Lie Huo Jiao Chou
Chapter 125 Table of contents

"Since the day I chose to join the Exotic Administration, I thought I would never have the opportunity to watch TV again." Huang Ju smiled bitterly at the camera, "because we all know that no matter what the work is doing, every time On the list of commendations for the Chinese New Year, there will definitely not be our name. There was an accident at work, people were gone, and they did not dare to sacrifice themselves because they could not explain the reason. On the first day we came in, we had to sign a confidentiality agreement. Protect those who have no special ability, as well as the 'accidents' in these gaps in our bureau. "

Large led screens on the square, traffic radio, mainstream and non-mainstream media, all broadcast at once, this is the condition that Huang Ju agreed to submit Mithril.

The unseen face has never been noticed by so many people.

The host asked: "Are you both special?"

The director of the academy said: "The yellow bureau is not, I am a water system, but it is useless. I can only purify drinking water, not too much. I need to purify two liters at a time. I have to take a day off, which is far worse than a domestic water purifier. In fact, except for a few field elites who are at the forefront, most of the special talents are just like me-not as good as small appliances. Even more than one-third of special talents only have abnormal energy levels that meet the definition of "special talents". The conditions themselves are nothing different from ordinary people. Because perennial marginalized life, courage is less than ordinary people. "

"I'm not nervous, I'm not timid." Ping Qianru was hypnotizing herself and stuffed her mouth nervously. She has had this problem since she was a child. When she is nervous, she must chew something, as if her jaw can move up and down. Stringing your head.

Xiao Zheng signed the letter, and the headquarters mobilized all the reverberation sound equipment in stock and sent it to more than 80 reverberation sound sources separately. Eighty-one echo sound sources form a Suzaku totem, which includes Biquan Mountain and Abyss-Biquan Mountain is currently missing across the entire line, including those two big brothers, and there are dangerous characters in Abyss, and Xiao Zheng has mobilized The field elites passed over—these two are highly dangerous areas, and the non-combatants of the aftercare department are not convenient to make troubles in the past. The other seventy-nine "fronts" are what they are fighting for.

Because Mr. Xiao ’s signature was obtained by Ping Qianru, she was considered a “special talent”. In the absence of the department boss, Ping Qianru naturally became the backbone of everyone.

However, this main bone is papery.

Ping Qianru's biggest pursuit in her life is to be a good attendant, she is careful and thoughtful, taciturn and loyal, and even at the most dangerous time, she has the courage to cry while refusing to abandon her companions ... but she never took it herself idea.

What is she and where does she have an idea?

This is the first time Ping Qianru is in charge of leading the team. There is not even a "novice task". Once he comes up, it is a life-threatening **** mode, which is completely driven by the ducks.

"Sister Ping, what do we do next after we send the equipment to the designated place?"

In a hurry, Ping Qian swallowed a large piece of muffin cake in her mouth, and stretched her neck straightly: "This ..."

Colleagues from the aftercare department asked, "How did the director Xuan tell you?"

Ping Qianru held her chest: "Director Xuan said nothing to me."

Aftercare people did not believe: "If Director Xuan did not leave a message, how would you convince Director Xiao's signature?"

"Sister Ping quickly think about it, did Director Xuan tell you anything before leaving."

Ping Qian looked at this in a panic, and then looked at that: "I ..."

At this time, the accompanying technical staff reported: "Sister Ping, those plants have undergone a second mutation, and some of the leaves have turned from green to red. The energy transmitted from the eighty-one echo sound sources is stronger than before. The meaning of eleven eyes spreading around. "

Ping Qian Ruyi: "Ah ..."

"Sister Ping, how can the device be connected?"

"Sister Ping, do we people need to be connected to the reverb as the leader?"

"I heard that before, field workers tried to bombard those reverberant sound sources with Mithril artillery and blasted the ground into a big pit, which was scary. As a result, the reverberant sound source not only was not destroyed, but also grew like an octopus from the pit. The trees, even their helicopters, got in together. The field staff hurt a lot, we ... we, rushed straight over ... can you do it? Should I buy insurance first? "

For a time, Ping Qianru only felt that there were sounds all around her, and countless people "mouthed" her mouth open, waiting for her to feed "quasi ideas" and tie all her merits to her. She never felt the gods of those who were Zheng Xiao—how did they hear everything clearly and could answer each one in order of priority?

For a moment, she couldn't keep her mouth open, and for a long time, she stumbled to answer one of the questions: "Yes, you can use the abnormal energy of the eye riot. When large equipment is used in the field, there are often energy problems. Energy converters, aren't my colleagues in the field saying that a tree has grown in the pit they exploded? We can use the abnormal energy converter to connect the reverberation equipment into that big tree ... "

The next person took out a small copy, and quickly remembered the key points in her words. Ping Qianru, speaking more and more, lost her confidence. In the end, her voice was almost inaudible.

