Nirvana only seals the heart, not common sense."

Sheng Lingyuan stared at him for a while, and finally opened his mouth-though it was a sneer: "Disrespect, do you still have common sense?"

"Not so much, chat is more than nothing," Xuan Yuan got a right eye, pressed his nose to his face, and while still feeling miserable, he sticked in the past, "Your Majesty advised."

Sheng Lingyuan picked out one of the pictures. It was an octagonal iron plate with small words engraved on it: "What is this?"

Xuan Yuan: "Life and death card."

The customs of the demons are different from that of the human race, especially some spirits. After death, the corpse is also a treasure. They are afraid of insulting the remains. Their graves are hidden, and usually there are no tombstones and signs. The age of birth and death, the epitaph of the last words, etc., are engraved with small cards hanging on the body, also known as "birth and death cards", which are similar to human tombstones.

Sheng Lingyuan: "The tomb owner was born in the year that the demon king died. Ten years later, he has no name."

"After the Abyss fire was extinguished, the aura was thin, and many congenital evil spirits died," Xuan Yuan thought for a while, and said, "As for the name ... I remember that the demons are different from people. They usually did n’t have names before they became adults. If the owner of this tomb died at the age of ten, he may still be a baby in some ethnic groups, and it is normal to have no name. "

"Your tribe is brutal by nature, and you do n’t know ethical education. You treat young children without names as objects. When you are in trouble, it ’s not the same tribe if you are caught and eaten by other monsters," Sheng Lingyuan said coldly, "Qi Zheng Ten years, the Abyss fire was gone, and the pure blood demon tribe almost disappeared. The body of such a little demon is almost the same as Tiancaidibao. Why can he be buried safely? Even if he is valuable, someone secretly keeps it, why not when he is buried? Give him a name? "

Xuan Yuan grew up in the human race from childhood. Although he grew like a bird, his thinking mode was still very "human". All his understanding of the demon race came from the battlefield, which was from the "Qian Yao Tu Jian". .

Sheng Lingyuan dropped the folder in his arms: "I'll go to Biquan Mountain."

"I'll go too!" Xuan Yuan came back to God, chased after him, and said cheekily, "No plane, not too far, I will take you directly-hey, Lingyuan Lingyuan, you were just Not talking to me, just two more words ... "

As soon as Sheng Lingyuan turned and turned his back to him, the expression of ignorance on his face disappeared, thoughtfully.

Nirvana ... By the way, Xuanyuan claimed to have "lived for three thousand years" and saw the storms in the world. It sounded pretty good, but it was calculated that Nirvana was reshaped every 200 years on average.

According to Sheng Lingyuan's understanding of Xuan Yuan, when his memory was sealed, he should be a heartless and heartless two hundred and five, and he wouldn't deliberately consider things like forbidden surgery. Then the "Sworn Alliance" was conceived in the gap between Nirvana crushing and remodeling. This period will not be too long.

Nirvana has been broken a total of 35 times. In the end, it is counted. During this period, there should be traces of who he has seen and where he has been.

Sheng Lingyuan said, "I don't believe he can make any unsolvable forbidden technique."

At this time, due to unexpected circumstances, all relevant personnel of the Office of Controls received the r-level event warning.

Sheng Lingyuan, they were about to leave, and suddenly heard Wang Ze's cry, "Yan team?"

Yan Qiushan supported the cane in one hand and the Chichun doll in one hand: "I saw the warning notice."

"It has nothing to do with the number of injuries," Xiao Zheng said. "Besides, you are no longer an editor ..."

Yan Qiushan waved his hand and interrupted him: "You asked them to search the scene, is there anything similar to the deceased--"

He said, holding up his phone, showing a totem—a dragon head, a snake body, and a tiger leopard tail, with two wings on his back. 2k novel reading network

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