Lie Huo Jiao Chou
Chapter 118 Table of contents

According to legend, in the ancient times, each demon race was born of the spirit that gathered the heavens and the earth. Even if it was divided into three or six grades because of different qualifications, it can still be extended by the practice of the day after tomorrow. His own ethnic group has his own destination, has a vision of hope, and hopes that one day he will become a great monster turning clouds and rain.

Three thousand avenues, all sentient beings are full of vitality towards the front line.

How lively it is.

But the emperor forcibly sealed the Abyss, and a bowl of cold water poured all the noise, and all spirits were poured into mortals. The totem of the ethnic group is drowned in history. The descendants of the ancient saints have become simple and rude "what line" special ability, and the "unusual" handed down from their ancestors does not know whether it can be regarded as "heritage" or "genetic disease." ".

"Special energy" is useful, as a field service, at the end of the year to get a few useless certificates, barely able to comfort myself to secretly defend the world.

"Special energy" is useless, either like a waste of aftercare, spent a lifetime in an insecure organization, or it is constantly monitored-all large sports competitions can not participate, otherwise it is unfair to ordinary people; Entry is always more cumbersome than others, as if they travel abroad can bring “invasion of alien species” to others; every year, someone will call to urge them to undergo a medical examination and ask them to update their “energy profile” "Otherwise, like those" old Lai "who owe money, they will enter the untrustworthy list ...

Even in conflict with ordinary people, special talents will be sentenced to heavier sentences.

"Your Majesty," Luo Cuicui said in a shattered echo, "Can you tell the story of my ancestors again?"

"You were born in southern Xinjiang and can be transformed into a tree. You should be the descendant of the Great Tao." The demon king turned his back on his back, his mouth sulking, but his eyes stared greedily at Abyss. Smile, "Later led the whole family to the 朕, Feng Wang worshiped ..."

"Director Xiao, we just searched Luo Cuicui's apartment." Several orders ordered to trace Luo Cuicui's field searched his home, stood at the door, and did not dare to enter for a moment. "Uh ... a bit weird."

I saw Luo Cuicui's bedroom without lights, only a row of candles, two clay sculptures in the middle, the photos were placed there, surrounded by dark red vine totems.

"What cult did he believe in?" The field stunned the energy detector for a long time before carefully picking up the clay sculptures across the gloves. "A disliked king of the king was offered in the room, and there was one I had never seen before ... uh , A tree at the waist of a bucket, underneath it reads ... Big Tao, the Great Saint of Southern Xinjiang. "

"Big Tao of the South Xinjiang?" Sheng Lingyuan heard such a name through a crow and raised an eyebrow somehow. "I haven't heard of this character."

The two have already reached the entrance to the tomb. The tomb has already been cleared. It is open to visit. The tomb is cold and wet. The artificial lamps are powered off. Xuan Yuan closes his wings and pinches a feather. The feather is flashing. Faint fluorescence, can be used as a flashlight.

Sheng Lingyuan also said, "At that time, many demons would call themselves" some immortal "," some holy, "etc., which is not unusual."

"I remember, there was still a paragraph in the human race," Xuan Yuan said, "said that the nine-headed duck" ghost car "guarded the city at the order of the demon king, and ended up drinking too much at night. The lieutenant general had only been left with bone dregs and a waist card on his body. One was called 'Holy', and the other was called 'Da Sheng'. The people asked him what to eat earlier, and the general of the ghost car said that he had eaten it. After asking what was eaten, the ghost car hit a full meal and said it was a "double holy feast." Later, the human race mocked the demons like beasts, and said that they ate the "double holy feast" as soon as they ate meat. "

"Luo Cuicui may think that this" Big Tao Great Saint "is his ancestor. Our field service has turned out a lot of hand-drawn materials in his home. In the past few years, the Ancient Books Section received anonymous submissions to verify the culture of plant worship ... Ancient books Ke thinks the content is ridiculous and ignored him, it turned out to be him. "Xiao Zheng hesitated a moment and said to the crow representing Sheng Lingyuan," Your Majesty thought it was ridiculous. The sediment and jokes of that year were used as sacred confessions by posterity. However, in reality, if you can't find a foothold, you always want a genealogy for your genes. "

"Looking for someone to pass a word, after three or five people's mouths, all will be beyond recognition, not to mention the story of three thousand years ago," Sheng Lingyuan said lightly. "Now people's blood is mixed with demon, witch, mountain people and so on. It's okay to get into the personality of a shadow figure-Xiaoyu, look at that. "

Between them, they have come to the end of the tomb.

I saw the thick red-purple tree roots oozing from the ground, and pierced deeply, there were very few roots, like a large wedge.

Xuan Yuan: "There is something underground in this floor."

The Biquanshan Tomb was unearthed with unknown texts, and there was a boom in research. Archaeologists came and left. The entire tomb has been excavated without ant holes. It stands to reason that so many experts are impossible. You can't even tell whether the ground is real or empty.


Sheng Lingyuan raised his hand to stop him, and the black mist flowed out of his sleeve. The stone slabs on the tomb's floor seemed to be corroded by the black mist. The smooth stone surface became potholes. After a while, the black mist spread out, and a huge magic circle opened. The reddish tree root was exposed as the center.

Sheng Lingyuan: "Sure enough, there is a blind eye here."