"What are you talking about, Sister Ping?" The colleague asked, "How do you connect it? Do you plug the converter directly into the trunk? But I heard that the tree is very aggressive, can you approach it? Besides, I remember the difference The energy converter also has an energy cap. What if the power response is too strong and the converter explodes? "

If Ping Qian is speechless, she can't be questioned-as long as someone doesn't agree with her, she doesn't even have to object, and only needs to give her a doubtful look, she will doubt whether she said something wrong, There were a few things in my heart that I wasn't sure about, and I was asked that the six gods had no master.

"Sister Ping, we're at the first sight. Are you ready? Start to land—"

Ping Qianru: "Why ..."

She was completely unprepared!

"Please pay attention to my colleagues," said the pilot. "At present, the reverberation sound source is centered on the array of eyes, and is spreading around the surrounding plants at a speed of about 30 kilometers per hour. It is not ruled out that there is a possibility of subsequent diffusion acceleration, and continue at this speed. In five minutes, the nearest populated area will be re-covered ... "

In the blankness of Ping Qianru's mind, the helicopter landed, and before it stopped, a group of embarrassed field rushed up and directly put down the echoing equipment and the shivering aftershock crew members.

These field workers were smashed directly from the air by the demon tree in the eyes, and they have been entangled with it for a long time. They have tried countless ways, but they ca n’t stop the spread of the reverberation. I heard that the aftermath has a plan and decided to die. The horse is regarded as a living equine doctor.

The field was so accustomed that Ping Qianru hadn't had time to talk. They had already unloaded the equipment. The big tree growing from the array of eyes was half green and half rusty, exuding a strong fishy smell, standing upright, in the night, like a terrible monster.

Those who have never seen this kind of queen deceased family look up at this one, like a group of scared hamsters, with the courage in the office to "clean up the suspicion of the queen's suspicion" vanished.

"It's been going on and on for a while, and now I'm not moving. Quickly pick it up! Let me explain how you can do this. I said that you are here to visit the mutant tree collectively. Would you like to take a picture? "

Ping Qianru gave a violent excitement, and instinctively obeyed the order and ran over, but at this moment, the mutant tree growing out of her eyes seemed to feel something, making a low growl, the deadly rattan-like rattan claws moved Already.

"Starting again, withdraw!"

If Ping Qian is incompetent and in danger, she ca n’t even react. A fieldman grabbed her collar and pulled her back. The sinister rattan will wipe her neck. Ping Qianru felt a hot pain on her face, and "buzzed" in her ears-she reached out her hand, and the shield on her side broke.

The next moment, a strong reverberation sound flooded into her eardrum.

She felt boundless humiliation, anger ... and fear.

The field staff entangled with the mutation tree for one night, probably figured out its attack range, and withdrew it empirically. When this wave of attack passed, at this time, someone suddenly pressed his headset and mutated. The roar of the tree said blankly, "I heard that the headquarters still handed in Mithril, didn't they?"

In the broadcast of the chaotic masker distribution point, the host asked Huang Ju and the director of the institute: "Can you tell us where Special Energy came from?"

"We are born, but not a race. We do n’t know where we came from, and we ca n’t refuse this innate 'gift.' It may be related to the abnormal energy in the crust. Historically, it ’s different. The fertility rate of epochs is also different. Some epochs are almost extinct, and some periods have a significant increase in birth rates. When the epoch birth rate rises, it is often accompanied by major natural disasters **, so We are always seen as ominous. "

"Since ancient times, people who are not the same as others have not ended well. Special powers will cause suspicion and greed, and we understand it. So most special powers are carefully hidden in the crowd and dare not show that they are different. Get together and cling together, just to survive, not to let people catch and burn as monsters. "

Yan Qiushan broke Wang Ze's hand, knelt down, and held Zhichun with both hands.

Zhichun Plastic's face was all gray, and his clothes were tattered and hung on the miserable baby. Gray plastic eyes were dim and melancholy. He held only a little weight in his hands, but Yan Qiushan seemed to lose his strength, and his hands kept shaking. Like a stray dog ​​driven out of the eaves in a heavy rain, there is no place for the world.

Zhichun patted him: "I'm just rooting through the heartworm, and it won't hurt, it's because of the amulet your Majesty gave me that you have the courage to stop you from Mithril. Hey, Your Majesty doesn't have a long book like that, he So handsome, I'm afraid you didn't tell you because you were so jealous. Don't be afraid. "

Yan Qiushan was speechless, and he had to tighten his teeth tightly, without revealing any seams, and not daring to breathe casually, so as not to cry in the public. People around did not dare to approach these "talented people" and looked around at Yan Qiushan in surprise and blankness. Such a big man was kneeling on the ground, holding an old doll, and tearing his heart silently, it looked really weird. It's ridiculous.

Only the sound of the Huang Bureau in the radio was slowly flowing between the two distinct groups of people through radio waves.