It was an old and complicated hand-engraved matrix, which was completely different from those produced by the machines of the Foreign Control Bureau. The cold and stale atmosphere came along with the dust and was gently opened by Sheng Lingyuan. He knelt down and described it carefully. Through the lines on the array. The breath of the demon meets the breath of the formation method, and a string of sparks of tit-for-tat strikes at the fingertips of Sheng Lingyuan, each of which is extremely familiar-Dan Li and Meng Xia's technique are in the same vein.

"If she is a princess's shadow figure, why is she a woman?" Xuan Yuan squatted next to him and looked at the magic array. "I don't seem to have heard of the anecdote that her elderly man and woman were all-in-one."

"If you think about it, her shadow is a woman, and it's not unreasonable," Sheng Lingyuan thought for a moment, and smiled strangely. "She is a demon royal family, and she has the blood of a bird of God. Who will help, and which brother will surrender to her as the demon king, without any effort to provoke the Kyushu melee, the biological flesh is also a chess piece, who does this person deserve? "

Xuan Xuan said: "You mean ... she is narcissistic?"

Not that there is no such precedent. Green vegetables and radishes each have their own love. Some people like people who are completely opposite to themselves, some people like people like themselves, and some people do n’t love anyone, they only love themselves. Historically Indeed, many shadow slaves are like twins of their masters.

"So the princess's shadow figure is equivalent to the incarnation of herself left in the world." Xuan Yuan suddenly remembered something, "then ... can she count you as taking care of you?"

Sheng Lingyuan didn't want to startle the eight big trees of the "Sacrifice of Heavenly Demon", he was holding the glowing feathers to study how to break the blinding circle with minimal movement, and he said casually: "Natural, sword armor and the like should be oiled. Conservation, not to mention the demon who has been hard to cultivate, since I am useful, of course I have to bother her when I can't take care of myself. "

"No," Xuan Yuan said rarely, "Do you remember, I heard a lot of nursery rhymes from you when I was a kid?"

Sheng Lingyuan paused.

He certainly remembered that Xuan Yuan sighed secretly—Sheng Lingyuan had just returned to his real body, and when his memory was incomplete, the two of them had caused empathy by accident, and each of them emptied their brains, and Xuan Yuan heard those distant melody from his heart. At that time, Ling Yuan had forgotten most of his ins and outs, and his mind echoed repeatedly, except for those poems that he had read when he was young.

"Where did you hear that?" Xuan Yuan said, "The guards were drunk before crying. They didn't sing in this tune, and it was never Dan Liheng."

Sheng Lingyuan impassively expressed a hand-knife and cut off a connection point on the formation method cleanly. A little white smoke was emitted from the formation method, and he did not say anything.

"You haven't been with Empress Chen since you were a child ... It's been many years before I saw her for the first time, but as soon as you saw her, you took her as your mother." Xuan Yuan said, "I'm thinking, you 'mother' Where does the concept come from? "

Sheng Lingyuan was precocious, introverted, and a foreigner. He learned to like and dislike not to be exposed at a very young age. Only when he quarreled with Jian Ling, he could have a little precious childishness. Even his brother Ning was not close, but he often would Secretly looking at Chen's, once walking behind Chen's, Xuan Yuan actually saw that he stumbled a little, took a step forward, and grabbed Chen's hand.

That was the only time in Xuanyuan's life that he saw someone approached in such an awkward posture.

But Chen's only preached a lesson, "The monarch should be stable," and he cast aside him indifferently.

Since then, Sheng Lingyuan has never been "missy."

Xuan Yuan: "Lingyuan ..."

"You said that, I remembered it." Sheng Lingyuan calmly and finely modified the ground formation method, leaving Xuanyuan's words off. "In the early days, Meng Xia and Dan Li worked together very well. I guess their goals should be the same. ——The demon king is cut. The princess is for revenge. Dan Li is the statue of Suzaku. It is not difficult to guess that he should be the **** bird Suzaku who destroyed Abyss and resurrected the tribe to calm down the wrath of the birds. After the demon king died, What does the princess want? As a demon royal family, she doesn't even consider fighting casualties, suffering the people ’s livelihood, and playing tricks with power, just for her own scenery and ambition. Later, for personal hatred, she can subvert the demons. I think She doesn't seem to be sacrificing herself for the so-called 'compatriot righteousness.' "

Xuan Yuan paused and frowned, "She's dead. How can there be so many things to think about?"

"Meng Xia is still alive, the owner of the lost shadow will always preserve the desire of the Lord before his life. The shadow fragment of the demon king is transformed into the shape of the demon king, claiming to be '朕', and once born, he wants to regain the power of Abyss-that completed the princess What about the last Meng Xia? "

Sheng Lingyuan's words fell, the ground's magic circle completely collapsed, and the slab twisted and creaked, turning around with the purple-red tree root as a center, and a long tunnel opened in front of the two. At a glance, you can't see your head, as if through the earth.

"She wants to live for the princess." Xuan Yuan quickly said, "The princess married a man and was betrayed by the demon king for a long time. If she was still alive, she should kill the demon king and replace it completely, and never stand behind anyone else. . "

"She wants Abyss too." Sheng Lingyuan drilled into the tunnel with a negative hand. "This large array nailed to the ground should have been created to control Abyss. Unfortunately, she got caught in the trap of Dan Li, and she lost it. Now she let others Picked up the bargain ... and Xiaoyu. "

Xuan Yuan: "Huh?"

"I have all my life, it's all well-designed, and my affectionate friendship is all imaginary, only ..." Sheng Lingyuan paused, without saying, he waved his hands behind Xuan Yuan, "Don't dig in and think for me Evidence of tenderness, boring. "2k novel reading network

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