"In recent decades, the birth rate of special energy has started to rise again, so we have set up an official organization to discipline ourselves, and there are bad people in Tenergy. There are evildoers and those who want to use unfair competition. Those black horses in Teneng are well controlled and they are not allowed to drag all the capable people into the water, so that everyone can live a peaceful life. "

"For this purpose, we have strict self-discipline. The rules for the management of special talents have been uploaded to the official website that is open to the public today, and everyone can read them freely. Since the establishment of the Exotic Control Bureau, less than a century have passed, and five versions have been updated. The last version It was revised four years ago. One edition is stricter than the other. "

"The special talents concealed their special status and participated in large-scale international and domestic sports events, and they were sentenced to death; special talents must apply for admission to the special examination room when they enter the college entrance examination, otherwise they are considered to be cheating; field personnel handle abnormal energy events At this time, if ordinary people are injured or killed, they will never be accepted unless force majeure; if ordinary people have more than a certain number of casualties, regardless of whether or not they are caused by force majeure, the person-in-charge shall be dealt with seriously ... "

The dean said: "How many comrades because of this high-voltage line, tied hands and feet, and accidentally sacrificed, I can't give you an accurate number-you can't count it, but everyone has no complaints because it must be so. Mithril bullets are my predecessor. The dean took the lead and was also my old leader. It took a full ten years to develop the first generation of weapons that can perfectly circumvent non-competent personnel, so that our fieldwork can fight without shackles. "

"On the day the experiment was successful, I ran out to notify the small researcher in the field security department. It was me. I was crying while I was running. The field colleagues waiting outside thought that the experiment had failed. Because my sister was also a special person, she died in the field task that year. It's less than twenty-three ... wait for the field colleagues outside to scold me for 'successful, what's wrong' while crying after me ... At that time we all thought that Mithril was our way out. "

"You, if you are in a public place, you don't have to panic. Mithril bullets dodge ordinary people automatically. As long as it doesn't cause a stampede accident, you won't get hurt ... Just don't expect that Mithril's" outlet "is now Penetrate our own knife. "

At this point, the sky was full of helicopters, and the long hair of the demon king flipped up and down in midair in anger. His eyes had turned red, and he stared greedily at Abyss. He ordered Gong behind him to succeed. Say: "Go tell your people ..."

There was no sound behind him, what the demon king shadow felt, but when he looked back, he found that Gong Chenggong didn't know when he was gone.

After a while, the demon king sneered, sneer: "Huh ... human race."

"Director Xiao, everyone," came the voice of seeing Gu Guyuexi through the connector. "I saw him, and uploaded his position to everyone's hands. Be careful, I see that his energy level is quite high, and he has at least three Different energy sources. "

"It should be the three demons he devoured," said Xiao Zheng. "Be careful, Your Majesty said that he cannot kill directly, otherwise the demons devoured by him will be a problem. Our first task is to control him and not let him. Continue to do destruction. "

"Otani, share the enemy's position at any time, the bushes are too thick, and there is fog in the forest!"

"Under the energy shielding network-"

"Get ready for a powerful electric shock spell."

"Fengshen's third unit guarded the edge of Abuchi and could not let him escape."

The demon king laughed loudly: "A bunch of ants that can't help it!"

On more than eighty eyes, the reverberating sound source that had spread out at a constant speed suddenly accelerated.

Ping Qianru heard a colleague say, "Well!"

"Is there any other way to stuff our equipment?"

If Ping Qian did not know who was plugged in a new pair of maskers, the field service next to her had been urging her to find a way, and she was in a hurry, and her maskers could not be hung ...

Just then, a strange tone suddenly sounded in the chaotic echoes. It was a strange foreign language, but somehow it stood out and penetrated into Ping Qianru's eardrum.

"The blood of the witch people ..."

Ping Qianru: "What?"

The voice murmured, slang-like: "Isn't the blood of the witch cut off in the witch's grave ..."

In Biquan Mountain, Xuan Yuan issued a big move with a witch curse. A fire burned out a pile of vines entangled around them. The **** vines suddenly didn't know what was wrong, and they were tangled with themselves. Together.

Sheng Lingyuan lost too much blood, his face was white and transparent, and if he felt something suddenly, he said gently, "Alozin."

The abyss is immortal, the demon is immortal, and the demon king borrowed the power of the demon to be able to devour the three greed and greed idiots, but it seemed to have some indigestion-one of the demons belonging to the witch family seemed to be powerful The witch's curse resonated, and there was a vague tendency to get out of control, and there was a murmur in the echo of the bronze tripod.

Xuan Yuan also felt that he had just made a big move and almost overdrafted, gasping and asking, "What?"

Sheng Lingyuan: "You listen."

In the echo of anger and humiliation, there was an incomprehensible, murmur, repeating over and over "the bloodline of the Witch Tribe", which was the obsession of Dongchuan's patriarch who never forgot his life, and did not change his magic.

Xuan Yuan: "Is there any blood in the Witch tribe?"

"Yes," Sheng Lingyuan said softly. "My imperial concubine is the orphan of the witch tribe. She protected a lot of people from all over the place. Those people were personally placed by me ... the witches are very similar to the human race. I can't see any difference from the human race-the little girl under you is. "2k novel reading network

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